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1、函电练习课备课执教时间: 年 月 日 (第 周 星期 ) 累计 节课 题Unit 4 counter-offer课 型PracticeTeaching aims and demands:To get familiar with the useful terms and sentences.An audio-tape, a TV set, a multi-media, etc.Important points& difficult points:1. 短语和术语。2. 语法、结构。3. 翻译、写作。教 学 程 序备 注1 短语、术语1 out of line with 2 in reply 3

2、illustrated catalogue 4 persuade sb to do sth 5市场份额6 与市价相符7 成交8现行市场II翻译、写作1凤凰牌自行车(Phoneix Brand Bicycles ) 与永久牌自行车(Forever Brand Bicycles )同样受欢迎。2 请劝说你方客户接受这些条件。3 如你方减价5%,我们订3000公吨。4 我们需要指出,你方价格与现行市价不符。5 不良天气通常造成减产。III 阅读、翻译Thank you for your fax of May 22 offering us 200 metric tons of Green Beans

3、.We are sorry to say that your price is entirely out of line and not realistic Business may be possible if you can lower your price by 6%,otherwise ,we have to switch our orders elsewhere.We expect to hear from you soon .执教时间: 年 月 日 (第 周 星期 ) 累计 节课 题Unit 4 counter-offer课 型PracticeTeaching aims and d

4、emands:To get familiar with the useful terms and sentences.An audio-tape, a TV set, a multi-media, etc.Important points& difficult points:1. 短语和术语。2. 语法、结构。3. 翻译、写作。教 学 程 序备 注1 短语、术语1 expect sb to do sth 2 see ones way clear to 3 reduction in price 4 with a view to 5 类似的6 利润幅度7 替代品8 达成交易II翻译、写作1 请尽量

5、在8月31日前把样品寄出。2 At9号货与A51号货质量与性能类似。3 你方还价太低,不能接受。4 着眼于将来业务,我们打算减价2%到每千克98美元。5 无论你们报什么盘,价格必须含我方3%的佣金。III 阅读、翻译We write to thannk you for your E-mail of Mar 16 and the samples of the captioned goods .Although we are interested in your products ,we find your price is too high that it will leave us very

6、little or no margin of profit As you probably know ,the goods of good quality from some European countries are available locally and the prices are much lower than yours .We hope ,therefore ,you will reduce your price by 5%to the ruling market here .We await your favorable reply.执教时间: 年 月 日 (第 周 星期

7、) 累计 节课 题Unit 4 counter-offer课 型PracticeTeaching aims and demands:To get familiar with the useful terms and sentences.An audio-tape, a TV set, a multi-media, etc.Important points& difficult points:1. 短语和术语。2. 语法、结构。3. 翻译、写作。教 学 程 序备 注1 短语、术语1 for ones interest 2 be in apposition to do 3 be anxious t

8、o do 4 to our regret 5 切合实际低价格6 折中7 工艺精良8 设计美观II翻译、写作1 现在我们能向你方报500千克红茶实盘。2 我们不能减价,甚至各让一半。3 非常遗憾,你们认为我方价格偏高,不合实际。4 如果你方降价,比如4%,我们能大量订货。5 发现你们的价格比德国的高出15%III 阅读、翻译In foreign trade communication,besides communicaton concerning establishment of business relations and negotiations,etc ,there is ,however

9、 ,another type of letter ,which is known as a “Sales Letter “.Its purpose is to expand business ,to persuade the reader to buy what the seller are able to supply .The modern trend is sales letter writing is towards making the letters more personal,A good sales letter writer tries to represent the of

10、fer from the point of view of the buyers ,not the seller ,A good sales letter consists of four essential elements ,they are A arouse interest B create desire C carry conviction D induce action 执教时间: 年 月 日 (第 周 星期 ) 累计 节课 题Unit 4 counter-offer课 型PracticeTeaching aims and demands:To get familiar with

11、the useful terms and sentences.An audio-tape, a TV set, a multi-media, etc.Important points& difficult points:1. 短语和术语。2. 语法、结构。3. 翻译、写作。教 学 程 序备 注1 短语、术语1 adjust price 2 tight freight 3 purchase quantity 4 result from5 劳动成本6 移动电话7提价8 生效II翻译、写作1 我们无法再增加数量。2 我们不能按你方减价4%。3 鉴于我们之间的长期业务关系,我们可以考虑减价。4 我们看

12、到你方价格与这里的市价不符,很失望。5 在澳大利亚,用纯棉制作的服装有大好的商机。III 阅读、翻译Dear sirs,We thank you for your fax of January 12 ,in which you offer us Steam Electric Irons .While we appreciate the quality of your products ,we have to point out that you rprice is on the high side ,out of line with prevailing market level ,simil

13、ar but well established goods from India are available locally at US $25per piece .and you raised your price by 9%compared with that under Contract NO.8899 we concluded last october .Since there is no upward tendency of market price for the article at this stage ,the increase in price is not at all

14、understandable to us .it is impossible to come to terms unless you bring down your price to a level comparable with that of your competitors in this market .We believe that in our mutual interests you will consider our counteroffer most favorably and e-mail us your early reply. 执教时间: 年 月 日 (第 周 星期 )

15、 累计 节课 题Unit 5 Business contracts and orders 课 型PracticeTeaching aims and demands:To get familiar with the useful terms and sentences.An audio-tape, a TV set, a multi-media, etc.Important points& difficult points:4. 短语和术语。5. 语法、结构。6. 翻译、写作。教 学 程 序备 注1 短语、术语1 terms and conditions 2 partial shipment 3

16、 without delay 4 sight L/C5 销售确认书6 价格术语7 单价8 金额II翻译、写作1 价格:每公吨450美元成本加运费塞得港。2 包装:用纸板箱装,每箱50打。3 运期:2006年3/4月,允许分运与转运。4 支付:凭保兑,不可撤销的信用证。5 保险:由买方办理III 阅读、翻译We have recived with pleasure 3copies of your quotationsfor the subject articles and appreciate your prompt attention.We find the quality of your p

17、roducts satisfactory and prices acceptable and wish to order form you as per our Purchase Order enclosed .If the goods sell well in HongKong Market ,we shall place further substanial order with you in the near future .执教时间: 年 月 日 (第 周 星期 ) 累计 节课 题Unit 5 Business contracts and orders 课 型PracticeTeach

18、ing aims and demands:To get familiar with the useful terms and sentences.An audio-tape, a TV set, a multi-media, etc.Important points& difficult points:1. 短语和术语。2. 语法、结构。3. 翻译、写作。教 学 程 序备 注1 短语、术语1 in favor of 2 you may rest assured 3 effect /make shipment 4 agree upon 5 正本6 即期装运7会签(副署)8 一式两份II翻译、写作

19、1 我们已接受你方500只数码相机的订单。2 今通知,你们订购的第一种货脱销。3 我们可以现货供应5000只不同尺码的不粘锅。4 兹确认已按下述条件售给你方以下货物。5 我们认为你们会对这种新型计算机感兴趣,这种计算机刚引进非洲市场。III 阅读、翻译Referring to your fax of Feb .12 .we are pleased to confirm having sold to you 1000kg of Magnesim Trisilicate (三硅酸镁)on the terms and conditions agreed upon .We enclose herewi

20、th our Sales Confirmation NO.PS105-7In duplicate ,a copy of which please countersign and return to us for our file.执教时间: 年 月 日 (第 周 星期 ) 累计 节课 题Unit 5 Business contracts and orders 课 型PracticeTeaching aims and demands:To get familiar with the useful terms and sentences.An audio-tape, a TV set, a mul

21、ti-media, etc.Important points& difficult points:1. 短语和术语。2. 语法、结构。3. 翻译、写作。教 学 程 序备 注1 短语、术语1 additional quantities 2 in this regard 3 available from stock4 in great need of 5 标题货物6 续订货7 中国丝绸品8 “胜利”轮II翻译、写作1 由于我们急需此货,请从速装运。2 重要的是我们早日得到你们的报盘。3 请以我方为抬头开立不可撤销即期信用证。4 由于对该商品需求量大,请你方早小订单。5 一收到你方信用证,我们就迅速

22、装运。III 阅读、翻译Thanks for your above L/C which received by us today ,we are returning herewith one copy of the S/C signed by us for your record.You advised in the S/C to open the L/C in favor of your Dalian Office .But our L/C had opened in your favor .we followed your S/C NO.01/2/23dated 23-02-05.Ther

23、e was no such intstruction in that S/C .Be that it may be ,we hope there will no difficulty on your part to ship the goods .Please confirm per return .执教时间: 年 月 日 (第 周 星期 ) 累计 节课 题Unit 5 Business contracts and orders 课 型PracticeTeaching aims and demands:To get familiar with the useful terms and sent

24、ences.An audio-tape, a TV set, a multi-media, etc.Important points& difficult points:1. 短语和术语。2. 语法、结构。3. 翻译、写作。教 学 程 序备 注1 短语、术语1 out of stock 2 fail to do 3 at least 4 prompt attention5 新订单6 目前7 承若8 具体需求II翻译、写作1 由于工厂订货已满,我们眼下不能接受新订单。2 你方信用证迟到,我们未能及时装船。3 一有新货可供,请马上与我们联系。4 我货质量上乘,设计新颖,很多货物经常续订。5 如果你

25、方有任何需求,务请用E-mail 告知III 阅读、翻译Thank you for your order NO.2233 for the above goods ,but regret that owing to shortage of stocks .we are unable to accept it ,nor can our manufacturer undertake to entertain your order for future delivery on account of the uncertainty of raw materials .We will ,however ,

26、contact you through E-mail as soon as the supply postiion approved 执教时间: 年 月 日 (第 周 星期 ) 累计 节课 题Unit 6 payment 课 型PracticeTeaching aims and demands:To get familiar with the useful terms and sentences.An audio-tape, a TV set, a multi-media, etc.Important points& difficult points:1. 短语和术语。2. 语法、结构。3.

27、翻译、写作。教 学 程 序备 注1 短语、术语1 at your earliest convenience 2 take into consideration 3 Documents against Payment 4 expenses and fund 5 中国银行纽约分行6 推销7 开户行8 特殊签名II翻译、写作1 由于第E355号货,很抱歉,目前无货。2 考虑到我们鞋的质量,你会感到我们的价格并不高。3 你方信用证应与8月底前送达。4考虑到你方要求,我们决定接受你方D/p付款条件。5 开具信用证会牵扯我方很多费用,而且占压资金的时间相当长。III 阅读、翻译We are pleased

28、 to say that we agree to your above proposal .However ,we consider it advisable to make it clear that for future transactions D/P will only be applicable if the amount involved for each transcation is not up to USD 1000.Should the amount exceed that figure ,payment by L/Cwould be required .As we sai

29、d previously ,it is only due to our long relations that we extend you this accommodation.执教时间: 年 月 日 (第 周 星期 ) 累计 节课 题Unit 6 payment 课 型PracticeTeaching aims and demands:To get familiar with the useful terms and sentences.An audio-tape, a TV set, a multi-media, etc.Important points& difficult points

30、:1. 短语和术语。2. 语法、结构。3. 翻译、写作。教 学 程 序备 注1 短语、术语1 enjoy popularity 2 give priortiy to 3 count on 4 assume risk 5采购6 承兑交单7业务(贸易)伙伴8 正常销售II翻译、写作1鉴于我们之间长期友好关系,我们同意接受见票后30天付款交单的支付条件。2 我们接受付款交单没有问题,但你方需按时承运。3 我们抱歉不得不拒绝你方承兑交单付款方式,用信用证付款是我们的惯例做法。4 我们要求更有利的付款条件。5 我们有几家客户,他们的主要兴趣是中国丝绸品。III 阅读、翻译Thank you for your E-mail of yestereday ,we have carefully considered your proposal to effect payment on D/A but wish t

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