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1、Unit 13 Integrated Logistics Management作者:南开大学商学院作者:南开大学商学院 李桂华李桂华Business School of Nankai UniversityGlossarylogistics:n.物流学trimming:n.The act of one that trims.整理,调整teamwork:n.Cooperative effort by the members of a group or team to achieve a common goal.协同工作warehousing:n.To place or store in a war

2、ehouse,especially in a bonded or government warehouse.仓库贮存interact:v.To act on each other:互相作用inverse:adj.Reversed in order,nature,or effect.相反的stock-out:n.脱销trade-off:交替使用harmonize:v.To bring or come into agreement or harmony.使协调一致counterpart:n.One that has the same functions and characteristics as

3、 another;an opposite number:对手方相应的人或物Business School of Nankai UniversityGlossaryapparel:n.Clothing,especially outer garments;attire.服饰dock:n.A pier;a wharf.码头tailored:adj.Made by a tailor;custom-made.剪裁讲究的,定制的distributor:n.One that markets or sells merchandise,especially a wholesaler.发行者,销售者consoli

4、dator:n.集运人 fill up again 补给,补充stock up:采购,囤积bin:n.A container or enclosed space for storage 箱柜designated:adj.To point out or call by a special name指定的bar code:n.A code representing characters by sets of parallel bars of varying thickness and separation that are read optically by t

5、ransverse scanning.条形码Business School of Nankai UniversityKey Terms and ConceptsIntegrated logistics management:Integrated logistics management is a logistics concept that emphasizes the teamwork,both inside the company and along all the marketing channel organizations,in order to maximize the perfo

6、rmance of the entire distribution system 综合物流管理Supply chain management:Supply chain management is the integration of all the facilities,functions,and processes associated with the production of goods and services all the way from suppliers to customers or end-users.供应链管理Business School of Nankai Uni

7、versityTextToday,more and more companies are adopting the concept of integrated logistics management.This concept recognizes that providing better customer service and trimming distribution costs requires teamwork,both inside the company and among all the marketing channel organizations.Inside the c

8、ompany,the various functional departments must work closely together to maximize the companys own logistics performance.The company must also integrate its logistics system with those of its suppliers and customers to maximize the performance of the entire distribution system.Business School of Nank

9、ai UniversityTextCross-Functional Teamwork Inside the CompanyIn most companies,responsibility for various logistics activities is assigned to many different functional unitsmarketing,sales,finance,manufacturing,purchasing.Too often,each function tries to optimize its own logistics performance withou

10、t regard for the activities of the other functions.However,transportation,inventory,warehousing,and order processing activities interact,often in an inverse way.For example,lower inventory levels reduce inventory carrying costs.From stock-outs,backorders,special production.runs,and costly fast-freig

11、ht shipments.Because distribution activities involve strong tradeoffs,decisions by different functions must be coordinated to achieve superior overall logistics performance.Business School of Nankai UniversityTextThus,the goal of integrated logistics management is to harmonize all of the companys di

12、stribution decisions.Close working relationships among functions can be achieved in several ways.Some companies have created permanent logistics committees made up of managers responsible for different physical distribution activities.These committees meet often to set policies for improving overall

13、 logistics performance.Companies can also create management positions that link the logistics activities of functional areas.For example,Procter&Gamble has created“supply managers”who manage all of the supply chain activities for each of its product categories.Many companies have a vice-president of

14、 logistics with cross-functional authority.In fact,according to one logistics expert,three-fourths of all major wholesalers and retailers,and a third of major manufacturing companies,have senior logistics officers at the vice president or higher level.The location of the logistics functions within t

15、he company is a secondary concern.The important thing is that the company coordinates its logistics and marketing activities to create high market satisfaction at a reasonable cost.Business School of Nankai UniversityTextBuilding Channel Partnerships The members of a distribution channel are linked

16、closely in delivering customer satisfaction and value.One companys distribution system is another companys supply system.The success of each channel member depends on the performance of the entire supply chain.For example,Wal-Mart can charge the lowest prices at retail only if its entire supply chainconsisting of thousands of merchandise suppliers,transport companies,warehouses,and service providersoperates at maximum efficiency.Business School of Nankai UniversityTextCompanies must do more than

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