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最新牛津上海版深圳英语二年级上册unit 6《my hair is short》教案1doc.docx

1、最新牛津上海版深圳英语二年级上册unit 6my hair is short教案1docOxford English 2A Module 2 Unit 3 My hair is short(3 periods)一、单元教学目标1. 在语境中学习、理解、运用下列词汇:hair, head, face2. 在语境中学习、理解、运用下列句型:My is/are Your is/are在语境中学习、理解下列句型:Youris/are like I canwith my3. 能结合新旧知识用几句话来描述自己和他人的外貌特征。4. 通过生动有趣的小故事,进一步了解头部器官的特征及功能,并能运用故事中的语言

2、,简单描述头部器官的特征及功能。5. 能够尝试朗读、表演小故事。6. 通过故事让学生体会到:不要骄傲自满,要真诚待人,善于发现别人的长处,并用自己的长处去帮助那些需要帮助的人,给别人带来快乐,那么在别人的眼里,你也会很特别。二、分课时教学目标教学目标第一课时第二课时第三课时语言知识单词初步感知、体验单词hair, head, face, 理解单词的意思,建立单词音、义的联系。建立3个目标单词的音、形、义的直接联系,并结合句型在语境中初步运用。能熟练认读3个目标单词,并能结合句型在语境中熟练运用。句型初步感知句型:Myis/areYour is/are1. 根据语境理解、初步运用句型:Myis/

3、 are Your is/ are2、初步感知句型: I can with my 1.在语境中熟练运用句型:Myis/are Your is/are2.根据语境,初步运用句型I can with my 3.理解、初步运用句型Youris/are like 语言技能与运用1. 初步感知单词hair, head, face的发音以及含义。2. 在语境中初步感知句型:Myis/are Your is/are3. 有感情和节奏地朗读儿歌、演唱歌曲,并简单介绍自己和他人面部器官的特征。1. 能熟练认读单词hair, head, face2. 在语境中运用句型Myis/are Your is/are 来描

4、述头部器官的特征。3. 在语境中感知、理解句型:I can with my 4. 能听懂并表演故事。5. 能听懂再构文本中所体现的语言含义和情感。1. 能熟练认读单词hair, head, face2. 在语境中熟练运用句型Myis/ areYour is/are并结合句型I can with my Your is/are like 等描述头部器官的特征。3. 能听懂并表演故事。4. 能理解再构文本中所体现的语言含义和情感。情感态度初步了解不同人物或动物的不同器官的特征,并表达自己的喜爱之情。通过故事让学生体会到:要真诚待人,不要用自己的长处整天炫耀,捉弄别人,那样你的朋友都会不喜欢你,并离你

5、而去。通过故事让学生体会到:要善于发现别人的长处,并用自己的长处去帮助那些需要帮助的人,给别人带来快乐,那么在别人的眼里,你也会很特别。三、分课时话题和再构文本话题再构文本About me-This is me.第一课时:Baby Elephant Im a baby elephant.Im big and fat.My hair is short. My face is round.And my nose is long.My head and ears are big.LilyYoure a baby elephant.Youre big and fat.Your hair is shor

6、t. Your face is round.And your nose is long.Your head and ears are big.About you and me-Better than you.第二课时:(One day, Elephant es out and play.)(The monkey is sleeping. )Elephant Hey, Monkey! Your face and ears are small. My face and ears are big. Im better than you! Cling! Cling! Im great.Monkey Y

7、es, your face and ears are big. But you are not great. I dont like you. Go away.(The lion is sleeping. ) Elephant Your nose is short. My nose is long. Im better than you. I can spray water with my nose. Splash! Lion Oh, my hair is wet!Elephant Yeah! Your hair is wet. My hair is clean.Lion You are ba

8、d. I dont like you. Go away.(Here es a baby.) Elephant Your head is small. My head is big. Im better than you. Bang! Bang! Im great.Baby Oh, no! My head! Your head is big. But you are not great. I dont like you.(The baby elephant is sad.Mama Elephant Be good and help your friends.Baby Elephant OK. M

9、ummy. )About you.-You are special.第三课时:(In the afternoon, the sun is big and red.)(The monkey is so hot. )Elephant My ears are big. I can make you cool with my ears. Monkey Aha! Thank you, Elephant. Your ears are super. You are special.Elephant En! Your ears are small. But your face is red and lovel

10、y. Your face is like an apple. You are special too.(The lion is busy.)Elephant My nose is long. I can water the flowers with my nose. Lion Thank you, Elephant. Your nose is cool. You are special. Elephant En! Your nose is small. But your hair is long and beautiful. Your hair is like a flower. You ar

11、e special too.(The baby is sad.)Elephant Dont cry, little baby. My head is big. I can hold you up high with my head. Baby Whee! What fun! You can make me happy. You are special. Elephant En! Your head is small. But your eyes are bright. Your eyes are like stars. You are special too.(The elephant and

12、 his friends are happy. They have a good time.)Oxford English 2A M2U3 My hair is short (3rd period)You are specialBook Oxford English 2A Module 2 Unit 3 Theme Me, my family and friends - My hair is short.Topic You are specialSchool Caojing Primary School, Jinshan District (金山区漕泾小学)Students Class 4,

13、Grade 2Teacher Joy Wang(王孝娴)Date Oct.11th, 2011 I. Teaching Project(教学项目):Words 复习巩固单词:hair, head, faceSentences 复习巩固句型:My/Your is/are 学习句型:Youris/are like I canwith myText(再构文本):(In the afternoon, the sun is big and red.)(The monkey is so hot. )Elephant My ears are big. I can make you cool with my

14、ears. Monkey Aha! Thank you, Elephant. Your ears are super. You are special.Elephant En! Your ears are small. But your face is red and lovely. Your face is like an apple. You are special too.(The elephant is busy.)Elephant My nose is long. I can water the flowers with my nose. Lion Thank you, Elepha

15、nt. Your nose is cool. You are special. Elephant En! Your nose is small. But your hair is long and beautiful. Your hair is like a flower. You are special too.(The baby is sad.)Elephant Dont cry, little baby. My head is big. I can hold you up high with my head. Baby Whee! What fun! You can make me ha

16、ppy. You are special.Elephant Your head is small. But your eyes are bright. Your eyes are like stars. You are special too.(The elephant and his friends are happy. They have a good time.)II. Teaching AidsMulti-media, sentence cards, story book, etc.III. Teaching ProcessesProceduresContentsMethodsPurp

17、osesPre-taskpreparation1. Sing a song.2. Free talk.3. Revision of the story1. Sing a song together.2. Say something to Lily.3. Role play.营造活跃气氛,激发学习兴趣。唤醒旧知,为后面的学习做铺垫。While-taskprocedure1. Conclusion.The elephant is too proud. His friends dont like him. 2. The whole story.3. The first part of the sto

18、ry.New sentence patternsMy is/areI can with my.4. The second part of the story.New sentence patternsYour is/areYouris/are like5. The third part of the story.6. Conclusion.The elephant is special.His friends are special.1. Look and say. 2-1. Listen to the wholestory.2-2. Ask and answer.3-1. Listen an

19、d choose3-2. Read the new sentence.3-3. Look and say.3-4. Listen and imitate.4-1.Listen and plete.4-2. Read the new sentence.4-3. Make the rhyme.4-4. Role play.5-1. Look and plete.5-2. Read it.6-1. Read and act.6-2. Read a rhyme.对前面故事的发展,做一个小结。并帮助学生复习巩固目标单词,同时为新课打下伏笔。初步感知文本。检查学生对故事的初步理解情况。在故事的推进过程中引

20、入新句型,学生感知、理解,并在情境中模仿朗读和运用。并进行故事的模仿朗读。在情境中模仿朗读、运用句型,进行故事的角色扮演。能运用所学的语言知识,完成故事填空,并进行角色扮演,层层递进。通过角色表演和小诗朗诵,总结小象在他朋友的眼里很特别,他的朋友们在小象的眼里也有特别之处。Post-taskactivities1. The whole story.2. Talk about who is special in the childrens eyes.1. Read the whole story.2. Think and talk.通过朗读复习所学知识。运用语言,说说在你的眼里谁是最特别的人,引

21、导学生学会欣赏他人。Assignments1. Listen, read and act out the story.2. Tell your partners Who is special in your eyes?Oxford English 2A M2U3 My hair is short (3rd period)You are special教学说明一、学情分析本节课的执教对象是二年级学生,本班学生我从一年级带起,学生和我之间已经培养起很深厚的感情,同时也建立了很好的默契感。学生都来自农村,胆子不是很大,但他们对英语学习有着很大的兴趣和热情,喜欢表达和表演,也能自觉地做好预习和复习的任

22、务。学生在一年级已经学习了一些头部器官的词汇,如:nose, ear, eye, mouth等,并能用一些形容词加以形容。大部分学生经过本单元第一、第二课时的学习,能认读单词:head, hair, face, 能初步运用句型:My is/are Your is/are并能选用适当的形容词对头部器官进行描述。二、教材分析本节课所选用的教材内容是牛津英语2A Module2 Unit 3 My hair is short, 本单元的主题是关于头部器官的,分三个课时完成,本课时是第三课时。考虑到低年级学生的年龄特点,他们好模仿,表演欲望较强烈,我在基于学情和教材的前提下,重新进行了文本再构,每课时

23、均有主体文本和辅助文本,三课时中的三个主体文本构成了一个情节丰富、充满童趣的故事。本课时由一个主体文本和若干个辅助文本构成。三、教学文本的再构我以朱浦老师的TCLLU原则为指导思想进行了文本再构: Topic 必须体现原有教材主题再构文本的第一课时的话题是:This is me. 第二课时的话题是:Better than you. 第三课时的话题是:You are special. 这三课时的话题都紧贴主题,并且层层推进。 Contents 必须体现教材内容的安排基于教材上的Look and say, Look and learn, Say and say 和Play a game的内容进行文

24、本再构。 Level 必须符合学生语言水平根据学生的已有知识和学习能力,我做了适当的拓展,例如句型 “Youris/are like ” “I canwith my”等。但并不要求学生能熟练运用,只要求学生能在语境中学习、理解。 Length 必须符合能有的篇幅第二课时和第三课时的文本以对话形式呈现,乍一看,篇幅较长,但细一看,文本中三小段的结构是相似的,且很多部分都是前一课时文本的复现或以前所学的知识,也体现了最后一个原则 Unit 必须符合单元教学的整体本单元的三个课时的文本是基于教材根据童话故事”An elephant with a long trunk”改编的。三个文本可以整理成一本童话书,在内容、语言和情感上都是层层递进的。四、教学流程本节课我始终遵循内容、语言、情感三条线并行的原则,充分利用所创设的情景,将新旧知识整合,让学生的语用能力得到螺旋式的上升。

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