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Unit 46八年级下册教案.docx

1、Unit 46八年级下册教案Unit 4 He said I was hard-working .Teaching goals:1. Vocabulary: hard-working ,report card ,can do better ,speaking ,listening ,average ,surprise .2. Patterns: What did your math teacher say ? He said he could speak three languages .3. 直接引语和间接引语的转换。4. 写成绩报告单,并能将自己的成绩报告给他人。Important and

2、 difficult points :1. 新的词汇和习语。2. 个人Report card 的写作。3. 直接引语转换间接引语中,注意一些关键动词的变化和人称代词的变化。Teaching aids : teaching cards , pictures and a tape recorder .Period 1Teaching contents:SectionA 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,Grammar focus .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk several Ss what they are going to do afte

3、r school .Write their sentences on the Bb .Step 2 Pre-taskSay, These Ss talk about what they are going to do after school ,if you want to tell a friend what they said ,how would you tell him ?Write the words “He said” and “She said” on the Bb .Say,We can use the words “He said” and “She said” to tel

4、l your friend like this :He/She said he/she was going to play basketball after school .Get the Ss to repeat .Repeat this process with the other sentences on the Bb .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 26 , 1a .1. Ask a student to read the four questions .2. point out the TV screens in the picture .Ask one stud

5、ent to read what the person says in the first picture .Then ask another student :What did she/he say ? Help to answer :She/He said she/he was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night .3. Repeat with the other pictures .SB Page 26 , 1c .Pairwork.First Ss work in pairs ,then ask some pairs to

6、present their dialogues to the class .SB Page 26 , 1b .Play the recording and correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 27 , 2a & 2b .1. Ask several Ss to read these sentences .2. Play the recording .Ss circle their answer .3. Check the answers .Step 5 Grammar Focus1. Review the grammar box by as

7、k Ss to say the statements .2. Explain: In each case ,the direct speech talks about present situations and the reported speech talks about past situations .Step 6 Homework用she/he said 将直接引语改为间接引语。1. I am a clever girl . 2. I am having lunch at school .3. I can dance well . 4. I play football every d

8、ay .5. I dont like my younger brother .教学后记:Period 2Teaching contents :SectionA 3a ,3b ,4 ,SectionB 2a ,2b ,2c .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inCheck the homework .Ask several students to read their sentences to the class .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 28 , 3a .1. Read the article to the class .2. As

9、k Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .3. Correct the answers .SB Page 28 , Part 4 .Ss work in groups of four to complete the role plays .Ask a few Ss to show their role plays to the class .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 29 , 1a .1. Read the sentences to the class and teach new words .Then ask Ss to che

10、ck the sentences that are true for themselves .2. Ask one student to read each sentence to the class and ask Ss to raise their hands if they checked that answer .SB Page 29 , 2a & 2b .1. Read the instructions to Ss .Make sure they know what to do .2. Play the recording two or three times .Correct th

11、e answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 29 , 2c .Pairwork . In pairs ,get Ss to choose a report card from activity 2b to talk about .Then ask some pairs to present their dialogues .Step 5 HomeworkSB Page 28 , 3b .Ask Ss to write anything they want .教学后记:Period 3Teaching contents: SectionB 3a , 3b , 3c ,

12、4 , selfcheck .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inCheck the homework .Ask several students to read their episodes to the class .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 30 , 3a .1. Read the instructions and ask Ss to read the letter on their own and write Alans name on his report in activity 2b .2. Correct the ans

13、wer .SB Page 30 , 3b .1. Get Ss to use the information from activity 2b to write a letter to a relative or a friend about their report cards .2. Ask a student to read his or her completed letter to the class .Orally correct any mistakes .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 30 , 3c .Ask Ss to write their own re

14、port cards .While Ss work ,walk around and offer assistance if necessary .SB Page 30 , Part 4 .1. Get Ss to make up their teachers comments .2. Pairwork. In pairs ,talk about their report cards .3. Ask several pairs to share their conversations .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 31 ,Selfcheck ,Part 1.1. Ask S

15、s to fill in the blanks on their own .2. Correct the answers.3. Have Ss make sentences with the words .SB Page 31 , Selfcheck , Part 2 .1. Ask Ss to read the story .2. In pairs ,have Ss to make conversations according to the story .3. Ask some Ss to share their conversations with the class .Step 5 H

16、omeworkAsk students to write their conversations on their exercise books .教学后记:Period 4Teaching contents: Reading :She said helping others changed her life .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk Ss to think of people who need help and write some ideas .Then discuss with their partner .Step 2 Pre

17、-taskSB Page 32 , Section 2 .1. Have Ss read the passage first for meaning .2. Ask Ss to read it again and fill in the blanks .3. Check the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 33 , Section 3 , 3a .1. Ask Ss to read through again to find the relevant information for Yang Leis students .2. Ask Ss to com

18、plete the information under “you” , saying what is true for their own lives .3. Have Ss discuss their answers with their partner .SB Page 33 , Section 3 , 3b . In pairs ,ask and answer the questions .SB Page 33 , Section 3 , 3c .Have Ss write a summary of the reading and share the summaries in group

19、s of five .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 33 , Section 4 .1. Have a class discussion about the work each organization does .2. Ask some Ss to say which organization they would like to work for and why .Step 5 HomeworkWrite the summary of the reading on their exercise books .教学后记:Unit 5 If you go to the par

20、ty , youll have a great time !Teaching goals:1. Words and expressions in this unit .2. Target language :Are you going to the party ?Yes , I am . Im going to wear my jeans .If you do , youll have a great time .You should wear your cool pants .3. 掌握现在进行时态表示将来(Present progressive as future ).4. 学习条件状语从

21、句: if + will .5. 进一步了解情态动词should的用法.6. 学习谈论因果关系.7. 做出决定是否做某事.Important and difficult points :1. 学习运用be going to 和will构成的一般将来时。2. if 引导的条件状语从句。Teaching aids : teaching cards , a tape recorder .Period 1Teaching contents:SectionA 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,grammar focus .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in D

22、raw two pictures on the Bb ,in the first picture a boy is getting up late ,and in the second picture the boy cant catch the early bus .Then talk about the pictures with Ss and write down the sentence “If you get up late , you will not catch the early bus .”Read the sentences ,Ss repeat .Repeat with

23、other sets of pictures .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 34 , 1a .1. Point out the pictures and ask Ss to tell what they see .2. Ask some students to read the statements and responses .3. Have Ss match the statements and responses on their own .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 34 , 1b .1. Play the tape and get Ss to

24、check their answers to activity 1a .2. Talk about the answers together .SB Page 34 , 1c .1. Ask two Ss to read the example in the sample in activity 1c.2. In pairs , get Ss to talk about what happened in the pictures .3. Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class .SB Page 35 , 2a & 2

25、b .1. Read the instructions .Make sure the students know what to do .2. Play the recording .Ss listen and write down their answers .3. Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 35 , 2c .1. Ask two students to read the sample dialogue .2. In pairs ,get the students to role play the conversation be

26、tween Andrea and her friend .3. Ask a few pairs of students to practice their conversations for the class .Step 5 Grammar Focus SB Page 35 , Grammar Focus .1. Review the grammar focus .Ask Ss to say the statements and responses .2. Ask Ss to work in small groups .Ask each group to write down as many

27、 sentences like those in the grammar focus as they can.3. Ask some groups to share their sentences with the class .Homework :Have Ss write their sentences on their exercise books.教学后记:Period 2Teaching contents: SectionA 3a,3b,4,SectionB 1,2a,2b,2c.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inAsk some studen

28、ts to make sentences with if .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 36 , 3a .1. First ,let Ss read the notice from the principal .2. Read the dialogue to the class saying bland when come to a blank line .3. Get Ss read the notice again and fill in the blanks .4. Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 36 , 3

29、b .1. Ask some students to read out the sample dialogue and the words in the box .2. In pairs , let Ss have a conversation about the rules .3. Get some pairs to say their conversations to the class .SB Page 36 , Part 4 .1. Read the instructions and ask Ss to complete the work in pairs .2. Ask a few

30、students to share their conversations .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 37 , Part 1 .Ask students to complete the work on their own .Then do a quick check to see which things are most important to students in the class .SB Page 37 , 2a & 2b .1. Read the instructions and play the recording .2. Ss listen and write down their answers .3. Correct the answers .SB Page 37 , 2c .In pairs , get Ss to role play a conversation according to th

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