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1、英语专业论文 JIANGXI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY本 科 毕 业 论 文(设 计)题目: 浅析字母“A”在红字中人物的象征意义 英文标题: The Analysis of Symbolic Meaning of Letter “A” of The Characters in The Scarlet Letter学 院: 外国语学院 姓 名: xxxxxx 学 号: xxxxxxx 专 业: 英语(双学位) 年 级: 12级 指导教师xxxx 职 称: 二0一五 年 五 月 Contents摘要 Abstract1 Introduction2 Literature Re

2、view2.1 The Definition of Symbolism 2.2 Background of The Time 2.2.1 Social Background 2.2.3 Family Background2.3 Research Questions3 Symbolism Employed in The Novel 3, 1 The Symbolic Meaning of the Characters and Letter A 3.1.1 Letter A and Hester Prynne Short summary 3.1.2 Letter A and Chi

3、llingworth 3.1.3 Letter A and Dimmesdale 3.1.4 Letter A and Peal4. The Authors Inner Mind4.1 Hawthornes writing Style4.2 Scarlet letter A and Hawthorne5. ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgment摘要 红字是美国作家纳撒尼尔.霍桑的代表作。在当时的美国产生了深远的影响。与霍桑同时代的作家赫尔曼.麦尔维尔在评论他的作品时深情地表达了他对霍桑的崇敬和赞颂,甚至认为他和英国的莎士比亚不分轩轾。在红字这篇长篇小说中,象征

4、手法和心理描写的灵活运用是这部作品的最主要特色。红色字母A也是书中重要的象征符号,它也是一个主要贯穿全文的线索,连接着故事中的每一个场景,而且在每个人物身上都有着不同的象征意义。本文就出现在小说中的几个主人公具体分析了红A对于每个人物不同的象征意义。充分描写每个人物在不同时期对于红字A的不同意义,并得出一些新的结论和看法。关键字:红字;红字A;象征手法;象征意义 AbstractThe Scarlet Letter (1850) is the masterpiece of American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne. At that time, his work l

5、eft a profound impact in the United States. And Herman Melville, who is a contemporary writer with Hawthorne, deeply expressed his reverence and praise in a review of his work, or even said that he is the second British Shakespeare regardless of origin and statue. In The Scarlet Letter (1850), the f

6、lexible use of symbolism and psychological description is the main characteristics of this work. Red letter A is also an important symbol in the book, it is also a major clue throughout the text, connecting the story of each scene, and each of the characters has different symbolic meaning. This arti

7、cle appeared in the novel a few specific analysis of the scarlet letter A for each character for different symbolic meaning. Fully describe each character at different times for different meanings of the scarlet letter A, and draw some new conclusions and views.Key words: The scarlet letter; Scarlet

8、 A; Symbolism; Symbolic meaning1 Introduction Nathaniel Hawthorne is often considering being the first novelist in the American literature. But not means that he is the most famous one. He is known as his unique writing style and the way that he uses to describe the characters in his works. And he i

9、s also a legend person who is judged by many big bugs, which has created much of a stir in the society.Born on July4th, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, Nathaniel Hawthorne lives in family that had been prominent in the area since colonial times. A rich lore of family and local history provided much of

10、 the material for Hawthornes works. When Nathaniel was four, his father died on a voyage in Suriname, Dutch Guinea, but maternal relatives recognized his literary talent and financed his education at Bowdoin College. Among his classmates were many of the important literary and political figures of t

11、he day: writer Horatio Bridge, future Senator Jonathan Ciley, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and future President Franklin Pierce. These prominent friends supplied Hawthorne with government employment in the lean times, allowing him time to bloom as an author.The Scarlet Letter (1850), The House of the

12、 Seven Gables (1851), The Blithedale Romance (1852) and The Marble Faun (1860) are the four best-known short stories. Before publishing his first collection of tales in 1837, Hawthorne wrote scores of short stories and sketches, publishing them anonymously or pseudonymously in periodicals such as Th

13、e New England Magazine and The United States Magazine and Democratic Review. Only after collecting a number of his short stories into the two-volume Twice-Told Tales in 1837 did Hawthorne begin to attach his name to his works. And he died on May 19th, 1864. He was buried with many famous writers. Th

14、e scarlet letter is based on his life, experience, the social and religious background. It mainly described four different persons who acted different roles. When The Scarlet Letter (1850) was published out, it was criticized by many people and has even been named as a symptom of sick. But the truth

15、 is that it does is a awesome work and has made a big sensation in the world of English-American literature history.2 Literature Review Hawthornes work was famous, but was still criticized by many people. His novel is often seen as the eye of the time and he was even judged as the second Mona Lisa.2

16、.1 The Definition of Symbolism Symbolism is a literary genre of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, its straight from the discontentment of romanticism, emphasizing on implied and symbolic expression. Its basic meaning is: the mystery of the world; induction theory, hinted that the myst

17、ery. While suggesting that not depict, combining poetry and music. Symbolism is a new creative idea in literature, its literature throughout the twentieth century has had a profound impact. 2.2 Background of The Time 2.2.1 The Social Background The Scarlet Letter (1850) is at the background of North

18、 American Puritan, New England of the seventeenth century under colonial rule. Salem Town is the authors birthplace, and there is an important colonial port where is the rampant land of Puritan forces.There was no doubt that there many good deeds of puritan religion, such as self-dependent and impro

19、vement, self-respect and self-disciple. On the other hand, the regulations made by the puritan were too strict and rigid, sometimes could be dehumanize. There was always a contradiction between humanity and religion. Those who did not obey the rules were suffered with religious persecution. No matte

20、r children or adult, female or male, citizen or celebrity, Puritan rule was severe and its consequences readily visible. Under Puritan influence and policies, English theaters were closed. Literary style rejected the alleged excesses of Elizabethan metaphysical poetry, calling for a restrained style

21、. In the 17th century, religion was far more important than it is today .It was a vital part of everyday life. Furthermore, there was no toleration in matters of religion .By laws, everyday was supposed to belong to the Church of England. 2.2.2 The Family Background The successful completion of The

22、Scarlet Letter (1850) is drive from the stories of Hawthornes family background and relationship, It is reported that a variety of images of the characters in The Scarlet Letter (1850) are firmly related with his childhood life experiences. He was born in a big aristocratic family, several generatio

23、ns of ancestors are fanatical Puritan, It is said that his ancestors of Five judgment about North Korea is one of the three judges in 1692 witch the case of Salem flooding, which left a deep scar in his mind during his childhood. His father was died when he was four years old. At the age of nine, he

24、 sprained his leg when playing with his companions, and foot disease added a sense of inferiority to him. Later he read to motivate himself and is determined to become a writer. Obviously, his familys weakness, his father death, and the dependence on others for life and the formation of foot disease

25、 bring too many negative factors to his personal life. Mothers displaced grief made him developed a nasty habit of solitude, and his sense of loneliness can be seen everywhere in his work.2.3 Research Questions How to treat the characters of each role in this novel? What is the representative signif

26、icance for the author in The Scarlet Letter (1850)? What is the symbolic meaning of the characters in this novel? 3 Symbolism Employed in the Novel3.1 The Symbolic Meaning of the Characters and Letter AIn the scarlet letter (1850) this novel, Hawthorne made full use of his usual symbolism in his stu

27、dies, reached the acme of perfection, which added the romantic works and deepen the moral. The scarlet letter A, as the clue, is almost connected with every scene and each character image of the story, The four main characters in this book like Hester Prynnee, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth and pearl, an

28、d by the very symbolic meaning of the scarlet letter A , it integrates beautifully with crime, hidden sin, confession and redemption plot changes. These characters have different characteristics, divorcing from the reality to dream, covered by the mysterious aura and they are elusive. The scarlet le

29、tter A is the core of the article, each character is reflected in different symbolic significance. The scarlet letter A to Hester, the first is a symbol of shame. At the background of Puritan brutal colonial time, she is in deep love with a young priest called Dimmesdale, but their love is not toler

30、ated by the Puritan doctrine, thus those who are religious rulers sanctimonious put her onto the gallows pillory, being shaped into a sermon of adultery crime specimens, punished her to wear lifelong scarlet letter A, to bear all the pain and torture throughout all her life.3.1.1 Letter A and Hester

31、 PrynneThe scarlet letter A to Hester is a brave and tenacious pronoun. Hester is a beautiful and kind-hearted person who loves her life, her unhappy marriage with the old hypocrisy scholar Roger Chillingworth ruined her youth and vitality by heavy depression, and she and Dimmesdales love made her a

32、 new life. Even after being punished for adultery, ridiculed and isolated by the people, she also did not forget that the pursuit of beauty and the loyalty to love, the original scarlet letter “A” as a symbol shame upon her charm, has become a kind of her body decoration. This point has fully reflected in the scarlet letter (1850) and marked Hesters chest red an elegant as if not the humiliation, but art jewelry. The red “A” word is made of fine cloth, surrounded with golden thread, and

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