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1、鲁教版八年级上册英语Unit3教教案设计八年级英语Unit3教学案设计第 1课时 Section A1a-2d【学习目标】: 知识与技能:1.能根据发音规则正确读写本课6个单词及2个短语。 2.能运用was/ were doing描述过去发生的事情。 过程与方法:采用三环节教学法,通过Pairwork, Reading,listening等开展学习活动. 情感态度价值观:通过学习,能形成较好的人际交往能力。【学习重点】:能听懂听力并用was/ were doing描述过去发生的事情。【学习难点】:系词的运用及现在分词的变换形式。【学习过程】: 一 、课前预习 (教师寄语: No pains,

2、no gains)认知前提:用所给词的适当形式填空1. Look, Tom _(play) soccer.2. Mary_(write) a letter to her mother yesterday.3. My sister_(visit) Shanghai next week.4. Linda usually_(go)to school by bike. 新知认知:Task1. 背诵单词及短语,根据汉语意思进行默写单词:暴风雨_ 闹钟_ 开始_(过去式)_大量的_ 突然_ 奇特的_ 短语:(闹钟)发出响声_ 接电话_Task 2. 预习课本1a-2a的内容,找出下列短语。在街道上_ 在公

3、共汽车站_ 等公共汽车_ 走着回家_ 洗了一个热水澡_ 开始下大雨_Task 3. 预习课本,翻译下列句子。1. 昨天有暴风雨时人们正在干什么?_2. 我七点给你打电话时你没接。_3. 你为什么打那么多次? _ 预习检测(用所给词的适当形式填空):1. While the wind_(die) down, he woke up.2. Jim _(be) at the bus stop at 8 oclock last night.3. Could you tell me what_(happen) yesterday afternoon?4. When the rainstorm _(come

4、), what were you doing?cancantBillplay the guitarsingSaraplay the drumsplay the pianoJacksing or danceplay the trumpet【预习质疑】_二拓展提升 ( 教师寄语:Many hands make a light work )过去进行时的用法:1. 定义:过去进行时表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作,或表示过去某一阶段一直在进行的动作。Eg: I _(have a talk) with Li Hua at that time.2. 结构:was/were +v-ing 例如:那是我正在做家

5、庭作业。_ then.3. 常用时间状语:this morning, , all day yesterday, from nine to ten last evening等。4. 句式转换:一般疑问句中was/were 提前,否定句中was/were后加 “not”(1) Mary was playing the guitar at 8 oclock this morning.(变为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_(2) These boys were reading books in the library at 7 oclock last night.把上句变为否定句_对划线部分提问_三、系统总

6、结 (教师寄语:Tomorrow comes never.)总结过去进行时与一般过去时的用法区别:_第 2课时 Section A(3a-3c)【学习目标】: 知识与技能:1.能根据拼读规则读写本课单词及短语。 2.理解描述暴风雨的3a短文并能复述。 3. 理解和运用when, while 等词. 过程与方法:采用三环节教学法,开展 pair work, reading,trtelling等活动进行习. 情感态度与价值观:通过学习,使学生增强对社会的责任感。 【学习重点】:理解描述有关暴风雨活动的3a短文并能复述。 【学习难点】:描述时间的词when while的理解及运用. 【学习过程】:

7、一 、课前预习 (教师寄语: No pains, no gains) 认知前提:根据汉语完成句子1. My alarm clock didnt _(没响)2. It _(开始下雨)heavily.3. I thought I had _(一把雨伞)in my schoolbag.4. Im so busy _(寻找)the umbrlla that I didnt see a car coming.新知认知:Task1. 预习单词根据汉语意思写出下列单词单词:暴风雨_风_光_报道_敲打_地域,地区_木头_窗户_火柴_ 碰撞_睡着_升起_倒下_短语:睡着_逐渐变弱_Task 2.仔细阅读课本3a

8、短文,完成下列任务。 1. 阅读3a的短文,找出下列短语: 一场大暴雨_几根木条_ 重重的拍打窗户_ 醒来_处在混乱中_倒下的树_ 2. 仔细阅读3a短文1、2段,完成下列题目。(1)Where did Ben live ?_(2)What was Bens dad doing ?_ Ben never forgot that day. The news on TV_that a heavy rainstorm was coming. The black clounds _the sky very dark. Everyone was _.Bens father was putting pie

9、ces of wood _the windows while his mother was making _the flashlights were working.3. 仔细阅读3a短文3、4段,完成下列题目。What was Ben doing when the rain began to beat heavily?_Did you have fun when they tried to play a card game?_When did Ben fall sleep?_Whats the good thing for a rainstorm? _预习诊断:用词的适当形式填空1.Ever

10、yone _(be) having a good time at the party.2.Here is a box of _(match).3.Listen! The rain beat the windows _(heavy).4.You should go to _(asleep) early. 5. Yesterday I went to school very early because I _(wake) up early.cancantBillplay the guitarsingSaraplay the drumsplay the pianoJacksing or dancep

11、lay the trumpet【预习质疑】_二、拓展提升 ( 教师寄语: Many hands make a light work )against表示“反对的”为形容词,其反义词为for,你是反对还是赞成这个计划呢? _the plan?还可以表示位置:意思是“靠着,顶着”The teachers desk is _the wall.三.系统总结 (教师寄语:Tomorrow comes never.)总结section A的句子,完成下列对话:A: Lily, May I ask you some questions? A: Sure.A:_? B:I was listening to t

12、he music when the fire started yesterday.A:_? B:No, I didnt smell smoke, but my brother Tim did.A: _?B:He was playing soccer with his friends at that time.A:_?B:No, Tom wasnt playing soccer with him. He was reading a book. 第 3 课时 SectionA 4a-4c【学习目标】 知识与能力:1.能根据拼读规则读写本节课的3个单词have a look,icy, kid2.能谈

13、论过去发生的事情过程与方法:采用三环节教学学,运用listening, pairwork, practicing等开展学习活动。情感态度价值观:教育学生面对自然灾害时应该团结起来共同面对。【学习重点】:.能谈论过去发生的事情【学习难点】:when,while的区分【学习过程】一、课前预习(教师寄语:Where there is a will,there is a way)认知前提:用所给词的适当形式填空。 like make sure have fun with die down wake up1.When I _this morning,it was nine oclock.2._to ca

14、tch up with other students,or youll fall behind.3.We_our classmates in the park yesterday afternoon.4.She _eating bread and chicken for lunch.5.When I got up this morning,the wind was _翻译3a中的句子1.外边没有光,天像是黑夜。With no light outside, it_ _midnight.2尽管暴风雨损坏了很多东西,但它能够让家人和邻居更加亲近Although the storm _ many th

15、ings _, It _ families and neighbors _ _.二新知认知Task 1. 预习4a,4b内容,找出下列单词及短语冰冷的_开玩笑的_ 看一看_ 洗澡_拍照片_去洗车_买饮料_打开收音机_ 弹钢琴_ 打扫他的卧室_醒来_做早饭_ 立刻,马上_ 由于,因为_ Task2. 预习Grammar focus,翻译下列句子。1.暴风雨的时候她在做什么?_2.下大雨时,Ben在做什么?_3.当天开始下雨的时候,Ben在帮他妈妈做晚饭_4.While Linda was sleeping,Jenny was helping Mary with her homework._Tas

16、k3.完成课本4b内容预习检测:用词的适当形式填空1. I _(read) a novel last night when I heard knocks at the door.2. When I got home yeaterday afternoon, it_(rain) hard.3. Mr.Green_(watch) TV at this time last night.4. My son was playing chess while my daughter _(talk) with her teacher.5. When I got home,my pet dog was _(li

17、e) on the sofa.【预习质疑】_二、反思拓展:补全对话(教师寄语There is no royal to learning)Dear Mom and Dad, Im afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty and the school master(校长) is very angry with me. She is going to write to you. You must (1)_(come) and take me away from here. She (2)_ _(not wa

18、nt) me in the school any longer. The trouble started last night when I (3)_(smoke) a cigarette(香烟) in bed. As I was smoking, I heard footsteps (4)_(come) towards the room. I did not want a teacher (5)_( catch) me smoking, so I (6)_(throw) the cigarette away. Unfortunately, the cigarette fell into th

19、e waste-paper basket. It caught fire.(着火) There was a curtain near the waste -paper basket. It caught fire too. Soon the whole room was (7)_( burn). The master said that the fire (8)_(be) all my fault and I must pay for the damage.(损失)She will send you a bill for about a million dollars. Im sorry fo

20、r this. Sarah三系统总结(教师寄语:Its easier said than done)总结本节课含有when、while的句子_第 4 课时 SectionB 1a-1e【学习目标】 知识与能力:1.能根据拼读规则读写本节课的黑体单词realize,短语make ones way 2.能听懂听力材料,并完成1b.1c的练习;能用过去进行时进行表述过程与方法:采用三环节教学学,运用listening, pairwork, practicing等开展学习活动。情感态度价值观:通过学习,正确面对自己的问题【学习重点】:能听懂表达建议的听力材料,并完成1b.1c的练习。【学习难点】:能用

21、过去进行时进行表述【学习过程】: (教师寄语:Tomorrow comes never.)二、课前预习(教师寄语:Where there is a will,there is a way)认知前提:用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Today is _(wind),you should wear more clothes.2.People use_(match) to light fire.3.While the wind_(die) down, he woke up.4.The sun_(rise) in the east everyday.5.There were some fallen tre

22、es and _(break) windows.二新知认知:Task 1.预习课本单词及短语并写出。单词:理解,领会_事件_ 错过_赢得_ 短语:在路边_到达_ 等待_经过_ 篮球比赛_离开家_前往,费力地前进_ Task2.预习听力材料,翻译下列句子。1.你昨天为什么没去学校篮球比赛?_2.我给你打了n多次电话,但你没接。_3.当我到达公交站牌时,我才意识到我的包还在家里。 _4.While I was running back home,I saw a dog by the side of the road and it was hurt. _5.怪不得你没能去看比赛呢。._预习检测:用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Kate _(realize) her bag was still at home.2.Kate _(wait) f

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