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1、江苏省仪征经济开发区宣传片中英文配音稿网站位置 -网站首页 - 配音文稿 -城市宣传解说词 江苏省仪征经济开发区宣传片中英文配音稿发布时间:2010-4-11 8:44:26 沿江开发热土 绿色经济走廊 A hotspot for development as a riverside area A green economic corridor江苏省仪征经济开发区 Yizheng Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province仪征,位于长江三角洲顶端,紧邻六朝古都南京和历史文化名城扬州 Yizheng, at the top of Yangtze Del

2、ta, is close to Nanjing, the capital of six ancient dynasties, and bordering with Yangzhou, a historic city.仪征自古繁华. 人文荟粹. 商贾云集. Ancient times has witnessed Yizhengs prosperity and its gathering of talents and merchants承载着丰厚的历史底蕴和财富传奇,仪征-这一方春意盎然的热土,正回应着长三角经济腾飞和沿江开发的主旋律,向世界敞开着开放的胸怀。 With rich historic

3、 deposits and numerous legends of prosperity, Yizheng, a vigorous area, is actively responding to the theme of economic liftoff of Yangtze Delta and opening-up of the riverside areas. Yizheng has opened its door to the world.百鸟朝凤、百舸争流, Hundreds of birds serenade the phoenix Hundreds of boats sail an

4、d race这座活力清新的城市,四大园区蓬勃发展!五大主导产业特色分明! A fresh and dynamic city The booming development of the four industrial parks Five leading industries with distinct characteristics仪征经济开发区位于城市东侧沿江 正如一列奔驰向前的火车头 不断提速、前进! In the east of Yizheng and along the Yangtze, Yizheng Economic Development Zone like a rolling

5、 locomotive, is speeding up and heading forward.优越的地理位置 便捷的交通条件 Favorable geographical conditions Convenient transportation迎着黎明的第一缕阳光,伴随远航的第一声汽笛,这方古老而又年轻的土地悄然醒来。 With the first ray of light and the first whistle, the old land with young heart is waking up silently.仪征经济开发区-在中国第一跨度的润扬大桥之北,南滨长江黄金水道,北依宁

6、通高速公路和宁启铁路,沿江高等级公路穿区而过。整合上海经济区与宁镇扬经济板块的辐射优势,利用水、铁、公、油、气(配音时请稍隔)五路兼备的物流条件,激活枕江襟水的江岸资源,在68平方公里的舞台上,用创新之手弹奏10多公里长江岸线,用和谐节奏谱写500亿产出的恢宏篇章。 Yizheng Economic Development Zone is to the north of Runyang Bridge which spans longest in China. To the south lies the golden water course of Yangtze and to the nort

7、h lie the Riverside Expressway, Ningtong Expressway and Ningqi Expressway. Sharing the advantages of Shanghai Economic Zone and Nanjing-Zhenjiang-Yangzhou Economic Hub, it takes the advantages of the essential logistics conditions, i.e., waterway, railway, expressway, fuel, and gas, and has energize

8、d the resources along the riverside. On the stage of 68 km2 , Yizheng Economic Development Zone is giving its wonderful performance along the 10km long coastlines with its creative hands, and has harvested an output of 50,000,000 RMB yuan with a harmonious rhythm.成立于1992年的仪征经济开发区, 当年即被江苏省政府批准为省级经济开发

9、区, 2005年,仪征经济开发区移师沿江建设新区,驶上了发展的快车道. 被列为江苏省重点发展开发园区,江苏沿江开发优先发展区域,荣膺江苏省具有极大活力的开发区、江苏省企业投资最佳开发区称号。 Established in 1992, Yizheng Economic Development Zone was soon approved as a provincial industrial park in the same year. In 2005, moved to the New Development Area along the riverside, Yizheng Economic

10、Development Zone was listed as a key development zone by Jiangsu Provincial Government, and entitled as A Dynamic Development Zone of Jiangsu Province and the Best Development Zone for Investment in Jiangsu.精心构建投资家园 助您成就创业梦想 An ideal home for construction A charming paradise for innovation仪征经济开发区拥有得

11、天独厚的长江黄金岸线,在扬州、仪征两市之间的滨江区域,重点建设高新技术产业区、船舶工业区、现代物流区和商贸居住区,并在巩固和做强的基础上,重点突出建设循环经济产业园、节能环保产业园、船舶配套产业园和科技创业园四个特色产业园。 Sharing Yangtzes golden coastlines, Yizheng Economic Development Zone is located along the riverside between Yangzhou and Yizheng . Its development mainly focuses on Hi-tech Industrial Ar

12、ea, Shipbuilding Industrial Area, Modern Logistics Area, and Commercial and Residential Area. By laying a solid foundation, it also places special emphasis on the development of the four special industrial parks, namely, the Recycling Economy Industrial Park, the Energy-saving and Environmental Prot

13、ection Park, the Ship Matching Industrial Park, and the Technology Innovation Park.一股绿色浪潮奔涌而来,这就是再生资源和循环经济,放眼全球化和可持续发展,循环经济产业园规划面积3平方公里,注重园区企业之间的物质、能量、信息的交流,并通过纽带提升整个产业园能源、资源利用效率,创造良好的环境效益,从物资的回收与资源化利用起步,依托中国有色金属工业协会再生资源分会的科研实力,区域型循环经济体系正在形成。 With the green wave of reproductive resources and recycli

14、ng economy and under the background of globalization and sustainable development, the Recycling Economy Park, occupying a planning area of 3 km2, lays great emphasis on the material, energy, and information exchange between the enterprises, and promotes the utilization efficiency of energy and resou

15、rces through the bonds to create a favorable environmental benefits. Proceeding from material recovery and resource reuse, relying on the researching strength of the Reproductive Resource Divison of China Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Association, the regional recycling economic system has been taking

16、shape.节能环保产业园规划面积3平方公里,融入扬州国家级太阳能光伏产业基地和半导体照明产业基地。半导体照明、光伏、风力发电、节水节能、节地节材等产业在这里大有作为。 Energy-saving and Environmental Protection Park, covering a planning area of 3 km2, has been integrated into Yangzhou National-level Solar Photovoltaic Industrial Base and Semiconductor Lighting Industrial Base. Within the zone, such industries has got robust d

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