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1、消防疏散预案程序Procedure:每个酒店都必须有危机应对小组和紧急反应小组。Every hotel must have a Crisis Response Team (CRT) & a Emergency Response Team (ERT). 成员组成 CRT Members 1、酒店的危机应对小组包括以下成员:The hotels Crisis Response Team consists of the following individuals: 总经理General Manager 酒店经理Hotel Manager 餐饮总监Director of Food & Beverage

2、 前厅部经理Front Office Manager 行政管家Executive Housekeeper 市场营销总监Director of Sales & Marketing 财务总监Director of Finance 人力资源总监Director of HR 工程总监Director of Engineering 保安经理Security Manager 副总工程师Asst. Director of Engineer 保安部副经理Asst Security Manager 部门经理不在时经授权的代理负责人Other authorised deputy in departmental m

3、anagers absence. 最高级别的值班经理要在总经理或酒店经理到场前负责。The most senior manager on duty is to take charge until the arrival of the General Manager or Hotel Manager. CRT Members2、成员职责CRT 危机应对小组的主要职责,就是在紧急情况下组织客人和员工的有序撤离。次要职责是执行预先设定的程序,控制并尽可能减少对个人、酒店和品牌的损害。The primary role of the CRT are to manage the orderly evacu

4、ation of guests and employees in the event of an emergency. Its secondary role is to implement pre-set procedures to control and minimise damage to individuals, the hotel and the brand. 成员组成ERT Members 1、酒店的紧急反应小组包括以下成员:The hotels Emergency Response Team consists of the following individuals: 组长: 值班

5、经理 Leader: GSM 当值保安主管 Duty Security Supervisor 当值值班工程师 Duty Engineer 火警处置预案Pre-arranged of fire handle 一、概况Overview 本指导说明描述了在发生火警时应该怎么做。发生这种情况的当务之急是:This Guidance Note describes what to do if there is a fire. The priorities in this situation are to:1、启动火警Activate the fire alarm2、通知应急服务部门 Inform the

6、Emergency Services 3、进行有组织的酒店疏散Undertake a controlled hotel evacuation4、确保高级管理层和各部门负责人随时待命Ensure that senior management and Heads of Departments are available at all times 保护客人、员工的人身及信息安全,并在适合的时候保护公司财产,不要冒生命危险达成此目的。 Safeguard personal safety and information of staffs and guests, where appropriate, s

7、ecure company property. Do not risk lives to achieve this purpose.注意:Notes: 所有夜班员工都必须受过消防和疏散程序方面正式、备案而有效的培训。It is essential that all night staff receive formalized, documented and effective training in Fire Fighting and Evacuation procedures.高级管理层、各部门负责人和其他相关员工都必须掌握消防程序的工作知识。Senior management, Heads

8、 of Departments and other relevant staff must have a working knowledge of the fire procedures.报警电话: “6119”Alarm Reporting Telephone: “6119”备注:消防专用电话分布在设备机房内,此电话只能在发生火灾或紧急情况下使用Remarks: The fire special use telephonedistribution in the equipmentroom,this phone can only bein the event offireor emergenc

9、y.疏散过程中使用消防通道Use the a fire channel in the process of evacuation:疏散集合点: 酒店大堂前的广场Evacuation assembly point: Square from of hotel main entrance 二、火警的分类:Classification of fire: 1、火警(一级火警)Fire alarm (one level fire) 是酒店初级消防应急程序,当消防监控中心接到任何报警信号即为火警。报警信号包括各种火警自动探测器返回信号以及电话或人工报告有疑为火警的现象。That is the hotel p

10、rimary fire emergency procedures, when the fire monitoring center receive any alarm signal is to fire. Alarm signal including all kinds of automatic fire detectors to return to signal and telephone or artificial report have suspected the phenomenon of the fire alarm.2、火险(二级火警)Fire danger (two level

11、fire) 是酒店中级消防应急程序,当紧急反应小组接到报警并赶到现场确认时,发现有烟雾、火光、漏油 或漏电 等任何容易引发火灾之现象或引发火情的先兆。That Is the hotel intermediate fire emergency procedures, when the emergency team received fire alarm and hurried to the scene to confirm, found a smoke, fire, and oil leakage or leakage current any easy to cause the phenomen

12、on of fire or cause of fire status.3、火灾(三级火警)Fire hazards (three level fire) 是酒店的高级消防应急程序,在处理火险时,火险现场最高指挥员通过判断,向救火指挥部总指挥报告,明确现场已超出酒店义务消防队可控范围。 总指挥立即指令火险升级,执行疏散程序,并致电消防队“119”请求支援。That is the hotel senior fire emergency procedures, general Commander through the fire site to judgment report to the supr

13、eme commander to fire command, the report clearly has gone beyond the hotel obligatory fire brigade controllable scope. General Commander order that the execution upgrade fire evacuation procedures immediately ,and at the same time call Fire brigade119 for asking reinforcements.三、 火警的处理Fire Processi

14、ng 1、(一级火警) One level fire a. 消防监控中心接到电话报警,值班员应问清报警人姓名、房号/部门、火警发生区域/地点、火警类型、火势大小等,并做好详细记录。Fire monitoring center received a phone call, attendant should ask the name, room number/department, fire area/location, fire type, fire and make a detailed record.b. 消防监控中心值班员接到报警后,用电话通知服务中心,服务中心通知ERT小组确切的火警地点

15、,由ERT小组前去现场查看和报告情况。After CCTV receive the fire alarm, he must communicate to service center exact location of fire, Service center must call immediately ERT member and inform fire location, ERT member must immediately go on fire location to check and report.c. 总机接到报告/电话报警,应迅速群呼紧急反应小组成员与MOD。紧急反应小组成员应

16、立即停止一切工作,并迅速(3分钟之内)赶往火警地点 Service center received a report/alarm, quickly call the ERT and MOD. ERT members should immediately stop all work and rapid (in 3 minutes) rushed to the location of the fire.紧急反应小组成员到达现场后,立即对现场进行检查确认。While emergency members arrived at the scene, should immediately to check

17、 and confirm.a. 如属误报,紧急反应小组组长通知消防中心将系统复位。If misinformation, emergency team leader should notice Fire monitoring center to reset the system.b. 如发现火光及烟雾,迅速利用附近的消防器材进行扑灭。If find flame and smog, we should quickly use the fire equipment nearest to put it out. c. 若现场火势较大,超出紧急反应小组可控范围,迅速通知消防中心火警升级为火险(二级火警)

18、If a large fire scene, beyond the scope of the emergency teams control, we should quickly notice Fire monitoring center to upgrade fire alarm to fire danger (LEVEL).2、(二级火警)Two level firea. 当消防监控中心值班员接到紧急反应小组组长现场火险的 确认报告后,立即通知总机。Once the CCTV on duty staff received the fire emergency confirmed repor

19、t from the emergency group leader in the fire scene, the staffs should inform the Operator immediately. b. 总机接到信息后,迅速群呼义务消防队和危机应对小组所有成员。After received the information, the Operator should call all the members of voluntary fire team and CRT. c. 义务消防队成员接到通知立即(3分钟之内)赶到B1F消防中心,并将“消防战备柜”中义务消防员的服装与装备迅速穿戴及

20、配备好后赶往火险现场。 Voluntary fire team need rush to the CCTV (in 3 minutes) in B1F immediately when received the message to wear the firefighters clothing and get the equipment to rush to the fire site. d. 危机应对小组成员接到通知后立即(3分钟之内)赶到消防监控中心,自动成立灭火指挥部。Emergency committee members need rush to the CCTV immediatel

21、y (in 3 minutes) after received the information, fire command center be found automatically. e. 义务消防队赶到现场后,组长迅速组织所有人努力对火情进行控制和扑灭;并及时、准确地向消防监控中报告火场情况。Obligatory our fire brigade arrived on the fire site, the leader should organize all the members quickly to control and put out the fire, and report th

22、e fire situation to CCTV timely and accurately. f. 若现场火势无法控制或扑灭,迅速通知消防中心火险升级为火灾(三级火警)。If the fire cant be controlled or put out, then the FCC should be informed promptly to upgrade the fire to fire disaster (LEVEL). 3、(三级火警)Three level fire a. 救火总指挥根据现场情况决定并指令消防监控中心打“119” According to the site condi

23、tion the fire commander can decide and ask the CCTV call “119”. b. 救火总指挥指令消防监控中心启动酒店全区警铃与消防疏散广播(反复)。 The fire commander order the CCTV start with hotel alarm and fire evacuation speaker (repeated).4、各部门/区域听到疏散广播自动执行:Each department / area automatically execute following once heard the evacuation rad

24、io:a. 所有运营部门总监/经理负责组织疏散客人并执行疏散程序。All operations department directors/managers responsible to organize all the guests to evacuate according to the procedure. b. 所有后勤部门总监/经理负责组织疏散部门及相关区域的人员。All the back office directors/managers responsible to organize all department staff and the members in related a

25、reas. c. 人事部总监撤离到疏散集合点待命,并自动履行疏散集合点指挥员职责。Dir of HR. evacuated to evacuation meeting point to standby, and perform the evacuation set point commander responsibility automatically. d. 在火灾现场的指挥员、应急队成员、义务消防队成员在确保自身安全的情况下,按照现场指挥员的指挥继开展灭火工作,并做好与地方消防队的配合,在接到总指挥的指令后可撤离现场至疏散集合点。Ensure the own safety, the fir

26、e site commander, emergency team members and voluntary fire team members continue to conduct fire fighting works according to the commander instructions and cooperate well with the local fire brigade. After received the instructions from commander,then to evacuate to the meeting point. e. 酒店各部门员工听到疏

27、散广播后,立即执行疏散程序。All the staff from each department should execute the evacuation procedure immediately once heard the evacuation alarm.(Detail refers to Fire Emergency Evacuation Procedure).当消防监控中心接到GM/授权者的疏散指令后,应立即向当地消防队(119)报警求救,同时启动警铃及疏散广播。酒店各部门疏散负责人及员工应自动执行疏散程序,具体操作如下:When the fire control center

28、received the evacuation orders from GM / authorized person, should immediately call the local fire department (119) alarm for help, and start the alarm and evacuation announcements. Hotel all departments champion should automatically take the specific evacuation procedures as follows:疏散集合点:酒店大堂前的广场E

29、vacuation assembly point: Square from of hotel main entrance应急疏散程序中主要负责人的位置:The location of principal person in charge in Emergency evacuation procedures: 相关人员Relevant Personnel位 置Location 任 务Mission总经理/酒店经理GM/Hotel Manager消防监控中心(待所有人员疏散完毕后至集合点)CCTV(Evacuate only after allpeople arrived at the assem

30、bly point)下达疏散指令,指挥酒店各部门经理进行有序疏散、积极营救被困人员,负责所被疏散人员的安排及接待来访记者等。Give evacuation instructions and commandheads of each department to evacuate orderly,save the trapped person positively, in charge ofarranging all evacuation people and receiving thevisiting journalists and so on.财务总监Director of Finance大堂

31、Lobby 收取贵重物品室钥匙,负责贵重物品、重要文件的转移和管理。Collect and gain the keys of valuables room, in charge of removing and managing valuables, important files .房务总监/前厅经理Director of Room/Front Office Manager大堂Lobby 指挥酒店客人、员工疏散Command the guest and staff to evacuate.餐饮总监行政总厨Director of F&B/Executive Chef餐厅区域Restaurant Area负责酒店餐厅内客人、员工疏散,并在疏散集合点发放瓶装水及包装小食品给员工和客人。In charge of evacuating guest and staff in the hotel restaurant, distribute bottled water and packing food to guest and staff in evacuation assembly point.人事总监Director of HR疏散集合点Evacuation Assembly Point 集合清点疏散的员工及客人人

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