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IT维护服务内容 中英对照版本.docx

1、IT维护服务内容 中英对照版本 本合同是根据中华人民共和国政府法律和法规建立并现存的甲乙双方,经过友好协商,就乙方向甲方提供: “IT维护服务”事宜在上海市平福路888号8号楼8楼签署本合同。This Services Purchase Agreement, hereinafter referred to (including all its Appendices) as the “Contract”, is made by and between Party A and Party B, who incorporated under the laws of PRC, about IT mai

2、ntenance services, signed in 8F, No.8, Pingfu Road, Shanghai.IT维护服务内容 IT Maintenance Services1.0.1 根据本合同,甲方向乙方购买IT维护服务内容,包含以下几方面:Party B shall deliver the following services to Party A:a.定期服务范围Routine Scope b.按需服务范围 On demand Scope*根据实际发生的上门次数每季度结算。1.0.2 服务响应定义Service Response事故响应 Incident Response远

3、程支持(周一周五),30分钟响应个客户需求 Remote MA Services by hotline(Mon.Fri.), response within 30min.客户要求的按需支持服务, 30分钟响应客户需求,4小时内抵达客户现场On-demand on site MA service, response within 30min and arrive site within 4 hours.故障解决时间具体参照附件SLA 执行Resolving time according to Appendix A of SLA. 注:服务器硬件,网络设备,存储设备等硬件故障不在此合同服务范围内

4、Hardware breakdown such as server hardware, network equipments and storage equipments is not involved. 2.0 IT维护服务时间及服务质量承诺Services Scope and SLA2.2 服务质量承诺SLA 乙方对提供给甲方的服务(1.1条款服务范围)的质量承诺如 下: (1). 对于需要联系供货商的,在得到确认之后,10分钟之内开始联系供货商。The services which should involve vendors, contact vendor within 10 mins

5、 after confirmed.(2). 现场技术支持人员在4小时内解决不了的问题,立即上报到项目组长处理,项目组长若在8小时内解决不了的问题,立即上报至gfds公司管理层协调二线支持团队支持。、 onsite support cant solve the problem within 4 hours, escalate to PM;PM cant solve within 8 hours, escalate to arvato second line support team.3.0 服务费用Service charge除非本合同另有规定,就本合同下由乙方向甲方提供的服务,乙方收取相应的服

6、务费用。该费用包括应由乙方支付的, 依据中国法律规定的营业税和其他所有的附加税费。Unless otherwise agreed, the Fees shall include the cost of all expenses and all duties and taxes (except for any properly chargeable VAT) incurred by both parties in connection with the provision of the Services.对于上述条款中1.0 ”Maintenance Services”项服务内容,以季度为单位计

7、算 ,服务费为人民币10,000元/季度, 其中最后一个季度7,500元;按需服务根据本季度实际发生支付,人天费3,000元/人天。The routine operation service referred in clause 1.0, “ IT Maintenance Services” was charged yearly with amount of RMB 10,000/quarter, the last quarter will be RMB7,500; On demand service is quarter payment according to real happened,

8、 the man-day fee is RMB 3,000/MD.对于非标准服务时间范围内的额外服务要求,甲方客户需邮件提出加班需求,乙方工程师到达现场后按照需求进行工作,所有加班时间可累计为调休时间,乙方工程师在服务期间内可以在得到甲方客户同意的情况下合理使用。 Additional service in non-standard working time should be raised by Party A by email. Engineer works according to customers requirement, additional service time could

9、be accumulated as leave time, which could be applied during service period once Party A approved. 4.0 合同款支付Payment一经甲乙双方签署正式合同,甲方应按如下付款条款向乙方支付费用。Once contract signed, Party A should make payment according to below clause.整体支付参考下表payment schedule:服务内容Service Item时间段Phrase付款日期Payment date 金额(RMB)Amoun

10、t Routine Maintenance services每季度支付payment for each quarter每季度末28日以前支付本季度服务费,第一个季度10000, 第二个季度10000, 第三个季度7500The quarters service fee no later than 28th of each quarter ending.10,000 /quarterOn DemandMaintenance Services每季度支付payment for each quarter每季度末28日以前支付本季度服务费The quarters service fee no later

11、 than 28th of each quarter ending.3,000/manday5.0双方责任Responsibility5.1 在没有甲乙双方一致同意下,甲乙任何一方均无权变更本合同。所有此次项目的有关事宜均按本合同为准。Without both parties agreement, either party could change this contract. 5.2 甲方有义务为乙方提供所必需的信息、便利和其他条件。Party A is obligated to provide necessary information and other conditions.(1).

12、经甲方确认的乙方工作人员,应当获得由甲方提供的进出项目相关场所的便利;Entrance allowed for engineer(2). 在乙方认为必需的情况下,甲方应当按双方认可的期限及时安排同本合同范围相关的雇员、管理人员或外部顾问与乙方之项目及咨询人员就所需沟通、确认的相关问题进行交流;Negotiation and confirmation necessary for both sides could be arranged once Party B is needed.(3). 甲方应当保证其向乙方提供的数据、信息、图表、说明和文件是真实和完整的。Party A should gua

13、rantee the data, information, chart, description and documentations are real and completed.5.3 乙方有权行使雇主的权利:在本合同其间,基于不影响本合同质量的前提下,有权决定变更乙方服务提供人员,但须提前10天通知甲方并征得甲方的谅解和同意。甲方有权对乙方的服务提供人员的工作情况提出异议,并有权提出更换服务提供人员,但任何该等更换须征得乙方的谅解和同意。Party B could change the engineer with 10 days advance notice to Party A. Pa

14、rty A has the right to request a change in engineer once getting confirmation from Party B.5.5 甲乙双方在本合同履行期间除非对方书面认可不得雇佣对方公司涉及人员,否则将被视为违约行为。乙方服务提供人员为乙方公司雇员,乙方公司行使管理公司雇员的劳动纪律、薪资、福利、假期、劳动合同等事务。For the services engineer from Party B who provides service to including, party A could not recruit him as an

15、employee.5.6 甲、乙双方均有义务及采取有效的保密措施及对其员工采取教育手段,对涉及双方的以及本信息化项目期间产生的有关技术、商业逻辑、数据资料和价格信息保密。Prior to and during the term of the Contract the parties may disclose certain data, information and/or requirements related to the Services and/or information regarding technologies, know-how, trade secrets, marketi

16、ng activities, business and product development and the like, which are of proprietary and confidential nature.6.0 违约责任Liability for Breach6.1 若甲方由于非乙方的原因不能按照本合同规定时间向乙方付款,则在延时30天内,甲方向乙方付滞纳金。每延时1天,滞纳金为合同总金额的千分之五,但罚款总额不超过合同总额的百分之十。Party A shall conduct the payments to Party B in accordance with the co

17、ntract, if Party A doesnt pay the charge beyond 30 days as the contract requested, the penalty for late payment will be counted to Party B from the due day. Party B shall have the right to apply penalty of five per cent (0.5%) of the requested payment amount for each day of delay. However, the amoun

18、t of penalty shall not exceed five percent (5%) often requested payment amount.6.2 若乙方向甲方提供的维护服务与合同乙方承诺中的有关描述不符,且其调整不能为甲方接受,乙方必须及时更换调整,乙方承担由此引起的责任。If Party Bs services is not match with contract description and its change cant be accepted by Party A, Party B should adjust at once and take consequenc

19、es. 7.0 责任限制Limitation of Liability7.1 乙方的责任仅限于甲方所遭受的直接、实际损失,包括本合同中所陈述的承诺、保证和其它补救措施。其它进一步责任,特别是利润损失,或其它间接或后续性损害不包括在内。The Party Bs liability in connection with this Contract shall be limited to direct, actual losses and damages incurred to the Buyer, including those guarantees, warranties and other r

20、emedies as expressly stated in this Contract. Any further liability in particular any liability for loss of profit or other indirect or consequential damages shall be excluded. 7.2 甲方的责任仅限于乙方所遭受的直接、实际损失,包括对乙方在截止甲方通知乙方终止本合同履行之日造成的直接损失和损害。甲方承担的责任不包括所有间接或后续性损害,如利润或生产的损失。The Party As liability in connec

21、tion with this Contract shall be limited to the direct losses and damages incurred to the Party B, including Party Bs up to the time the Party A sends the notification of the termination of the performance of the obligations of the Party Bs hereunder. The liabilities to be borne by the Party A shall

22、 be to the exclusion of all indirect or consequential damages, such as loss of profit or production. 8.0 合同取消、提前终止Cancellation and Termination8.1 甲乙双方如有一方要取消或提前终止合同,需提前30日书面通知对方。Either party shall have the right to terminate this Contract for its convenience at any time upon 30 days prior written no

23、tice.8.2 只有在以下情况发生时,本合同才能被取消、终止或解除:Only in these conditions, can the contact by cancelled or terminated:1)双方经协商达成一致,签订终止协议 both agreement by negotiation8.3 除合同的第八条中所描述的原因,或合同10.2规定的范围之外,合同只能在经甲乙双方共同协商后签字取消,否则,单方取消方将须向对方支付总合同金额100%。Prior to term 8 and 10.2, the contract could only be cancelled after

24、both parties signed; otherwise, defaulting party should pay 100% total contact value.9.0 双方各自的陈述与保证Statements9.1 双方在本合同项下创设的关系是独立立约人。The relationship created between the parties under this Contract is that of independent contractors. 9.2 本合同未尽事宜,应适用中华人民共和国合同法的有关规定。The relevant provisions in the Cont

25、ract Law of the Peoples Republic of China shall be applied for all the issues not included in this Contract.9.3 对本合同的任何变更或修订或放弃任何条款仅在书面签订时有效。No alteration or amendment to this Contract or waiver of any provision shall be valid unless made in writing. 9.4 在双方相互理解的基础上通过友好协商解决各项事宜.All problems will be

26、solved through well discussion under mutual comprehension. 10.0 解决纠纷的方式Dispute10.1 本合同及其附件适用中华人民共和国法律并依照中华人民共和国法律进行解释。由于本合同引起的或涉及本合同而出现的异议、争议、索赔要求或者违约、正常和提前终止本合同、或由此致使本合同失效,应当由双方通过协商和谈判予以解决。This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. Any dispute, controversy or clai

27、m arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, or the breach, expiration, termination or invalidity thereof (a “Dispute”) shall be settled through friendly consultations between the parties.10.2 如果这些谈判或协商未能在两个月内产生有关当事方能够接受的结果,这些异议、争议或索赔只能通过向上海市仲裁委员会申请仲裁,由上海市仲裁委员会按照其有效的仲裁条款予以解决。仲裁裁决是最终裁决并对当事方

28、有约束力。败诉方应当承担仲裁费用,除非仲裁庭做出其他的判决。Any dispute that may not be amicably settled between the parties within two months shall be submitted to China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (“CIETAC”) for arbitration in Shanghai in accordance with the then current rules of CIETAC, whose award s

29、hall be final and binding upon both parties.11.0 合同生效Effectiveness11.1 本合同自双方的法定代表人或授权代表签署签字盖章之日起生效。合同有效期为1年,自2016年10月1日起到2017年5月31日止。在本合同的有效期内,签约双方均不得随意变更或解除合同。This Contract shall become effective upon signature and company chop thereof by the duly authorized representatives of the parties hereto.

30、The contract duration is one year, from 2016/10/1 to 2017/5/31.11.2 对本合同条款的任何修改,必须经双方协商同意后,授权代表签署正式文件,作为本合同的附件方能生效。本合同的所有附件和方案均为本合同的有效组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。本合同除附件可能用中文和/或英文书就,以中文版为准,本合同正本壹式两份,双方各执壹份,具有同等法律效力。All modification, supplement and/or amendments to this Contract shall be made in writing in Engl

31、ish and signed by the duly authorized representatives of the parties hereto. Annexes attached are integral parts of this Contract.This Contract has been concluded by execution of two (2) original copies in English or Chinese (except the annexes) and the Chinese version shall prevail. This Agreement

32、shall be executed in 2 original copies, with 1 being held by each of the parties. 12. 不可抗力Force Majeure12.1 不可抗力事件是指提出遭受不可抗力的合同一方在签订本合同时不能预见且在履行合同时不可避免、不能克服的事件,包括但不限于自然现象、火灾、意外事故、水灾、地震、海啸、罢工或工厂关闭、骚乱暴动或动乱、禁运、战争、任何将来的法律、命令、法规或其他政府行为。遭受不可抗力的合同一方应立即(不迟于获悉不可抗力发生后七天),用邮寄、传真或电报通知合同另一方。这七天期限应自该方获悉发生不可抗力之日起算。如未按上述方式通知,则遭遇不可抗力一方即失去其基于不可抗力而提出免责的权利。同样地,遭受不可抗力一方有义务在上述期限内将不可抗力事件结束的时间通知合同另一方。

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