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1、已审批三年级第四单元导学案永登县柳树乡三年级上册英语导学案周次:第 九 周年级三年级学科English授课人备课时王克花课时第一课时审批童永婧课题Unit Four We Love Animals单元第四单元课型单词教学学习目标1.词汇:学生能够听、说、认读单词:duck, pig, cat, bear, dog, elephant, monkey, bird, tiger, panda, zoo 能够听懂、会说单词:funny2. 句型结构:能够听懂、会说句型Whats this/ that? Its a . Cool! I like it学 习重难点1. 能够听、说、认读单词:duck,

2、pig, cat, bear, dog, elephant, monkey, bird, tiger, panda, zoo2. 能够听懂、会说句型Whats this/ that? Its a . Cool! I like it.学 习流程预习交流1. 播放歌曲:ABC song。Teacher: Lets sing the ABC song together. 设计意图:以学习过的歌曲来热身,让学生在有节奏地歌唱中做好学习英语的准备。同时,复习字母,为下一环节的学习做好铺垫。探究释疑 1.展示创意字母设计,请学生猜出字母名称。比如用花堆成的字母,或以人的肢体语言做成的字母的图片等。Teac

3、her:Boys and girls, look at this picture. There are so many flowers. Its a letter. Whats this? Guess. (板书句子,引导学生使用句子回答)Its the letter A. Its A. Look at next one. Whats this? . 1. 展示手影,让学生理解其含义,引发学生的阅读兴趣,出示对话内容。Teacher: (展示手影图片)Whats this? Its a shadow of our hands. And its a kind of animal. Whats th

4、is? Lets Listen to the dialogue and find. Please listen carefully. Teacher:(展示教材中出现的几种手影询问学生)Whats this? Its a duck. (出示鸭子的图片)Look, its a duck. Read after me, duck. (板书单词) (出示狗和熊的图片,询问并板书单词)Whats this? Yes, its a dog. Boys read it, please. Whats this? Its a bear Girls read it, please. 学习流程交流展示1.播放课文

5、录音。学生跟读课文。Teacher: Boys and girls, lets read the dialogue after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefully.2. 自由读课文。Teacher:Read the dialogue freely. If you have any questions, raise your hand and ask me. 3. 分角色朗读课文。 拓 展 延 伸4. 游戏,猜猜这是什么。出示动物、身体部位及文具的部分图片,请学生猜猜这是什么。Teacher: Look at this pictur

6、e. Its a part of an animal. Whats this? Guess. (引导学生使用Its a .来回答)达标测评根据图片选择正确的句子。( ) 1. A. Its a bear. B. Its a duck. C. Its a dog. ( ) 2. A. Its a bear. B. Its a duck. C. Its a dog. ( ) 3. A. Its a bear. B. Its a duck. C. Its a dog. 教学后记成功:不足:永登县柳树乡三年级上册英语导学案周次:第 九 周年级三年级学科English授课人备课人王克花课时第二课时审批童

7、永婧课题Unit Four We Love Animals单元第四单元课型单词教学学习目标1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:pig, bear, cat, duck, dog2. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、认读句式:Its a .3. 会唱韵句学 习重难点1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读单词:pig, bear, cat, duck, dog能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、认读句式:Its a .学习流程预习交流1. 1.播放字母歌,学生齐唱。2. Teacher: Boys and girls, lets sing the ABC song together. 3. 2. 随机出示

8、字母,学生快速读出字母名称。4. Teacher: Look at the letters. Whats this? 探究释疑(1) 1.乱序排列字母,让学生猜出单词,先复习文具类的单词。(2) Teacher: Look at these letters. This is a word. What is it? Guess.(3) 2. 呈现手影,请学生猜出动物名称。复习上一课时学习到的三个动物名称。(4) Teacher: Look at the shadow of the animals. Whats this? Yes, its a duck. Whats this? Yes, its

9、 a bear. .(5) 1. 导读,引起阅读兴趣,播放课文录音,学生认真倾听。(6) Teacher:Do you want to know more animals? Do you know how to make more shadows of hands? Listen and watch. How many animals do you hear?(7) 设计意图:以问题衔接上一环节,同时引出课文内容,让学生带着问题倾听。(8) 2. 播放课文录音,学生跟读。(9) Teacher:Listen to the tape again. Read with it this time.

10、(10) 1. 以游戏操练单词。学习流程交流展示5. 学习并表演韵句。(1)播放韵句,学生认真倾听。Teacher: Now, lets listen to a chant about animals. Listen carefully, please.(2)再次播放韵句,学生跟读。Teacher: Boys and girls, listen to the chant again. This time, please say with it. (3)自由练习韵句。Teacher: Practice the chant freely. You can say it with your frie

11、nds. (4)表演韵句。的朋友的爱好。 拓 展 延 伸齐唱韵句,总结再现重点词汇和句式。Teacher: Lets chant together. 达标测评根据图片选择正确的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。( ) 1.Its a _. A. duck B. dog( ) 2.Its a _. A. cat B. pig( ) 3. Its a _. A. duck B. bear( ) 4. Its a _. A. pig B. dog教学后记成功:不足:永登县柳树乡三年级上册英语导学案周次:第 九 周年级三年级学科English授课人备课人王克花课时第三课时审批童永婧课题Unit Four

12、We Love Animals单元第四单元课型单词教学学习目标1.重点:能够听、说、读、写字母Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn2. 难点:能够掌握字母Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn在单词里的发音,听到字母能够说出其相应的发音学 习重难点1.重点:能够听、说、读、写字母Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn学习流程预习交流1.播放韵句:Look at the cat. 学生先听,再齐唱。Teacher: Lets listen to the chant. Listen carefully.Teacher: Now, lets chant together. ming,S1 likes r

13、unning,I like playing basketball.探究释疑1.指示语音例词的首字母,引起学生注意。Teacher:Look at the first letter of the words. What are they? They are J, K, L, M, N. 2. 播放字母录音和语音韵句,学生倾听。Teacher:Now lets listen to a chant about the letters. . 3. 讨论语音韵句内容,学习字母的发音。Teacher: We can see J in _. Yes, we can see J in jeep and jum

14、p. The sound of J is / d/. Look at my mouth and say it, please. In kite and Kate, we can we see? We can see K. The sound of K is _. Yes, its /k/. Look at my mouth. Repeat it, /k/. In long and leg, we can see L. Whats the sound of L? Its /l/. (展示舌头的方位,请学生体会发音方法)In mum and milk, we can m. Close your m

15、outh and say with me, /m/, /m/, /m/. There is an n in nose and noodles. Open your mouth and say it, /n/, /n/, /n/. 学习流程交流展示(1) 5. 听音圈字母。完成教材40页Listen and circle的活动。(2) Teacher:Now, you will hear sound of the letter and the word, please circle the correct letter. (3) Teacher: Show me your answer, ple

16、ase. 拓 展 延 伸1. 展示字母操,请学生观察。Teacher: I will write the letter with my body. Look, this is J. This is K. This is L. This is M and this is N. (使用身体、手臂等肢体语言来展示字母)2. 学生跟老师一起做字母操,边做边说出字母名称及其发音。达标测评根据字母表的顺序补全字母,请注意大小写。a c d f j lL M E F H J 二、根据图片提示补全单词,并读一读。1. _ite 2. _oodles 3. _ilk 4. _eep教学后记成功:不足:永登县柳树

17、乡三年级上册英语导学案周次:第十一周年级三年级学科English授课人备课人王克花课时第四课时组长审批童永婧课题Unit Four We Love Animals单元第四单元课型单词教学学习目标1. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。2. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来询问物品的英语名称学 习重难点1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:Whats that? Cool! I like it.2. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。学习流程预习交流1. 展示手里的动物图卡,询问动物名称,再指向大屏幕上的动物,询问动物名称。Teacher: Whats this? Y

18、es, Its a cat. Look, whats that? Yes, its a dog. (展示更多的动物图片,复习之前学习过的动物)探究释疑(1) 1. 展示教材中打扮奇特的熊猫的图片,讨论图片,引出课文内容。(2) Teacher:Look at that picture. Whats that? Guess. (3) Teacher: Now listen to the tape to find the answer. (4) 1. 播放课文内容,学生跟读,注意发音、语调。(5) Teacher:Now read the dialogue with the tape. Pleas

19、e read it carefully and loudly. Pay attention to the pronunciation.(6) 2. 自由读对话内容,分角色表演课文。(7) Teacher:Read the dialogue freely. Then I will ask you to act it out. Lets find the best group. (8) 3. 游戏:猜猜它是谁。出示动物的部分图片,请学生猜猜是什么动物。(9) Teacher: Look,we can see part of the animal. Whats that? Guess. (10) 设

20、计意图:通过猜测来激发学生的参与热情。学生在不断地猜中熟悉本课的重点问答句。(11) 4. 学生以肢体语言来模仿某个动物,其他学生尝试猜出。(12) Teacher: Who can act as an animal? Its funny, right? Guess whats that? Do you like .? 学习流程交流展示1. 倾听、学习韵句。Teacher: Its time for a chant. Listen carefully. Whats that? Whats that?Its a panda. Its a panda. Its funny. Its funny.

21、I like it. I like it. Teacher: Please say the chant after me. 拓 展 延 伸自编韵句,展示韵句,总结本课主要内容。Teacher: Now please make a chant like this and show it. 达标测评根据图片判断句子的正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. The dog is fat. ( ) 2. The panda is big. ( ) 3. The cat is funny. ( ) 4. I like noodles. 连词成句。1. a it is panda (.)_2. that is w

22、hat (?)_3. it like I (.)_教学后记成功:不足:永登县柳树乡三年级上册英语导学案周次:第十一周年级三年级学科English授课人备课人王克花第五课时审批童永婧课题Unit Four We Love Animals单元第四单元课型单词教学学习目标1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词zoo, bird, panda, tiger, elephant, monkey2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:Whats that? Its a .3. 能够听懂短语Act like a . 并做出相应的动作。学 习重难点1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词zoo, bird, panda, tiger,

23、 elephant, monkey.2. 能够听懂、会说认读句式:Whats that? Its a .学习流程预习交流1. 1.播放韵句:Look at the cat. 学生齐唱。2. Teacher; Lets chant together. Lets say the chant : Look at the cat. Are you ready?探究释疑游戏:I do you guess. 老师接着做动作,请学生猜一猜。Teacher:Lets play a game. I will do an action. Please guess what animal it is. (模仿一个动

24、物,请学生猜一猜)Whats this?Teacher: Who can act like an animal? Come to the front and show us, please Whats that? 导读,引起学生的阅读兴趣,然后播放课文录音。学生带问题听录音。 Teacher:Do you want to know more animals? Zoom and Zip see many animals. What are they? Where are they? Lets listen. 2.观察课文图片,回答问题。Teacher:What animals do Zoom a

25、nd Zip see? Yes, they see a bird, a panda, a tiger, an elephant and a monkey. (每提到一种动物就板书单词,请学生重复)Where are the animals? Yes, they are in the zoo. (板书单词)Read after me, zoo. 3. 再次播放课文录音,学生跟读。Teacher: Lets listen to the tape again. Please read after it. 1. 出示动物图片,学生快速说出单词。Teacher:Look at the picture.

26、Whats that? Pleas say it as quickly as you can. 设计意图:快速说出动物名称,使学生将字义与字音结合起来,帮助他们更好地理解新授词汇的意思。2. 出示动物的一部分,学生猜出单词。Teacher: Look, this is a part of an animal. What is that? Guess. 学习流程交流展示 教师指向黑板上的动物名称单词,学生快速读出单词。Teacher:I point you say. Please say the word quickly. 出示动物,学生一个接一个地使用Whats that? Its a .来进

27、行问答练习。Teacher: Look at the animals. Whats that? Yes, its a panda. Please ask next student. Lets ask and answer one by one. 拓 展 延 伸(1) I do you say. 老师做动作,学生说出短语。Teacher: I will act as an animal. Please say the correct word. 教师模仿一个动物,请学生说出相应的名称。(2)I say you do. 教师说出动物名称,学生进行模拟。Teacher: Now,I say you

28、do. Act like a tiger, please. Act like a monkey. You did very well. Teacher: Lets do a pair work. 。达标测评将正确句子的序号填到图片下方的括号内。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. Whats this? Its a panda.B. Whats that? Its a bear. C. Look. Its a cat. D. Look at the monkey. Its funny.E. Its a tiger. I like it. 教学后记成功:不足:永登县柳树乡三年级上册英语导学案周次:第十一周年级三年级学科English授课人备课人王克花课时第六课时审批童永婧课题Unit

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