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四书五经英文版 2.docx

1、四书五经英文版 2四书The Fu Books大学 ThGetLarng中庸 Te octrine f the Men论语 TConfucinnalets孟子 orks of Mencius|论语TheConfn Analts学而时习之,不亦说乎?Iti indeed leasuret acquir knwedgnd, as yougo on quiring, to putinto prtie what ou a acuid、有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?A greer easre stiltis wen frin fcongenial midcome fromar o sek youbecaus

2、of or attainmets、温故而知新,可以为师矣。If amn wilontantl go over hat as acqured kep coniuallyaddingto itnew acqirements, he may coe teacher ofmn、学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。Sy whout hikng is labor lt、 Thinknwhu s pilous、君子周而不比,小人比而不周。A ise ma is impatia, not ntral、 A l i neutalbut nt imaril.知之为知之,不知为不知,就是知也。Toknwat istatyo

3、 knw, and oow wti is t you not know, tat isundetnn、辜鸿铭译|孟子The Work of encius故天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨、饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。Thus when Heves oing tgve a great resnsibiity t somn, fist maesh midendureuffrn、 It ke his snewsad bneexpeece oil, ndoy to suffrh、 tnflct him ih poverty nd kcs dow everth

4、inheries o bil、 In thisway Heve simulas hs mnd,stailizeis tmper an evelops hiswekpoins、爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之。H who lvs othes ionstantly ledy them、 He who resects othes i cnsantly epectd m、理雅各 译五经 Th Five Clssics诗经 TheBook of ongs/Te ookofOde书经(尚书) The oo o Histor易经(周易)Th BokofChags礼记 Theoo f Rites春秋 h S

5、pring-Auun Anl|诗经The Book f Sng关睢节选 ANJU关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈宨淑女,君子好逑。Gun-guan go te ospey,Onth ilen t ve.The modst, tiring,virtu, youngld : or ou prnce a od at s、子衿 N青青子衿,悠悠我心。纵我不往,子宁不嗣音。青青子佩,悠悠我思。纵我不往,子宁不来。挑兮达兮,在城阙兮。一日不见,如三月兮。 yo , th tbu collar,Polned i theanxietomert、Althoug I donot goo ou,Why do yoot con

6、tiue you messages o me?O u ithe ble stris to your girl-ems,ong ,lo do Itn of yu、Althh do noo o you,Whdoyont comeo e?How olailae you a disipatd,Byth lokt tower on thwl!One dywithot e h oyou,I ke thre monts、击鼓节选 JI GU死生契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。Frlifeo for dath,howevr saated,To our ie weledgedou or、Welti hds;

7、eee to go old tetherwith them、理雅各 译典籍名著 Ancient Boks史记 ecords f te Histria山海经TeClasscof Muntain nd Rvr本草纲目 Comeium ofMateia Medica资治通鉴story Retol as a iror forRuler西厢记Te Romae f est Chaber三国演义 Romace o th Three ingdos水浒传 Olaws oth Marsh西游记 Jure tothe es红楼梦 A Deamof Re Mnsions聊斋志异Strange Storiesfrom

8、a Chies Stdio|史记Recods of te Hisoria桃李不言下自成蹊。 史记李将军传The eh nd thpl o n spk, ea ah isbor beneathe、燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉! 史记陈涉世家Can a sparow knowa l ws ambion?杨宪益 译|红楼梦ADreamof Red ansins泪光点点,娇喘微微。闲静时如姣花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风。Hereys sparld ih tears, her beat was soft nd fain. In eposeshe waslik lvely flower mored in te we;

9、in mion, pliant willw sying n th wind、杨宪益、戴乃迭 译|三字经hre-characr Scrture人之初,性本善。性相近,习相远。an on eath, goo at rh、 he sae atur, varies o nurture、苟不教,性乃迁。教之道,贵以专。With education,thee baatio、Toteach well,oudeeply dwell、昔孟母,择邻处,子不学,断机杼。TheMncius motr, co er neighb、 AtMenciu slo,sh ct th cloth、养不教,父之过。教不严,师之惰。

10、Wats afaher?A goo techer、 Wt a teer? A stit reacer、玉不琢,不成器。人不学,不知义。No ae ce, shows rat good、nless yearn,brte you tn、为人子,方少时,亲师友,习礼仪。no man, maturu an、 eaher or er, holdthem dear.融四岁,能让梨。弟于长,宜先知。Age our ar, ng profered par、 Ber imid,fraernaly bekind、头悬梁,锥刺股。彼不教,自勤苦。Hd hug igh! eled hs thig! Notushd, teyptorking wy、赵彦春 译

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