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1、主语和谓语的一致主语和谓语的一致1. 主语和谓语的一致关系:谓语要与主语在人称和数上保持一致:Her dreams_have_come true.Her dream_has_come true.She often arrives_at_school late.They often arrive_at_school late.It is getting dark.Eggs are gett ing scarcer.1 am gett ing bored.2. 确定主语单复数的三个原则:2 -1.语法上一致的原则:The boy_plays_football well.The boys_play_

2、football well.It_is_bitterly cold.I_am_ very cold.2 -2.概念上一致的原则:My family_are_all_early risers.( 指家中的全体成员,有复数含义)His family_has_moved_into the new house.( 指整个家, 用作单数)Five_minutes_is_enough.( 一个时间段,看作单数)The_crew_are_waiting for instructions from the captain.( 指全体船员,复数)2 -3.邻近词一致的原则:Neither he no r_the

3、y_are_wholly right.Neither Tomnor the_ Brow ns enjo y_ their journey to Beiji ng owi ng to the bad weather.Either your key or my key _i s_miss ing.Not only but_also_their_teacher_has_participated in the party.He or l_am_in the wrong.-what worth visiting there?-well, there the park, the castle and th

4、e museum.3. 主谓一致的具体原则:3 -1.根据语法一致的原则确定谓语形式:单数主语+单数谓语;复数主语+复数谓语The_teacher_e ncourages_the stude nts to speak freely.My_wages_are low, but me taxes_are_high.Their_house_has _nine room.It_always_pays_to_ give your paper one final check.在 主语+系词+表语结构”中,系动词要与主语的数保持一致,不受其表语的 影响.Their greatest con cern_is_

5、the_childre n.The most appreciated gift was the clothes_that_you sent us.What we n eed most is_books._Paul _is_friends_with bill.在单数名词(主语)+(together)with+ 名词”结构中谓语只与主语保持一致 ,这是因为上述短语只起修饰主语的作用,而非主语的一部分.短语:Along with, as well as, in additi on to, accompa nied by, rather tha n, asmuch as, no less tha n,

6、 in clud ing, besides, except, but, like.The_factory_with all its equipme nt has bee n bur nt.You as well as I are wrong.The_ma nager, along with his secretaries, is going _to_a dinner partytoni ght.An_expert, together with some assistants, wassent to help in this work.The_teacher,_as much as the pa

7、re nts, is to blame for the accide nt.Mr._Robb in s,_ accompa nied by his wife, is arriv ing toni ght.3 -2主语含有and时的谓语形式:单数名词+ and +单数名词”作主语,谓语动词用复数.Readi ng,_writi ng_a nd_arithmetic_are_called_the three R .Joe_a nd_Bob_are_smart.He_a nd丄are_good frie nds.The_poet_and_the_novelist_were_both present

8、at the meeting.如果由and所连接的并列主语指的是同一个人或物事,谓语动词用单数.The_statesma n_a nd_poet_was_e ngaged in warfare all his life.A teacher and no velist is going to make a speech in the hall.A / The + 单数名词人+ and + 单数名词人+单数谓语指同一个人身兼两种职务.A / The + 单数名词人+ and + a/the + 单数名词+复数谓语指不同职务的两个人.The con ductor and composer was g

9、reeted by a crowd of people.The con ductor and the composer were greeted by a crowd of people.一下已被看成一个整体,因而做主语时,谓语动词用单数.Knife and fork, needle and thread, a cup and saucer, a horse and carriage, trial and error, law and order, etc.Law_a nd_order_has_bee n established.Bread_a nd_butter_is_our daily f

10、ood.Fish_a nd_chips_is_a_popular fast food.The_stars_and_stripes_is_the_natioanl flag of USA.The_sum_a nd_substa nce_of_the_speech_was_a ntiwar.主语为 every / each + 单数名词+ and + (every / each +) 单数名词”时,谓语用单数.Every man, woma n, and child n eeds_love.Each boy and girl was_give n a book.Each book and each

11、 paper is_held in place.Every minute and every sec ond is precious.主语为 形容词+ and + 形容词+不可数名词或复数可数名词”,并且是涉及到该名词的品种或类别时,谓语动词用复数Chin ese_a nd_british_beer_are_served at the pub.Cooli ng draft beer is served at the pub.Clever_a nd_dull_stude nts_are_treated alike.There_is_a black and white picture on the

12、 wall.当bothand ”连接两个单数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数.Both his brother and sister are married.Both whales and dolphi ns are mammals.3 -3根据邻近词一致的原则确定谓语形式:用or连接两个名(代)词作主语时,依据 邻近原则”确定谓语形式.George or Tom is_wa nted.George or I am_wr ong.Were_you or he there?用either - or连接连个名代词作主语时,邻近原则.Either John or his friends are to b

13、lame for the bad results.Either the shirts or the sweater is a good_buy.Not only but also notbut连接两个名代词作主语时,邻近原则.Not only Mary but also Joh n was in vited to the party.Not the stude nts but their teacher is in vited_to一 the party.3 -4谓语用单数形式的情况:动名词,动词不定式或主语从句作主语.Reasing_is_a great pleasure in life.T

14、o live mean s_to creat.That we n eed more time is obvious.数词或 数词+复数名词(表示时间,距离,金额,重量,大小,体积等) 作主语.Eight hours of sleep is eno ugh.Five _i s_a n odd nu mber.A hundred miles is quite a drive, isn it?Five_t on s_is_a_heavy load.Ten_ dollars_is_too much to pay for that shirt.复数形式的专有名词作主语The Philipp ines c

15、on sists_of_more tha n 7,000 isla nds.The United Nations has_its head quarters in New York City.The_Times_has_a large circulati on.many a / more than one + 单数名词” 作主语.Many a little makes_a_mickle.Many a ship has_bee n wrecked on those rocks.More than on grammatical mistakes was found in his compositi

16、on. 表示群意义的词组,如:a flock of birds, a pack of dogs, a pride of lions,作主语.a herd of cattle, a school of fishA flock of birds is circli ng overhead.The herd of cattle is break ing away.3 -5谓语用复数形式的情况:scissors, pin cer, tongs,trousers, pan ts, pyjamas, shorts, pliers,glasses, spectacles, tights, compasses

17、 等;Where are my scissors?There is a pair of scissors on the table.有些集合名词作主语时,要用复数形式的谓语.Sheep, Cattle, Police, Poultry, militia, people 等;Cattle_feed_ on grass.The police are_looking into the matter.复数可数名词或上述词”单独用Several / (a) few / both / many + (of+) 作主语时,谓语用复数形式.Several of you n eed_to_ work harde

18、r.Several have_already writte n to me.3 -6谓语用单复数皆可的情况:有些名词形式上是复数 , 但做主语 , 谓语多用单数 , 也可以用复数形式Means, works, tidings, headquarter 等;The firm s headquarters are / is in London.The good tiding come / comes too late.There is / are no means of finding out what happened.The steel works is / are closed for th

19、e holiday. 数词组成的数学算式作主语 , 谓语单复亦可 :Two and three is/are five.Twice two make/makes four.一些复数形式疾病名称作主语 , 通常用单数 , 复数也可以 .The measles is an infectious illness.Mumps is/are fairly rare in adults.3 -7不定代词作主语时的谓语形式:由 any, some, no, every 与 body, one, thing 构成的不定代词作主语或主语 的一部分 , 谓语用单数 .Somebody, anyone, nothi

20、ng, everyone 等;Everybody is doing his best.There is nothing you can do to help.There s something interesting in the newspaper.“each, each + 单数可数名词 ; each of + 复数名词 ”作主语时 , 谓语用单数形 式.Each arrives on time.Each of the building blocks is painted a different colour.Each boy has tried twice.Each 位于复数主语之后 ,

21、 不影响主语的数 , e.g. The boys each have an apple.Either, neither 作主语或主语一部分时 , 谓语用单数形式 :Either is acceptable.Either one is good enough for me. Is/are either of them a doctor?Neither is/are to blame.Neither answer is correct.Neither of us wants/want to do it.注意, neither, either of 和 neither of 等用于否定或疑问句时 ,

22、 特别在口语中 , 也可以跟复数谓语 .All, some, more, most 作主语或主语一部分时上述 + 不可数名词作主语 , 谓语用单数 ;上述 + 复数可数名词作主语 , 谓语用复数形式 ;All hope has gone.Some money was spent on books.All roads lead to Rome.Most Arabic speakers understand Egyptian.All is going well.There s some in the pot.The most you can hope for is five dollars.All

23、 are agreed on this point.Some are wise and some are otherwise.Many people support the proposal, but more are against it.All, some, more, most 与 of 连用时 :同样原则 ;All of this is yours.Some of the book is good.Some of the food has been eaten, but not all of it.Most of his writing is rubbish.Most of the b

24、ooks on that shelf are in English, and the rest are in Russian or French.None 作主语或主语一部分时 :-Is there any milk in the cup?-No, there is none.None have arrived.None has returned from the meeting.“None of + 名词”作主语 :None of us is perfect.None of the guests want to stay.None of this money is yours.None of

25、 these suggestions is/are very helpful.Any 用作主语或主语一部分Any is better than none.Any is good enough for me.Give me some if there are/is any.If there is any trouble, let me know.Any child wants to know that.There are scarcely any flowers in the garden.Any of these authorities are/is reliable.I don t thin

26、k any of us want/wants to work tomorrow. Is there any more of this stuff?Half 用作主语或主语一部分Half was damaged.Half are here.I broke the chocolate into halves, and heres your half.Half his time was wasted.Half the soldiers were killed.Half my class has/have obtained drivers licenses.Half of the apple was

27、rotten.Half of the time was spent in the country.Half of the fruit is bad.Half of my class has/have obtained drivers licenses.Half of them are here.Half of the plums are bad.Enough 作主语或主语的一部分 :Enough has been said on this matter.Enough are here to constitute a quorum.There is enough food for everybo

28、dy.There are enough players for a game.3 -8表示数量的短语作主语时的谓语形式:A lot of, lots of, plenty of, the percentage of, 分数词 + of, a quantity of, quantities of 作主语的一部分时 :Two-fifths of the money is mine.Two-fifths of the students in the class are from Arabic-speaking countries.There was quantities of rain this f

29、all.Lots of my friends are here.There were a quantity of people in the hall.A great deal of, an amount of, (a) little of, much of 与不可数名词连用时 , 谓语用单数 :Much of that furniture is uncomfortable.Little of the equipment was standardized.There is a limited amount of oil in the world.A good many, a great man

30、y, a number of 与复数可数名词连用 , 谓语用复数 .There were a great (good) many people in the park.A number of students were absent.“the number of + 复数名词 + 单数谓语 ”, 因为 the number of 的词义为 “的数目”, 如 the number of days in a week is seven.3 -9 there be 句型中的谓语形式 :There be 句型中, be 的形式通常取决于 be 后的主语的数 ;There aren tany lette

31、rs in the mail for you today.There isn tany mail for you today.There re some good programs on TV.非正式英语中 , 如果 there be 后是由 and 连接的并列主语 , 可以用复数谓语 , 也可以依据邻近词一致的原则来确定谓语形式 .There are a blue pen and a yellow notebook on her desk.There is a blue pen and a yellow notebook on her desk.3 TO需经判断来确定句子的谓语形式:1. 集合名词作主语如果集合名词被看作是一个整体 , 或一个组织 , 谓语动词用单数形式 The graduating class is in the laboratory.The audience was rather small.A team which is full of enthusia

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