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1、商务用餐案例及常用语句第四章 商务用餐 一、招待吃饭 Dining with Your Client 本单元将介绍以下商业礼仪: 如何选择宴请客户的餐厅、点菜礼节、如何点酒、如何不露痕迹地付帐。 - 英文正文 - J: This is a nice-looking place, Stone, nice atmosphere, pleasant decor, and polite service. S: They also have a wide variety of dishes from different European and North American styles. J: See

2、ms theyve chosen their location wisely as well; right downtown in the business and retail district. S: Indeed. Theyve sold franchise operations all across the country. Ive also heard they intend to expand across Asia and to the west coast of the U.S. B: Theyve certainly got the money to do it too, j

3、udging from customer turnover. S: You know, their capital turnover is unbelievable. They cater to the entertainment needs of all the local mom-and-pop international businesses. J: Sounds like theyve discovered a real gold-mine here. Waiter: May I take your orders now? S: Would you like to order firs

4、t, Jane? B: Can we rely on your knowledge of wines, Jane? J: Well, Im not an expert, but I do like a good Rhine wine once in a while. B: Im sure well all be really satisfied. J: I know both of you ordered dishes with red meat, and the rule is usually red wine with red meat, white with white. But tha

5、t rule is breaking down; at least in North America. B: North Americans seem to be pretty laid-back about most rules of etiquette. J: Uh-huh. I know Im your guest here in China, gentlemen, but I would really like to pay for the meal if you dont mind, since youve been so good to me. S: Im afraid Ive p

6、ulled a fast one on you, Jane. I always prepay at this restaurant. - 中文翻译 - J: Stone,这是个很雅致的地方,气氛好、装潢讨好、服务快又有礼。S: 而且这餐厅供应许多种的菜色,有欧洲及美加口味的。J: 这家餐厅的地点似乎也选得极佳,正位于市中心的商业与零售区。S: 没错,他们亦在全国广建加盟店,我还听说他们有意在亚洲拓展事业。还有美国西岸各地。B: 从顾客的人数来看,他们绝对有足够的资金那么做。S: 您知道,资本周转相当惊人,因为他们符合许多小型国际化公司招待国外客户的需求。J: 似乎他们在此发掘到金矿了。侍者:现

7、在要点菜了吗?S: Jane,您要不要先点?B: Jane,我们可以信赖您的品酒常识吧?J: 唔,我可不是这方面的专家,但有时我喜欢来一杯葡萄酒。B: 我想我们都会非常满意的。J: 我知道您们两位点了红肉的主菜;一般规则是红肉配红酒、白肉配白酒。但这种旧俗已渐渐没人遵守了,至少在美加当地是如此。B: 美加人士似乎对许多礼仪上的规定很不在意。J: 先生们,我知道我是您们在中国的客人,如果两位不介意,我希望这一顿让我请客,因为你们对我太照顾了。S: Jane,我想我恐怕把您骗过了,在这家餐厅我每次都是先付钱的。 - 短语解说 - cater to 迎合这词组可指迎合.的爱好,或设法配合.的需求、要

8、求,等于cater for。The shop caters to a small, wealthy clientele.这家店迎合少数有钱顾客的需求。 judging from 由.看来,根据.依据英语文法规则,主要子句与分词子句的主词必需要一致,才能将分词子句之主词省略。但judging from已成为惯用语,故judging from该子句所省略之主词,与后接之主要子句之主词虽不一致,仍为正确用法。Judging from his sales performance, he will definitely be promoted to group leader.从他的业绩看,他一定会升任组

9、长。 rely on 依赖;凭借这是一个双字动词,即动词与介词必须合用,才算正确用法。rely,依靠,信赖;介词on之后的受词可以是人、事或组织。Mr. Lee relied on his secretary to prepare the report.李先生指望他的秘书来准备报告。 break down 破坏、中断break down该词组有许多解释,字面解释为断裂可指机器车辆故障、计划、会谈失败或谈话中断。The negotiations broke down because neither side would compromise.谈判破裂,因为双方都不肯妥协。 be laid-bac

10、k (about) (对.)不严格的laid-back意思是轻松、自在,为俚语用法,这个词组形容对某事的规定不严格。The dress code in many of Chinas mom-and-pop companies is laid-back.中国许多家族式经营公司的对衣着的规定并不严格。 pull a fast one 欺骗、耍花招这词组可指逗趣地耍花招,也可指恶意的欺骗,全凭上下文而定。为美式俚语。The buyer pulled a fast one when he said he wanted a bigger discount, or no deal.买主说折扣要再打多些,否

11、则免谈,其实只是在耍花招! - 语法练习 - 以下哪一句英文用法正确?A. Ive also heard they intend to expand across Asia and to the west coast of the U.S. too.B. Ive also heard they intend to expand across Asia and to the west coast of the U.S. (B)正确。also与too意思相同,皆是也,又之意,但两者不可同时出现在一个句子中。如要使用too,则(A)句该改为:Ive heard they intend to expa

12、nd across Asia and to the west coast of the U.S. too. 以下哪一句英文用法正确?A. Theyve certainly got the money to do it.B. They certainly have the money to do it.C. 以上皆对D. 以上皆错 两句皆对。have got与have意义相同,皆是拥有。故此二句皆正确。但严格说来,have got为口语用法,较不正式。 以下哪一句英文用法正确?A. Would you like to order first, Jane?B. Do you like to ord

13、er first, Jane? (A)正确。like后接不定词,表示喜爱做某事;如(B)的句意使成为询问Jane是否有先点菜的偏好;而would like等于want想要。文中孙先生想询问Jane的是要不要先点菜,故应该选(A)。 以下哪一句英文用法正确?A. North Americans seem to be pretty laid-back about most rules of etiquette, according to what Ive seen.B. North Americans seem to be pretty laid-back about most rules of

14、etiquette, from what Ive seen. (B)正确。因为according to所根据的必须为一项消息来源或别人的言谈,如果是自己的意见和看法就不可用according to。此外值得注意的是:opinion与reason皆不可与according to合用,例如according to my opinion或according to all these reason皆是误用,正确的用法应为in my opinion与for all these reasons。 - 商务礼仪 - 点酒须知中国人喝酒讲求豪爽,不但自己干杯,亦不放过在座的客人;这样的游戏规则在西方社会是行不

15、通的。以下三个题目提供您西方的饮酒须知: 1.以下何者较常被选作饭前酒?(1)啤酒(2)杜松子酒(gin)(3)白兰地(brandy)(4)白葡萄酒饭前酒(aperitifs),通常是在宴会前所饮用的酒。一般来说,我们会选用像杜松子酒(gin)或是雪莉 (sherry)等不甜而且能够刺激胃口的酒类。 2. 食用鱼类食物时,通常会搭配那一种酒?(1)雪莉(sherry)(2)白葡萄酒(3)红葡萄酒(4)香槟席上酒,也就是所谓的table wines,也就是我们在吃饭的时候所饮用的酒。一般来说,大家会使用葡萄酒 wines,在选用葡萄酒的时候,会搭配不同的食物:鱼 - 白葡萄酒(不宜过甜)红肉 -

16、 红葡萄酒生蚝或贝类 - 无甜味之白葡萄酒甜点、水果 - 香槟汤 - 雪莉 (sherry)、马德拉酒(Madeira) 3.以下何者较常被选作饭后酒?(1)啤酒(2)杜松子酒(gin)(3)白兰地(brandy)(4)白葡萄酒饭后酒(liqueurs),通常是在饭后的时候饮用,也就是酒精的浓度比较高的酒。一般来说,像是白兰地(brandy)或是干邑(cognac)。 二、商务餐 Business Lunches 您与客户共进商务餐时,曾碰到下列的问题吗?通过本单元您可以了解:如何向对方解释已方临时撤换谈判对手商务餐可达到的目的如何正确地使用餐具如何维持商务餐的气氛 - 英文正文 - S: T

17、hanks for making time to have lunch with me, Jane. I know how busy you are. J: Well, you know, Stone, a lot of business gets done over a relaxing lunch at a place like this; not the negotiating table. S: Jane, Mr. Taylor has told me that we have a slight problem over numbers. J: I dont think its a b

18、ig problem. David simply told me that he didnt have the delegated authority to make a decision. S: Yes, I understand. Money questions must be reviewed by the boss, if you will. J: I see. Well, in a nutshell, we feel we should be rewarded for volume sales. S: Sounds reasonable. Can you run some numbe

19、rs by me? J: If Northern Reflections is to be your sole agent in North America, we think a 10% discount on orders over 100,000 pieces per quarter is acceptable, 12% over 200,000, and so on, up to 500,000. S: I think I can accept that, if you really feel you can sell such large numbers. J: I believe

20、that we can. S: Ill tell you what; I can give you the discounts if you agree to a commission of 12% on net-list prices. J: 14% and youve got yourself a deal. S: How about 13%? J: OK, I think we can accept the 13% commission on net-list prices. S: Good. And can we agree to payment once a month? J: We

21、d prefer to make payment per quarter. With such large orders, it would hurt our cash-flow if we paid out so much before sales started coming in. - 中文翻译 - S: 谢谢您赶来与我共进午餐,Jane。我知道您一定很忙。J: 唔,Stone,您知道,许多生意事实上是在这样的地方吃顿轻松的午餐谈成的,而不是在谈判桌上。S: Jane, Taylor先生告诉我,价码上出了点小问题。J: 我并不觉得那是什么问题,David只是说,他没有作决定的权力。S:

22、是的,我知道。可以这么说,钱的问题一向由老板定夺。J: 我了解。好吧,简言之,我方公司认为我们应该享有大量购买的折扣。S: 听起来很合理,您可否给我具体的数字呢?J: 如果Northern Reflections日后成为贵公司在北美的独家代理商,我想如每季订货10万件以上就打九折。20万件以上,打八八折,照这样的折扣方式,类推到50万件。S: 如果您真认为贵公司能够销售这么多的货,我想我可以接受这样的条件。J: 我相信我们办得到。S: 我有个建议,如果您同意佣金定为净价的百分之十二,那我就同意您要的折扣。J: 百分之十四,咱们就成交。S: 百分之十三,如何?J: 好吧,我想我们可以接受净价百分

23、之十三的佣金条件。S: 那我们是每月付款一次吗?J: 我想每季付一次比较好。因为我们下的订单这么大,如果在我们销售进帐之前,就付出这么大笔的款项,这将有损我们的现金流量。 - 短语解说 - make time 赶快、赶紧意思是赶快、赶紧。相反词take ones time表示慢慢来,不急。We have to make time if we want to meet the client on time.如果要准时见客户的话,一定要赶快。 delegated authority 授权delegate为动词,授予。delegate authority to someone为常用之动词词组,是指授

24、予某人决定权。delegated authority即源自此动词词组。Most executives that dont delegate real authority are insecure and inefficient.不敢授权的主管大多是缺乏安全感又无效率。 if you will 可以这么说这词组等于so to speak, in a manner of speaking;用于想以另一种说法表达意思时。如以下例说话者想用放长假(on a long vacation)这说法代替被辞退(get fired)时,就用if you will表示这种情形。Mr. Smith was sent

25、 on a long vacation, if you will.可以这么说,Smith先生放长假了。 run some numbers by someone 向某人提出数额numbers在此是指有关财务的数额,这词组是说告诉某人己方所提议之价码,by后面所接的名词就是你要告知的对象。He said he would run some numbers by me after talking to his boss.他说在与老板谈完后会给我价码的建议。 per quarter 每季quarter是一季,通常为期二个半月。per等于by each, per quarter为每季,可当形容词或副词,

26、等于quarterly。Many companies announce their earnings per quarter to their shareholders.许多公司每季印行财务报告给股东。 (Ill) tell you what 我建议你.,咱们这么说.此为口语用法。用于谈话中想补充或提出新建议时。Ill tell you what; you take a day off and try to be laid-back.建议你休一天假,想办法轻松一下。 - 语法练习 - 以下哪一句英文用法正确?A. A lot of business really gets done over a relaxed lunch at a place like this.B. A lot of business really gets done over a relaxed lunch at such a p

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