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1、高考英语考前指导2高三毕业班英语温书材料常见句型语法归纳1 Its (high) time (that) sb. did sth. 该是做某事的时间了。sb. should do sth. c.f. It is /was the first time (that)sb. has/had done sth(定从) It was for the first time that sb. did sth.(强调)2The factory is 15 miles (to the) southeast of the city.这家工厂位于城市东南面15英里处。 Southeast of the city

2、lie two lakes. 城市东南面有两个湖. (倒装)3.hit/strike/beat/hurt sb. on the head/shoulder/back./in the face/eye/stomach/chest. C.f. take/catch/lead sb. by the arm/hand/nose4. *be of great/ no/ much/ little/ a little/ some + help/ use/ interest/ value/ importance/ success/ necessity/significance 具有= be very/not

3、+adj.(helpful/ useful/interesting / valuable/important/successful/necessary/significance)*be of great courage / determination / wisdom / ability/ strong will/high quality具有5.The two things are of the same colour./age/shape/size/weight/ length/ depth/ width属于 /a(n) colour/age/shape/size/weight/ lengt

4、h/ depth/ width C.f are of different colours/ages/shapes/sizes6. A is three times as big/long/deep/wide as B. (注意倍数的位置)/bigger/longer/deeper/wider than B /the size/length/depth/width of B.7. 与其说不如说1) He is more frightened than hurt. 与其说他受伤不如说他吓坏了。He is more clever than brave. 注意不能说成He is cleverer th

5、an braver。2)He isnt so much ill as depressed. = Hes depressed rather than ill. 与其说他病了不如说他很使沮丧。8A is no better /more interesting than B = A is as bad/ dull as B 与一样的不 c.f. A is not better/more interesting than B. A不如B好/有趣9. cannot + 比较级 (含有最高级的意思) I cant agree more. 我非常同意. It couldnt be worse. 非常糟糕.Y

6、ou couldnt have chosen a better gift for me.你给我挑了一个极好的礼物.10. cannot/never be too careful越细心越好/can never thank him enough 万分感激11.A is as good a student as B. (注意这4个句型中adj. 和 a 的顺序) It is too difficult a job to do. He is so good a student that we like him. How fine a day it is!12*would rather do A tha

7、n do B=prefer to do A rather than do B= would do A rather rhan do B * would rather sb did/had done sth.13. Sb. has difficulty in doing sth./with sth./ There is some difficulty in doing sth. (注意difficulty 为不可数=trouble) c.f. meet with a lot of difficulties14.Do you mind if I do?/Would you mind if I di

8、d?/ Do/Would you mind (my) doing?Certainly not./Of course not./ Im sorry but I do./You had better not.15. Its (just)like sb. to do sth. 某人恰恰就是。这个样子。16.apart from除了以外(=except(for);besides 注意except 不能放句首,但apart from 则可)All the children like music apart from Bobby. (=except)除了博比外所有的孩子都喜欢音乐。 Apart from

9、being too large, the trousers dont suit me. (不可用except;= besides)这条裤子不但太大,而且我穿着也不合适。Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.(不可用except)除了很少的几句外,我对法语一无所知。17.注意以下几个It is 的句型It was not long before he came back.过不了多久他就回来了。(it指时间,后跟时间状从)It was 3 years before he came back.过了3年他才回来了。 (同上).I

10、t is/has been five years since he left Fuzhou. 他离开福州5年了。 (同上)It was midnight/ 2 a.m. when I got here yesterday. (同上)It was at five that he came back. (强调)It was five years ago that he left Fuzhou. (强调句型)18. He was walking in the street when he heard his name called. (when = and suddenly) He had just

11、 lain down when there was a knock on the door. He was going to/was about to leave when it began to pour.19He didnt realize that he was too careless until he failed .(强调) It was not until he failed that he realized that he was too careless. c.f. (倒装) Not until he failed did he realize that he was too

12、 careless. 20. I did nothing but do sth/ had nothing to do but do I cannot (choose/help) but do 不得不,只得 c.f. I had no choice but to do sth.又: What I want to do is (to) have a good sleep.21. He is working harder and harder and he is making more and more progress.(越来越)c.f. The harder you work , the mor

13、e progress you will make.(越就越)22. Do you want a go?=Do you want a try?23. .注意以下几个带it 的句型 I hate/like it when people speak with their mouths full. I would appreciate it if you can drop in on us now and then. You may depend on it that they will support you. Ill see to it that everything is all right.

14、Dont take it for granted that they will support you.If it is convenient to you, (If you are convenient)24. 抽象名词具体化: 表”一种,一类, 一份,一场,一阵,一件,一个”,前面往往有adj.修饰 a great success, a big failure (指成功或失败的人和事), a great/pleasant surprise a great disappointment, a great help 好帮手, a green tea, a heavy rain, a stron

15、g wind a coffee ,a big/delicious supper, a good memory, a good knowledge of English25. 常用 What来问的句型:What is the population/ distance/attitude/price/address/height/depth/width/length/size?26.插入语:1)by the way 顺便说一下on one hand, one the other hand 一方面, 另一方面for one thing, for another (或also)in short, in

16、brief,in a word 简言之in general 一般说来in addition (to), besides, apart from此外2)judging from根据判断generally speaking 总的说来talking/ speaking of谈到.Considering, takinginto consideration, Given考虑到All things considered,supposing (suppose)假如eg:Supposing (Suppose)/If it rained , we would still go .3) to tell (you)

17、 the truth 说实话to be honest (frank) 老实说to be sure 无可否认, 诚然to be exact 确切说to begin with 首先to make things/matters worse 使事情更糟糕的是4) worse still= whats worse 更糟糕的是 Whats more =besides 况且believe it or not 信不信由你27.常见不用被动的情况1) sth. wash/ cut/ sell/ read well 好洗,好切,畅销,读起来朗朗上口burn/ tear/break easily 易燃/ 碎/ 破w

18、rite well/smoothly 好写2) The door/window wont open/close.打不开/关不上3) 主语+ need/want/require + doing=主语+ need/want/require + to be done4) sth.+ be worth doing5) 主语(sth.) + feel/sound/taste/smell/look +表语(adj.)6) 主语+ be + adj.(hard/easy/heavy/comfortable) + to do 7) sb.+ be to blame 某人应受到责备8) sth.+ run ou

19、t = sb. run out of / use up sth. 9) sb. give out=sb. be worn out/tired out 28. 多个形容词排列的顺序: 限(定词)、数(词)、描(绘)+大(小)、形(状)、新(旧)、颜(色)+国(籍)、材(料)、(用)途a beautiful large new red brick dining hall一个漂亮的新的红砖砌成的大餐厅 语法要点归纳I.定语从句: 1.只用that不用which: 先行词为:最高级,序数词,不定代词,(all, much, little, no, nothing, anything, everythi

20、ng, a lot,much等;先行词前有the very, the only, just the修饰,先行词既指人又指物时。2只用which不用that: 介词后,非限制性定从中指物或代整句。3只用 as不用that/which: such/ the sameas 搭配中;指代整句,有“正如“之意,常见as we know/expect, 可放句首(which不放句首。)4.用that/which 还是用when/where: 主要看句子是否完整,有否缺主,宾,表。有则用that,否则用when或where.This is the factory where he works/(that /

21、which) he visited.It was a terrible day(that /which)Ill never forget./ when the accident happened.5.that/which 能否省:在句中做宾语的可省。但在介词后及非限制性定从中不能省。II. 名词性从句:1that 的 用法: that 在句中无词义。不充当任何成分。宾从中的 that 可省。但 以下两种情况不省:We think it impossible that he will come back this evening. (it做形式宾语)。He told me (that) he w

22、ould come by air and that he will arrive at 10 pm.(第二个宾从)2if 与 whether: if 只能放在宾语从句中。而whether 则可放在所有名词从句中。 Whetheror还可引起让步状从。4what 的使用:首先要看句子是否完整,有否缺主,宾,表。有则用what=the man/thing that; whatever=anything that,可由此变换成定语从句。You can take what you like best.= You can take the thing that you like best.He is n

23、ot what he used to be. = He is not the man that he used to be.5. 语序:名词性从句一律用陈述语序。6. 虚拟语气的使用:在order, insist, suggest, propose, demand, require, request, advise引导的宾从中需用should或原形。(但suggest表明、insist 坚持认为则不)在动词wish后根据时态需用三种形式:did/were; had done; would/could do.在主从It is important/necessary/strange /surpri

24、sing that sb. should do sth.(或should have done)e.g. It is surprising that he should have failed.注意虚拟语气的使用。7表从的两个句型: The reason is that (注意不能说 The reason is because) He is ill. It/This/That is why he cant come. c.f. He cant come. This/That is because he is ill.8. 同位语从句与定语从句的区别:(要分清that 的作用) The news

25、(that) he told us was wonderful 定语从句(that做told的宾语)The news that he had won was wonderful. 同位语从句(that无意义,不可省)III. 情态动词:1 表判断: must, may, can 肯定句 与 否定句:must be +表语(或doing) cant be+表语(或doing (现在) must have done 一定 cant (couldnt)have done 不可能 (过去/完成) may (not) do 或be+表语 也许(不) (现在) may (not) have done 也许

26、(不) (完成)might (not) have done也许(不) (过去) 疑问句:(只能用can)Can the news be true? What can he be doing ? What can have happened to him?Who can it be? Can it be Li Ming who did it? (强调句型)反意问句 He must be a student, isnt he? You must have done your homework, havent you? You must have seen the film last night,

27、didnt you? He cant have gone to bed, has he?注意区别 should与 can: There should be no problem.应该没问题。 It can be dangerous. 这会是很危险的。(表示客观、理论上的可能性。)2.虚拟: A) 从句: 主句: If sb. did/were, sth. would/could/might do. (现在) If sb. had done., sth. would/could/might have done (过去) If sb. did/were sth. would/could/might

28、 do (将来) should do were todoB) neednt have done 本不必 should(nt) have done 本(不)该 ought(nt) to have done plan/want/hope/mean/would(should)like(love) to have done本打算/想做某事C) If only+ 从句:(虚拟语气)= How I wish + 从句;If only he were alive! (现在虚拟)If only I had passed the exam!(过去虚拟)If only I could fly to the moo

29、n someday! (将来虚拟)D) but for=if it were not/hadnt been for 要不是。的话, (接虚拟语气的句子) But for your help, I wouldnt have succeeded. D)as if: He talked as if he knew everything. 但:It seems/looks as if he is ill.( 不要用虚拟)3. shall 与will1) 表示征求对方的意见: Shall I/ he do sth.? ( 一、三人称问句) Will you do sth.? ( 二人称问句)2) 表示意

30、愿will 用于任何人称,表示主语的意愿)I/We/You/He/She/ They will do sth. Shall 用于二、三人称,表示说话人的意愿;含命令、警告与许诺 You/He shall do it whether you/he want(s) or not. (命令)Nothing shall stop us. 任何东西都无法阻挡我们。(决心)You shall have the book as soon as I finish it.(许诺)IV.不定式与动名词的区别:1 主语:To see is to believe./ Seeing is believing. It i

31、s important to do it./It is no use/good doing sth. Toms being late made the teacher angry.2 宾语:以下动词常跟不定式做宾语:agree,decide,expect,fail,hope,wish,learn,plan,promise,refuse,want,intend,pretend,manage,know(how),afford, would like ,used to, ask, demand, choose, offer, seem, happen, appear以下动词常跟动名词做宾语:finish,enjoy,mind,practise,suggest,risk,advoid,escape,excuse,keep,miss,admit,allow,prevent permit, understand, give up, imagine, appreciate, put off,( be worth/be busy+doing)以下动词跟动名词或不定式做宾语都可

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