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1、写作指导BEC写作BEC写作良师益友网 BEC 专家 http:/BEC写作指南务便函与便条写作(一)商务便函例一SCHOOL OF ENGNISH FOR BUSINESSMEMORANDUMTo: Mr. Kingswick, Course CoordinateFrom: Barnsby CampbelDate: 19 November 1995Subj ect: Lesson Plan for 28 November LectureI intend to teach memo writing in my next lecture. I plan to cover the followin

2、g parts:1.Inside AddressThis is omitted in a memo. As internal communication the reason is obvious.2.GreetingIt is more polite to put Mr., Mrs., or Ms before and the office after the name of the recipient. Youmay sometimes address the readers as a group.3.Subj ectThis is a phrase to tell reader what

3、 the memo is about. Sometimes only he phrase is given withoutthe word Subj ect before it.4.BodyThese should be short, less than10 lines, and concentrate on only one paragraphone idea each.Sometimes for memos with three or more paragraphs, it is advisable to begin each with a headingin capital letter

4、s to tell what the paragraph is about. Another practice is number the paragraphs foreasy reference later on.5.Carbon copyThis is written as c.c. for short. As in a letter, it lists the persons who are also receiving the memo.6.SignatureOnlythe initialis need. Theofficeand nameinprintof the write are

5、 omitted. Inmore casualmemos there is no signature at all.Any thoughts on my notes? Anything to add? Let me know at tea break.c.c. Mr. P.L. Duke, Training Office.例二Internal MemorandumTo:Anne BellFrom: Graham DavisDate: 23 March 1992Subj ect: Office Furniture_We need some comfortable chains for visit

6、ors to go in the manager s officeCan you arrange it?We need 10 chains in either beige or dark brown. The maximum you can spend is $ 500.良师益友网 BEC 专家 http:/例三Interoffice MemoTo: Richard BurleyDept: Market researchSubj ect: Profits and Southmoor BranchDate: May 10, 1998I have finished studying theSout

7、hmoor Branch sales figures for the 1stquarterand see they areabout $ 255,000 under projections. That is third straight quarter thatSouthmoorhasfallenshort.Will you prepare a new analysis of the Southmoor market potential/ I know you did one _and agood one too_three years ago before Southmoor opened.

8、 But maybe some factors have changedand we need to look into them.Ben Tebbins is working up a reportfrom the sales and promotion angle. He ll finish about June15.If you could be ready then, we will get together and see if we can solve the Southmoor problem.TBac.CC: Ben Tebbins(二)商务便条例一电话留言To: Mr. Fe

9、vrierMessage:Mr. ReterSchulzcalledfromVienna,wantedyoutocallhimtodaybefore4pmoranytimetomorrow on 014569924Message taken by: J.B.K.例二让秘书同志推迟约会Miss Liu,I vegotan urgentmeeting today. Please contactthe applicants to postponee the interviews tillfurther notice.DS例三请假To: Mr. SlaterMessage:I am sorry to

10、tell that I won t be able to go to the office today due to a sudden dizziness. So I haveto ask for a day s sick leave.例四安排工作To: Mr. RichardsonMessage:Please send a letter to Naves Limon in C.R.Find out:Are they satisfied with the order?Can we provide any after sales advice?Encourage repeat order(三)商

11、务便函分类范例1交流意见From: Chief ExecutiveTo: Production DirectorSubj ect: Production for machinery for Machine shop xAs you know the company is contemplating opening a new machine shop in the near future.Our operations have been expanding so rapidly that such a development now appears inevitable.There are a

12、 number of questions, which we need to be thinking about and I would be gratefulto hear you opinion on the idea.1.As to the choice of new machinery I would like to know whether you think we should buyor hire new equipment.2. ThenIwouldliketohearyourproposalsonwhichmachineryweshouldconsideracquiring.

13、3. Closely connected with the purchase or hire of machinery is the matter of maintenance. Wealso need to be discussed. How many new staff will be required, for example?4.Atthesame timeIwould appreciateit, if youcould provide mewithestimatesof theprobable working life of the equipment, which you prop

14、ose.Could youplease letme have yourpreliminary thoughts onthe questionsin timeforourmeeting next week?2. 了解情况MEMORANDUMTo:All members of staff, Northern BranchFrom: K.L.J.Date: 5 December 1994Subj ect: PERSONAL COMPUTERSThe board urgently requires feedback on our experience with PCs in Northern Bran

15、ch. I needto know, for my report:1. What you personally use your PC forand your reasons fordoing this. If you are doingworking that was formerly done by other staff, pleasejustify this.2. What software you use, Please name the programs.3. How many hours per day you spend actually using it.4. How you

16、r PC has not come up to your expectations.5. What unanticipated uses you have found for your PC, that others may want to share.Please Fax this information directly to me by 5 p.m. on Wednesday 7 December. If you haveanyquestions,pleasecontactmyassistant,JaneSimmonds,whowillvisityouonTuesday,6Decembe

17、r. Thank you for your help.(3).活动安排(1)NTERAL MEMOITo:All BranchesFrom: Sales ManagerDate: 28 November, 1996Tour: 5210_New Carrier1.We have found a new carrier for Tour 5210. This id DTL Aviation company.2.Allclientswhostillwanttotakethisholidaymustreconfirmtheirbookingsassoonaspossible.2.They must a

18、lso check in at Gatwick Airport by 0825 on the day of departure.3.Please write to all agencies and them this.活动安排(二)MEMORANDUMFrom: Office of the GM.Date: Feb. 1To: Heads of factories Subject: Trip by GMBelow are details of the factories that the general Manager will visit. In each one, the GM would

19、like to speak to all members of the Production Dept. please inform each factory and them to cancelall other appointment.March 8 Kuala LumpurMarch 9 SingaporeMarch 10 SingaporeMarch 11 Jakarta(4)建议MEMOTo: Project Planning Dept.From: General ManagerDate: Jan 5Subject: Aqua Warm BVI have looked though

20、our records of the work that we did at Perfecta Ltd. The heating systemwas checked three times before it was turned on. We are absolutely sure that explosion is not ourresponsibility.I suggest, therefore, that Perfecta writes to Aqua Warm to claim compensation.Please write to Perfecta (address: 61 B

21、ath Road, Worester, England WR 5 3AB) and explainour position.(5)报告MEMOTo:All DirectorsFrom: Lynn Adam, Administrative SecretaryDate: May 25, 1999Subj ect: Machine DictationAt the request of some of the division direction, we have made a survey of machine transcripts tosee what could be done to impr

22、ove both the quality of transcripts and the speed with which thework is completed. these are their suggestions:1.Both dictators and transcribers should be familiar with the dictating and transcribingEquipment. A manual is available for every machine; it explains how to use the equipment.2.It would b

23、e helpful if all dictators would:a. Mark the indicator slips with special instruction and correction. Mark the slips, too, to showthe length of the letter or report.b. Spell any proper names as well as technical or unfamiliar words.c. Control their voice so that the dictation is neither too loud nor

24、 too soft. Be sure to enunciateclearly.d. Supply as mach information as possible_ number of copies, type of massage, and identity ofdictator. It would also help if salutations and subj ect lines, when used, were dictated.e. Indicate when you would like the dictation complete the work dictation is ru

25、sh.3.Machine transcribers willcomplete transcriptionbythedayfollowing the receivingof thetape unless thedictationis marked rush-theneverywill be made tocomplete the workwhen it is wanted.Please let me know if you have further suggestions. I should also like to know if these suggestionsresult in better transcripts.四 考试题型与范例考题一You are the Managerof asmall printing company. A newemployee, Mark McCabe, is joiningyour company on 10 th May.

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