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GRE练习试题NO23 1.docx

1、GRE练习试题NO23 11 The - success of any government depends on its ability to - both foreign and domesticpolicies.A political. implementB military. distributeC social. completeD essential. violateE diplomatic. subsidize2 Although Ms. Brown found some of her duties to be -, her supervision of forty worker

2、swas a considerable responsibility .A ambiguousB provisionalC menialD uniqueE mediocre3 Since the process of atherosclerosis cannot be - in humans, the best treatment known at thistime is - of the disease.A reversed. preventionB discovered. remissionC defined. explanationD alleviated. detectionE pre

3、cipitated. containment4 Postmodern architecture is not concerned with the easy goal of returning to the past but withthe more - and difficult aim of - historical forms into a new and complex whole.A important. changingB subtle. integratingC intellectual. updatingD rewarding . dramatizingE ornamental

4、. compressing5 In pollen dating, geologic happenings are dated in terms of each other, and one can get just sofar by matching - sequences; but in radiocarbon dating the scale of time is measured in - terms of centuries or years.A random. selectiveB irrelevant. usableC vague. relativeD independent. a

5、bsoluteE imaginary. calculable6 Many welfare reformers would substitute a single, federally financed income supportsystem for the existing - of overlapping programs.A paucityB coreC functionalismD participationE welter7 Because the report contained much more information than the reviewers needed to

6、see,the author was asked to submit a - instead.A compendiumB soliloquyC treatiseD prerequisiteE critique8 GLUE: SEAL:A letter: writeB water: dryC boat: rowD manure: fertilizeE compose: decay9 FICKLE: CONSTANCY:A naive: sophisticationB optimistic: cheerfulnessC sedate: creativityD reticent: protectio

7、nE compassionate: agreement10 BOW: VIOLIN:A mute: trumpetB cello: violaC stick: drumD amplifier: guitarE baton: conductor11 INEXPERIENCE: NEOPHYTE:A grace: dancerB dexterity: surgeonC snobbishness: sycophantD irresponsibility: wastrelE indolence: spendthrift12 WOOD: SAWDUST:A candle: waxB motor: exh

8、austC smoke: ashesD soil: mulchE metal: flings13 CARAPACE: TURTLE:A claw: crabB hull: seedC tread: tankD fin: fishE tail: mammal14 HUNTER: QUARRY:A proselytizer: convertB anarchist: authorityC master: expertiseD knight: tournamentE teacher: knowledge15 SOPHISM: REASONING:A mask: disguiseB poison: an

9、tidoteC counterfeit: moneyD confection: spiceE anagram: proverb16 APOSTASY: FAITH:A benediction: pietyB recantation: heresyC ordination: doubtD judgment: pardonE contrition: penanceIt is well known that biologicalchanges at the molecular level havemorphogenetic consequences,consequences affecting th

10、e formation (5) and differentiation of tissues andorgans. It is superfluous to point outthat gene mutations and disturbanceof the biosynthetic processes in theembryo may result in abnormalities in(10) the morphology (structure) of anorganism. However, whereas much isknown about causes and consequenc

11、esat the molecular level, and in spite ofan enormous accumulation of chemical(15) and morphological data on embryos ofvarious kinds, out understanding ofhow genes control morphogenesis isstill far from complete. Perhaps onereason for this is that molecular(20) biologists and morphologists speakdiffe

12、rent languages. Whereas theformer speak about messenger-RNAand conformational changes ofprotein molecules, the latter speak of(25) ectoderms, hypoblasts, and neuralcrests.One solution to this predicamentis to try to find some phenomenarelevant to morphogenesis which(30) both the molecular biologist

13、andthe morphologist can understand anddiscuss. As morphogenesis must bebasically the result of changes inbehavior of the individual cells, it(35) seems logical to ask morphologiststo describe the morphogenetic eventsobserved in terms of changes incellular contact, changes in the rateof proliferation

14、 of cells, or similar(40) phenomena. Once this is done, it maybe appropriate to ask questions aboutthe molecular background for thesechanges. One may, for instance, askwhether variations in cell contact(45) reflect alterations in the populationsof molecules at the cell surface, orone may inquire abo

15、ut the molecularbasis for the increased cell mobilityinvolved in cell dispersion.(50) Studies of this kind have beencarried out with cells released fromtissues in various ways and thenallowed to reveal their behavior afterbeing spread out into a thin layer.(55) In many cases, such cells show theabil

16、ity to reaggregate, after whichdifferent cell types may sortthemselves out into different layersand even take part in still more(60) intricate morphogenetic events. But inmost cases, the behavior of cells inthe intact embryo is difficult tostudy because of the thickness andopacity of the cell masses

17、. The sea(65) urchin embryo, however, has theadvantage that it is so transparentthat each cell can be easily observedthroughout development. Thus, byrecording the development of a sea(70) urchin embryo with time-lapsephotography, the research scientistmight discover previously unknownfeatures of cel

18、lular behavior. Perhapsthe study of the sea urchin in this(75) manner can provide a medium by whichthe molecular biologist and themorphologist can begin communicatingwith each other more effectively aboutthe way in which genes control(80) morphogenesis.17 The authors primary purpose is toA outline a

19、 procedure and discusspossible applicationsB evaluate an experiment in termsof its applicability to medicalresearchC propose a method for curing specificgenetic disordersD explain a problem and suggest asolution for itE reveal the shortcomings of severalattitudes toward genetic research18 The author

20、 states that research intothe genetic control of morphogenesis hasbeen impeded byA an incomplete understanding ofbimolecular reactions that are highlycomplexB a lack of communication betweenscientists whose work could becomplementary.Ca reluctance on the part of morphologiststo share data with molec

21、ular biologistsD a lack of research in the area ofmorphologyE the unavailability of suitable researchequipment19 The major objective of the authorsproposal is toA devise a technique for proving thatabnormalities in morphology resultfrom gene mutationsB improve the procedures for organizingchemical a

22、nd morphological dataC increase the accuracy of measurementsof cell populations and cell mobilityD reduce the margin of error in thestudy of conformational changes ofprotein moleculesE provide a plan for increasing knowledgeabout the influence of genes onmorphogenesis20 It can be inferred from the p

23、assagethat some cells that have been isolatedfrom an organism have the ability toA control morphogenesisB reform to make higher organismsC reorganize to form clusters of cellsD regulate the transmission of lightthrough the cell wallE regulate the rate of tissue formation21 It can be inferred from th

24、e passagethat the study of the effects of geneson morphogenesis is best accomplishedby observingA intact developing embryosB adult sea urchinsC isolated living cellsD groups of genetically mutated cellsE cells from the same kind of tissue22 According to the passage, it isdifficult to study cells in

25、mostintact embryos becauseA morphogenetic events cannot beisolatedB embryos die quicklyC embryos are difficult to obtainD individual cells reaggregate tooquicklyE individual cells are difficult toSee23 Which of the following sequences bestdescribes authors suggestion for futureresearch on morphogene

26、sis?A Accumulation of data, simplificationof language, explanation of morphogenesisB Dispersion of cells, evaluation of cellactivity, development of an explanatoryhypothesisC Classification of cell types, separationof cell observation of cell activityD Observation of the cell development,description

27、 of cell behavior, explanationat the molecule levelE Differentiation of cell types, descriptionof cell structure, analysis of molecularcomponents24 The tone of the authors discussion of thedifferences in the language used bymorphologists and that used by molecularbiologists is one ofA indifferenceB

28、neutralityC derisionD approbationE indignationThe Black experience, one mightautomatically assume, is known toevery Black author. Henry James waspondering a similar assumption when he (5) said: You were to suffer your fate.That was not necessarily to know it. This disparity between an experienceand

29、knowledge of that experience isthe longest bridge an artist must(10) cross. Don L. Lee, in his picture ofthe Black poet studying his ownpoetry and poetry of other Blackpoets, touches on the crucial point.In order to transform his own(15) suffering-or joys-as a Black personinto usable knowledge for h

30、is readers,the author must first order hisexperiences in his mind. Only thencan be create feelingly and coherently(20) the combination of fact and meaningthat Black audiences require for thereexploration of their lives. Acultural community of Black authorsstudying one anothers best works(25) systematically would represent adynamic interchange of the spirit-corrective and instructive andincreasingly beautiful in its recordedexpression.

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