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1、大学英语B全新版教学大纲大学英语B(全新版)教学大纲课程编号:C0320BX 课程类型:公共基础课程名称:大学英语B 英文名称:College English B学 分:4 适用专业:2011级环境学院等6个学院各专业第一部分 大纲说明一、课程的性质、目的及任务大学英语是高等教育的一个有机组成部分,大学英语课程是我院学生的必修课。大学英语是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为指导,并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。大学英语的教学目的是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后的工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,



4、翻译技巧。 三、本课程与相关课程的联系:本课程的前续课程是大学英语A。要求学生在学习该课程前系统地修完大学英语A,掌握了大约2600个左右的英语基本词汇及相应的语法知识。本课程的后继课程为大学英语C。四、学时分配本课程学分为4学分,建议开设64学时(在保证学分的前提下可以微调)。章(节)内容讲课学时实验(上机)学时课堂讨论(习题课)学时现场教学学时总学时综合教程 Unit 1 Ways of Learning66听说教程 Unit 1 SportsUnit2 Food and Drinks22综合教程 Unit 2 Values66听说教程 Unit 3 WeatherUnit 4 Music

5、22综合教程 Unit 3 The Generation Gap66听说教程 Unit 5 HealthUnit 6 Business22综合教程 Unit 4 The Virtual World66听说教程 Unit 7 FashionUnit8 Society22综合教程 Unit5Overcoming Obstacles66听说教程Unit9 Dreams and AmbitionsUnit 10 Disasters22综合教程 Unit 6 Women, Half the Sky66听说教程 Unit 11 Famous PeopleUnit 12 The Internet22综合教程

6、Unit7 Learning about English66听说教程 Unit 13 Human Virtues112综合教程 Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment66听说教程 Unit 14 Culture112合计62264五、教材与参考书 使用教材:1. 全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程 第二册, 主编: 季佩英 吴晓真 陈进,上海外语教育出版社出版,2010年7月2. 全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程第二册, 主编:虞苏美 李慧琴,上海外语教育出版社出版, 2010年7月3. 全新版大学英语(第二版)阅读教程(通用版) 第二册, 主编:张勇先,上海外语教育

7、出版社出版, 2010年7月4. 全新版大学英语(第二版)快速阅读 第二册, 主编:郭杰克,上海外语教育出版社出版, 2010年7月主要参考书(资料):1、大学英语课程教学要求, 教育部高等教育司,上海外语教育出版社出版,2007年8月第1版2、大学英语(第三版)精读 第二册,主编:董亚芬,上海外语教育出版社出版,2006年6月第1版大学英语(第三版)听说 第二册, 主编:董亚芬,上海外语教育出版社出版,2006年7月第1版3、新视野大学英语读写教程第二册,主编: 郑树堂,外语教学与研究出版社,2008年新视野大学英语视听说教程第二册,主编:郑树堂,外语教学与研究出版社,2011年4、Summ

8、ers, D. 1998 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Addison Wesley Longman China Ltd.5、Hornby, A.S. 1997 Oxford University Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary Oxford University Press六、教学方法与手段大学英语教学要注重培养学生听、说、读、写等综合能力。因此, 要采用多种教学方法和手段, 如多媒体, 语音室, 录音机, 同时积极组织学生参加英语演讲, 竞赛等形式多样的课外活动, 提高他们学习

9、英语的兴趣和主动性、积极性,创造出良好的英语学习氛围和环境。七、课程考核方式 本课程期末考试采用闭卷形式,全院统考。成绩评定采用平时成绩考核和期末考试成绩相结合的方式。平时成绩占30,期末考试占70,平时成绩由课堂出勤率、课堂讨论发言、平时作业等要素组成。第二部分 课程内容大纲综合教程 Unit 1 Ways of Learning(6学时)Teaching Aims1. to grasp the main idea and structures of the text2. to master the key language points and grammatical structures

10、3. to appreciate the difference between comparison and contrast Teaching Contents 1. text structure analysis2. key words and phrases study3. grammatical structures4. a comparison and contrast writing strategy5. reading comprehensionTeaching Priority and Difficult Points for Teaching:1. Require all s

11、tudents to remember well and make good use of the following words and phrases:accomplishapplyassistattachawaitcontinualcontrastcriticalemergeenormousevolveexaggerateexceptionextremeinitialinsertinvestigateneglectoccasionperformancephenomenonprincipalprioritypromoterelevantsomewhatsummarizesuperiorva

12、lidworthwhilefind ones way in due course in retrospectmake up for not in the least on occasionon ones own on the other hand pick upwork on2. Structure:(1) so much so that(2) assuming (that) 听说教程 Unit 1 Sports (1学时)Teaching Aims:1. Mastering communicative functions : Inquiring about future activities

13、 2. Mastering listening strategy:. Identify numbers3. Practicing listening and speaking Teaching Contents 1. Identifying numbers2.Doing listening tasks for both general understanding and details3. Practicing speaking tasks4.Doing additional listeningTeaching Priority and Difficult Points for Teachin

14、g:1. Listening strategy : Identify numbers2. Communicative function : Inquiring about future activities.听说教程 Unit 2 Food and Drinks(1学时)Teaching Aims:1. Mastering communicative functions : ordering a meal at a restaurant /buying a meal at a school canteen or a fast food restaurant. 2. Mastering list

15、ening strategy: Listening “between the lines” 3. Practicing listening and speaking Teaching Contents 1. Listening “between the lines”2. Doing listening tasks for both general understanding and details3. Practicing speaking tasks4. Doing additional listeningTeaching Priority and Difficult Points for

16、Teaching:1. Listening strategy : Listening “between the lines”2. Communicative function : ordering a meal at a restaurant /buying a meal at a school canteen or a fast food restaurant.综合教程 Unit Two Values(6学时)Teaching Aims1. to grasp the main idea and structure of the text2. to appreciate the spoken

17、English 3. to master key language points and grammatical structures in the textTeaching Contents 1. text structure analysis2. key words and phrases study3. grammatical structure4. writing a invitation letterTeaching Priority and Difficult Points for Teaching:1. Require all the students to remember w

18、ell and make good use of following words and phrases:aboard cheerful cultivate deservediscount executive headline treatment liable local loyalty qualifyrally remote reserve retire ward scholarship stock systemblend in by/from all accounts come aboardget away with hold to lay down make up on the run

19、open up steer clear of throw ones weight around2. Structure:(1) inversion (“only”)(2) the way (in which) 听说教程 Unit 3 Weather(1学时)Teaching Aims:1. Mastering communicative functions : Expressing hope 2. Mastering listening strategy: Listen for important details3. Practicing listening and speaking Teac

20、hing Contents 1. Listening for important details2.Doing listening tasks for both general understanding and details3. Practicing speaking tasks4.Doing additional listeningTeaching Priority and Difficult Points for Teaching:1. Listening strategy : Listen for important details2. Communicative function:

21、 Expressing hope听说教程 Unit 4 Music(1学时)Teaching Aims:1. Mastering communicative functions : Talking about preferences 2. Mastering listening strategy: Listening for signal words 3. Practicing listening and speaking Teaching Contents 1. Listening for signal words2.Doing listening tasks for both genera

22、l understanding and details3. Practicing speaking tasks4.Doing additional listeningTeaching Priority and Difficult Points for Teaching:1. Listening strategy : Listening for signal words2. Communicative function: Talking about preferences综合教程 Unit 3 The Generation Gap(6学时)Teaching Aims1. understand t

23、he main idea (Father meddled in childrens affairs with good intentions, but only to find his efforts unwelcome) and structure( three settings, three scenes) of the text2. appreciate the basic elements of a play.3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.4. conduct a seri

24、es of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.Teaching Contents 1. get the students to know the difference in writing between an easy and a play.2. introduce the major components of a Play: characters, settings, stage directions, language, conflicts, clim

25、ax, and theme.3. let the students be familiar with social terms in dramas, such as, except the above, at rise, in unison, lights c9ome, curtain, etc.4. students identify the characters in this play.5. students read the directions for Text Organization (Ex. 1 & 2), then scan the play to divide it int

26、o three parts. 6. explain the functions of stage directions: to set up stage properties in the proper place; to indicate a change in setting; to direct actors movement, gesture, facial expression, tone of voice, etc. Then draw the following illustration on the blackboard:Up Left Up RightStage Left C

27、enter Stage Stage RightDown Left Down Right A-U-D-I-E-N-C-E- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7. text structure analysis.8. language points study.Teaching Priority and Difficult Points for Teaching:1. Require all the students to remember well and make good use of the following words and phrases:bet

28、community consist constant distract dumb embarrassexception glorious interference fade frank executive exhaust interrupt junior location overall proofrepeatedly swallow talent welfareat any rate come over consist of fill outhand down in charge of in unison keep in suspenseknow better than narrow dow

29、n trade for2. Structure:(1) sentences led by “whatever”(2) know better than to听说教程 Unit 5 Health(1学时)Teaching Aims:1. Mastering communicative functions : seeing the doctor 2. Mastering listening strategy: Identifying the relationship between the speakers in a conversation3. Practicing listening and

30、speaking Teaching Contents 1 .Identifying the relationship between the Speakers2. Talk about your physical condition 3. Doing listening tasks for both general understanding and details4. Practicing speaking tasks5. Doing additional listeningTeaching Priority and Difficult Points for Teaching:1. Listening strategy : Identifying the relationship between the speakers in a conversation.2. Communicative function: seeing

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