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高中英语必修2 Unit4综合检测卷.docx

1、高中英语必修2 Unit4综合检测卷名师名题:Unit4综合检测卷(时间:100分钟;满分:120分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1We were disappointed _ that the result wasnt the same as we thought.Ato find BfindCfinding Dfound2Everyone admired the way _ he dealt with the problem.Awhich Bwith whichCin that Dthat3The young couple are trying to save as m

2、uch as possible _ they can afford a flat by the end of next year.Aso that Beven thoughCin case Das if4The boss _ the work done so far and seemed quite pleased.Aoperated BexpectedCexplored Dinspected5Will you be able to get me a ticket to the concert?_I wont let you down.AThink nothing of it BNever m

3、indCNo problem DNo way6They do what they can to _ the old museum _Astop;from destroyingBprotect;from destroyingCprevent;from being destroyedDkeep;being destroyed7Have you found out the exact reason why the dinosaur _ many years ago?Adied down Bdied outCdied from Ddied of8Did you enjoy yourself last

4、night?Yes,its very nice of you. I appreciated _ to your birthday.Ato be invited Bto have invitedChaving invited Dbeing invited9Im not having much _ in communicating with him at the moment,but I know he is _ success as a poet.Asuccess;a Bsucceed;theCsuccessful;/ Da success;a10Were just trying to reac

5、h a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk.Awhere BthatCwhen Dwhich11We are concerned about the weather because it _ what we wear and even how we feel.Abenefits BguidesCaffects Dcauses12More attention should be paid _ good habits of reading carefully.Afor forming Bto formCto forming Din

6、forming13At the _ of bad surroundings,they have to cross the river only by moving on a rope.Amercy BfortuneCcontrol Dmaster14Those who were the victims(受害者)in the bus attack _ 26 people,_ 8 injured.Ainclude;containing Binclude;includingCcontain;containing Dcontain;including15He didnt attend the meet

7、ing for _ reason.Acertain BsomeCany Dmany.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Many times my friend June would say,“If I ever get _16_,Im moving into a bigger apartment and getting a completely new _17_”I would listen and think,“dream on,my friend.”But to everyones _18_,a few years ago June did come into a huge

8、 inheritance.June is a great believer in making _19_,so I wasnt surprised to find her writing down all the ways she would _20_ her new wealth. After hearing these changes for some time,I said to her,“It isnt necessary to spend all your _21_ at once.”“I know,I know,”she answered with a little of _22_

9、.A few days later,June called.“Ive decided _23_ I want to use my inheritance,”she said.“Can you _24_?I want to see what you think.”This wasnt something I _25_ looked forward to,but we had been _26_ for a long time. So I would go and keep my _27_ shut,no matter how the list read.As we sat drinking co

10、ffee,June spread a sheet of _28_ on the table. There was only one word:CHARITIES.She said,“It was a little hard to _29_ on the charities .But since Ive always wanted to help children,Im giving to those that I feel will carry out my _30_”I _31_,“But what about that big apartment you always hoped to h

11、ave?”“It doesnt seem as _32_ anymore,”she answered with a smile.Then June _33_ her hand,and I could see a few words written at the very bottom of the page. Pointing with my _34_,I asked,“Whats this?”“Oh!”she said,blushing a bright pink.“Just something for me.”Leaning forward to read the small print,

12、I burst into peals of _35_June had written:And one new wardrobe.16A. wise BfatCrich Dhealthy17A. table BwardrobeCbookshelf Dchair18A. sorrow BdisappointmentCsurprise Ddelight19A. promises BpreparationsCplans Dlists20A. hand out Bgive awayCdeal with Dbring in21A. goods BinheritanceCpossession Dmoney2

13、 BprideCanger Dexcitement23A. if BwhetherCwhen Dhow24A. turn over Bget overCtake over Dcome over25A. especially BreallyCexactly Dsurely26A. classmates BcolleaguesCfriends Dneighbors27A. fall BopenCwide Dmouth28A. cloth BpaperCglass Dwood29A. act BdecideCinsist Drely30A. tests BexperimentsCtask

14、s Dwishes31A. whispered BwonderedCstopped Dinterrupted32A. interesting BnecessaryCimportant Dcomfortable33A. washed BmovedCheld Dwaved34A. knife BpenCfinger Dchopstick35A. anger BtearsCsong Dlaughter.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ARush hour traffic is a problem in many big cities around the world. Commuter

15、s(通勤者)rush to and from their jobs in cars,buses,subways,trains,and even on bicycles. Large cities in the United States have two rush hoursone in the morning and one in the evening. But in cities in other parts of the world,there are four rush hours. In Athens and Rome,for example,many workers go hom

16、e for lunch and a nap. After this midday break,they rush back to their jobs and work for a few more hours.In Tokyo,theres a big rush hour underground. Most of the people in Tokyo take the subways. The trains are very crowded. Subway employees called packers wear white gloves and help pack the commut

17、ers into the trains when the doors place. They make sure that all purses,briefcases,clothes,and hands are inside the trains.In Seoul,many commuters prefer to take taxis to get to work,To hail a cab,many people stand at crossroads and raise two fingers. This means theyll pay the cab driver double the

18、 usual fare. Some people even raise three fingers!Theyll pay THREE times the normal rate.Streets in Rome are very crowded with automobiles and mopeds(摩托自行车)during rush hours. The city cant make its streets wider,and it cant build new highways,because it doesnt want to disturb many historic sites in

19、the city,such as the Forum and the Colosseum. It took the city fifteen years to construct a new subway system. Construction had to stop every time workers found old artifacts and discovered places of interest to archaeologists(考古学家)In many big cities,there are special lanes on highways for carpools.

20、 These are groups of three or more people who driver to and from work together. They share the costs of gas and parking and take turns driving into the city.Getting to work and getting home can be difficult in many places around the world. Rush hour traffic seems to be a universal problem.36Big citi

21、es have traffic problems during rush hours because there are _Aspecial lanes on highwaysBmany commutersCfour rush hoursDmany cars on the street37Most of commuters in Tokyo _Atake subway trains to workBare packersCtake taxis to workDcarry briefcases to work38To“hail a cab”means to _Apay double the no

22、rmal rateBtry to get a cabCprefer to take taxisDto stand at crossroads39Why did it take a long time to build a subway system in Rome?ABecause the streets were very crowded.BBecause there are many historic sites.CBecause the workers discovered many artifacts and places of interest.DBecause the traffi

23、c always stopped the construction.BBelieve it or not,optical illusion(错觉)can cut highway crashes. Japan is a case in point. It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75% using a simple optical illusion. Bent stripes,called chevrons(人字形),painted on the roads make drivers think that th

24、ey are driving faster than they really are,and thus drivers slow down.Now the American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington planning to repeat Japans success. Starting next year,the Foundation will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads aro

25、und the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes.Excessive speed plays a major role in as much as one fifth of all fatal traffic accidents,according to the Foundation. To help reduce those accidents,the Foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speedrelated hazards(危险)are

26、the greatestcurves,exit slopes,traffic circles,and bridges.Some studies suggest that straight,horizontal bars painted across roads can at first cut the average speed of drivers in half.However,traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted bar.Chevron,

27、scientists say,not only give drives the impression that they are driving faster than they really are but also make a lane appear to be narrower. The result is a longer lasting reduction in highway speed and the number of traffic accidents.40The passage mainly discusses _Aa new way of highway speed c

28、ontrolBa new pattern for painting highwaysCa new approach to training driversDa new type of optical illusion41On roads painted with chevrons,drivers tend to feel _Athey should avoid speedrelated hazardsBthey are driving in the wrong laneCthey should slow down their speedDthey are approaching the spe

29、ed limit42The American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety plans to _Atry out the Japanese method in certain areasBchange the road signs across the countryCreplace straight,horizontal bars with chevronsDrepeat the Japanese road patterns43The advantage of chevrons over straight,horiz

30、ontal bars is that the former _Acan keep drivers awakeBcan cut road accidents in halfCwill have a longer effect on driversDwill look more attractiveCWildlife faces threats (威胁) from habitat destruction, pollution, and other human actions. Although protecting wildlife may seem too hard at times, even small actions in your own neighbourhood can help protect many different animals. Here are some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions.1Create wildlife friendly areas in your backyard.When trying to make

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