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最新冀教版七年级英语上册Unit2 715课精美导学案共计40页.docx

1、最新冀教版七年级英语上册Unit2 715课精美导学案共计40页U n i t 2 C o l o u r s a n d C l o t h e s 导学案话题: Talking about colours and clothes重点词汇:sure adv当然 Paint 画;绘画颜料sky天空just adv恰恰;刚刚jacket 夹克;上衣world 世界India 印度Saturday 星期六out adv 在外面catch 染上(疾病)look at 看just right 正好go back 回去takeOut of 把取出blouse 女衬衫mix 混合;调配glove 手套re

2、ady adj准备好的forget 忘记report 报告pretty adj漂亮的;可爱的will 将要really adv 真正地;确实地hat 帽子(有边)come out 出现(be)ready for 准备去put on 穿上go shopping 去购物pink adj 粉色(的)purple 紫色(的)maybe adv 也许;大概Tshirt 短袖衬衫bright adj 明亮的traditional adj 传统的centre 中心;中央pair 双;对scarf 围巾;头巾light blue 浅蓝in the sky 在天空中catch a cold (患)感冒go we

3、ll with和 很相配a pair of一双;一对重点句型:Can I get a new skirt? 我能有一件新短裙吗? What colour do you want? 你想要什么颜色?BIue is my favourite 蓝色是我最喜欢的。 But my favOUrite colour is pink 但是我最爱的颜色是粉色。I can mix blue and yellow to make green我能够将蓝色和黄色混在一起制成绿色。一Whose coat is this?这是谁的外套?一Its too bigtoo smalljust right for me对我来讲,

4、它太大太小正好。Lessons7: Jennys New Skirt课前预习:I短语翻译1一件新短裙 2我最爱的女式衬衫 3与不同 4一件红色毛衣 根据汉语意思或首字母提示填写单词。1Your new (短裙)is very nice2一Can you pass me the book? 一S Here you are3She wears a b (女式上衣)with her new pants4I (真正地)dont like pink5His (最爱的)clothes is Tshirt新课导学:探究一 : What colour do you want7你想要什么颜色的?你知道what

5、colour引导的疑I”=-I旬的用法吗?Colour的其它用法你又了解多少?(1)what colour意为“什么颜色”,这是就颜色提问的特殊疑问词组,放在句首,后面接一般疑问句。(2)colour意为“颜色,色彩”,是名词。I don,t like the colour我不喜欢这种颜色。当colour意为“给着色”,是动词。Colour the banana yellow把香蕉涂成黄色。【例1】What colour your cars? Red Ais;Its Bis;They are Care;Theyre Dare;It is 【解析】 从上句your cars可以看出这是对复数提问

6、,系动词应用are,答语也应是复数形式“They are+颜色”。【答案】 C探究二: And blue is my favourite蓝色是我最喜欢的 favourite有两个词性,你能分辨清楚吗? (1)作形容词时,译为“最喜爱的”“特别喜爱的”,因为这个单词本身有“最”的含义,所以没有比较级和最高级形式。 This is my favourite book. 这是我最喜欢的书。 (2)作名词时,意为“特别喜爱的人或物最喜爱的人或物”,是可数名词,复数为favourites。 Apples and bananas are my favourites苹果和香蕉是我最喜欢的。4 她最喜爱的饮料

7、是什么?(汉译英) WhatS drink?What drink is ? 【答案】her favourite 此句中favourite是形容词。her favourite此句中favourite是名词。探究三 : Sometimes American spelling is different from British spelling有时美式拼写不同于英式拼写。 你对be different from的用法又掌握了多少呢? Different,不同的,修饰名词时,名词通常用复数形式。常用搭配: be different from与不同。 Chinese names are differen

8、t from English names中文名字与英文名字不同。 【拓展】different的反义词是same Be differentfrom的反义词组是the same as;different的名词形式是difference【例3】His answer of the question is different ours. Awith Bin Cfrom Don 【解析】 此题考查固定短语。be different from“与不同”。 【答案】 C课堂检测:知识点一:colour的用法1苹果是什么颜色? Is the apple?2把这个桌子涂成蓝色。 The table . 知识点二:

9、what colour的用法3 Are your pens? 一They are black AWhat colour BHOW colourCWhat colours DHOW colours知识点三:really的用法 (1)这个土豆可真大。 The potato is a monster(2)我真的不知道写什么。I dont know what to write about知识点四:favourite的用法5一Whats your colour? Favourite coour is red. Afavourite;My Bfavourite;YourC1ike;My D1ike;You

10、r知识点五:wear的用法6MrsGteen her hair upAwear Bwears Cput 0n Dputs on知识点六:with的用法7He often goes into the room a book in his handA Bat Con Dwith作业: I连词成句。1I,get,new,can,a,shirt(?) 21ike,I,her,skirt,green() 3Are,your,clothes,favourite,what(?) 4Favourite,is,my,colour,green() 阅读理解 Look at LynnS closetThere ar

11、e many beautifulclothesLook! ItS a new sweaterLynn can wear it .with her blue jeansLynnS favourite clothes iS her pink skirtShe can wear it with her white blouseLynnS favourite colour is greenThere is a green coat in her closetShe can wear it with her red pants教学反思:Lesson 8: DannyS Favourite Colour课

12、前预习:I根据所给提示,调配染料1red+yellow= 2red+ =pink3blue+yellow= 4 +blue=light blue5red+blue= 6 +white=light green根据汉语或首字母提示填写单词1Danny wants to P the door blue2Can you (混合)red and yellow to make green?3He doesnt wear the (紫色的)Tshirt4There iS a rainbow in the (天空)新课导学:探究一:Do you want to paint with me?你想和我一起画画吗?

13、对于paint的用法你有多少了解呢?Please paint the wall green请把墙涂成绿色。 【拓展】painter 画家paint 颜料 painting 油画 【例1】 那位画家正在用颜料画一幅油画。 The is a in . 【解析】painter,painting,paint三个名词都是与动词paint有关的单词。painter 指画家,painting作名词讲,指油画,绘画。paint作名词讲指染料。 【答案】painter;painting;painting;paint探究二: How many colours do you see?你看到了多少种颜色? How m

14、any的用法很重要,你准备好去认识它了吗?本句是由how many引导的特殊疑问句。其结构为“How many +名词的复数形式+助动词+主语+实义动词?how many意为“多少,主要对物品的数量进行提问,后接可数名词的复数形式。答语用数词作答。 【例1】 -How many pens do you have?你有多少枝钢笔? I have six penssix我有六枝。 【例2 】pets,have,Henry,how,does,many(?)(连词成句) 【解析】 因为所给词中有how many这个疑问词,所以此句为特殊疑问句,其后要接可数名词复数,即pets;Henry是人名,助动词

15、是does,疑问句中要将助动词does提至主语之前,动词have放在最后。 【答案】How many pets does Henry have?探究三 : I come out after the rain我在雨后出来。 come out是一个固定短语,但它却有多种含义,你能分辨清楚吗? come out常用的含义为:(花儿)开放;公开;出版。 Spring is coming,the flowers come out春天来了,花儿开放了。 The bad news came out quickly那个坏消息很快传开了。 When did your book come out?你的书是什么时候

16、出版的?课堂检测:知识点一:paint的用法1让我们一起来把窗户涂成白色吧! Lets the window white!知识点二:Here is的用法2. Here three apples for Mike. A. are C.has. D.have知识点三:how about的用法3How about (go)shopping with me this afternoon?知识点四:mix的用法4油和水不相溶Oil cant water知识点五:how many的用法5 markers do you have?FourAHow BWhat CWhatS D. How many知

17、识点六:come out的用法6天亮了,太阳出来了。It gets lightThe sun I连词成句1favourite,WhatS,DannyS,colour(?) 2Some,green,Here,paintSOme green ere IS nt() , , , , ( )3your,blue,favourite,Is,colour(?)4you,How,many,colours,do,see(?)5colour,What,can,you,make(?)阅读理解,选择正确答案。 Here are three markersThey are in a pencil boxThey ar

18、e blueyellow and redLinda s marker,but she likes yellowGuo Mins markert isnt redThe other one(另一个)is TomsThe pencil box is Toms,tooWhat colour is the pencil box? Is it red? No,its red and yellowIts a nice pencil box1Here is pencil box Athree Btwo Cone Dfour2How many markers do they have? ATh

19、ree BTwo CFour DOne3What colour are the markers? ABlue,yellow and black BRed,yellow and blue CRed and blue DYellow and blue4What colour does Linda like? AA blue marker BA yellow marker CBlue DYellow5Where are the three markers? AThere it is BHere it is CThere they are DIn a pencil box教学反思:Lesson 9:W

20、hose Coat Is This?课前预习:I短语翻译。1Whose coat 2太大 3太小 4刚刚好 5失物认领 II根据汉语提示填写单词。11 want to buy a new (围巾)2These (手套)are just right for my father3 (或许)youre right4Its (刚好)seven oclockLets go toschool together新课导学:探究一:Whose coat is this?这是谁的外套? whose引导的特殊疑问句,你已经掌握了吗? 这是一个由疑问代词whose引导的特殊疑问句,用于询问物品的主人,对名词所有格或物

21、主代词提问。因此,回答时要用物主代词或名词的所有格形式。名词所有格的构成形式为在单数名词词尾一般直接加S;在以-S结尾的名词词尾加。 一Whose book is this?这是谁的书? Its my bookItS Marys是我的。是玛丽的。 【例1】Whose pencils are these? -Theyre pencils Bmine Chim Dshe【解析】whose是对名词所有格和物主代词进行提问。因此回答时要用物主代词或名词的所有格形式。空后有名词pencils,故应用形容词性物主代词。【答案】 A探究二 : Its too big for me对我来讲,它太大了

22、。 句中too是什么用法,你对它有多少了解? 句中的too是副词,意为“太”,修饰形容词、副词。往往放在形容词与副词前面。 The desk is too big这张桌子太大了。 【拓展】 副词too还可以表示“也”,常用于肯定句中,放在句末,用逗号与前面隔开。 Tom is a good student,too汤姆也是一个好学生。 【例2】 这张桌子太大了。(我搬不动) The desk is big 【解析】too副词表示“太”修饰形容词和副词,表示超出需要、允许的程度。 【答案】 too探究三 : Maybe theyre Lynns gloves也许它们是林恩的手套.maybe的使用情

23、况你又清楚吗?maybe用于以下情况:(1)情况不能确定时。Maybe it will snow tomorrow也许明天会下雪。(2)避免做明确回答时。 -Will you come with me?你和我一起去吗?-Maybe可能吧。(3)礼貌地提出请求。Maybe you could phone me tonight或许你可以今晚打电话给我【例31 He may be tired(变为同义句)He is tired 【解析】 由句意知:可能他很累了。可知此处应用maybe来表示一种不确定的情况。 【答案】 Maybe课堂检测:知识点一:whose的用法1 pants are these?

24、 -Theyre her pants AWhere BWhere are CWhose DWhos知识点二:too的用法2-Is this dress new? -NO . AIts too new BIt too oldCIt too new DIts too old知识点三:介词for的用法3Its a book childrenAfor Bon Cat Din知识点四:Is this引导的一般疑问句的用法4This is my new book(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) 作业:I完成对话1-WhatS this?-Its is it ?-Its Liu Yings2-D0 you

25、like this ?-Yes,I -Is this big or ?-Its bigIts too big me句型转换。1Its a small dress(改为复数句) Small .2This is my hat(对画线部分提问) hat is this?3Is this your coat?(作否定回答) , . 4Do you like these shorts?(作肯定回答) , .任务型阅读 My name is EllenI have a new hatIt is from mymomThe hat is not too small and not too bigI like

26、 it very muchMy new hat is pinkMy friend Jenny hasan old hatIt is too small for meIt is purpleJenny likes itThats her favourite colourI dont like itMy pink hat is my favouriteThats my favourite colour根据短文内容,完成下列句子。1Ellens new hat is from . 2Ellens new hat is Thats her favourite colour3Jenny is Ellen

27、s Jenny has an hat4Jennys hat is too for Ellen5. is Jennys favourite colour 教学反思:Lesson 1 0:Clothes for a Cold Day课前预习:I短语翻译:1.感冒 2准备好上学 3.回来 4穿上 5.与 相配 6从拿出 根据首字母及汉语提示填写单词。1You may c a cold2Danny is r for schoo13Is this your (T恤衫)?4Li Ming wears a blue (夹克)today?5Dont (忘记)your schoolbag6Colourful c

28、lothes are very (亮丽的)新课导学:探究一:Danny is ready for school.丹尼准备好上学了。你了解be ready for的用法吗?ready为形容词,“预备准备好的”。常见搭配:(1)be ready意为“准备好。Is supper ready? 晚饭准备好了吗?(2)be ready for意为“为做好准备”。We are ready for work我们已经准备好工作了。【例1】 you ready to school? ADo;go BDo;to go CAre;go DAre;to go 【解析】 ready是形容词,所以用be动词来构成主系表结构。be ready to do sth固定搭配,意为“准备好做某事。g。t。school也为固定搭配,意为“去上学”。 【答案】D探究二 : I look nice in this green T-shirt我穿着这件绿色T恤看起来不错。 在此句中,介词in是“穿”的意思,后面跟表衣物的名词或表颜色的衣物名词,意思为“穿衣服”或“穿颜色的衣服” Do you know the man in the black coat? 你认识穿黑色外衣的那个人吗? Who is the girl in red? 穿红色

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