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1、全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语模拟试题一6132012年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语模拟试题(一)Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)Aging poses a serious challenge to OECD (Organization of Economic Co-operation and Develop

2、ment) countries, in particular, how to pay for future public pension liabilities. And early retirement places an_1_burden on pension financing. There is no easy solution, but_2_retirement could help.Early retirement may seem like a worthy individual goal, but it is a socially_3_one, and makes the pr

3、esent public pension system difficult to sustain for long. The_4_reason is that more people are retiring early and living longer. That means more retirees depending on the_5_of those in work for their income. The_6_is worrying. In the next 50 years, low fertility rates and_7_life expectancy in OECD

4、countries will cause this old-age dependency rate to roughly double_8_size. Public pension payments, which afford 30-80% of total retirement incomes in OECD countries, are_9_to rise, on average, by over three percentage points in GDP and by as much as eight percentage points in some countries. Such

5、is the pressure on pension funds _10_there is a danger of todays workers not getting the pensions they expected or felt they_11_for.Action is needed, _12_simply aiming to reduce the_13_(and cost) of public pensions, or trying to increase the role of_14_ funded pensions within the system, though nece

6、ssary steps, may be_15_to deal with the dependency challenge. After years of_16_early retirement schemes to _17_redundancies and higher unemployment, many governments are now _18_persuading people to stay in work until they are older. Surely, the thinking goes, if we are healthier now and jobs are p

7、hysically less_19_and unemployment is down, then perhaps the present rate should_20_ anew.1.A unsolvable B additional C unsustainable D undue2.A delaying B retaining C remaining D hindering3.A ultimate B unattainable C specific D expensive4.A necessary B essential C potential D controversia5.A donat

8、ing B sponsoring C offering D funding6.A outlook B outcome C atmosphere D condition7.A inflating B expanding C extending D rising 8.A in B on C toward D for9.A conceived B reckoned C expected D meant10.A which B that C where D how11.A should pay B paying C be paid D would pay12.A but B for C and D t

9、hus13.A multitude B implementation C application D generosity14.A publicly B privately C personally D secretly15.A insufficient B influential C inefficient D intrinsic16.A advancing B previous C ahead D preceding17.A discard B ignore C avoid D display18.A believing B accounting C reckoning D conside

10、ring19.A turbulent B strenuous C compact D intricate20.A deduce B disappear C rise D decreaseSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1Were movin

11、g into another era, as the toxic effects of the bubble and its grave consequences spread through the financial system. Just a couple of years ago investors dreamed of 20 percent returns forever. Now surveys show that theyre down to a realistic 8 percent to 10 percent range.But what if the next few y

12、ears turn out to be below normal expectations? Martin Barnes of the Bank Credit Analyst in Montreal expects future stock returns to average just 4 percent to 6 percent. Sound impossible? After a much smaller bubble that burst in the mid-1960s, Standard & Spoors 5000 stock average returned 6.9 percen

13、t a year (with dividends reinvested) for the following 17 years. Few investors are prepared for that.Right now denial seems to be the attitude of choice. Thats typical, says Lori Lucas of Hewitt, the consulting firm. You hate to look at your investments when theyre going down. Hewitt tracks 500,000

14、401(k) accounts every day, and finds that savers are keeping their contributions up. But theyre much less inclined to switch their money around. Its the slotmachine effect, Lucas says. People get more interested in playing when they think theyve got a hot machine-and nothings hot today. The average

15、investor feels overwhelmed.Against all common sense, many savers still shut their eyes to the dangers of owning too much company stock. In big companies last year, a surprising 29 percent of employees held at least three quarters of their 402(k) in their own stock.Younger employees may have no choic

16、e. You often have to wait until youre 50 or 55 before you can sell any company stock you get as a matching contribution.But instead of getting out when they can, older participants have been holding, too. One third of the people 60 and up chose company stock for three quarters of their plan, Hewitt

17、reports. Are they inattentive? Loyal to a fault? Sick? Its as if Lucent, Enron and Xerox never happened.No investor should give his or her total trust to any particular companys stock. And while youre at it, think how youd be if future stock returns-averaging good years and bad-are as poor as Barnes

18、 predicts.If you ask me, diversified stocks remain good for the long run, with a backup in bonds. But I, too, am figuring on reduced returns. What a shame. Dear bubble, Ill never forget. Its the end of a grand affair.21. The investors judgment of the present stock returns, in the authors opinion, se

19、ems to beA sort of wishful thinking.B just too pessimistic.C totally groundless. D quite realistic.22. In face of the current stock market, most stock-holders justA decline to inject more money into the stock market. B voice their disgust with the devaluing stock.C switch their money around in the m

20、arket. D turn a deaf ear to the warning.23. The author recommends that employeesA hold at leastl/3 of their 401(k) in their company. B get out of their own companys stock.C wait for some time before disposing of their stock. D give trust to a particular companys stock.24. Lucent, Enron and Xerox, it

21、 can he inferred from the text, are names ofA successful companies.B bankrupted companies.C company stocks D huge companies.25. The authors attitude towards the long-term investors decision isA positive. B suspicious C negative. D paradoxical.Text 2For more than two decades, U.S. courts have been li

22、miting affirmative-action programs in universities and other areas. The legal rationale is that racial preferences are unconstitutional, even those intended to compensate for racism or intolerance. For many colleges, this means students can be admitted only on merit, not on their race or ethnicity.

23、It has been a divisive issue across the U.S., as educators blame the prolonged reaction to affirmative-action for declines in minority admissions. Meanwhile, activists continue to battle race preferences in courts from Michigan to North Carolina. Now chief executives of about two dozen companies hav

24、e decided to plunge headfirst into this politically unsettled debate. Together with 36 universities and 7 non-profitable organizations, formed a forum that set forth an action plan essennally designed to help colleges circumvent court-imposed restrictions on affirmative action. The CEOs motive: Our

25、audience is growing more diverse, so the communities we serve benefit if our employees are racially and ethnically diverse as well, says one CEO of a company that owns nine television stations. Among the steps the forum is pushing: finding creative yet legal ways to boost minority enrollment through

26、 new admissions policies; promoting admissions decisions that look at more than test score; and encouraging universities to step up their minority outreach and financial aid. And to counter accusations by crities to challenge these tactics in court, the group says it will give legal assistance to co

27、lleges sued for trying them. Diversity diminished by the court must be made up for in other legitimate, legal ways, says a forum member. One of the more controversial methods advocated is the so-called 10% rule. The idea is for public universities-which educate three-quarters of all U.S. undergradua

28、tes-to admit students who are in the top 10% of their high school graduating class. Doing so allows colleges to take minorities who excel in average urban schools, even if they wouldnt have made the cut under the current statewide ranking many universities use.26. U.S. court restrictions on affirmat

29、ive action signifies thatA minorities no longer hold the once favored status.Bthe quality of American colleges has improved.C racial preferences has replaced racial prejudice. D the minority is on an equal footing with the majority.27. What has been a divisive issue across the United States?A Whethe

30、r affirmative action should continue to exist. B Whether this law is helping minorities or the white majority.C Whether racism exists in American college admission.D Whether racial intolerance should be punished.28.CEOs of big companies decided to help colleges enroll more minority students because

31、theyA think it wrong to deprive the minorities of their rights to receive education.B want to conserve the fine characteristics of American nation.C want a workforce that reflects the diversity of their customers.D think it their duty to help develop education of the country.29.The major tactic the forum uses is toA battle the racial preferences in court. B support colleges involved in lawsuits of racism C strive to settle this political debate nationwide D find legally viable ways to ensure minor

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