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英语人教版高考练习+学案选修6 Unit 2 Poems.docx

1、英语人教版高考练习+学案选修6 Unit 2 PoemsUnit 2 Poems课后10分钟短文填空A rapidly changing job market creates new _ for students,teachers and parents.The socalled “generation gap”the _ in values,skills,education and desires between two _is growing and it is becoming more _ for parents to understand the kind of world thei

2、r _ are entering.Schools and teachers are also _ difficulties as they try to adapt to the new needs of theirchallenges difference generations difficult children facing students,and the students _ have to try to deal with all the _ and many questions.themselves changes 漫画欣赏 画面描述 A man is trying to ge

3、t to the final destination directly by a ladder instead of following the long way to it. 寓意理解 In our society,whatever we do,we should be creative and find out a most effective way of settling problems instead of the common practices,which may waste time and effort. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文? 词义辨析1The

4、function of art is to _ inner ideas,feelings and images. Atease Bconvey Ctransform Dsponsor.B课堂双基回归2The market economy has created more private colleges,which attract good students through more _ enrollment systems. Aflexible Bcontradictory Cblank Dallergic3Names in different societies follow differ

5、ent _ but are largely associated with religions,traditions,and cultures. Abranches Bsections Csignatures Dpatterns4The head office of the bank is in Beijing,but it has _ all over the country. Acompasses Bcommittees Cgalleries Dbranches5The Chinese people fought bravely against the Japanese invaders

6、and _ drove them off. Aparticularly Broughly Ceventually DcautiouslyADDC6The manager should take _ action if safety standards are not being met. Abare Bfragile Cappropriate Dridiculous7Before we parted,we _ addresses and promised to write to each other. Aexchanged Badopted Cpredicted Darranged8Last

7、summer she was invited to the womens conference _ by the UN. Apossessed Bsponsored Cconveyed Dappealed9To my delight,my cousin has been awarded a _ to study at Harvard. Achampionship Btechnique Cpreference DscholarshipCBDA10Coping with her mothers long illness was really a heavy _ to bear. Apattern

8、Bload Ccottage DSorrow.短语填空 take it easy;be popular with;run out of;be made up of; in particular;try out;let out;make sense;stay up;hold on to1She has been with the kids for hours and is beginning to _ patience.2When I did this I was only trying to _ my “rice bowl”,you know.3Society _ people of wide

9、ly different abilities.4I could _ all night but never get up in the morning.5It was a good concertI enjoyed the last song _. Brun out of hold on to is made up of stay up in particular 6I think of life as a good book.The further you get into it,the more it begins to _.7I can tell you the truth,but yo

10、u must promise not to _ the secret.8“_,” said the doctor to the patient.“Youve been making progress.”9America has also produced jazz,which _ all age groups all over the world.10Little Tom is eager to _ his new running shoes on the track this weekend. make senseTake it easy is popular with try outlet

11、 out .完成句子1Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way _ (能向读者表达 强烈的情感)2The poems _ (不一定有意义,甚至看来自相矛盾) but they are easy to learn and recite.(sense)3Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain,_ (一种由五行组成的 诗)(make)that will give the reader a strong impression

12、may not make sense and even seem contradictory a poem made up of five lines.模仿造句1With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own. 翻译有这么多口人要养活,他每天都要加班。 _ _2If we hadnt run out of energy,we would have won the football match. 翻译如果他听我的劝告的话,

13、就不会犯这样的错误了。 _ _With all these mouths to feed,he has to work extra hours every day. If he had taken my advice,he would not have made such a mistake. 3Snow having melted,the whole village is brimful of happy children. 翻译最后一班公交车走了,我们只好步行回家。 _ 4It is not a traditional form of English poetry,but is very

14、popular with English writers. 翻译这本杂志很受已婚妇女的喜爱。 _ 5Should the traveler return,this stone would utter speech. 翻译万一明天下雨,我们就得推迟演唱会。 _This magazine is very popular with married women. Should it rain tomorrow,we would have to put off the concert. The last bus having left,we had no choice but to walk home.

15、 核心词汇梳理1tease v. 取笑;招惹;戏弄 Dont get upset,I was only teasing.别介意,我只是在开玩 笑。 搭配 tease sb.about sth.拿取笑某人;取笑某人的 I was teased about my weight as a child. 我小的时候别人老取笑我长得胖。知识要点整合3exchange n交换;交换物;交易所 识记 in exchange作为交换in exchange for以换取 They have offered to release the hostages,but what do they want in exch

16、ange? 他们提出可以释放人质,但他们想要什么作为交换呢? 2transform v. 转化;转换;改造;变换 His plans were transformed overnight into reality.他的计划迅 速变为现实。 Success and wealth transformed his character.成功和财富改 变了他的性格。Economic auctions will be lifted in exchange for a renewed cooperation.经济制裁会被解除,以换取重新合作。v交换;兑换搭配 exchange sth.for sth.用交换

17、 The tokens can be exchanged for goods in any of our shops.礼券可以在我们的任何一家店兑换商品。Ive offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a weeks accommodation.我提出愿意粉刷厨房,条件是让我免费住宿一周。识记 exchange ideas/views/information交换意见、看法、信息exchange words交谈 4.load n. 负担;负荷物v. 装载;担负 Coping with her mothers long illness was a

18、heavy load to bear. 照顾她久病的母亲是个难以承受的重担。 It took an hour to load the van.把货物装进运货车花了1小时。 搭配 load.with.给装载上;使负担着 It seemed that she was loaded with worries.她好像有很多烦恼。 He went home loaded with honours.他载誉回乡。1in particular I noticed his eyes in particular,because they were such an unusual colour. 我尤其注意到他的眼

19、睛,因为它们的颜色非同寻常。 Was there anything in particular that you wanted to talk about? 你有什么特别想谈的吗?2take it easy 轻松;不紧张;从容 Now no use getting nervous.Take it easy. 现在紧张没用,心放开一些。 Take it easy! Dont go at it so hard!悠着点劲,别太猛了。重点短语例释3run out of 用完 He ran out of milk and bread and had to suffer hunger. 他喝完了牛奶,吃完

20、了面包,只好忍受饥饿。 辨析 run out of是及物动词短语;而run out则是不及物动词 短语。 My patience is running out.我快没耐心了。 We had just reached the motorway when the petrol ran out. 我们刚上高速公路,汽车就没油了。 链接 run after追逐 run for竞选 run into偶然遇到 run over跑过去,碾过去 run short快用完,将耗尽4stay up 不睡觉,熬夜;不倒塌,不下沉 The student stayed up all night to study. 这

21、个学生开夜车,学习了一整夜。 Some strong houses stayed up in the earthquake. 一些坚固的房屋在地震中没有倒塌。 Your life jacket will help you to stay up if you fall out of the boat. 如从船上掉下去,你的救生衣可以使你不沉入水中。 链接 stay out在外面过夜,远离 s tay away from.离开,不接近,缺席 5let out发出;放大;泄露 When the land was seen,the sailor let out a shout of joy. 当看见陆

22、地时,那水手发出一声欢呼。 Jacks put on so much weight that Ive had to let out all his trousers. 杰克长胖了许多,我不得不把他所有裤子都给放大。 He accidentally let out that he hadnt been home for three weeks. 他无意中泄露他已经三个星期没有回家了。6try out试验;选拔 Jamie could hardly wait to try out his new bike. 杰米迫不及待地想试一下他那辆新自行车。 His brothers example insp

23、ired him to try out for the football team. 他哥哥的榜样激励他去接受足球队的选拔测试。疑难语句细解1By playing with the words in nursery rhymes,children learn about language.通过童谣中的文字游戏教孩子们学习语言。 【要点指南】 by doing.“通过做”,此短语一般作方式状 语,说明方式手段等。 I did not think she would do any good by coming over. 我认为她来不会起什么作用。 She had managed to escap

24、e by running into the street in her nightgown. 她穿着睡衣跑到大街上,从而成功逃走。 He taught himself to play the violin by practising all night. 他通过整夜训练自学拉小提琴。2Should the traveller return,this stone would utter speech. 行人归来石应语。 【要点指南】 Should the traveller return相当于If the traveller should return。在if条件句中常可使用情态动词should

25、,表示 真实的但又无把握的条件,should可译成“要是;万一”。这时 还可省略if,句子改用倒装语序。 If you should see Mr.Allen,give him my regards. 要是能见到艾伦先生的话,请转达我的问候。 If you should be interested,I will send you a copy of my book. 要是你感兴趣的话,我将把我的书送给你一本。 Should I not be here when you get back,please do wait for me.你回来时如果我不在,请务必等我。Should it rain tomorrow,we will not go for a camp.要是明天下雨,我们就不会野营。Should there be a fire,walk,dont run,to the nearest exit.一旦着火,不要奔跑,要走到最近的安全门去。 点击此处进入 课后能力训练点击此处进入 英语文化憩园

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