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1、格列佛游记1 A voyage to Lilliput 1 到利力浦特 I was born in Nottinghamshire and was the third of five sonsMy father was not a rich man, but he was able to send me to Cambridge University,where I studied for three yearsWhen I left college,I continued my studies and became a doctorBut I always wanted to travel,

2、and so I made several voyages as a ships doctorWhen I married my wife Mary,however,I planned to stay at home for a whileBut after a few years I discovered I was not earning enough money from my patientsI decided to go to sea again,and this time I joined a ship sailing to the islands in the South Pac

3、ific OceanWe started our journey from Bristol on May 4th,1699我出生在诺丁汉郡,在五个孩子中排行第三。父亲并不富裕,不过还是能送我上剑桥大学,那儿我学了三年。我离开大学后继续学习,当了名医生。可是我总想去旅行,就当了船医,出海旅行了好几次。我娶了妻子玛丽后,决定在家呆一些时候。没过几年,我发现从病人身上赚不了多少钱。我决定再次出海,这次登上的是开往南太平洋的轮船。我们于1699年5月4日从布里斯托尔启程。At first our voyage went wellWe sailed across the Atlantic,round t

4、he coast of Africa and into the Indian OceanBut before we could reach the Pacific,a violent storm hit us and drove us to the north-west of TasmaniaThe wind drove our ship on to a rock, which broke the ship in halfSome of the sailors and I managed to get a boat into the water,and we rowed away to loo

5、k for landBut when we were too tired to row any more,a great wave hit our small boat,and we all fell into the seaI do not know what happened to my companions,but I suppose they were all drowned起初航行很顺利。我们穿过大西洋,绕过非洲海岸,进入印度洋。可是到达太平洋以前,飓风击中我们,我们被刮到塔斯马尼亚的西北。飓风使我们的船撞上了礁石,把船劈为两半。我和一些水手把救生艇放下水,划开去寻找陆地。我们累得再

6、也划不动时,一个巨浪打中了我们的小船,我们都落入海水里。我不清楚我的同伴怎么样了,不过我猜他们都淹死了。The wind and waves pushed me along as I struggled to keep my head above waterI became very tired and soon felt I could not swim any moreLuckily,just then my feet touched the groundI walked out of the sea and on to a beach,where there was no sign of

7、 any people or housesI was so exhausted that I lay down and went to sleep我挣扎着把头露出水面,而风浪推动着我漂流。我精疲力竭,觉得再也游不动了。幸亏那时我的脚刚好踩到了陆地。我从海里走上海岸,四处绝无有人烟的迹象。我已累到极点,躺下就睡着了。When I woke up next morning, and tried to get up,I could not moveI was lying on my back and my whole body, my arms and legs were strongly fast

8、ened to the groundEven my hair,which was long and thick,was tied to the groundThe sun began to grow hot,and I was very uncomfortableSoon I felt something alive moving along my leg and up my body to my face,and when I looked down,I saw a very small human being,only fifteen centimetres tallHe had a bo

9、w and arrow in his hands,and there were forty more of these little men following himI was so surprised that I gave a great shoutThey all jumped back,very frightened,and some hurt themselves by falling off my bodyMeanwhile,I was struggling to unfasten myself,but just as I managed to pull my left arm

10、free of the ropes,I felt a hundred arrows land on my free hand,and more arrows on my face and bodyThis was very painful,and made me cry aloudI lay quietly,to see what would happen next第二天我醒了想起来时,却动弹不得。我仰躺着,双手双足都牢牢地固定在地上。甚至连我的头发,已经又长又密了,也被固定到地上。太阳开始变得晒人了,我很不舒服。很快我觉察到有活物沿着腿向躯体和脸爬来,我向下看,看见了一个小人,只有15厘米高

11、。他手中拿着弓箭,后面还有40多个这样的小人跟着。我惊讶得大叫了一声。他们都吓得往后跳,有些人从我身上跌下去还受了伤。同时,我挣扎着想解开自己,当我左胳膊挣脱了绳子的束缚时,我感到有成百只箭落在左手上,更多的落在脸上和身上。这疼得我大叫起来。我静静地躺着,看接下来会发生什么事。When they saw I was no longer struggling,they quickly built a platform next to my head,and an official climbed up there to speak to meAlthough I could not unders

12、tand his language,I understood that they would be friendly towards me-if I did not try to harm themBy now I was extremely hungry,so I used sign language to beg the official for foodHe seemed to understand me,because immediately ladders were put against my sides and little men climbed up with baskets

13、 of food and drinkThey were surprised at how much I could eat and drinkIn just one mouthful I ate three of their meat dishes and three of their loaves of breadI drank two of their barrels of wine,and was still thirsty,because that was only half a litreWhile they were bringing me food,I wondered whet

14、her to pick up a handful of the little men and throw them to their deathBut I was afraid they would shoot at me again,and anyway I was grateful for their kindness in giving me food and drink,so I did not move他们看我不再挣扎了,就迅速在我的头旁建了一个平台,一个官员爬上那儿跟我说话。尽管我不懂他的语言,我明白他会对我友善只要我不试图去伤害他们。那时我已经饿极了,就用手势语向这个官员要食物。

15、他似乎明白了我的意思,因为立即有梯子搭在我身侧,小人们带着食物和饮料爬上来了。他们非常惊讶我那么能吃能喝。只是一口我就吃下了他们的三个肉菜、三块面包。我喝了他们两桶酒还是很渴,因为那只有半升。他们给我拿食物来时,我在想是否要抓住几个小人把他们摔死在地上。可是我害怕他们又向我放箭,而且我无论怎么说还是感激他们好心给我送食物来,所以我就没有动。After some time,another official climbed up to the platform and spoke to meFrom his signs I understood that they were going to mo

16、ve meThe King of this country(which was called Lilliput)had ordered his people to carry me to the capital city,about a kilometre awayI made signs to ask whether I could be untied,but the official politely refused过了一段时间,另一个官员爬上平台来对我说话。从他的手势我明白他们要把我搬走。这个国家(叫做利力浦特)的国王命令他的臣民把我搬到首都去,离这大约有一公里远。我作手势问是否可以解开

17、我,这个官员有礼貌地拒绝了。While I was eating,a platform had been prepared to carry meThe people of Lilliput,known as the Lilliputians,are very intelligent and clever with their handsFor me,five hun-dred men built a special wooden platform with twentytwo wheelsNine hundred of the strongest men worked for about t

18、hree hours to lift me on to the platform,and one thousand five hundred of the Kings largest horses(each eleven and a half centimetres high)pulled me to the capitalI did not know about any of this,because they had put a sleeping powder in my wine, and I was in a deep sleep我吃饭时,已经准备好了一个平台来抬走我。利力浦特人很聪明

19、,手又灵巧。为了我,500人造了一个有22个轮子的特制平台。900个最强壮的男人费了差不多3个小时把我抬上平台,1500匹国王最巨大的马(每个11.5厘米高)拉着我去首都。我自己并不知道这些,因为他们在我的酒中放了安眠药粉,我处于沉睡中。The King had decided I would stay in the largest available building,just outside the city gatesIts door was only a metre high and half a metre wide,so I could only just get inside o

20、n my hands and kneesMy guards put ninetyone chains on my left leg,so that I could not escapeThen they cut the ropes that tied me and I was able to get to my feetAs I stood up,I heard cries of astonishment all around meI felt rather miserable,but at least I could walk about now,in a two-metre cir-cle

21、I was certainly an interesting sight for the Lilliputians,who had come out of the city in crowds of several thousand to see me国王决定让我呆在最大的建筑物里,这个建筑物就在城门外。建筑物的门只有1米高半米宽,我只有四肢并用才能进去。我的看守在我的左腿上拴了有91个环的锁链,以免我逃跑。然后他们割断捆我的绳子,我才能站起来。我站起来时听到周围一片惊叹声。我感到很糟糕,但是至少现在可以在两米之内的圈子里活动了。我肯定是利力浦特人颇感兴趣的奇观,因为有几千人成群结队出城来看我

22、。Now I had a good view of the countrysideThe fields looked like flowerbeds in a garden,and even the tallest trees were on-ly two metres high现在乡村尽收眼底。田野像花园中的花床,最高的树也只有两米。I was soon visited by the King himselfHe has a strong,handsome face,and is very popular among his peopleHe ar-rived with his Queen,

23、his children,and his lords and ladies,all dressed in beautiful gold and silver clothesIn order to make conversation easier,I lay on my side so that my face was close to him I spoke to him in all the languages I knew, but we still could not understand each other不久国王亲自来看我。他脸长得坚毅、英俊,很受臣民爱戴。他是与王后、王子、公主及

24、王公和贵妇们一起来的,他们都穿着镶金饰玉的漂亮衣服。为了会谈方便,我侧身躺下,好让脸凑近他。我尽我所知,用各种语言跟他说话,但是我们依然不能相互理解。The King ordered his people to make me a bed,using six hundred Lilliputian bedsIt was not very comfortable,but it was better than sleeping on the stone floorHe ordered the crowds of sightseers to go back to their homes, so th

25、at the work of the country could continue and I would not be annoyedFor a long time he discussed with his lords in private what should be done with meI was told all this later by a good friend of mineClearly,such a large person could be a danger to his small peopleAt last it was decided that, as I h

26、ad behaved so well up to now,I would be kept aliveFood and drink would be brought to me every day from all the villages,six hundred people would be my servants,three hundred men would make me a new suit,and six teachers would teach me their language国王命他的臣民给我做了张床,用去了利力浦特人的600张床。这张床并不是十分舒服,但比睡在石头上要好一些

27、。他命令围观的人回到自己的家里,以便这个国家继续运转,也不致惹怒我。他同他的臣子们讨论了很长时间如何处置我。这消息是我的一个朋友后来告诉我的。显然,如此庞大的人可能对他的渺小的臣民构成危险。他们最终决定,鉴于到目前为止我表现很好,将留我个活口。每天食物和饮料将从所有的村庄给我送来,600人作我的仆从,300人将给我做套新衣服,6个教师将教我他们的语言。And so in about three weeks I began to speak the language of LilliputThe King often visited me, and every time he came,I as

28、ked him to take off my chainsHe explained that first I must promise not to fight against Lilliput or hurt Lilliputians,and that I must be searched for weaponsI agreed to both these things and carefully picked up two of his officers in my handsI put them first in one pocket,then moved them to all my

29、other pockets,except two which I kept secretAs they searched,they wrote down in a notebook details of all the things they found所以大约三周后我开始使用利力浦特人的语言。国王经常来看我,每次他来,我都请他解下我的锁链。他解释说,首先我必须许诺不跟利力浦特为敌、不伤害利力浦特人,而且要搜身,看我有没有武器。我同意了这些条件,小心地把他的两个官员拈在手中,先把他们放在一个衣袋里,然后把他们移到别的衣袋里去,只有两个我的秘密衣袋除外。他们搜查时,在笔记本上详细地记下了他们找到

30、的所有的东西。Afterwards I read some of their report:后来我读到他们的部分报告:In the second coat pocket we found two very large pieces of wood,and inside them were great pieces of metal,very sharpIn another pocket there was a most wonderful engine,at the end of a long chainThe engine was inside a huge round container,

31、which was made half of silver and half of another metalThis second metal was very strange as we could see through it to some mysterious writing and picturesThe engine made a continuous loud noise“在第二个衣袋里我们找到了两片很大的木块,两者之间是很大的金属,非常锋利。另一个衣袋里有个很奇妙的引擎,在长链末端。引擎装在一个大而圆的容器里,容器一半是由银,一半是由另一种金属做的。第二种金属很特别,透过它可

32、以看到奇特的图文。引擎产生一种持续的响声。”The officers could not guess what these things were, but they were,of course,my two pocket knives and my watchThey also found my comb,a purse with several gold and silver coins,my gun and bullets官员猜不出这是些什么东西。当然,那不过是我的两把小刀和表。他们也找到了我的梳子、有几枚金币银币的钱包、我的枪和子弹。The King wanted to know what the gun was used for国王想知道枪是干什么用的。Bring it out,he ordered me,and show me how it works“取出来”,他命令我,“展示给我看它是怎么工作的。”I took the gun out and put a bullet into it我取出枪,装上一颗子弹。Dent be afraid,I warned the King Then I f

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