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1、复习重点Unit 4Unit 6复习复习重点1.词组短语as soon as possible 尽可能的、尽快more than two years 两年多by air 乘飞机take a taxi 乘出租车all kinds of 各种各样的feel tired 感到疲劳wake up 醒来take photos 照相have a good time 玩得开心come on 赶快right now 现在the second largest island of China 中国第二大岛find out 查清、发现come this way 这边走for example 例如fly to Hai

2、nan 飞往海南think about 考虑go on holiday 去度假go straight along 一直朝前走travel to Mongolia 去蒙古旅行have an accident 发生事故ride a motorbike 骑摩托车be interested in diving 对潜水感兴趣take pictures and videos 摄影和摄像make a TV show 做电视节目as long as two hours 长达两个小时feed on 靠为食2.语法归纳宾语从句(1)由that引导的宾语从句。(2)由疑问词引导的宾语从句。(3)由whether或i

3、f引导的宾语从句。(4)宾语从句的时态。(5)宾语从句的语序。热点考题聚焦难点考点选择填空He said that he_English.A.can speak B.could speak C.speaks D.will speak思路导析:在宾语从句中,如果主句用过去时,从句要用过去的某种时态。因主句是过去时said,所以从句应用过去的相应形式。答案是B。拓展链接:(1)在以that引导的宾语从句中,从属连词that只起引导作用,在句中不作任何成分,也没有意义。因此在口语中或非正式文体中常被省略。如:He knows(that) Jim will work hard.他知道吉姆会努力学习的。

4、Im sorry(that) I dont know.对不起,我不知道。(2)若将句子变为一般疑问句,则主句用疑问语序,从句仍用陈述语序。如:Do you know(that) Mike passed the Chinese Exam?你知道迈克通过汉语考试了吗?(3)主句的谓语动词若是现在时态,宾语从句中的谓语动词可以根据实际情况用不同的时态。如:I see the room isnt as clean as usual.我看见房间没有往常干净。I know he was born in Beijing.我知道他出生于北京。He says he has left his book at ho

5、me.他说他把书忘在家里了。I hope it will rain tomorrow.我希望明天下雨。(4)若主句的谓语动词是过去时,则宾语从句的谓语动词一般要用过去的某种时态。如:He said he would buy a new pen.他说他要买一支新钢笔。He told us that they were watching TV at that time.他说那时他们正在看电视。Tom said that his father had gone to Shanghai.汤姆说他父亲去上海了。(5)但当从句为客观真理、自然现象或永恒不变的规律时,不受主句时态的限制,从句仍用一般现在时。

6、如:She said that one and one makes two.她说一加一等于二。Our geography teacher said that the sun rises in the east.我们的地理老师说太阳从东方升起。(6)在think,believe,suppose等动词后的宾语从句,如要表示否定意义,按英语习惯从句内一般不用否定形式,要把从句内的否定词not移给从句前的动词,即否定转移。请翻译下列句子:我相信李明不缺席。误:I believe(that) Li Ming wasnt absent.正:I dont believe(that) Li Ming was

7、absent.I dont think that you are right.误:我不认为你是对的。正:我认为你是不对的。误:I dont think he is a good student,isnt he?正:I dont think he is a good student,is he?主句的动词是其他动词时,变反意疑问句时,动词与主句保持一致。如:He said that she was in Beijing last year,didnt he?他说她去年在北京,对吗?(7)当用if或whether引导一个宾语从句时,从句要用陈述语气,连词if或whether不能省略。如:I don

8、t know if(whether) it will rain.我不知道是否会下雨。He didnt tell me whether(if) he would come to see us.他没有告诉我他是否来看我们。连词whether和if一般可以互换使用,在口语中常用if。但有些时候if和whether是不能混用的。请注意它们的区别:当whether之后直接跟or not时,不可用if替换,但如果or not放在句末,二者都可以用,但whether更常用,特别是在正式文体中。如:I dont know whether or not he is well.(I dont know wheth

9、er/if he is well or not.)我不知道他是否好了。若把whether改为if会引起歧义时,应避免使用if。如:Please let me know if he is coming.本句既可以理解为宾语从句“请让我知道他是否来”,又可以理解为状语从句“他若来请让我知道”。而Please let me know whether he is coming.就只能理解为宾语从句了。宾语从句是否定句时,一般用if引导,不用whether引导。如:I dont care if she doesnt come.我不在乎她是否能不能来。whether和not还能构成一些其他的短语,注意其在

10、句子中的意思:whether or no总之、无论如何。如:You may rely upon my help,whether or no.无论如何,你总要信赖我的帮助。whether or not是否、不管、无论是不是。如:Whether or not it rains,Im giving a party tomorrow.不管下不下雨,明天我都要举行宴会。中考题例:1.(2002河北省)Do you know_?They moved here soon after their son was born.A.when would the Greens move hereB.When the

11、Greens moved hereC.the Greens would move hereD.when the Greens would move here2.(2002南通市)Did he tell you_at the school gate?A.who he waited for B.who he is waitingC.who did he wait for D.who he was waiting3.(2002安徽省)Excuse me.Could you tell me_get to the plane?Certainly.Go straight along

12、can we we canC.when can we D.when we can4.(2002河南省)You must remember_.A.what your teacher said B.what did your teacher sayC.your teacher said what D.what has your teacher said5.(2002黄冈市)Where does he come from?Pardon?I asked where_.A.did he come from B.he came fromC.he comes from D.does he com

13、e from6.(2001北京市海淀区)Excuse me.Can you tell me when_?A.does the ship leave B.the ship leavesC.the ship had left D.did the ship leave7.(2001上海市)Will you please tell me_?A.where Pudong Airport is far Pudong Airport can we get to Pudong Airport D.when was Pudong Airport built8.(2001天津市)Ca

14、n you tell us_?A.where have you gone B.where you have goneC.where have you been D.where you have been9.(2001陕西省)Do you know_from Wuhan to Xian? far it is far is long it is long is it10.(2002济宁市)Could you tell me_?A.when does the post office open B.where the post office isC.h

15、ow can I go the post office far is the post office答案1.B2.A3.B4.A5.B6.B7.A8.D9.A10.B能力检测.听力训练(1)听句子,选择正确答案1.A.Its September 24th. B.Its Mid-Autumn Day. C.Its fine.2.A.Youre welcome. B.Certainly.Here you are. C.Thats very kind of you.3.A.Not at all. B.With pleasure. C.Thank you.Im sure I will.4.

16、A.The sun shone brightly.B.I dont know whether he will come.C.Its cloudy.5.A.Yes,of course. B.It doesnt matter. C.Im afraid I do.(2)听对话,选择正确答案1.The number of the plane is_.A.Flight No.CA 3504 B.Flight No.BA 3405 C.Flight No.AA 30542.The plane leaves at_.A.8:45 B.6:45 C.8:153.The plane will stop in_o

17、n the way.A.Shanghai B.Tianjin C.Beijing4.The plane arrives in Moscow at _.A.half past one in the afternoonB.eleven thirty in the morningC.three in the afternoon5.The passengers(顾客) who fly to Moscow have to go to_.A.Tianjin B.Qingdao C.Beijing(3)听短文,选择正确答案1.A.He went to the cinema.B.He watched TV a

18、t home.C.He talked with his mother.2.A.Because he didnt have to go to school the next day.B.Because he didnt go to bed until 12 last night.C.Because he stayed up until 2 this morning.3.A.Bread. B.Milk. C.Nothing.4.A.His pencil sharpener. B.His watch. C.His schoolbag.5.A.Yes,he did. B.No,he didnt. C.

19、Yes,hes better now.根据句意和所给的首字母提示或中文,在横线上填上句中所缺的单词1.Last year they went to M_Emei for a holiday.2.Now we are living a_(舒适的)life.3.Yesterday we saw a _(动人的)film.4.Could you please tell us the _(比分)of the football match?5.Our English teacher is good at making his lessons l_.6.You must read the i_before

20、 you take the medicine.7.Hainan Island is the place to be visited,w_its summer or winter.8._(双击)left click on the Internet icon.9.His family was so poor that he had no c_(机会)to go to college.10.After working for a long time,youd better r_.11.It is s_that one of the most dangerous sharks is the Great

21、 White Shark.12.A shark has many d_from a fish.13.Not all sharks are _(相同).14.What a _(可惜)that you wont come tomorrow.15.You can post your letter in the post office n_.16.He wanted to _(订购) a hotel room.17.The music s_beautiful.18.Id like to take a train to Hainan because it is _(便宜)than a plane.19.

22、Look!That girl is_(厉害)hurt.Lets take her to the hospital at once.20.He told me he would be here at four oclock,but didnt a_until six.选择填空1.Nobody made a trip last summer holiday_Jim.A.beside B.besides C.except D.excepting2.Dont lose heart._trying.A.Keep on B.Keep up C.Keep to D.Go to3.Its good for u

23、s to practise _English every day.A.speak B.speaking speak D.spoke4.Where _?I went to the library just now.A.have you gone B.have you you go D.were you going5.What do you think _tomorrow?A.they are going to do B.are they going to going to do D.are going to do6.We are not sure _.A

24、.where is the post office B.what are they doing nowC.who knows the answer D.when does the shop open7.Could you tell us _were going to be away?About two long often far8.No one told us_,so we need your should we do B.what should we to do it D.what t

25、o do it9.I hear most hotels are very full today.Dont worry.I have _a room already in the Great Wall Hotel.A.bought B.bookedC.visited D.seen10.When will you fly to Sydney?Pardon?I ask you _.A.when will you fly to Sydney B.whether you will fly to SydneyC.that you will fly to Sydney D.when you will fly

26、 to Sydney11._large groups_small,we are happy to help you!A.If;or B.However;andC.Whether;or D.No matter how;and12.Search the Internet,and you can find out _about Hainan Island.A.many information B.much informationC.many informations D.much informations13.What about traveling to Hainan Island?We can

27、go to see “Tian Ya Hai Jiao”and go scuba diving._A.That sounds really cool. B.What a pity!C.Im sorry to hear that. D.It doesnt matter.14.This play is very _.I am_in it.A.interesting;interesting B.interesting;interestedC.interested;interested D.interested;interesting15.How is the book? _.A.Its terrif

28、ic B.Good ideaC.It sounds a good idea D.Thats a deal16.Do you like living here?What did he say?He asked you _.A.that you liked living here B.if do you like living hereC.whether you liked living here D.that do you like living here17.I want to _some information about sharks,but I dont know how to use the computer to _this information.A.find;look for B.find;findC.look for;look for D.look for;find18.He said that he would come to see me _next week.A.some time B.some timesC.sometime D.sometimes19.Every year,_fishes are killed by the

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