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1、外研版英语必修1第二单元复习基础过关阶段检测卷及答案外研版英语必修1第二单元复习基础过关阶段检测卷及答案I.单项选择1.-Are you sure you have_all the documents in your list?-Oh,sorry,I forgot to_the one you had sent me.A.included;containB.listed;includeC.listed;be includedD.contained;listed2.She didnt come to his birthday party just_what he had said to her

2、the day before.A.becauseB.because result ofD.thanks for3.If you want to do international trade successfully,_of English is_.A.good command;a mustB.a good command;a needC.a good command;a mustD.good command;must4.Pandas are native_China.A.withB.toC.forD.in5.If you cant_a better plan,we have to

3、 carry out the present one.A.come along withB.come up withC.come acrossD.come about for6.She pretended to be calm but_she was more than nervous at the time she was being matter of a fact7.Everybody has_to play_our environment.A.a part;to protectB.a role;

4、in protectingC.part;in protectingD.a role;to protect8.When the expression first came into being,people refused to use it but_they began to accept it.A.usuallyB.graduallyC.frequentlyD.quickly9.You wont be able to make a wise_of a word until you know all the_of it.A.use;usesB.usage;usagesC.use;usagesD

5、.usage;uses10.My elder sister is_studying in Britain and she can speak English quite fluently like a native the the presentD.for the present11.Some minority(少数民族languages are losing their_because of the invasion(入侵of more popular spoken ones.A.ideasB.naturesC.ide

6、ntitiesD.characters12.Some animals_the tiger,the lion and the wolf are meat-eaters.A.such likeB.such asC.for exampleD.including13.Young students are_not to smoke both in and out school.A.suggestedB.requestedC.hopedD.invited14.No product is allowed to go into the market if it fails to_the quality sta

7、ndard.A.liveB.come up toC.meetD.go through15.The foreign customer_a polite request asking about the price of the flower vase,but the assistant looked puzzled,as she didnt understand any English.A.tookB.offeredC.madeD.asked16.Some people are good at_voices on the phone while others_.A.knowing;arentB.

8、recognizing;dontC.knowing;dontD.recognizing;arent17.Different people from different provinces speak English_different accents.A.inB.byC.withD.on18._the direction of the experienced experts,they successfully carried out the experiment.A.WithB.ByC.InD.Under19.Because all the roads leading to the mount

9、ain village_,the rescue workers were not able to reach it to help.A.were blockedB.are blockedC.have been blockedD.had been blocked20.American English is more or less different_British English_pronunciation and spelling.A.from;inB.with;inC.from;withD.with;on21.-Excuse me,Madam but is this the way to

10、the town center?I am afraid I_the right direction.-Keep on walking and you cant miss it.A.dont walk not walking inC.havent walked not walking with22.-Do you think it true that all the theories should_facts?-I dont suppose so.If so,there would be no predictions(预言 made base

11、d set up built with23.-What do you think of my article,professor?-The former part is well written but_is just so so.A.the laterB.the last partC.latestD.the latter24.The old mother was_to see his long lost son home.A.a little more than happyB.more than a little happyC.happy more than

12、a littleD.a little more happy than25.There is_is called Mr.Smith in our such man such a man such such a man thatII.完型填空:(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分People always say that the earlier one learns a language,the 26 it is to do so,in theory it is that,27,in my opinion,that re

13、fers to spoken language.Capability(能力to practice some essential(基本的28 of a language and read between the lines can only be trained through proper reading ways and hard work 29.So spending money to help 30 learn English may 31 up with disappointment.It is likely that the more you 32,the more you are

14、let down.The daughter of one of my friends33 English in primary school,34 her foreign teachers blindness 35 psychology.S he did not want to go on 36 English until middle school,37 a college student studying English slowly 38 her interest in the language.It is better to have the child learn Chinese t

15、han to have some difficulty 39 learning English for several years.Having been engaged in English education,40 find that despite(尽管their excellent 41,many students have 42 command of English words and phrases.So I suggest that children43 classical Chinese prose(散文,rather than 44 them to learn English

16、 hurriedly.Otherwise,they may let go the best time to45 the language ability of their mother tongue.26.A.easy B.difficult C.easier D.more difficult27.A.but B.however C.though D.yet28.A.opinions B.regards C.requests D.expressions29.A.step by step B.right away once D.quickly30.A.people B.girls C.

17、children D.boys31.A.begin B.start C.finish B.get D.take33.A.loved B.liked C.disliked D.learned34.A.because of B.because C.instead of D.instead35.A.of D.to36.A.learning learn C.with learning D.for learning37.A.while B.where C.when D.as38.A.introduced B.practiced C.e

18、xplained D.of40.A.He B.I C.She D.They41.A.pronunciation B.phrase C.language D.writing42.A.few B.less C.little D.fewer43.A.write C.remember D.memorize44.A.have B.let C.cause B.improve C.learn D.master.阅读理解:(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分AEveryday,340 million peop

19、le speak it.One billion people are learning it and it is said that by 2050,half of the worlds population will be using it.What are we talking about?That global languageEnglish.The English language started in Britain in the 5th century.It is a mixed language.It was built up when German.Scandinavian a

20、nd French invaders settled in England and created a common language for communication.Today it is the official language of the UK,the USA,Australia,New Zealand,Canada,South Africa and Ireland as well as many islands in the Caribbean.Many other countries and regions use it for politics and business,f

21、or example,India.Pakistan,Nigeria and the Philippines.English is also one of the official languages of Hong Kong.But global advertising and pop music mean that in most countries,you will see or hear some English.Thanks to McDonalds,we all know aboutburgers.friesandmilkshakes.Songs by Madonna,Britney

22、 Spears and Celine Dion are in English.We can sing along,even if we do not understand what we are singing!English is a messy(杂乱的language.Every year,dictionaries include new words that talk about popular culture,for example,computer-related words such asblogging,downloadandchatroom.Also included are

23、words that teenagers use.Who does not knowcool,OKand“hello”?Other languages also influence English.Many English words come from French.Words likecafeand expressions likecest la vie(that is life are all part of the English language.On the other hand,the French language includes English words likele w

24、eekendandle camping.German words are also part of English.Words likekindergartencome from the German language.Recently,British people have become interested inyoga.But the word comes from an ancient Hindu language in India.46.The English language has a history of_.A.over 2000 yearsB.over 500 yearsC.

25、over 1500 yearsD.over 1000 years47.The underlined expression“thanks to”can be replaced by_.A.because ofB.thankful toC.not if.48.Which of the following statements is true about the language of English?A.It has been changing all the time.B.It has borrowed words from all the other languages.C

26、.French words are used by the English because dictionaries have French words.D.Singers and film stars have thegreatest influence on language.49.How many people in the world are using English now?A.One billion peopleB.340 millionC.almost all the people in the world.D.not mentioned above,but the numbe

27、r is growing rapidly.50.Many countries and regions use it for politics and business except_.A.the USAB.NigeriaC.the PhilippinesD.NorwayBIn order to know a foreign language thoroughly(完全地,four things are necessary.First,we must understand the language when we hear it spoken.Secondly,we must be able t

28、o speak it ourselves,with confidence(自信and without hesitation(犹豫.Thirdly,we must do much reading.Finally,we must be able to write it.We must be able to make sentences that are correct in grammar.There are no shortcuts to success in language learning.A good memory is a great help,but it is not enough

29、 only to memorize the rules from a grammar book.It is not much learning by heart long lists(一览表of words and their meanings,studying the dictionary and so on.We must learn by using the language.If we are pleased with a few rules we have memorized,we are not really learning the language.We must“learn

30、through use.”Practice is important.We must practise speaking and writing the language whenever we can.51.The most important things to learn a foreign language are_.A.understanding and speakingB.listening,speaking,reading and writingC.writing and understandingD.memorizing and listening52.Someone hear

31、s and writes English very well,but he speaks it very badly.This is because_.A.he doesnt understand the language when he hears it spokenB.he doesnt have a good memoryC.he always remembers lists of words and their meaningsD.he often hesitates(犹豫to practise speaking it53.One can never learn a foreign language well by_.A.doing much practiceB.studyi

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