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高三上学期第二次月考英语试题 含答案.docx

1、高三上学期第二次月考英语试题 含答案2016-2017学年度会宁一中高三级第一学期第二次月考试卷 (满分120分,考试时间100分钟)注意:将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。第I卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ASingles Day - the Chinese opposite of Valentines Day has turned into a massive online shopping event. It is a day when single peop

2、le are supposed to buy themselves presents. But there are sociological reasons behind Chinas “celebration” of single life. And the imbalance could have big consequences for the country. There were 34 million more men than women in China in 2011. Part of that is natural usually there are 105 boys bor

3、n for every 100 girls. But the Chinese gender ratio (性别比例) at birth is much more obvious. It was 116 boys to 100 girls in 2012. The one child policy is largely to blame. Brought in to limit population expansion, the policy allows only one child per family. But because male children are seen as more

4、valuable, as well as more likely to support their parents in old age, some parents choose to have a son over a daughter. The result is that large numbers of men will likely never get married. In fact, one study has predicted that by 2030, 1 in 5 Chinese men in their 30s will never have married, whil

5、e another states that 94% of unmarried people in China are men.Traditionally, China has seen high levels of marriage, usually among the young. Besides, the increased education and career opportunities for women have meant that marriages are happening later. It is also traditional that women often ma

6、rry men of a higher socioeconomic status than themselves. So women at the top and men at the bottom find themselves alone. One study has even suggested a link between an imbalanced gender ratio and growth in violent crime in the country. Singles Day cant solve all the problems Chinas singles face. I

7、ndeed, it is possible that it is causing even more problems, as men resort to increasingly risky lines of work to increase their chances of gaining money and thus a wife. I am worried that as money starts to overcome romance, there is evidence that China s marriage market is increasingly materialist

8、ic.1. In 2012, if 50 girls were born, how many boys were probably born? A. 50. B. 52. C. 58. D. 60.2. What made women in China get married late? A. Their higher education level and more work chances. B. Their support of the governments late marriage policy. C. That they expect to enjoy their single

9、time when young. D. That there are too many excellent young men to choose from.3. Whats the writers attitude to the imbalance gender ratio in China? A. Optimistic B. Concerned C. Indifferent D. Unknown4. We can learn from the passage that . A. Singles Day is celebrated all over the world. B. by 2030

10、, 1 in 5 Chinese women in their 30s will be out of marriage. C. Singles Day will solve all the problems China s singles face.D. an imbalanced gender ratio is related to the growth in violent crime.2019-2020年高三上学期第二次(10月)月考英语试题 含答案 The worlds first hamburger doesnt come from where you think it comes

11、from. It wasnt invented in the United States, and it didnt originate in Germany. No, the worlds first hamburger comes from China. If youre scratching your head right now, youre not alone. But Chinese hamburgers are very real and they definitely predate the hamburgers we call our own in the U.S. Know

12、n as rou jia mo, which translates to meat burger or meat sandwich, they consist of chopped meat inside a pita-like bun, and theyve been around since the Qin Dynasty, from about 221 BC to 207 BC. Despite the differences between this Chinese street food and our American-style burgers, the rou jia mo h

13、as been called the worlds first hamburger.The rou jia mo originated in the Shanxi Province of China, and is now eaten all over the country. Its typically prepared and eaten on the street. The dough(生面团) for the bun, or mo, consists of a simple mixture of wheat flour, water and maybe yeast. Of course

14、 recipes(食谱) may vary, but this basic equation makes for a chewy and subtle pillow for the delicious filling. While the mo is traditionally baked in a clay(泥土) oven, today its often fried in a pan. They may look a little like Chinese steamed buns or baozi, but the dough for those are, of course, ste

15、amed, not baked or fried. The meat filling might consist of chopped pork, beef, lamb or chicken that has been stewed(用文火慢慢炖) with a variety of spices(调料), like ginger, cloves, coriander and star anise. You might also find herbs like cilantro or greens like lettuce garnishing the sandwich.5. What doe

16、s the underlined word mean?A. noodle B. bread C. food D. beverage6. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. The mo people eat today is often fried in a pan.B. The worlds first hamburger which was originated in the Shanxi Province of China is popular around the world.C. The rou jia mo has a history of

17、more than 2200 years.D. The rou jia mo has some differences from American-style burgers in cooking process.7. What would be the best title for the passage?A. Delicious hamburger B. How to cook hamburgerC. Chinese invented hamburger D. History of hamburgerC Waiting anxiously to be reunited with the s

18、on he had not seen for 13 years, Phil Baker took a walk along the beach with his wife Lyn to relax himself. His boy Benji, 21, was finally back to Australia after living most of his life in the UK, half a world away from his dad.As he looked out at the ocean, wondering how his son might have changed

19、 over the years, Phil saw some people on the kayaks (小艇) in trouble on the water. Without hesitation, he dived into the sea to help. And as he carried a stricken young man trembling and semi-conscious to the shore, he realized the young man was his long-lost son.“I looked at his face, and something

20、occurred to me,” says Phil. “Those brown eyes were very familiar.” Although Phil had seen just a few photos of his son since the boy was eight years old, he recognized him at once. It would be reasonable to suppose it was a fathers instinct that incited Phil to help - but at the moment he dived into

21、 the water to go to the aid of the struggling group, he only thought he was helping a stranger in trouble. He said, “Two people were desperately paddling on one of the kayaks and it seemed like someone fell into the water. I told Lyn, Something is not right; Im going to help. ”“l took off my T-shirt

22、 and threw my keys on the sand. Diving into the water, I saw there were two instructors on board and a man lying in the water. He was shaking violently. Linking arms with one instructor, I helped to carry the man out of the water. He was drifting in and out of consciousness and his hands and feet we

23、re blue.” Then Phil looked into the boys eyes and wept as he realized the stricken stranger was his own son. Phil recalled, “I asked the instructor, whats his name? ” He replied, Benji. In an instant, I knew that stranger was my boy. I checked his breathing and pulse and said, “Its me, your dad. You

24、re going to be OK.”Benji tells how it felt to be saved by his long-lost dad. “All I remember was waking up on the beach and seeing my dad there,” he says, “And I recognized his face straight away.”8. What can we know about the Bakers?A. Phil knew he was going to save his son.B. Phil and his wife liv

25、ed in Australia.C. Benji was going to see off his son on the beach.D. Benji and Phil were separated because of Benjis education.9. In Paragraph 4, the underlined word” incited can be replaced by_A. caused B. reminded C. forced D. advised10. From the passage, it can be inferred that _.A. Benji had th

26、e same brown eyes as his fatherB. Benji drowned because he could not swimC. Phil is willing to help people in needD. the instructors told Phil that Benji was his son11. Which of the following shows the right order of the story? a. Phil and his wife waited for their son on the beach. b. Benji left hi

27、s father at the age of eight. c. Phil saved a boy and recognized he was his own son. d. Benji recognized his father Phil. e. Phil saw some people were in trouble and decided to help. A. a, b, c, e, d B. a, b, e, d, c C. b, a, e, c, d D. b, e, a, d, cDFrom July to October every year, about a quarter

28、of the worlds blue whales feed in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California. But the whales currently face a major threat in their favorite feeding area. Ships carrying cargo (货物)sail in the same area at the same time. All too often, the whales paths and the ships travel lines overlap (重叠),and a

29、 ship will hit a whale.According to a new study, these ship strikes have become a serious threat to the overall population of the worlds blue whales. Only about 10,000 of the creatures still exist worldwide. Blue whales are the largest known animals ever to live on Earth. Even so, if hit by a contai

30、ner ship, a blue whale will likely die from its injuries.In 2007 alone, large ships killed five blue whales in the waters off San Francisco and Los Angeles, California. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says that because there are so few whales already, losing three to five

31、from the California whale population every year is a significant loss. “The estimated population of blue whales in this part of the Pacific is 2,500”, says Sean Hastings, a NOAA analyst. “So every whale counts toward this species moving off the endangered-species list.” Now, marine scientists must f

32、igure out how to protect the whales from the giant container ships. One very simple program is already under way in the Santa Barbara Channel, a waterway that separates mainland California from the nearby Channel Islands.The Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary has asked large container ships passing through the area to voluntarily slow down. Sailing slower will allow the ships crew (船员)more time to change course before hitting

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