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Section Ⅵ Writing故事.docx

1、Section Writing故事Section Writing故事本单元的写作任务是写一则故事。这种文体的特点是要交待清楚事情发生的时间、地点、人物等,通常要按照事情发展的时间顺序进行叙述。.Prewriting()Learn to write after the modelThe Final SprintIt was the final sprint of the Santa Barbara XV Grand Prix cyclocross race in Spain.Fans lined the road to the finishing line,cheering on the com

2、petitors.Ismael Esteban,in third place,was just ahead of his competitor,Agustin Navarro,with only 300 metres to the finishing line.Esteban had been cycling as hard as he could for hours and with the finishing line in sight all the cyclists began to speed up to cross it.Then,suddenly Esteban got a pu

3、ncture.What should he do?Give up or continue?Esteban threw his bike over his shoulders and raced towards the finishing line.Just a few seconds later,fourthplaced Navarro caught up with him.Surely,he could simply overtake Esteban and come third.But Navarro slowed down and let Esteban run ahead of him

4、.The two cyclists reached the finishing line with Esteban ahead on foot,Navarro just behind him.Navarro had let Esteban finish in third place,while he came fourth.The audience was amazed at his show of sportsmanship and cheered and clapped for the cyclists.After the race,Navarro said,“I didnt want t

5、o win that way.”Later,Esteban,who won the bronze medal,tried to give his medal to Navarro.However,Navarro refused,and his response was:“Offering me the prize was worth more than what I did for him.”The two cyclists made amazing sporting gesturesNavarro for refusing to take advantage of Estebans trou

6、bles,and Esteban for offering Navarro his medal.This was sportsmanship at its very best.篇章结构The title:The Final SprintSetting:the final sprint of the cyclocross race in SpainCharacters and event:Ismael Esteban and Agustin Navarro;Esteban got a puncture and raced towards the finishing lineDevelopment

7、:Navarro caught up with him.Climax:Navarro let Esteban run ahead of him.He didnt get any medal.Ending:Esteban tried to give his medal to Navarro,but was refused.Comment:What the two cyclists did was sportsmanship at its very best.()Preparation for writingWords and phrasesfinal adj.最后的race n. 比赛line

8、v. 沿形成行(或列、排)the_finishing_line 终点线cheer v. 欢呼;加油in_third_place 居第三位ahead_of. 在的前面in_sight 在眼前speed_up 加速catch_up_with 赶上slow_down 放慢;减速take_advantage_of 利用.Whilewriting假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,用英文为校刊写一篇短文,记述上周末你和家人参加社区义务劳动的全过程。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:号召call on;自愿的 voluntary;垃圾夹 litt

9、er grabberStep 1List the outline of the passage.Paragraph 1:I_found_a_notice_at_the_entrance_to_my_flat.Paragraph 2:My_family_and_I_started_to_make_the_tools_of picking up litter.Paragraph 3:Many_people_took_part_in_the_voluntary_work.Paragraph 4:The_experience_impressed_me_and_made_me_feel_the_joy

10、of_labor.Step 2List the words,phrases and sentences.1Words and phrasesentrance n入口catch_ones_eye引起某人的注意take_part_in 参加 litter n. 垃圾immediately adv. 马上 share vt. 分享talk_about 谈论 tie.together 将捆在一起surprised adj. 吃惊的 the_joy_of_labor 劳动的快乐2Sentences我们谈论我们能为这个志愿活动做点什么。(宾语从句)We_talked_about_what_we_could

11、_do_for_the_voluntary_activity.我们带着那些垃圾夹下了楼。(with复合结构)We_went_downstairs_with_those_litter_grabbers_in_our_hands.Step 3Draft the article by using the following words and phrases.after supper,then,at last,while,so.that.Last Friday,when I went back home from school,a notice caught my eye.It called on

12、people to take part in the voluntary work the next day.I was so interested in it that I shared it with my family immediately.After supper,we talked about what we could do for the activity.At last,we agreed on picking up the litter and then we started making litter grabbers.By tying the bamboo pieces

13、 together,we made some litter grabbers.Then came the voluntary day! After going downstairs,we were surprised to find that people had already started their job.Some were sweeping the ground while others were cleaning the benches.Without any delay,we joined them.That evening,I wrote the experience in

14、my diary,as it made me feel the joy of labor.Its worth the active participation.Postwritingpolishing the passageExchange your composition with your partners,and pay attention to the following points.1.Is the composition wellorganized?2.Are there any grammatical or spelling mistakes?3.Does your partn

15、er use correct punctuations?4.Does your partner explain why he/she wants to revise?亮点表达1You should read as many books as you possibly can.大家应该尽可能地多读书。2Lets work together to make our world a better place.让我们一起努力把世界变得更加美好。3In the past 10 years,great changes have taken place in our school.在过去的10年里,我们学校

16、发生了巨大的变化。 4We will never forget the happy days we spent together.我们永远都不会忘记我们在一起度过的快乐日子。 5People who spend more time with their families are usually healthier and happier.那些花更多时间和家人在一起的人通常会更健康更幸福。6Nothing is more important than to receive education.没有什么比接受教育更重要的事了。7Now,I think it is a really successf

17、ul experience,and I totally understand what labor means.现在,我想这真是一次成功的经历,并且我完全理解了劳动的意义。 8If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment,the world will become much more beautiful.如果每个人都为保护环境做出贡献,世界会变得更加美好。写作技巧高级句型才给力如果一篇习作中,全部是简单句的堆砌,没有使用任何高级句式,即便是要点齐全,没有语法错误,也不会拿到太高的分数。因此,同学们要将其中的两三个要

18、点句用尽可能多的汉语表达出来,然后逐一进行翻译,不要用简单句,而是要刻意地去想:(1)可以用什么样的复合句;(2)怎样学会使用转义,避开不会的表达。例如:这本书是如此有趣,以至于我读了一遍又一遍。1This book was so interesting that I read it again and again.2This was such an interesting book that I read it again and again.3This was so interesting a book that I read it again and again.4So interest

19、ing was this book that I read it again and again.以上四句中最让人欣赏的是最后一句,因为它运用了倒装结构,属于高级句型。.单词拼写1After living abroad for half a year,he had a desire (渴望) to return home.2As we know,she has the time and the inspiration (灵感) to develop her talent.3Susan is always full of energy (活力),who can be capable of thi

20、s work.4It snows a little.Please take extra (格外的) care on the roads this evening.5As a teacher,he has earned (赢得) the respect and admiration of his students.6Hearing the song,children clapped (拍手) their hands happily.7Tony made so many mistakes in the paper that he was blamed sharply (严厉地) by the he

21、ad teacher.8I carefully packed (包裹) up the gifts and put them in my suitcase.选词填空turn off,crash into,at least,settle in,keep up with,next to,gather round,pay off,make it,warm up1Dont be in my way,or Ill crash_into your car.2Do the Smiths live next_to you?No,they live on the other side of the street.

22、3Remember the place where we will gather_round next time.4Its reported that at_least five people got injured in the accident.5Make sure to warm_up before you take any exercise.6Every time you leave the office,you dont forget to turn_off the lights.7We paid_off our debt after ten years of hard work.8

23、I cant keep_up_with all the changes.Who can help me?9I dont know how I made_it through the week.10After he settled_in,Jack made quite a few friends here.语法练习用适当的关系代词完成定语从句1We need someone who/that can help us.2The man who/whom/that you saw yesterday was a doctor from Beijing.3This is a story about a

24、 Canadian boy whose name is Henry.4This is our classroom,whose windows face the south.5Here is a book which/that will give a lot of useful knowledge.6This is the song which/that we like best.7He did not study hard,which led to his failing the exam.8This is the room which/that Lao Liu once lived in.9

25、We used the same type of machine as they did.10The earth,as we all know,moves around the sun.11Everything that I told you just now is true.12The sun is bigger than the earth,as is known to us all.阅读理解AWhile resting and entertaining yourself at home is cool,vacation is the perfect time to go out and

26、travel.You may have already booked tickets or joined a guided tour that promises to take you to sandy beaches and top traveling spots,but there is no need to despair if you cant afford a long flight to a fancy destination.Traveling isnt about spending money;its about having eyeopening experiences an

27、d collecting memories.Now,many students talk about traveling on a tight budget.Hitchhiking (免费搭便车) is the best way to experience it.If you want to go hitchhiking,never make any plans.The more you plan things,the less fun youre going to have.When you are putting yourself in the hands of strangers lik

28、e that,youve got to be open to new experiences.Hitchhiking is not only the most inexpensive means of transportation but also the most social one.You meet nice people and make friends.Despite some risks,it is hoped to have more people join in hitchhiking.It would restore their trust in society,someth

29、ing that is decreasing,especially in cities.When it comes to accepting lifts from strangers,risks cannot be avoided.Justin Brake is an experienced hitchhiker in the US.On his traveling blog he advises that you should always trust your gut (直觉) and use judgment.Dont get into a vehicle if you dont fee

30、l right about it.Rely on your gut and make sure you talk to the driver through the window so that your gut has something to go on.Be sure to agree on the destination before you get in the car,and know where you are going to get out.【语篇解读】如果你制定好了假期旅行计划,而又为高昂的花费感到困难重重,不妨尝试一下“假期穷游搭便车”,这样既能降低旅游成本,又能结交朋友

31、。1According to the passage,the purpose of traveling is _Ato have a rest at homeBto spend money for entertainmentCto open eyes and increase memoriesDto make new friends答案C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句Traveling isnt about spending money;its about having eyeopening experiences and collecting memories.可知答案为C。2The author suggests you make less plans because _Aa stranger can make you experience new thingsByou have little traveling experience and know

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