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1、翻译课件Chapter Two Comparison Between English & ChineseLexical Differences:1 Word Meaning1) absolutely equivalent meaningUsu. Proper names; technical terms; names of objects2) partly equivalent meaning3) no equivalent meaningUsu. Newly-appeared words; or those only existing in one culture4) poly-meanin

2、g wordsA) Usually children have no school on Saturdays.B) This professor doesnt belong to any school.C) Both of his sons graduated from the law school.D) At the beginning of every term we have a school meeting.E) She attended a dancing school when she was five.2 CollocationTo cut wheat 割麦子To cut cak

3、e 切蛋糕To cut finger-nails 剪(或修)指甲To cut branches from a tree 砍掉树上的枝丫To cut a stone into an image of Buddha 把石头雕刻成佛像To cut a hole in a wall 在墙上挖一个洞吃药 to take medicine吃后悔药 to regret吃香 to be very popular吃惊 to be surprised吃苦 to bear hardships吃透 to have a thorough grasp吃斋 to be a vegetarian for religious

4、reasons吃馆子 to dine out吃鸭(零)蛋 to get a zero in an exam or to score nothing in a game吃一堑,长一智 a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit3 Word order Usu. the use of attributive and adverbial is different.Classroom practice:1. soft pillow _ soft music _soft cushion _ soft wood _ soft money _ soft drink _so

5、ft breeze _ soft light _soft voice _ soft fire _soft hat _ soft words _soft answer _ soft goods _soft heart _ soft water _2 . regular reading _ regular flights _ regular job _ regular visitor _ regular speed _ regular gasoline _ regular verb _ regular army _3 . run into debt _ run for presidency _ru

6、n wild _ run a factory _run the streets _ run a fever _run to the extremes _ run to seed _Chapter Three Lexical TranslationSection One Choice of word meaningOne with the help of word class1. The net income of the peasants in the county averages 8458 Yuan this year.2. Though an average student with a

7、verage intelligence, his achievements surprised all of the students and teachers.3. Toms school work is above the average.4. 十年树木,百年树人。5. 树大招风。6. 年轻人应该树立远大的理想。classroom practice:1. And not only has won, but because it has won, has been in the right.2. For that is what going to war means, it means sa

8、ying that might is right.3. She tried her best to right her husband from the charge of bribery.4. All came right in the end.5. Like charges repel; unlike charges attract.6. Like knows like.7. His wife likes her pet dog more than him.8. Like father, like son.9. He acts like he is the manager.10. It w

9、ill clear up very like.Two with the help of context1. Its time to go aboard.2. The local government is planning to develop that area.3. At present, all the country are developing tourism.4. Many girls developed the habit of eating between meals.5. This course is to develop ones English speaking skil

10、ls.6. Land animals are thought to have developed from sea animals.7. Please develop your idea in detail.8. Further investigations developed the truth that they did tell lies.Classroom practice:1. A mouse is the carrier of many kinds of virus.2. She always takes offense at her husbands remarks.3. The

11、 engine is running properly.4. A good idea ran through her mind5. His family runs several restaurants.6. This time he eventually decided to run for the presidency.7. Her eyes ran with tears at the terrible news.8. He is the last man to do this silly thing.9. His father died last Monday.10. This is t

12、he last place where I expected to meet you.11. He is the last person for such a job.12. Lucinda was the last to arrive this morning.13. Last week I came across a former classmate whom I havent seen for twenty years.14. Last summer his family have traveled to Singapore.Three with the help of collocat

13、ion1 Computer is labeled as one of the greatest inventions in the 20th century.2 He has great ears and eyes.3 Premier Zhou Enlai has great wisdom, experience and knowledge.4 Yao Ming is a great NBA player.5 。What a great idea!6 How about your exam?Great!7 Dont annoy him. He has a great temper recent

14、ly.Classroom practice:1. It was a good dinner.2. He is a good chess player.3. She speaks good English.4. I have done a good days work.5. It was a girl with good manners.6. The young brother wants to have the good half of the bread.7. She proved to be a good listener.Section Two Extension of word mea

15、ningOne from concrete to abstract meaning:1. I was not one to let my heart rule my head.2. He is the champion of the colonial regime and of the racial segregation.3. The skin is a natural spacesuit of the human body.4. They have their smiles and tears.5. He is a jovial, with a huge appetite for food

16、, drink and women.Classroom practice:1. The see-sawing situation of this match appealed millions of audience.2. Every life has its roses and thorns.3. There is a mixture of the tiger and the fox in the character of the imperialists.4. Dont always poke your nose into others personal affairs.5. Are yo

17、u licking my boots? Even so, I wont lend you another penny any more.6. If you dare to play the fox with me, Ill shoot you at once.7. He earns scarcely enough to keep body and soul together.8. Talk of their affairs was in the air overnight.9. Youre barking up the wrong tree. He has nothing to do with

18、 this.10. The bottom line of the problem was that the recession did not show the least sign of bottoming out.11. Such conduct is known in all languages as piracy.12. He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick.Two from abstract to concrete meaning:1. Many changes take place during t

19、he transportation.2. All the irregularities of the students in that university resulted in punishment.3. Under those conditions, all international morality or international laws become impossible.Classroom practice:1. Great minds think alike.2. As a mother, no matter where she goes or where she is,

20、what she can never cut off is the connection between her and her children.3. The Great Wall is a must for most foreign visitors to Beijing.4. Two years working is a must to the people who want to take up graduated examination.5. They know where theyve come from, they know where theyre at, and they k

21、now where theyre going.6. The President now is on a poverty tour.7. At that time he was just a nobody.8. More and more voices have been raised demanding the reelection of the presidency.9. When he saw me, he gave me the go-by.10. He always boasts that his family has money to burn.11. Popular rejoici

22、ng will go on for a week.12. Have you read any humor recently?Section Three Emotional features of wordsOne commendatory & derogatory words:1. He was polite and always gave advice willingly.2. This film star possesses a charming figure.3. Their rude manners offended many of us.4. He is a black sheep

23、in our class.Classroom practice:1. The two politicians talked for no more than five minutes, at a significant moment in their careers.2. As a demanding boss, he expected total loyalty and dedication from his employees.3. The reckless driver died in a traffic accident.4. The old guy is always trying

24、to be different and has a whole bag of tricks.5. This general is really wise and resourceful.6. China is a responsible power in this world.7. Comrade Lei Feng is a warmhearted person.8. Because of the war, many innocent people died miserably.9. Her father was always drunk and even her family were of

25、ten laughed at by the neighbors.10. These children have been carefully taken care of.Two neutral words:1. He keeps boasting that he once had a glorious past.2. Our country boasts in rich natural resources and talent resources.3. Mary always gets what she wants by playing office politics.4. Though a

26、son of a famous politician, he himself showed least interest in politics.5. Have the results of the exam been issued?6. Some day your rash acts will lead to severe results, young man!7. We did achieve satisfactory results with the application of the new technology.Classroom practice:1. Parents alway

27、s influence their children.2. The side-effect of this medicine will influence patients health.3. His fathers being a very famous politician influenced his career greatly.4. Mr. Brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a lecture.5. He was too obviously flattering the ge

28、ntleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen.6. Youre flattering me by saying that.7. This is our scheme for this term.8. The enemys scheme went bankrupt.9. We know Peter to be industrious and clever.10. He is too clever for us.11. As luck would have it, no one was in the buildi

29、ng when the explosion occurred.12. As luck would have it, I was just out when you came.13. He is restless at any time.14. When a boy, Edison had restless curiosity.15. She was vexed by the persistent ringing of the phone.16. For hundreds of years scientists have been persistent in exploring the secr

30、et of the outer space.17. In the near future what youll see here will surprise you.18. The youth are bound to have a bright future.19. History revealed to us that invaders would never have a good future.20. The peasants and workers were hand-in-glove with one another in the struggle against landlords and capitalists who worked hand-in-glove with each other.21. The enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed an enemy agent.Section Four Conversion of Word ClassOne into verb(1) from noun into verb:1. Under severe attack, the enemy

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