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1、9798英语翻译1997Passage OneL:take vote vi.投票territory n.领土;领域Northern Territory 北部领土,澳北省(澳大利亚的一个省级行政单位)incurably ad.不可治愈patient n.病人measure n.法案;措施convincing a.有说服力的 convince v. conviction n.word n.消息executive a./n.主管,执行,行政director n.主管,主任,经理,导演society n.协会,联合会;社会via = through prep.通过post vt.粘贴bulletin

2、n.布告板,公告板import = importance n.重要性,重要import v./n.进口sink in 被理解leave vt.使;离开;留下implication n.结果,影响;含义sigh n./v.叹气relief n.缓解,减轻 relieve v.breathe sighs of relief 长舒一口气,如释重负haste n.匆忙passage n.通过;通道pass v.被通过;通过aging a.老龄化的euthanasia n.安乐死the dominoes 多米诺骨牌;连锁反应request v./n.请求;要求injection n.注射;注入 inje

3、ct v.pill n.药片put an end to sth 使sth结束diagnose v.诊断 diagnosis n.terminally ill = incurably ill 晚期的,病入膏肓的sign v.签名,签署certificate n.证书Darwin n.(地名,Northern Territory的首府);人名get on with A 继续做;与A友好相处haunt v.萦绕心头;常出没于haunting fear 挥之不去的恐惧terrifying = terrible a.可怕的terrify vt.使害怕from a spiritual point of v

4、iew 从精神的角度fight v.挣扎;打斗;战斗;斗争oxygen n.氧气claw v.抓 n.爪子mask n.面罩surgical mask 口罩objection n.反对the objection to A 对A的反对object to A 反对Ashare v.都具有,都拥有;分享;分担chiefly = mainly ad.主要hasty a.匆忙的take a wait-and-see attitude towards A 对A采取观望态度bill n.法案;纸币;账单effect-taking a.生效的take effect vi.生效come to a stop =

5、stop vi.停止calm a./n.平静intense a.剧烈的;激烈的;猛烈的;强烈的undergo = experience vt.经历opposition n.反对 oppose vt.suspicion n.怀疑 suspicious a. suspect v.approval n.赞同;批准 approve v.W:But the tide is unlikely to turn back. 但是潮流不可能逆转。It takes time to do. 做.需要时间。It takes time to have a good command of English. 学好英语需要时

6、间。Passage TwoL:courteous a.有礼貌的 courtesy be fair 公平的说observation n.评论;观察;遵守;庆祝 observe v.make observations of A 做一些关于A的评论small-minded a.小心眼的official n.官员 a.官方的;正式的comment n./v.评论one another 相互diversion n.娱乐the harsh reality 残酷的现实hospitality n.好客 hospitable a.injure v.受伤 injury n.turn to A = res

7、ort to A 诉诸A,求助于Acabin n.木屋;船舱,机舱settlement n.定居点;定居,安定;解决charitable a.慈善的,仁慈的 charity n.impulse n.冲动on the part of = of prep. .的reflect v.反映 reflection/reflexion n.harshness n.严酷,残酷;刺耳 harsh a.take care of sb = look after sb 照顾,照料sbsomeday ad.有一天specialize in sth 专门从事sth;擅长sthweary a.疲惫的wear v./n.穿

8、,戴;使用;磨损tourist trail 旅游路线superficial a.肤浅的artificial a.虚假的,虚伪的;人造的,人为的,人工的as is true of A 就像A一样signal n./v.信号assumption n.假设,假定 assume v.convention n.惯例,习俗,传统;公约;大会 conventional a.underlie v.位于.之下;是.的基础;是.的原因,引起brief a.短暂的;简洁的value vt.看重,重视be ready to do 乐意做;准备做exert/exercise an influence over A 对A

9、施加影响,对A有影响interrelate v.相互关联a set of 一套,一组,一系列used to do 过去常常做entertain vt.招待,款待;娱乐in view of = given prep.考虑到out of 出于,因为flavor n.风味add some flavor to ones own daily life 让某人的日常生活更加丰富多彩S:For a long period of time and in many parts of the country, a traveler was a welcome break in an otherwise dull

10、existence.在很长一段时间内,在美国的很多地方,一个旅行者是生活中一个受人欢迎的改变,否则生活会很枯燥。As is true of any developed society, in America a complex set of cultural signals, assumptions, and conventions underlies all social interrelationships.就像任何发达国家一样,在美国,一整套复杂的文化信号、假设和惯例是所有社会相互关系的基础。For example, when an American uses the word “fri

11、end”, the cultural implications of the word may be quite different from those it has in the visitors language and culture.例如,当一个美国人使用“朋友”这个词的时候,该词的文化含义,可能与这个词在来美国玩的那个游客自己的语言和文化中所具有的含义,大不相同。It takes more than a brief encounter on a bus to distinguish between courteous convention and individual intere

12、st.要区分礼貌的(社会)惯例和个人的兴趣,需要的不仅仅是公车上的一次短暂邂逅。W:And someday, remember, you might be in the same situation.记住,某一天,你可能会遇到同样的情形。Passage ThreeL:technically ad.从理论上讲,从技术的角度看;技术地other than 除了;不同于mistakenly ad.错误地addict n.成瘾者,瘾君子 vt.成瘾,上瘾 addiction n.drug addicts = drug takers 吸毒者alcohol n.酒精 alcoholic a.tobacco

13、 n.烟草neutral a.中性的;中立的physician n.医生,内科医生psychologist n.心理学家psychology n.心理学 psychological a.abuse n./v.滥用;辱骂;虐待misuse vt./n.滥用;错用medicinal a.药用的pervasive a.普遍的; pervade v.nerve n.神经apparently ad.表面地,明显地 apparent a.constructive a.建设性的;建造的in excess 过量negative a.负面的,消极的;负极的;阴性的poison v./n.中毒;毒药poisono

14、us a.有毒的perceptual a.感觉的,感知的 perception n. perceive v.mark v.标志着withdrawal n.抽回;收回;提取 withdraw v.symptom n.症状withdrawal symptom 断药症状discontinue = stop v.停止,不继续the central nervous system 中枢神经系统mood n.情绪group = categorize v.分组,分类grouping = category n.类别,一类group n.组;集团be used in groups 按组/按类使用initially

15、 ad.最初地,开始 initial a. initiate v.speed up v.加速activate vt.激活,使活跃whereas conj.而,然而slow down v.使慢下来a variety of 各种各样的,许多radically ad.大大,非常consciousness n.意识;清醒 conscious that 在于,因为fatal a.致命的;严重的 fatality n.piercing a.穿透的;尖锐的;敏锐的physical a.生理的;身体的;物理的;物体的,物质的consumption n.消费,消耗;使用 consume v.exclu

16、sive a.排他的,排斥性的;专用的,豪华的in oneself 就其本身W:A is preferable to B. A比B更可取。When it comes to physical exercises, swimming is preferable to jogging.当谈到体育锻炼,游泳比慢跑更可取。Passage FourL:contribute to sth 有助于;导致decline n./v.衰退,衰落;下降accomplish vt.完成,做到,实现 accomplishment n.事业;职业senator n.参议员Time Warner 时代华纳(

17、美国的一个传媒企业)corrupt v./a.腐蚀;腐败as well = too ad.也simply ad.仅仅,只latest a.最新的,最近的manifestation n.表现,表明 manifest v.corporate a.公司的;共同的core n.核心;核late a.(只位于人名前)已故的front n.方面;前面stock price 股票价格mountainous a.象山一样的;多的;多山的cable n.有线电视;电缆deal n.交易,买卖sell off vt.卖掉restructure v./n.改组,重组investor n.投资者invest v.投资

18、 investment n.flap n. = agitation 风波rap n.说唱音乐on the grounds of A 以A为理由under fire 受到批评;受到火力攻击release v./n.发布,发行;释放violent a.暴力的 violence n.cop n.(美国口语)警察lawful = legal a.合法的outlet n.发泄途径;出口;电源插座test n./v.检验,考验;测试Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报column n.专栏;柱子lie in = consist in 在于latitude n.范围,空间;纬度disputab

19、le a.有争议的irritating = annoying a.令人恼火的retreat v./n.撤退,后退threat n.威胁 threaten ment on A 就A进行评论sign n.迹象;符号;标记There were signs that . 有迹象表明.back off v.退避;放弃hard-line stand = strong stand 强硬的立场to some extent 在某种程度上at least 至少rock n.摇滚音乐;摇滚;石头verse n.诗;诗节singing verse = lyric 歌词stockholder = shareholder

20、 n.股东assert v.宣称,坚持声称;坚持 assertion n. assertive a.societys ills = social ills = social evils 社会弊端Bronx (地名) 布朗克斯(纽约市最北端的区)balanced a.平衡的,均衡的announce v.宣布 announcement n.launch a drive 发起一场运动develop standards 制定标准labeling n.贴标签;贴商标potentially ad.可能;潜在地 potential a./n.objectionable a.引起反对的,不可取的;令人不快的b

21、e supportive of = support 支持strategy n.策略;战略 strategic a.insider n.内部人士amendment n.修正,修改 amend v.the First Amendment (宪法)第一修正案case n.事实It is perhaps the case that . 事实很可能是.board n.董事会;委员会;伙食;板,板子spokesman n.发言人be liable to do . (天生)倾向于,容易compromise v./n.妥协;损害soften v.软化,缓和tone n.语调,曲调policy n.政策;方针,

22、对策yield to A 向A让步/屈服S:“The test of any democratic society,” he wrote in a Wall Street Journal column, “lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be.

23、他在华尔街日报的一个专栏中写道,“对任何民主国家的检验,并不在于这个国家能多么好的控制人们的表达,而在于它是否给人们的思想和言论自由以尽可能大的空间,不管由此产生的结果有时会多么的富有争议或令人不快。”Passage FiveL:monetary a.货币的;金钱的steer v.驾驶,操控landing n. 着陆 land v.precise a.精确的 precision n.interest rate 利息率,利率inflation n.通货膨胀lag n./v.滞后;落后hence conj.因此;因此就产生了analogy n.类比,比喻;类推 analogous a.liken

24、A to B = compare A to B 把A比作Bblacken vt.弄黑;使黑windscreen n.挡风玻璃crack v./n.破,打破rear a./n.后面的,后部rear-view mirror 后视镜faulty a.有故障的;有缺点的;有缺陷的steering wheel 方向盘boast about = boast of 吹嘘of late = lately = recently ad.最近a long way = much 很,大大digit n.数字;数码 digital a.forecaster n.预测 forecast n./v.panel n.小组;仪

25、表盘poll v./n.调查;民意调查average vi./n.平均是,平均达到;平均数particularly ad.尤其是,特别favorable a.有利的measure n.衡量标准slack n./a.不景气,萧条;松弛;懒散capacity utilization 产能利用take off 开始;起飞mild a.温和的thrilling a.令人兴奋的;刺激的defective a.有缺陷的 defect n.up-end v.推翻;颠覆A is comparable to B. A可被比作B。/A可以和B相比。immediate a.立刻的;直接的at present = n

26、ow 现在be critical of A 对A持批评态度,批评Abe critical to A 对A很重要puzzle vt.使困惑be amazed at A 对A感到惊讶be disappointed at A 对A感到失望W:Nothing could be further from the truth. 再没有比这更荒唐的了。This is no flash in the pan. 这绝不是昙花一现。A is a flash in the pan. A是昙花一现。1998Passage OneL:dam n.水坝at the mercy of A 任由A的支配,任由A处置flood

27、 n.洪水drought n.干旱bid v./n.投标,竞标;竞争;祝愿;命令bidding n.命令;祝愿do ones bidding 做某人命令做的事;服从某人的命令fascinating a.令人着迷的fascinate vt.使着迷 fascination n.blind a.失明的,瞎的;盲目的 vt.使失明;使盲目giant a.巨大的threaten to do 可能;威胁help v.影响symbol n.象征assert oneself 坚持自己的观点,坚持自己的权利,表现自己leadership n.领导地位;领导权;领导能力;领导层cement vt.加强 n.水泥deprive sb of sth 剥夺sb的sthfertile a.肥沃的;多产的silt n.淤泥in return for 为了换取;作为.的回报reservoir n.水库;储备generate v.产生my

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