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1、九年级英语Unit1Howdoyoustudyforatest第2课时教案人教新目标版Unit 1 How do you study for a test?(SectionA1a-2c)Teaching goalsGet the students to grasp the new words flashcard, vocabulary, aloud, pronunciation.Talk about how to study with such patterns as How do you study for a test? By doing Have you ever studied wit

2、h group? Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.Listen, describe and talk about different ways to learn English. Try to use the right ways to learn English. (目标引领:学习目标采用尽量简单的语言表述重点,让学生易看懂)Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step 1 PreviewLook at p2, put the following into English orally, then write

3、 them down without looking at the text.1. 和朋友一起学习_2. 制作抽认卡_3. 读课本_4. 制作词汇表_5. 听磁带_6. 向老师寻求帮助_(预习环节解决了新授的部分难点)Step2 Warming up and new words.Talk about the passing summer vacation with the students. Then show a picture of Yang Lan T: Hello, everyone! Glad to see you in the new term. How was your summ

4、er vacation?S1: Great. During the vacation, I S2: It was boring. IT: Is there anyone who studied English during the vacation?S3: Yes. T: How did you study?S3: I T: Have you ever heard of Yang Lan? Her English is very good. Do you know how she studies English? I hear that she studied English by makin

5、g vocabulary lists , by listening to tapes and sometimes by making flashcards .So her pronunciation is very good. Get the Ss to guess the meaning of the new words. The teacher can explain in English. Then Ss try to read them.(刚开学,谈论暑假和杨澜这个名人是为了更好地激起学生的学习兴趣)Step2 Lead inT: Yang Lan has her way to lea

6、rn English. Are there any other ways? Lets have a look. Show more pictures. Ask the students to try to say more ways to learn English.T: We know it is not easy to learn English well. Different students use different ways to learn it. Now please look at the pictures and answer my questions please!Sho

7、w the following pictures one by one. T: How does he/she learn English? S1: She learns English by working with friends.S2:She learns English by making flashcards.S3: She learns English by reading the text book.S4:He learns English by making vocabulary list.S5:He learns English by listening to the tap

8、es.S6: He learns English by asking the teacher for help.S7:He learns English by watching TV.S8:She learns English by practicing with foreigner.T: Very good. How do you study English well? Can you tell me?Ss can say some ways that they used, even in Chinese.(用图画使学生更直观地去练习)Step3 1aT: Now you can check

9、 the ways you study for an English test.Then ask some students to say their answers.Step 4 Listening and Speaking (1b, 1c: P2) T: OK. Ive known how you study for a test. Now you will hear some students are talking about how to study for a big test. Please listen for the first time to get the main id

10、eas. Please keep notes while listening.What are they talking about? ( )A. Theyre talking about their holiday.B. Theyre talking about how to study for a test.C. Theyre talking about their study plans.(先听大意,理解文段)Play the recording two or more times. Then check the answers.1b Listen. How do they study

11、for a test? Write letters from the pictures._ _ _1. Mei 2. Pierre 3. AntonioListen and repeatStep5 Post-listening activitiesT: We heard just now that how Mei, Pierre and Antonio studied for a big test. What about you? How about your friends? Please read activity 1c first, and then make some statemen

12、ts.Ask the students to act out the dialogues in 1c. Sample dialogue 1:S1: How do you study for a test?S2: I study by reading and writing.Sample dialogue 2:S3: How do you study for a big test?S4: I study by asking my teachers for helpAsk them to watch the sentences above or in 1a, and have a discussi

13、on.结论:by是_词,译成_,后面可加_或_练习:翻译下面的句子我通过看电视放松。_(鼓励学生自己总结,引导学生观察、发现、归纳和掌握语言规律,教师在学生不会的地方进行精讲,落实了以学定教。)Step 6 Listening Practice (2a: P3)T: We have known that different students have different ways to study for a test. In order to improve English, some people also use other ways. Now please look at the pi

14、cture in activity 2a. What are the students doing? Can you guess?S2: I think they are having a meeting.S3: I believe that they are studying English.T: Right. This is an English club. The students meet after school once a week. They use many good ways to learn English well. Please listen to the recor

15、der. And listen for the general idea(听取大意)The students are talking about_2a.Then listen to the recording and check the questions you hear from activity 2a. (Listen for the specific ideas听取细节)1. _ Do you learn English by watching English-language videos? 2. _ Do you ever practice conversations with f

16、riends? 3. _ What about listening to tapes? 4. _ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5. _ Have you ever studied with a group? Play the recording for the second time. Then check the answers2b.T: Youll hear the same conversation again. This time match each question in activity 2a with

17、an answer from 2b. (Listen for the specific ideas听取细节)a. Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. b. Oh, yes. It improves my speaking skills. c. I do that sometimes. I think it helps. d. No. Its too hard to understand the voices.Play the recording again, then check the answers.Listen again and fill

18、in the blanks.1. Do you learn English by_ English language videos.2. What about _a diary in English?3. Ive _ a lot that way.4. It _ my speaking skills.5. And I always _ new words in a dictionary.Then check the answers.Listen and repeat .(先听大意,然后再听细节,初步用听的技能获取、处理和传递所需信息。理解文段后,进行听力模仿,感知英语发音特点,提高口语表达水平

19、。)Step 7 Post-listening activities听后活动T:Weve knoen some best ways to learn English.Now lets make conversations using the infromation from activities 2a and 2b.2c Pairwork S1: Have you ever studied with a group?S2: Ive learned a lot that way. Oral Practice (2c: P3) T: There are many ways to study for

20、 a test. Which way have you ever used?Sample answers:S1: By listening to cassettes.S2: By practicing conversations with friends.S3: By reading aloud to practice pronunciation.Ask the students to act out the dialogue as shown in 2c.T: Can you make a dialogue by your own? 对话接龙One sample dialogue:S1: H

21、ave you ever practiced conversations with friends?S2: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. Have you ever read aloud to practice pronunciation?S3: No, I havent. I think its too hard. Have you ever?(结合实际,创始情景, 对话接龙, 激发兴趣)T: Weve known how to ask people if theyve done something. Now please look at

22、the pictures and make conversations. Ask the students to make dialogues according to the pictures and key wordsread English magazines work with friends listen to English speech(给出关键词,降低了难度)Sample dialogue:S1: Have you ever read English magazines?S2: Yes, I have. IStep 8 Grammar FocusAsk them to read

23、 the sentences in the box. Work in fours and discuss.观察并翻译Grammar Focus中的句子,体会本课语法。How do you study for a test? I study by listening to tapes.How do you learn English? I learn by studying with a group.Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do.Do you ever practice conversations with friends? O

24、h, yes. It improves my speaking skills. Have you ever studied with a group? Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. 结论:1.现在完成时的谓语形式_2.现在完成时的意义 强调过去动作对_。 表示某种动作或状态从_,而且还持续了一段时间。 练习: 1.用所给词的适当形式填空I have _(lose) my keys. I cant find them anywhere.2.翻译下列句子你曾去过北京吗?_(学生合作学习观察并总结,目的是引导学生观察、发现、归纳和掌握语言规律,形成

25、有效的学习策略。教师只进行点拨精讲。)Step 9 The end-of class test 当堂检测Ask the students to do the following exercises. T: Now whod like to translate these sentences in English orally? Show the following to the students. 一.连词成句,How,you,do,for,testa_?2.bystudylisteningto,I,,do,by,learn,reading,Eng

26、lish,aloud_?英汉互译二. I study English by listening to cassettes.(听录音带) by studying with a group. ( ) by watching English programs on TV. ( ) by taking part in English classes after school. ( )I study English by_(读英文杂志)。 by_(读教科书) by_(认真完成作业)三.1. 我们可以通过听音乐来放松。_2. 现在人们利用手机来进行交流。_3. Lily曾和小组一起学习过吗?不,不是的。_

27、(当堂检测主要是由本节内容组成的形成性评价,目的是以学评教、强化落实。)Step 10 HomeworkT: In order to learn English well, each of us should try our best to do it, but what is the best ways to learn English? Make a survey of your classmates what his or her best way to learn English is after class and write it down.1. You can just writ

28、e your conversation.2. You can also write an article.(分层布置作业,面向全体学生)参考答案:Preview: 1. work with friends 2.make flashcards the textbook 4.make vocabulary lists5.listen to tapes 6.ask the teacher for help1b main idea: B 1b write letters: a c b探究: 介 靠,通过 名词或动名词短语 I relax by watching TV. 2a 1 2 4 5 2b 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a 听力填空:watching keeping learned improves look up总结Grammar Focus: 1. have/has + 动词的过去分词2.(1) 现在产生了影响 (2) 过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在练习: 1.lost 2. Have you ever been to Beijing?当堂检测:一. 1.Howdoyoustudyforatest?2.Istudybylisteningtocassettes

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