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1、英语教学法review英语教学法Review1. Topic: Methodology of English Language Teaching in Middle SchoolsDefinition of MethodologyMethodology is the science or study of methods. Method can be defined in terms of three levels: Approach, design and procedure.Approach means a theory of language and of language learni

2、ng,Design means the definition of linguistic content and a specification for the selection and organization of content and a description of the role of teacher, learner and teaching material.Procedure means the description of techniques and practices in the instructional system.The relationship betw

3、een approach, design and procedureA method is theoretically related to an approach, is organizationally determined by a design, and is practically realized in procedure.Elements and sub elements that constitute a method Approach a. Theory of language b. Theory of language learning Design a. Objectiv

4、es b. Syllabus c. Learning and teaching activities d. Learner rolese. Teacher roles f. The role of instructional materials Procedurea. techniques, practices, and behaviors2. Topic: Theoretical bases for the Grammar-translation MethodThe history of the Grammar-translation Method is not fully and care

5、fully documented. (1) There is evidence that grammar analysis and translation began to be the basic procedures in foreign language teaching from the 16th century when modern languages such as French, Italian and English gained in importance as a result of political changes in Europe. The modern lang

6、uages provided one of the conditions for grammar analysis and the application of grammatical rules in translation exercises in teaching Latin.* the Grammar-Translation Method originated from the 18th century. In the 19th century, more experts of foreign language teaching adopted the strategy of comb

7、ining grammar rules with translation and the Grammar-Translation Method became the principal method of teaching modern languages in schools.Theory of language. Traditional linguistics.Comparative Historical Linguistics: (1)All languages originate from one language and are ruled by a common grammar.(

8、2)The written form of the language is superior to the spoken form. (3)The students first language is the reference system in the learning of the target language. Theory of language learning.Faculty Psychology: 1.The mind of human beings has various faculties which could be trained separately. 2.Unde

9、rstanding and memorization of complicated grammatical rules of languages were regarded as important means of developing mentality. 3.Latin grammar is the most logical and well-organized grammar. Educational value: classical humanism. The language was regarded as a body of esteemed knowledge to be le

10、arned, with an emphasis on intellectual rigor.Origin of traditional linguisticsTraditional linguistics has a tradition of more than 2000 years. In the fifth century B.C. the Greeks began to make a serious study of language in the realm of philosophy.Two controversies in ancient GreeceOne was between

11、 the naturalists and the conventionalists on the relations between form and meaning. The naturalists argued that the forms of words reflected directly the nature of objects. The conventionalists thought that language was conventional and there was no logic connection between form and meaning of word

12、s.The other was between the analogists and the anomalists on the regularities of language. The analogists claimed that language in general was regular and there were rules for people to follow. The anomalists maintained that language was basically irregular and that was why there were so many except

13、ions and irregularities in the Greek language. SyllabusA structural (or formal) syllabus is one in which the content of language teaching is a collection of the forms and structures, usually grammatical, of the language being taught.Instructional materialClassical texts and carefully compiled texts

14、according to grammar system are used.AssessmentIn the grammar/translation approach to language teaching and learning, assessment mostly involved tests of discrete items of grammatical knowledge and translation.3. Topic: Theoretical bases for the Direct MethodThe Direct MethodTheory of languageViews

15、proposed by the innovators and reformers of the 19th century:1. Every language has its owe structure and can not be forced into the straitjacket of Latin grammar. 2. Spoken language came into being before written language and speech patterns rather than grammar are the fundamental elements of langua

16、ge. 3. Spoken language is a learnable system of sounds, and sounds are best described by phonetic transcription. 4. According to Gouin, verbal expression is intimately linked with thought about real events. Thoughts and corresponding utterances do not occur randomly or singly; they come in sequences

17、 and ends-means series. Theory of language learningThe learning of languages was as analogous to the first language acquisition, and the learning processes involved were often interpreted in terms of an associationist psychology. The learner will acquire rules of grammar inductively.Instructional ma

18、terialsSpoken everyday speech in the target language is studied in preference to literary language.4. Topic: Theoretical bases for the audio-lingual methodThe Audiolingual MethodBackgroundAmerican Army Specialized Training ProgramAural-Oral or Structural Approach developed by Fries and his colleague

19、s (In 1941, the first English language institute in the U.S. was established in the University of Michigan.)*American structuralismBehaviorist psychologyThe audio-lingual method was widely used in the United States and other countries in the 1950s and 1960s. It is still used in some programs today.T

20、heory of languageAmerican structuralist views:Elements in a language are produced in a rule-governed(structured) way.Language samples could be exhaustively described at any structural level of description.Language is structured like a pyramid, that is, linguistic levels are systems within systems.Th

21、e structural linguists believed that language is speech.The structural linguists believed that languages are different.Theory of language learning Behaviorist psychology (Behaviorism)The basic theoretical principles of the Audiolingual Method.(Moulton, 1961)Language is speech, not writing. A languag

22、e is what its native speakers say, not what someone thinks they ought to say.Languages are different. A Language is a set of habits.Teach the language, not about the language.Origin of American structuralismAmerican structuralism started at the beginning of the 20th century and was very popular and

23、influential in the 1930s and 1940s throughout the world.*Contribution of Leonard Bloomfield(布龙菲尔德)He is regarded as the father of American structuralism. His book Language (1933) became the bible of linguistics and remained unsurpassed as an introduction to linguistics after more than 3 decades. *Co

24、ntribution of B.F.SkinnerB. F. Skinner(19041990) was regarded as the leader of behaviorism.Classical conditioning and operant conditioningOne kind of learning processes is now called classical conditioning, by which a stimulus that did not elicit a response comes to elicit a response after it is pai

25、red several times with a stimulus that already elicit a response.Function of imitation and practiceImitation and practice play an important role in the process of habit- formation, because the behaviorists maintained that imitation will help learners identify the associations between stimuli and res

26、ponses while practice will reinforce the associations and help learners to form the new linguistic habits.Positive transferIf the mother tongue and the target language have the same linguistic habits, then positive transfers will occur and the target language learning process will be facilitated.Neg

27、ative transferWhen the mother tongue and the target language share a meaning but express it in different ways, the learner will transfer the ways of expression in the mother tongue to the target language . This is called negative transfer and the results of such transfers are realized by errors made

28、 by the learner.Attitude towards errorErrors should be avoided and should be corrected if they have been made, because they are indication of non-learning and have the danger of becoming bad linguistic habits.Function of contrastive analysisIf a careful and detailed comparison between the mother ton

29、gue and the target language is done, then all the errors in second language learning process can be predicted and avoided.TechniquesRepetition drillSimple substitution drillTransformation drillQuestion-and-answer drillExpansion drillClause combination drillBackward build-up drillChain drillMini-dial

30、ogueCompletionUse of minimal pairsProceduresRecognitionImitation and repetitionPattern DrillFollow-up activities5. Topic: Theoretical Bases for Cognitive MethodBackgroundAs the Audiolingual Method was on the decline in the 1960s and many shortcomings were found in it, the Cognitive Approach develope

31、d as an alternative, in response to the criticisms leveled against audiolingualism.The Cognitive ApproachTheory of language.Transformational generative linguisticsBrunner and his discovery method The famousHe holds that learners should organize knowledge for themselves by using discovery method, rat

32、her than having materials prepackaged by the teacher.*Contribution of Noam Chomsky(乔姆斯基)The year 1957 saw the publication of Noam Chomskys book Syntactic Structures, which started a revolution in the linguistic world and ushered in a new school- the transformational generative linguistics.Language acquisition deviceChomsky assumes that children are born with a language acquisition device( LAD). This LAD is made up of a set o

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