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1、建筑工程英语课后复习题答案建筑工程英语课后习题答案Unit One Concept of Building and Construction EngineeringPart One, Section A1、 Key to the listening:1) contract; 2) have this project; 3) copy to the architect 4) completion; 5) section;6) take over; 7) Quality control; 8) you will get the work you are paying for while we ge

2、t paid for the work we perform.2、Lucas writes a report according to the conversation above.This morning, the client told me that our company was awarded the contract of the project. He issued the letter of acceptance to me and requested several documents to be provided to them before we should comme

3、nce the work, including performance security. I asked about the drawings and the client said the plan, elevation, section as well as specifications were available in the Architects office. The client expected to have a perfect work and I assured him that we were the professional engineering company.

4、 Quality control was our first priority in construction. He would get the work he was paying for while we got paid for the work we performed.Part One, Section BI. Answer the following questions.1. What is good communication?Good communication is the ability to make others understand what you are try

5、ing to communicate.2. Whom will you come in contact with in the building and construction industry? Client, consultants, manufactures, suppliers, subcontractors, etc.3. What are the relations among the client, the consultants and the contractor? The relations between client and contractor are just l

6、ike employer and employee. The former finances the building and the later is employed and paid to build the building. The consultants work for the client by designing the building and instruct the contractor to build the building. All of them work together to make the building perfect.4. What are th

7、e relations among the contractor, the subcontractor and the manufacture? Subcontractor is employed and paid by the contractor to take certain part of the works, e.g. electrical or plumbing work. Manufacture makes building components required by the contractor. Both subcontractor and manufacture work

8、 for contractor.5. List as many drawings and documents as possible used on the site.Drawings: Assembly drawing, Component drawing, Detail section, Elevation, Floor plan, Location drawing, Perspective drawing, Plan, Plan detail, Elevation, Production drawing, Section, Site layout: site plan, Site pla

9、n, Survey plan, Working drawing , etc.Documents: Bill of quantities, Daywork sheet, Form of contract, Insurance policy, Insurance premium, Licence, Program, Schedule, Site minutes, Soil report, Specification, etc.II. Match the following words or phrases with the correct Chinese. 1 f; 2 d; 3 b; 4 h;

10、5 c; 6 g; 7 i; 8 j; 9 e; 10 - aIII. Read the following drawings.1. Find a proper word or phrase to describe each of the drawings. 1) effect drawing; (效果图) 2) structure drawing (结构图)3) elevation (立面图) 4) floor plan 楼层平面图 5) section (剖面图 / 断面图) 6)detail section (剖面详图 / 节点图)2. Read the drawings again a

11、nd tell your partners what the function is for each drawing. The function of perspective drawing gives a feeling of distance and solidity to the building. It is usually drawn by Architect. The function of the structure drawing is to show how to make the building stable and safe. It is drawn by struc

12、ture engineer. Floor plan shows what are planned on the floor or in the house. Section shows more clearly what the drawing tells and enables the builders to perform the work. Detail section shows how the parts of the building are connected.Part Two I. Reading Comprehension1. What does building const

13、ruction involve? Building Construction involves many trades, operations, products and professions.2. Describe briefly the building construction requirements. Building construction requires the understanding of sciences of materials and structures, environmental sciences, and building economics.3. Wh

14、y is it becoming even more important to design and construct energy efficient housing?Because the worlds energy sources are deleting and the cost of energy rises.4. Explain the finishes in building construction. The finishes in building construction include floor finishes, wall finishes and ceiling

15、finishes. The normal practice of finishes starts from ceiling, then walls and leaves floors at last. The ceiling can be painted or be suspended. The wall can also be painted or wall-papered. Floor tiles, carpets, or timbers can be used as floor finishes.5. According to your understanding, explain br

16、iefly the structure in building construction.Three structures are generally used in building construction. They are solid structure, skeletal (framed) structure and surface structure. Solid structure is usually of masonry and concrete. Skeletal (framed) structure is suitable for high and low rise an

17、d for long and short span buildings. Surface structure is used for certain type of building with special materials.II. A. Translate the following sentences into English.1. 在建筑施工中,你会接触到来自不同地方的各种人员。 Through your work in the building and construction industry you will come in contact with lots of peopl

18、e from many different areas.2.你给出的大样图要简洁明了,图纸的注释要充分,这很重要。It is important that you show the required details clearly and simply and that your drawings are fully annotated.3. 从事建筑施工需要懂得材料学、结构、环境学及建筑经济。 Building construction requires the understanding of sciences of materials, structures, environmental

19、 sciences, and building economics.4. 雇主任命工程师,工程师应履行合同中指派给他的任务。 The Employer shall appoint the Engineer who shall carry out the duties assigned to him in the Contract.5. 解决能源短缺矛盾的较有效方法是进行建筑节能控制。 The more effective way to solve the energy shortage in construction is to control the building energy cons

20、ervation.B. Translate the following paragraph(s) into Chinese. 随着世界能源资源的减少,能源价格的上涨,设计和建设节能建筑就显得尤为重要。节能建筑被定义为居住更加舒适,运行成本更加低廉。设计得好的建筑不仅节约钱而且创造友好的环境。 节能建筑的重要决策需要在设计初期做出,从建筑的周边环境获取最大好处。适当利用窗户、建筑材料、隔热、自然通风,这些对成功的节能设计起着主要的作用。 低耗能建筑的主要目标是充分利用能源,达到合理的舒适度,在建筑成本和住房供热降温成本之间保持最佳平衡。这意味着低耗能建筑应该具有:在冬天最大限度减少热量流失、最大

21、限度获取太阳能;在夏天最大限度排斥热量,最大限度接收自然通风。这就称之为“冬暖夏凉”。课文译文Part One Section B参考译文 交流是日常生活中最基本的一部分,然而,有些人对交流的能力却不以为然。试想如果你不能与人交流,如果,无论你多么努力,你的表达都不能使人理解,那是多么令人沮丧的事。 好的交流是一种让人理解你想表达什么的能力。 在建筑业工作,你会接触到来自不同地方的各种人员。这些人有可能使用该地区特有的某种术语或难懂的语言,这些语言有可能因国家不同而发生了变化。 这部分的目的是为你介绍在建筑业你会接触到的各类人员、施工现场会使用到的图纸及文件的一些基本知识。 项目管理(在现场工

22、作的人员)(见图,略) 图纸及文件 建筑图就是建筑物竣工后是什么样子的图解。图纸通常是由建筑师、工程师或绘图员为雇主绘制,包含建筑施工需要的所有信息。建造者使用标注有详细建筑材料和部件的图纸。绘制这样的图纸需要多年的实践经验和全面的建筑知识。重要的是给出的详图要简洁明了,注释充分。装配图显示怎样把建筑的各部件组装在一起,部件图显示的是建筑的某一部分,比如门窗。位置图显示的是建筑物的各部位及部件的位置。透视图(效果图)给人一种距离感和建筑物的真实感。楼层平面图是建筑物一层楼的平面布局。现场平面图或现场布置图显示的是建筑物的位置及现场的其他部分。测量图是建筑开工前的现场平面,显示现场的现有特征及标

23、高。立面图显示的是建筑物的前、后、及侧面而剖面图是从侧面看建筑物的一部分。 在现场工作中你可能会阅读到许多文件。工程量清单列出了修建一个工程所需的材料及工作容。日工作表记录完成的合同外增加的工作。合同形式是雇主和承包商之间的合同条款和条件。保险条例是保险合同中所列的条款和条件,而保险费是支付的一笔金额,用于工程受到损害时保险公司给予赔付。执照是某权威机构颁发的官方许可证。工程进度表显示的是承包商计划完成该工程的时间,计划表是建筑部件清单,如门计划表,卫生洁具计划表。现场会议纪要是现场会议的书面记录,土壤报告是工程师准备的现场地质情况信息。技术规是要实施的工程的书面描述。 Part Two 参考

24、译文 建筑工程概述 建筑施工涉及许多工种、工序、产品和技术,它涉及建筑结构的设计及建筑施工的方法。因此,从事建筑施工需要懂得材料学、结构、环境学及建筑经济。当下,随着世界能源资源的减少,能源价格的上涨,设计和建设节能建筑就显得尤为重要。 建筑是一个供人类居住、工作、娱乐的用墙围起的结构, 也是一个能御寒、隔热、挡风、遮雨,提供舒适的部环境和保障生命财产安全的封闭式结构。下面是建筑的一些基本概念。1、 建筑的构成部分(略)。2、建筑的基本要素基本要素功能及类型 基础将建筑的荷载分布于地下土壤e.g. 条形基础, 独立基础, 桩基础, 筏型基础外墙建筑的外部覆盖形式e.g. 承重墙和非承重墙墙将外

25、墙覆盖的部空间分隔成房间e.g. 砖, 砌块, 木板, 金属楼层将外墙和平行屋面围护的空间分隔以增加使用空间e.g. 底楼, 上层楼面楼梯1) 从楼层到楼层的通道2) 防火通道e.g. 材料, 形状屋面保护建筑免受风雨的侵蚀e.g. 坡屋面, 平屋面门封闭进入建筑物的洞口,或封闭建筑物房间与房间之间的洞口e.g. 材料 ( 施工), 开洞的方法窗 1) 让光线和进入建筑物2) 能观察室外事物e.g. 材料, 开洞的方法Unit Two Preliminary Site Work1。Key to the listening:6) site plan; 7) stockpile topsoil;

26、8) square meters;9) the huts; 10) accessible building;6) the ground slab; 7) foundations; 8) we get the offices watertight as soon as possible.2、Peter writes a site report according to the conversation above.Kevin and I talked about the site plan and tried to solve the problem in site arrangement. B

27、ecause there wasnt enough room to put everything at the beginning, we finally made a decision to set out the factory first, got the groundslab ready quickly and put the site huts up there while all the other foundations were being laid. Then, the office block would be built and be used as the site o

28、ffices.Part One, Section BI. Answer the following questions.1. Plans, financing and building permits are included in this stage, as well as site investigation and preliminary site works.2. For determining the factors which may affect the design and the construction processes of the proposed works.3.

29、 It includes the soil investigation which is to determine strength of soil and to detect presence of causes, mines and harmful materials. It also investigates the existing underground services such as water pipes, sewages pipes, electrical cables, telephone lines, and gas pipes underground4. Before

30、the actual construction work begins on site.5.The access for entry and exit the site, storage facilities for materials, workshops or fabrication areas for formwork and reinforcement, mechanical plant such as tower crane and mixing plant for concrete production, site offices for administrative functi

31、on, welfare & sanitary facilities such as temporary living quarters, site canteen, toilets / bathrooms for the staff and workers, security & protection for preventing theft of materials and injury to members of public, and temporary services such as electricity, water and telephone lines. Match the

32、following words or phrases with the correct Chinese.1.C 2.I 3.A 4.D 5.H 6.G 7.F 8.E 9.J 10.B. Read the following pictures1、Find a proper word or phrase to describe each of the pictures.1) site plan 2)site meeting 3) site investigation 4) site layout 5)below ground investigation 6)preparing for the beginning of the site construction2、Read the pictures again and tell your partners which one

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