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1、那一年我们各奔东西汉英对照那一年我们 各奔东西前 言Preface从事翻译研究二十多年,最大的收获就是认识了很多对英文学习、外国文化感兴趣的年轻朋友,他们身上那种鲜活的热情,使我很受触动和启发。在我和钱厚生教授主编的实用汉英翻译词典获得国家辞书奖以后,就不断有年轻的朋友向我提同一个问题:怎样才能学好英文?怎样才能学好英文?这确实是一个困扰了我们很久的不是问题的“问题”。对于这个问题,我的答案是“两读一听”阅读、朗读与听力。年轻的朋友首先要明确一个概念:英文,不仅是一种语言,也是一种文化,它绝不是枯燥的语法和单词背诵可以代替的,这些是基础,绝不是全部。阅读优美而正确的英语文章,可以提高阅读能力,



4、,必须静下心花费较长时间来进行。由于我本身的事务一直也比较繁忙,这个想法始终停留在构思阶段。2008年,常青藤语言教学中心的负责人找到我,希望我能主持“每天读点好英文”系列双语读物的编译工作。我很认同常青藤出版的“美丽英文系列”的品质,中心的各位编辑老师对读者负责的态度,我也十分佩服,他们的提议对我来说正中下怀,于是我们就此开始了为期将近两年的选撰编译工作。“每天读点好英文”系列图书便于2010年应运而生。经过一年多的市场考验,证明该系列图书是成功的,但还有一些不足,我思前想后,认为要在学习功能上再做加强,遂重新筛选编译,再次出版了 “最美”系列图书(全五册),此套图书可以说是“每天读点好英文

5、”的升级版。 “最美”系列是专为有提高英文水平需要和兴趣的年轻朋友们量身打造的一套“超级学习版”双语读物,并配有专业外教录制的光盘,将我倡导的“两读一听”真正体现出来,难度有所增加,适合英语中级以上的读者阅读。在参与“最美”系列图书的制作过程中,我与杨一兰、方雪梅两位老师,以及常青藤语言教学中心的各位专业英语编辑也着手准备一套专为英语初学者阅读的“英文爱藏”系列丛书,就是现在您正在阅读的这套书。此套图书依然延续了我一直强调的学习功能,这也是我们在编辑之初就赋予这套书的期许之一。“美文欣赏”、“单词积累”、“诵读记忆”“扩展阅读”将是阅读本书的提升重点。每篇文章的旁边会有重点单词提示,需要读者记



8、,理解英语文化之美。吴文智中国译协专家会员、中国译协理事、江苏省译协秘书长南京师范大学外国语学院江苏外语教学研究杂志主编、研究员2011年11月30日目录Chapter1青春不散场Endless Youth寻找自己的路Finding My Way2热妮高迪奥瑟 / Zan Gaudioso专业未定Undeclared11陶尔维格德森 / Tal Vigderson可怕的学期论文That Dreaded Term Paper18佚名 / Anonymous傻瓜下台Zap the Sap25埃里克萨珀斯登 / Eric Saperston忘却吧,伤痛Opening the Door35佚名 / A

9、nonymous友情无价Friends Forever41佚名 / Anonymous生活是一面镜子Do You Have Your Wallet50拉克斯曼弗兰克 / Laksman Frank命中注定的搭档An Unlikely Hero56托尼卢 / Tong Lu淘气的天使Why I Teach65惠特尼L. 葛拉德 / Whitney L. Grady田间之旅Field Trip72伊万盖尔福德布雷克 / Evan Guilfore-Blake满世界都是微笑World of Smiles82佚名 / Anonymous一切总会好的A Lesson of Life86佚名 / Anon

10、ymous思想卡片The Thought Card91哈诺奇麦卡提 / Hanoch McCarty树下的男孩The Boy Under the Tree104大卫科尔曼凯文兰德尔 / David Coleman Kevin RandallChapter2梦开始的地方Where the Dream Begins我们为学习而来Were All Here to Learn112佚名 / Anonymous如果梦想足够大If the Dream Is Big Enough118辛西娅斯图尔特卡贝尔 / Cynthia Stewart Copier大学生活回忆(1)University Days(1)

11、123詹姆斯瑟伯 / James Thurber大学生活回忆(2)University Days(2)129詹姆斯瑟伯 / James Thurber真的梦想,没有屏障Save Money for College by My Own134佚名 / Anonymous一个孤儿的故事The Story of an Orphan141佚名 / Anonymous特别的同学Never Too Old to Live Your Dream146丹克拉克 / Dan Clark努力永远有机会The Day I Flunked Out of Law School153佚名 / Anonymous我的大学理财

12、规划University Education Does not Come Cheap158佚名 / Anonymous生命的篇章Minnesota Dreamer163佚名 / Anonymous戏剧即生活Walks in the Theater World169苏珊娜施奈德 / Suannen Schneider爱的奇迹Love Lives Forever179佚名 / AnonymousChapter3爱在青涩年华Love in the Youth让我做你的声音A Silent Love190佚名 / Anonymous滑向永远的爱情Roller Romance196佚名 / Anonym

13、ous最后一封信The Last Relationship202佚名 / Anonymous逝去的爱First Love208约翰沃尔特斯 / John Walters怀旧的爱My One and Only215佚名 / Anonymous纸上的爱情Caught by Her Smile222安贝普赖斯 / Amber Price苹果皮Apple Skin227佚名 / Anonymous如意郎君Mr. Right234佚名 / Anonymous琳达的情人节Secret Admirer240佚名 / Anonymous好运斑马裙Well Dressed246玛丽安佩奇皮尔斯 / Mary A

14、nn Pecci Pearce埃玛的鸭子Emmas Ducks251保罗卡勒 / Paul Karrer把东西收拾干净Learning How to Be Roommates256埃尔莎林奇 / Elas Lyunch甘达尔山监狱的歌声The Gift of Music263布兰顿拉格纳 / Brandon LaganaEndless Youth青春不散场1因为他的存在,你开怀大笑;因为他的存在,你相信人间真情永驻;因为他的存在,你坚信世界上存在一扇不加锁的门,只等待你来开启。这就是永恒的友谊。在艰难、困苦、烦恼的日子里,即使世界上所有的人都背叛你,他始终陪伴着你,世界也由黯淡、空虚变得明亮而

15、充实:这就是永远的朋友。寻找自己的路Finding My Way 热妮高迪奥瑟 / Zan GaudiosoI started college when I was 16 years old. It was a big scary place, and I was young. I remember standing in line for registration with the hordes of other people. I felt so insecure and inadequate next to those who were my supposed peers. How wo

16、uld I ever measure up to these people who seemed so confident and sure of what they wanted?I didnt have any specific direction. I didnt have a clue as to what I wanted to do or be. College was just the next logical step. I felt very much out of place. To me, these people around me embodied my pictur

17、e of the consummate college student. They stood there laughing with their friends, a cup of coffee in one hand, the schedule of classes in the other, discussing their options for the upcoming term. Me, I had a list of classes on a piece of paper that I had painstakingly worked out with my big brothe

18、r the night before. If I didnt get those particular classes, I was sunk. The idea of having a backup plan never even occurred to me. What would I do? I would just die. I knew that crying wasnt an optionI was in college for heavens sake! Maybe throwing up would be a more socially acceptable reaction.

19、 I was alone, nervous and feeling like a cartoon in a museum of priceless paintings. When the first week of classes started, I had the daunting task of trying to figure out where my classes were in this city they called a school. I was already exhausted by the overwhelming task of trying to park my

20、car. Feeling awkward, out of place and in a world of logistical nightmares, studying and getting an education were the last things on my mind. But I put one foot in front of the other and prayed l would find some solace somewhere. And I did. He walked into my life and into the huge auditorium that l

21、ooked more like a movie theater than a classroom. But instead of taking a seat in the large lecture hall, he continued toward the front of the room to teach the class. He was smart and funny. I started to find any excuse to visit his office. This strange new world started to hold new meaning for me,

22、 and I began to explore it with more bravado. That was the good news. The bad news was that I had a crush on a man who was twice my age, married and had a family. But I felt helpless among all these new feelings and experiences I was having. Was this what becoming an adult meant? It all seemed too c

23、onfusing.I excelled in his class. One day he asked me if I wanted to help him grade papers, file and do some office worka teachers aide of sorts. There was no need to ask me twice. As the weeks passed, we shared lots of time together. I learned how to drink coffee over long philosophical conversatio

24、ns. We became friends.Much to my surprise, out of the blue, he asked me if I would consider doing some baby-sitting for him. I was getting an invitation to become part of his private world. I was given directions to his house and told to come by that Thursday. I arrived at his house promptly at six.

25、 He greeted me at the door. “Thank you so much for doing this. Its very important to me.” He explained that his wife was taking care of her ailing mother and had taken their 8-month-old baby with her. Lily, their 6-year-old, needed special care, and he was hoping to find someone who would click with

26、 her. “Lily has cystic fibrosis and spends too much of her little life in bed.” My heart just broke as I saw the love he had in his eyes for his little girl. He took me into her room and, in the middle of a princess bed, sat this fair-haired little angel. She had some sort of breathing apparatus nex

27、t to her bed that looked strangely out of place, what happened next was something I wasnt prepared for. “This is the girl I told you about, Sweetie,” he signed to his daughter. It turned out that Lily was deaf as well. I panicked. How would I communicate with her? What if there was an emergency?“Her

28、 oral skills are good enough that you will be able to understand her, and youll probably pick up some sign language. Ill only be gone, a couple of hours.” He left me with emergency numbers and pertinent information, and then he was gone.I sat down on the bed with Lily, and her little fingers started

29、 flying. I shrugged my shoulders to let her know that I was lost. She smiled sweetly and then started to use her voice. She explained how it was easier to breathe when she let her fingers do her talking. That night I had my first lesson in sign language.Over the next couple of months, I spent a lot of time with Lily. As I got to know Lilys dad as a father and as a husband, the crush changed. Now I was falling in love with his daughter. She taught me so much: not only how to sign, but also how to appreciate each moment in my life and how worrying over needless thing

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