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七年级上册Starter U1U3教学案.docx

1、七年级上册Starter U1U3教学案阳光学校 七 年级(上)英语 科教学案班级: 姓名: 学习小组: 教学案编号:初英七上01号课题:Starter Unit 1 Good morning! 课型: 新授课 课时:1师生随堂笔记生词库授课人: Jolin 审核: 时间:2015.08 【学习目标】1. 掌握1a八位学生姓名,了解英文姓名的性别区分。2. 掌握在听力中抓住关键词:英语人名及打招呼的时段。3. 能灵活运用一些简单的打招呼用语,学会礼貌地与他人交往。【重点难点】重点:正确认读八位学生的姓名,感知be动词am,are与人称代词I,you的用法。难点:熟练运用问候他人的多种表达法。【

2、预习指导】1. 观察课本PS1大图完成1a,将男女生名字归类,并尝试读一读2. 阅读课本P55,初步了解英语中常见的男女名字和几种常见问候语的表达方式,完成下列填空。1) 英语中常见的见面问候语包括_,Good afternoon 和_ 。但在英语国家的非 正式场合和日常口语中,熟人与朋友间常常可以省略_。2)晚上分别或就寝前的道别用语是_。【学习模块】1. Lead in 2. Lets check (1a)3. Listen and repeat 1b 4. Lets learn (1)5. Pair work【当堂检测】 1. 3a听录音,为图片编号。 2. 匹配日常问候语。1)Good

3、 morning,everyone! Hello!2)How are you? Fine,thanks!3)Hi! How do you do?4)Good evening! Good morning,Miss Li!5) Good afternoon, Cindy! Afternoon, Eric!【拓展延伸】阅读理解 At school I have a good friend. He is an American boy. His name is Jim. He is eleven. We are in the same school - No. 12 Middle School, bu

4、t we are in different classes. He is in Class One and I am in Class Three. Jim has a good family. His father and mother are teachers. Jims sister is five. She is not a student. Her name is Ann. She is a nice girl.( )1. Jim is _. A. ChineseB. AmericanC. EnglishD. Japanese( )2. Jim and I are in _ scho

5、ol. A. sameB. differentC. the sameD. the different( )3. _ is a teacher. A. JimB. Jims sisterC. Jims momD. Jims friend( )4. Jim is in _. A. Class 4B. Class2C. Class3D. Class 1( )5. Jim has a good _. A. schoolB. pictureC. familyD. class【课后作业】1. 完成百年学典P1-2 【自主预习】-【名师导学】。2. 完成【拓展延伸】与2号学案【预习指导】。3. 认读课本P9

6、4 Starter Unit 1 单词。阳光学校 七 年级(上)英语 科教学案班级: 姓名: 学习小组: 教学案编号:初英七上02号课题:Starter Unit 1 Good morning! 课型: 新授课 课时:2师生随堂笔记授课人: Jolin 审核: 时间:2015.08 【学习目标】1. 掌握字母Aa-Hh的正确发音、顺序和正确书写。2. 认读缩略词HB、CD、BBC,识记中文。3. 能够区分元音字母Aa,Ee在重读开闭音节中的不同发音。【重点难点】重点:英文字母A-H大小写的书写及占格的位置。难点:区分元音字母Aa,Ee在重读开闭音节中的不同发音。【预习指导】1. 知识链接1)

7、HB: H-Hardness 硬度,B-Black 黑度,B数越多铅笔就越黑越软,H数越多就越硬颜色越浅.HB是中间的.HB铅笔适用于书写,而B铅笔适用于绘画,H铅笔适用于在硬物上做记号。2) BBC:英国广播公司,成立于1922年,是英国最大的新闻广播机构,也是世界最大的新闻广播机构之一。2阅读课本PS2的2c,观察Aa- Hh书写的正确笔画,完成2d。3. 以下是生活中常见的英文缩写,你知道它们的意思吗?1)TV _ 2) VIP _ 3) WC _4)CCTV _ 5) IQ _ 6) EQ _【学习模块】1. Warming-up2. Lets do (4a)Read the name

8、s of 8 students aloud and write them under the pictures, then find out the rule.3. Lets learn 1 (2a-2c)1) Listen and repeat the Letters Aa Hh (2a) 2) Learn how to write Letter Aa Hh (2c)3) Do 2b4. Lets learn 2 1) Lets enjoy2) Sum up the rules of the pronunciation ( A,E )3) Listen and repeat. (4b)【当堂

9、检测】按照发音,帮助8个字母归类吧!(注意正确书写哦!())/ei/ /i:/e/【课堂小结】 1.Aa-Hh的读音字母/音标Aa /ei/_ /bi:/_ /si:/_ /di:/_ /i:/_ /ef/_/d i:/ _/eit/2.元音字母A和E的读音规则【课后作业】1.完成百年学典P2 【能力提升】。2.正确书写字母AaHh 各2行。3.朗读课本PS4 4c。4.熟读并背诵课本P94 Starter Unit 1 单词。阳光学校 七 年级(上)英语 科教学案班级: 姓名: 学习小组: 教学案编号:初英七上03号 课题 Starter Unit 2 Whats this in Engli

10、sh?课型: 新授课 课时:1师生随堂笔记授课人: Jolin 审核: 时间: 2015.09 【学习目标】1. 掌握字母Ii-Rr的正确发音、顺序和正确书写。2. 认读缩略词P、NBA、kg,识记中文。3. 能够区分元音字母Ii,Oo在重读开闭音节中的不同发音。【重点难点】重点:英文字母I-R大小写的书写及读音。难点:区分元音字母Ii,Oo在重读开闭音节中的不同发音。【预习指导】1.知识链接NBA(全称National Basketball Association),直译为美国篮球联盟,简称“美职篮”。该协会一共拥有30支球队,分属两个联盟:东部联盟和西部联盟,而每个联盟各由三个赛区组成,每

11、个赛区有五支球队。30支球队当中有29支位于美国本土,另外一支来自加拿大的多伦多。NBA标志里的人物原型是杰里韦斯特(Jerry West)。2. 阅读课本PS6的2c,观察Ii-Ri书写的正确笔画,完成2d。3. 课前小测1)写出下列字母的左邻右舍 2)单项选择( )书写时占3格的字母是 _ 。A. e B. g C. d D. f( )在英语字母中,既是字母又是单词的是_ 。A. I B. Y C. Z D. S( )下列字母中含有相同音素的是_ 。A. Aa,Ff B. Cc,Dd C. Gg,Ff D. Ee,Aa( )表示“美国篮球协会”的缩略词是_ 。A. PRC B. USA C

12、. NBA D. CBA( )下列单词中与map含有相同元音音素是_ 。A. Dale B. cake C. Grace D. thanks【学习模块】1. Warming-up.2. Lets learn1(2a - 2c)4) Listen and repeat the Letters Ii Rr (2a) 5) Learn how to write Letter Ii Rr (2c)6) Listen and number the letters you hear (2b)3. Lets learn 2 4) Lets enjoy5) Sum up the rules of the pr

13、onunciation (Ii Rr )6) Listen and repeat. IiI hi fineit in thisOoO OKdog orange【当堂检测】1.完成课本PS8 4a (补全所缺字母) 2.找出与所给字母含有相同因素的一项。( )C( )H( )N( )I A. JA. MA. I A. HB. EB. K B. EB. GC. FC. EC. KC. Q D. RD. OD. LD. Y【课堂小结】字母Ii Rr的读音规则_【课后作业】1. 正确书写字母Ii Rr 各2行。2. 完成04号学案【预习指导】。阳光学校 七 年级(上)英语 科教学案班级: 姓名: 学习

14、小组: 教学案编号:初英七上04号 课题 Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?课型: 新授课 课时:2师生随堂笔记授课人: Jolin 审核: 时间: 2015.09 【学习目标】1. 掌握3a部分的八个物品单词,学会认读和拼写。2. 能运用what引导的特殊疑问句向他人确认物品并作回答。3. 能掌握向他人求助某个单词的拼写方法的句型。【重点难点】重点:1. 感知指示代词this,that;人称代词it与不定冠词a,an的用法。 2. 感知what引导的特殊疑问句。难点: 运用what引导的特殊疑问句向他人确认物品并作回答。【预习指导】1. 【课前回顾】

15、补全对话,每空一词A: Hello, Mary!B: 1._, Jack!A: How 2._ you?B: 3._ fine, 4._. And you?A: Im 5._, too.2.自读课本P94 StarterU2的单词,完成百年学典P3-4【自主预习】-【名师导学】。3.观察课本PS5图片,理解对话内容并朗读,尝试完成以下词组翻译1)_ 用英语 2)_ 一把钥匙3)_ 一个橘子 4)_ 那幅地图5)_ 这件夹克衫【学习模块】1. Warming-up and lead-in.2. Lets learn3. Lets listen 4. Lets practice.(3a,3d)5.

16、 Lets role play.【当堂检测】1.从方框内选择适当的选项,补全对话。A: Good afternoon,Dale!B: 1. _, Alice.A: 2. _?B: Im OK, thanks.A: 3. _?B: Its a pencil.A: 4. _.B: P-E-N-C-I-L.A: 5. _.B: Youre welcome.A. Spell it pleaseB. How are youC. Good nightD. Whats that in EnglishE. Thank you very muchF. Good afternoonG: Goodbye2.根据中文

17、完成句子。1)- Whats this _ _ ? - Its _ _.-这个用英语怎么说? - 是一个橙子。2)- _ _ in English? - Its _ _.-那个用英语怎么说? - 是一件夹克衫。3)- _ it,_. - B-A-L-L.-请拼写它。 - B-A-L-L。【拓展延伸】阅读理解Going to the Zoo The students of Yuying School go to the zoo. They see a lot of animals. In the afternoon, they get back to school. The teacher as

18、ks them which animal is their favorite. Each student gives an answer. Some animals are very popular (受欢迎的). Other animals are not. Here is the chart (图表). It shows the animals the students like best.( )1. The students go to a _. A. parkB. zooC. shopD. club( )2. The students go there _. A. in the mor

19、ningC. in the eveningB. in the afternoonD. at night( )3. The chart shows_ kinds (种类) of animals. A. fourB. fiveC. sixD. seven( )4. The students favorite animals are _. A. dolphinsB. elephantsC. tigersD. monkeys( )5. It there are 40 students in a class, _ students will like elephants best. A.8B. 9C.

20、10D. 11【课堂小结】1.英语中,泛指“一个”的不定冠词有_和_。大多数情况下,使用_,当修饰的名词为元音(音素)开头时,就要用不定冠词_.2. 向他人确认某物品的英文名称时可以问:_【课后作业】1.抄写课本P94-95 Starter Unit 2 单词4+2,熟读并背诵。2.完成【拓展延伸】3.完成百年学典P4【能力提升】阳光学校 七 年级(上)英语 科教学案班级: 姓名: 学习小组: 教学案编号:初英七上05号 课题 Starter Unit 3 What color is it ?课型: 新授课 课时:1师生随堂笔记生词库:授课人: Jolin 审核: 时间: 2015.09 【学

21、习目标】1. 掌握用what引导的特殊疑问句询问物品的颜色并做回答。2. 掌握字母Ss-Zz的正确发音、顺序和正确书写。3. 认读缩略词S/M/L、UFO、CCTV,识记中文。【重点难点】重点:英文字母Ss-Zz大小写的书写及读音。难点:用what引导的特殊疑问句询问物品的颜色并做回答。【预习指导】1. 自读课本P95 StarterU3的单词,完成百年学典P5【自主预习】-【名师导学】。2. 阅读课本PS10的2c,观察Ss-Zz书写的正确笔画,完成2d。【学习模块】1 Warming-up.(lets enjoy a song)Q:How many colors can you see i

22、n this lovely song?_Please list the colors_2 Lets learn 13 Lets talk (1a)4 Lets learn 21) Listen and repeat the Letters Ss-Zz (2a)2) Learn how to write Letter Ss-Zz (2c)3) Listen and number the letters you hear (2b)5. Lets learn 3 (2e)【当堂检测】 完成听力练习 (3b,3c)【课堂小结】询问颜色的常用句式:What color?【拓展延伸】阅读理解Tom and

23、 Ann have a dog and a cat. The dog is Toms. Its black. Its name is Peter. The cat is Anns. Its name is Helen. Its black and white. Tom and Ann want to go to a park. And they want to take their dog and cat with them. They put two boxes in the room. They want to put the dog and cat in the two boxes. “

24、Go! Go!” Tom says to the dog. But the dog doesnt listen. It runs in the room and goes out.“Go! Go!” Ann says to the cat. The cat is now in the box.“You are great, my cat!” says Ann.“Yes, it is. But my dog isnt .” says Tom.( )1. -What color is the cat? - Its _. A. blackB. blueC. whiteD. black and whi

25、te( )2. - Who is Helen? - _. A. Toms friendC. A catB. Anns friendD. A dog( )3. - Where do Tom and Ann want to go ? - They want to go to _ . A. the parkB. the zooC. the roomD. the box( )4. They want the dog and cat to _ .A. stay in the roomB. play in the parkC. run in the roomD. play in the zoo( )5.

26、At last (最后), _ go to the park. A. Tom and AnnC. Tom ,Ann and the dogB. Ann and the catD. Tom ,Ann and the cat【课后作业】1.正确书写字母Ss-Zz 各2行。2.完成05号学案【拓展延伸】。3.完成百年学典P5-6【能力提升】。4.熟读课本P95 StarterU3的单词阳光学校 七 年级(上)英语 科教学案班级: 姓名: 学习小组: 教学案编号:初英七上06号 课题 Starter Unit 3 What color is it ?课型: 新授课 课时:2师生随堂笔记生词库:1.gorilla 大猩猩2.igloo冰屋3.juice果汁4.kangaroo袋鼠5.octopus章鱼6.ring戒指7.umbrella雨伞8. van货车授课人: Jolin 审核: 时间: 2015.09 【学习目标】1.

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