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中职英语第三册Unit 8Transport.docx

1、中职英语第三册Unit 8 TransportUnit 8 TransportListening1教学重点学习与交通相关的常见表达。2教学建议A 本部分主要五个句子,要求学生在播放录音的过程中填写句子中空缺的数词。主要以此考察学生把握细节和分辨音节的能力。1 做每组练习之前,教师可以让学生先快速浏览给出的五个句子,并建议学生默念句子。提醒学生在放第一遍录音时填写正确的答案,在放第二遍录音时确认填写的答案。2 放第一遍录音,要求学生在放第一遍录音时填写正确的答案。3 放第二遍录音,要求学生在播放录音时再次确认选择的答案。每组单词之间给出学生23秒钟的时间快速浏览下一题。4 教师核对答案,可以以提

2、问的形式或自由回答的形式与学生互动,纠正错误,解决学生对答案的疑问。B 本部分主要包含一段文章。要求学生在播放录音的过程中判断正误。主要考察学生对细节的掌握。1 练习之前,教师可以让学生先快速浏览整个对话,让学生熟悉文章可能涉及的内容,并且提醒学生在放第一遍录音时了解对话的大体意思。2 放第一遍录音,要求学生在放第一遍录音时了解对话的大体意思。3 放第二遍录音前,提醒学生在录音播放过程中完成判断正误。4 放第二遍录音,把文章逐句播放,每句之间给出适当的停顿,要求学生要在录音播放过程中判断正误。5 教师核对答案,可以以提问的形式或自由回答的形式与学生互动,纠正错误,解决学生对答案的疑问。6 最后

3、将整篇对话录音播放一遍,解决学生对答案的疑问,纠正错误。C 本部分主要包含五个句子的听写,主要考察学生对整句话的理解以及快速拼写的能力。1 做练习之前,教师可以提醒学生在放第一遍录音时了解每句话的大体意思。放第一遍录音,要求学生在放第一遍录音时了解句子的意思,并且记录句中的关键词汇和短语。2 放第二遍录音前,提醒学生在录音播放过程中记录下连贯的句子。3 放第二遍录音,要求学生在录音播放过程中记录下连贯的句子,每句之间给出510秒的时间整理答案。4 教师核对答案,可以以提问的形式或自由回答的形式与学生互动,纠正错误,解决学生对答案的疑问。5 最后教师可以根据学生的反馈再播放一遍录音。3听力练习参

4、考答案A 1. 7,682,300; 36,735 2. 17; 1991 3. January 26th; 1788 4. 40% 5. 100; 20thB 1.F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F C 1. Its difficult to live without a car in America.2. Cars have polluted the environment.3. They decide to go to the cinema tonight.4. My brother doesnt like eating pork.5. We should make effort

5、s to deal with difficulties.听力原文材料A1.Australia has a land area of 7,682,300 square kilometers and its coastline is 36,735 kilometers long.2. The population of Australia had reached more than 17 million in 1991.3. January 26th, the date of the first European settlement of the continent in 1788, is Au

6、stralias national day.4. Women comprise about 40 percent of Australias total work force.5. Australias two-day trade totals more than 100 billion a year, about 20th in the world in the value of its overseas trade. BFishing is my favorite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But th

7、is does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag.“You must give up fishing!” My friends say

8、. “Its a waste of time.”But they dont realize one important thing. Im not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all.C1. Its difficult to live without a car in America.2. Cars have polluted the environment.3. They decide to go to the cinema tonig

9、ht.4. My brother doesnt like eating pork.5. We should make efforts to deal with difficulties.Speaking1教学重点 了解关于交通方式的常用表达形式。2教学建议本部分主要包含两段情景对话,第一段为乘客与公交售票员间对话,第二段为围绕交通违章传单的朋友间对话。 A 课文对话:1 教师在带领学生通读对话之前,以自由回答的形式询问学生对相关知识的了解,建议先让学生自己熟悉对话的内容,提醒学生标记难点。2 教师带领学生学习课文对话的内容,并对主要的语言点以及表达形式详细讲解。3 教师带领学生朗读对话。4 教

10、师选择一到两组学生进行课文对话的朗读与表演,考察学生对对话的熟悉程度,纠正学生的个别发音。B 角色扮演(ROLE PLAY):1 教师以本单元对话涉及的话题为基础,把学生分成不同的小组进行角色扮演,例如本单元教师可以要求学生互相间问路,并且要求学生运用本单元学习的句型和表达。教师可以列举出一些句型供学生参考。 2 学生以小组为单位活动,教师巡视全班,兼听学生对话的内容,解决学生的疑问。3 教师选择几组学生进行角色扮演对话。4 教师总结学生的对话,给予纠正和鼓励,再带领学生回顾所学的句型。3对话练习参考答案Simple Questions:Excuse me. Can you tell me h

11、ow to get to the Summer Palace?How long will it take to get there?How far is the nearest restaurant?Is there a bus stop nearby?Simple Responses:Its no more than 1 kilometer from here.The bus stop is right there.Thanks very much.My pleasure.4对话参考译文A 保罗将要乘车去国际贸易中心。售票员:请买票。保罗: 请问一下。这车是到国际贸易中心吗?售票员:恐怕不是

12、。这车开往朝阳门。但是你可以在建国门倒车。那里有很多开往国际贸易中心的公交车。保罗: 到那里要多久?售票员:大概15分钟。这是你的票。保罗: 非常感谢。能提醒我什么时候下车吗?售票员:乐意效劳。 售票员:先生,您该在下一站下车。请做好准备,当心脚下。保罗: 你真是太好了。售票员:记得换乘307路公交车。保罗: 我会的。谢谢。再见。B 皮特拿到一张交通违章传票。皮特:今天下午我收到一张违章传票。提姆:这是第二次了,皮特。你是不是在不该停车的地方停车?皮特:不是。提姆:你是超速行驶了?皮特:当然不是。我爱我的车子。我可不想让它被剐蹭了。提姆:那么,你都干了什么?皮特:我正要往拐角处的左边拐。但是我

13、没等绿灯亮就拐过去了。提姆:那样做很危险。要是你被另一辆车撞了怎么办?皮特:我知道。警察训斥过我了。我妈妈也责怪我。现在轮到你了。Reading1文化背景知识:汽车帝王亨利福特 亨利福特是在世界汽车史上占有重要地位的先驱者。他采用了适合于大规模批量生产的流水线生产方式,使福特汽车公司成为世界上第一大汽车公司。他所推出的著名的型车、型车、型车等都被称为历史上著名的“世界车”,成为世界汽车工业发展史上的重要里程碑。其财富是当时美国的第二位,仅次于石油大王洛克菲勒。2教学建议1 教师在讲解课文之前先让学生自己阅读文章,了解文章的大体意思。2 帮助学生了解相关知识,并且以提问或自由发言的形式让学生自己

14、表达与课文话题相关知识。3 帮助学生正确理解课文,讲解文章中涉及的重要词汇及语言点等。4 要求学生能用英语简单复述课文内容5 帮助学生运用所学的知识完成本单元的配套练习。3课文参考译文汽车的发明现在世界上有越来越多种的汽车。而且它们是由许多不同国家制造的。汽车是一百年前才发明的。但谁是第一个发明汽车的人?很多人认为肯定是一个英国人,而事实上,他们错了。是一个叫亨利福特的美国人发明了第一辆汽车。亨利出生在一个贫苦家庭。他是六个孩子中年龄最大的。还是小男孩的时候,他就对手表和机械产生了兴趣。到十二岁的时候,他母亲过世。很快他就不得不去一家机械工厂工作,每星期赚2.5美元。晚上他还得修理钟表,赚取每

15、周一美元的额外收入。但正是这艰苦的生活使他变得坚强和能干。那时,年轻的福特还有另一个兴趣爱好。他希望能制造一台机器。这台机器没有马牵引也能跑动,所以他想把它命名为“无马马车”。他克服了重重困难,终于在1893年4月发明了“无马马车”。后来亨利成立了一个公司,名为福特汽车公司。4课文问题参考答案1. An American named Henry Ford.2. He liked watches and machines.3. Three dollars and fifty cents.4. Because he had another interest that he wanted to in

16、vent a machine which could run without a horse.5. It came out in April 1893.Words and Expressions本单元重点词汇、短语及语言点:fare, conductor, head, transfer, remind, pleasure, park, speed, scratch, scold, blame, turn, invention, century, interest, die, repair, able, overcome, found重点词汇表达:1. fare n. 费用He didnt ha

17、ve enough money to pay his train fare. 他没有足够的钱来付火车费。2. conductor n. 售票员,指挥She is a bus conductor. 她是一名公共汽车售票员。His dual role as a composer and a conductor made him very busy. 他作曲家和指挥家的双重身份使他非常繁忙。 3. head n. 头,首领/ v. 前进Please raise your head and look at the blackboard. 请抬起头来,看黑板。He is the head of our

18、school. 他是我们学校的校长。 We are heading home. 我们正向家的方向走去。4. transfer v. 转移He intends to transfer the property to his son. 他打算把财产转让给儿子。5. remind v. 提醒This story reminds me of my childhood. 这个故事让我想起了我的童年。6. pleasure n. 高兴,愉快Its been a pleasure meeting you. 认识你是十分高兴的事。相关短语:with pleasure 愉快地;乐意He listened wit

19、h pleasure to the beautiful music. 他陶醉在美妙的音乐中。Will you join us?你愿意和我们在一起吗?Thank you, with pleasure. 谢谢, 非常愿意.take (no) pleasure in (不)以某事为乐She seemed to take pleasure in our suffering. 她似乎对我们的痛苦幸灾乐祸。She took no pleasure in her work. 她觉得自己的工作毫无乐趣。7. park n. 公园/v. 停车I often take my children to play in

20、 the park. 我经常带我的孩子们去公园玩。 You are not allowed to park here. 此处不准停车。 8. speed n. 速度/v. 超速The police are advising motorists to reduce speed because of the fog. 由于有雾,警察告诫驾车者减慢速度。He sped down the street.他沿着那条街快步走去。相关短语:at speed 高速地Its dangerous to go round corners at speed. 高速转弯很危险。speed up 加速Wed better

21、 speed up if we want to get there in time. 如果我们想准时到达那里,我们最好加快速度。 9. scratch v. 抓,抹掉That cat scratches. 那只猫会抓伤人。Somebody has scratched his name off the list. 有人已经把他的名字从名单上划去了。10. scold v. 责骂The child was scolded by his mother. 这个孩子受到母亲的责骂。 11. blame v./n 责备I dont blame you.我不怪你。Where does the blame f

22、or our failure lie?我们失败的症结在哪里?相关短语:be to blame for sth. 应受责备The driver was not to blame for the accident. 这次事故怪不着司机。take/accept the blame for sth. 承担责任We were ready to take the blame for what had happened. 我们准备对所发生的事承担责任。 put the blame on sb. 归罪某人You shouldnt put the blame on her for this matter.这件事

23、你不能归罪于她。12. turn n. 转弯,顺序/v. 旋转Dont take the turn too fast.转弯时不要太快。Please wait for your turn to be served.请等一等就轮到为您服务了。The earth turns round the sun. 地球绕日运行。相关短语:by turns 轮流We did the work by turns.我们是轮流做这件事的。at every turn 处处,次次I kept meeting him at every turn. 我每次都遇见他。on the turn 即将改变Her luck is on

24、 the turn.她时来运转了。13. invention n. 发明The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era. 计算机的发明标志着一个新时代的开始。14. century n. 世纪We are living in the 21st century. 我们生活在21世纪。 15. interest n. 兴趣/ v. 使感兴趣His two great interests in life are music and painting. 音乐和绘画是他生活中的两大嗜好。 Politics has alway

25、s interested me. 我一直对政治学有兴趣。相关短语:have/take (no) interest in 对(不)感兴趣Now hes grown up, he no longer takes any interest in his stamp collection, hes lost all interest in it.他已经长大了,对邮票不再感兴趣了,完全失去兴趣了。in sbs interest 有利于某人It would be in your interest to accept. 接受对你有利。be interested in 对感兴趣Are you interest

26、ed in history?你对历史感兴趣吗?16. die v. 死Flowers soon die without water.花如果没有水很快就会枯死。相关短语:die hard 很难改变Old habits die hard. 积习难移.die out 灭绝The moths habitat is being destroyed and it has nearly died out. 这种蛾子因栖息地正受到破坏,几乎绝种了。die laughing 笑死了It was so funny, I nearly died laughing. 太好玩了,我差点笑死了。be dying to d

27、o 渴望做某事Shes dying to know where youve been. 她极想知道你到哪儿去了。17. repair v. 修理Im all at sea; Ive no idea how to repair cars. 我手足无措,不知道怎样修理汽车。 18. able adj. 能干的He is an able man. 他是一个能人。19. overcome v . 克服Can you overcome your shortcomings? 你可以克服你的缺点吗? 20. found v. 成立This business company was founded in 17

28、24. 这家商业公司建立于1724年。课文理解1. How long will it take to get there?到那里要多久?take time 是花费时间的意思,通常以it 作形式主语,可以加双宾语,如:It took me four hours to write the essay?我写那篇文章用了四个小时。take your time是一句常用语,相当于中文里的“不用急,慢慢来”2. Remember to change the No. 307 bus.记得换乘307路公交车。remember to 是“记得要做的意思。例如:Remember to turn off the l

29、ights before you go to bed. 临睡前记得要关灯。3. What if you were hit by another car?要是你被另辆车撞了怎么办? what if 如果将会怎么办?例如:What if he comes back now? 如果他现在回来怎么办?4. It was an American named Henry who invented the first car. 是一个叫亨利福特的美国人发明了第一辆汽车。 这是一个强调句。It is who/that 通常用来引导强调句,It is 后面的部分通常是句子想要强调的部分,如本句强调发明第一辆汽车

30、的人是美国人亨利福特而非其他人。强调句例句:It is in China that he first met his wife.他第一次见到他妻子是在中国。5. Later Henry Ford founded a company called the Ford Motor Company. 后来亨利成立了一个公司,名为福特汽车公司。以上这句话包含一个省略了关系代词的定语从句,完整的句子应该是Later Henry Ford founded a company which was called the Ford Motor Company.其中which引导的定语从句修饰company。综合练习参考答案A 1. Excuse must too to Have ago Is give2. for to been When atB 1. speeding 2. founded 3. invented 4. overcame 5. scold 6. scratched 7.park 8.internationalC 1. Is this the right bus for the International Trade Center?2. You can transfer the bus at Jianguomen.3. I dont want my car to be scra

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