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英国文学 Jane Eyre.docx

1、英国文学 Jane Eyre 英国文学 Jane Eyre 外国语学院 08 级 英语师范(一班) 曲梦娇 20081115020031Jane Eyre is a piece of autobiographical fiction. It is Charlotte. Brontes first novel published in 1849. The novel creates a female image who is against social pressure with rebellion and independence. Feminist criticism comes in m

2、any forms, and feminist critics have a variety of goals. Some have been interested in rediscovering the works of women writers overlooked by a masculine-dominated culture. Others have revisited books by male authors and reviewed them from a woman's point of view to understand how they both refle

3、ct and shape the attitudes that have held women back.1 A number of contemporary feminists have turned to topics as various as women in postcolonial so-cieties, women's autobiographical writings, lesbians and literature, womanliness as masquerade, and the role of film and other popular media in t

4、he construction of the feminine gender. Among hundreds of writings in the world, Jane Eyre stands out and gives us a vivid impression. Sun Weimin, argued in her article that, the classic Jane Eyre tells the heroine of independent self-esteem, the pursuit of personal equality, love the story of singl

5、e-minded dedication2. Her tireless pursuit of the tireless spirit of the character of equality is respected, her contempt for the wealth of the gas stunning proudly, her single-minded dedication and fearless love the concept of moving. However, Jane Eyre's inner existence of the inferiority comp

6、lex of a taboo. Jane Eyre goes beyond the inferiority complex which highlights of her charisma.1Ross C Murfin . Feminist Readings: French Texts/American Contexts. Special issue, Tale French Studies 62 Bronte, Charlotte. Jane EyreM. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2003.(1981). 46

7、62Charlotte Bronte is one of the representatives of female literature in 19th English Literature. Women in her novel all bear various oppressions from feudalistic concepts to some extent. As a result, they all share a common feature-very strong self-consciousness. Through the analysis of the two her

8、oines in Jane Eyre, we can see that women with different characters would have different endings in the process of pursuing happiness. Only those who are really independent in personality and thoughts can know how to struggle for happiness, and education is the key to this social issue. Huang Xingju

9、n, showed his opinion in the article, that Jane Eyre is a female hero full of passion against unfairness all the way. Bronte, Charlotte showed her attitude towards life through Jane Eyre3, that women are equal to men, which people turned to ignore on purpose. It is the first time that people begin t

10、o care about women and their life in literature. As a result, hundreds of themes referred to female come into being. The topic draws peoples attention forever. Jane Eyre is written by famous talented English critical realist woman novelist Charlotte Bronte in 1846. Although having more than 152 year

11、s by now, it is popular with lots of people because of the heroine Jane Eyre. As an English idiom goes, “Beauty is but skin-deep”4, like Wang Wenhui argued in the article. A persons great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as an everlasting beauty. The thesis focuses on the analys

12、is of Jane Eyres beauty, on the assumption that more people may act like “Jane” and possess inner beauty5. First, it introduces the author Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre path of life, as well as its historical background of this work. Second, it mainly analyses the characters in Jane Eyre through he

13、r life experience in terms of psychology, language, mentality, behavior and so on to reflect the theme. Third, it is about Janes love. It express Jane longing and pursuit for the most beautiful characteristic of human beings, which enlighten us greatly. Finally, it has a discussion about Janes perso

14、nalities and concludes that Jane is a beautiful feminist.3 4 5Huang Xingjun, The endless love in Jane Eyre, Journal of Mudanjiang University,2009:4 Gaskell Elizabeth. The Life of Charlotte Bronte. Harmondsworth: Penguin Press 1975. Merryn Willians. Woman in the English NovelM. Beijing: Business Prin

15、ting House, 1984.It is filled with love, passion and reason, and maintains its unique artistic charm6. This thesis analyzes some major characters in the novel and takes a lot of examples to show the authors meaning and reflect the theme. This kind of description makes the figure a real person with b

16、lood and flesh. It also reflects the authors resistant spirit. The Heroine of Jane Eyre, a plain and little girl, lives under traditional pressure to pursue for independence and love loyalty. This thesis analyzes her personality. Under her adamancy and self-respect, she literally has got a fiery hea

17、rt for her love. Furthermore, the thesis tells us the Heroines love standpoint that the love should rely on the independent economy and should be equal in their spirit for both the lovers. Griffin Keedy argued in the article Character Analysis of the Icon Jane Eyre that Jane Eyre is a new Woman7. Th

18、is beloved character, Jane Eyre, represented a new woman of sorts for the Victorian Era. However, this is due to her narrative positioning and her words more than her actions as it is so often the plot undermines her narration and the overall progression defies the desires she inspired in her reader

19、s. Feminism has been a prominent and controversial topic in writings for the past two centuries, said Clarke, Michael M8. In Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre the main character, Jane Eyre, explores the depth at which women may act in society and finds her own boundaries in Victorian England. As well, alo

20、ng with the notions of feminism often follow the subjects of class distinctions and boundaries. There is an ample amount of evidence to suggest that the tone of Jane Eyre is in fact a very feminist one and may well be thought as relevant to the women of today who feel they have been discriminated ag

21、ainst because of there gender. At the beginning of the 19th century, little opportunity existed for women, and thus many of them felt uncomfortable when attempting to enter many parts of society. The absence of advanced educational opportunities for women and their alienation from almost all fields

22、of work gave them little option in life: either becomes a house wife or a governess. Although today a tutor may be considered a fairly high class and intellectual job, in the Victorian era a governess was little more than a servant who6 7 8Oates, Joyce Carol. Introduction. Jane Eyre. New York: Banta

23、m Books, 1987: 5-14. Griffin Keedy. Character Analysis of the Icon Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre. Penguin Classics Publishing, 2010:10 Clarke, Micael M. Bronte's Jane Eyre and the Grimms Cinderella. SEL: Studies in English Literature 2000was paid to share her scarce amount of knowledge in limited fields

24、to a child. With little respect, security, or class one may certainly feel that an intelligent, passionate and opinionated young woman such as Jane Eyre should deserve and be capable of so much more. The insecurity of this position, being tossed around with complete disregard for her feelings or pre

25、ferences, is only one of many grueling characteristics of this occupation. However for Jane to even emerge into society, becoming a governess seemed the only reasonable path for her. Zhong Baiyan said in her article that Feminism lays stresses on the sexual equality and affirms women's value9. T

26、he thesis mainly discusses the character of the heroine in Charlotte Bronte famous novel Jane Eyre. The article successfully creates Jane Eyre-a female image of a new tape of petty bourgeoisie, describing her struggle for independence and equal love. The thesis just analyzes Jane' s rebellious c

27、haracteristics through three periods of her experience: 1.In her childhood, she has shown her rebellious spirit; 2. When she studies at Lowood, her rebellious spirit is exposed further; 3. As a tutor in Thornfield Hall, Jane falls in love with Rochester-her master. Jane Eyre was a very common-lookin

28、g girl who had no charming appearance and no wealth. But as the little woman had said, “Do you think, because I am poor, obsecure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! ” Though God had not given her beauty and wealth, God gave her a kind mind instead. Living under the rud

29、e treatment of Mrs. Reed, she wanted to cast off; facing the mistreatment of teachers and the unpleasant living condition, Jane tried to resist the traditional teaching; falling in love with Mr. Rochester, she sought the equality of spirit10. Bronte created a heroine alienating from the Victorian id

30、eal image of womanhood. Janes peculiar character made her to be one of the most popular figures in the literature works.9Zhong Baiyan. Jane Eyre the symbol of Feminism. HUAZHANG, 2008 (23) Jameson Fredric. The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press,

31、1981.10Reference: 1.Ross C Murfin . Feminist Readings: French Texts/American Contexts. Special issue, Tale French Studies 62 (1981). 2. Bronte, Charlotte. Jane EyreM. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2003. 3. Huang Xingjun, The endless love in Jane Eyre, Journal of Mudanjiang Uni

32、versity,2009 4. Gaskell Elizabeth. The Life of Charlotte Bronte. Harmondsworth: Penguin Press 1975. 5. Merryn Willians. Woman in the English NovelM. Beijing: Business Printing House, 1984. 6. Oates, Joyce Carol. Introduction. Jane Eyre. New York: Bantam Books, 1987: 5-14. 7. Griffin Keedy. Character

33、 Analysis of the Icon Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre. Penguin Classics Publishing, 2010:10 8. Clarke, Michael M. Bronte's Jane Eyre and the Grimms Cinderella. SEL: Studies in English Literature 2000 9. Zhong Baiyan. Jane Eyre the symbol of Feminism. HUAZHANG, 2008 (23) 1 0. Jameson Fredric. The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act. Ithaca: Cornell

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