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版高三英语译林版一轮教师用书第1部分 必修3 Unit 3 Back to the past.docx

1、版高三英语译林版一轮教师用书第1部分 必修3 Unit 3 Back to the pastUnit 3Back to the past(对应学生用书第56页).写作单词会拼写1flee vt.& vi. 逃避,逃跑;迅速离开 2ruin n. 废墟;毁坏 vt. 破坏,毁灭3ahead adv. (时间、空间)在前面;提前,预先;领先4found vt. 兴建,创建5erupt vi. (火山等)爆发.拓展单词能辨别1judge v. 判断;审判 n. 法官,审判员;裁判员 judgement n. 判断;判决2decorate vt. 装饰,装潢 decoration n. 装饰,装饰品3

2、declare vt. 宣布,宣称 declaration n. 宣告;宣言;申报4educate vt. 教育 education n. 教育,培养 educator n. 教育者,教育家5aware adj. 意识到的;察觉到的 awareness n. 认识,意识6remain v. 遗留,剩余;继续存在 remaining adj. 剩余的 remains n. 遗物,遗迹,遗骸7fortune n. 运气 fortunate adj. 幸运的 unfortunate adj. 不幸的,遗憾的8express vt. 表达;表示 expression n. 表达;表情,神色9wood

3、n. 木头 wooden adj. 木制的10poison n. 毒药,毒物 vt. 毒害,下毒 poisonous adj. 有毒的11destroy vt. 毁坏,摧毁 destruction n. 破坏,毁灭 destructive adj. 破坏性的,毁灭性的12explode vi. 爆炸 explosion n. 爆炸,爆发13culture n. 文化 cultural adj. 文化的14wealth n. 财富,财产 wealthy adj. 富有的,富裕的15gradual adj. 渐渐的,逐渐的 gradually adv. 逐渐地,渐渐地.阅读单词要识记1extrem

4、e adj. 极度的;极端的2ceremony n. 仪式,典礼3audience n. 观众,听众4disaster n. 灾难5material n. 材料;物质adj. 物质的6statue n. 雕像;雕塑7commercial adj. 商业的,贸易的8volcano n. 火山9leather n. 皮革10glory n. 辉煌;荣耀,光荣语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1Under the pressure of the public,the had to change his at last;the murderer was sentenced to death.(judg

5、e)2It is time someone made him of the effects of his actions.If so,he can gradually raise public moral (aware)3He got a little because of poverty,so he always his children to value the chance of study.(educate)4Due to the hurricane,lots of villages and crops were and many people were left homeless.(

6、destroy)【答案】1.judge;judgement2.aware;;educates4.destructive;destroyed高频短语会默写1take over 夺取;接管2turn out 结果是3break down 分解;失败;崩溃;抛锚4be divided into 被划分为5on exhibition 展出,展览6carry out 执行,贯彻,完成7in memory of 纪念8no doubt 无疑,确实9rise up against 起义,反抗10stand in ones path 阻碍(某人)11come down

7、with 患(病)12have enough of 对感到厌烦语境应用(用上述短语的适当形式填空)1Miss Smith is leaving to get married and Miss Jones will the class.2Columbia,as can be easily guessed,was named Columbus,who discovered America in 1492,even though he never actually set foot on the land.3He has a bad temper and will not listen to any

8、body,so youd better not 4I a cold that forced me to slow down my training. 【导学号:31670046】5Theres that the 3D technology can print a variety of items that traditional manufacturing cant make.6When the car on the highway for a third time,Johns patience completely ran out.7It is more difficult to a pla

9、n than to think one out.Just as you know,saying is one thing and doing another.8Im surprised that you havent him,yet I found him very boring.【答案】1.take memory of3.stand in his path4.came down doubt6.broke down7.carry out8.had enough of联想拓展1“走”遍天下wander vi.漫步;闲逛pace v踱步;缓慢而行crawl v爬

10、行;匍匐行进march v行军,进军rush v冲;奔;闯walk v散步2“演讲,报告”一起听speech报告;演讲report报告lecture演讲,讲座address演讲,致辞3“仪式”面面观opening ceremony开幕式closing ceremony闭幕式wedding ceremony结婚典礼funeral(ceremony)葬礼celebration庆典feast/banquet宴会4“纪念;记忆”相关词memory n记忆;记忆力memorize v记忆,记住memorial n纪念碑monument n纪念碑5“undern.”短语荟萃under protection

11、受保护under consideration在考虑中under construction在建造中under control在控制中under discussion在讨论中under guarantee在保修期内6“non.”短语小结no doubt无疑,确实no wonder难怪no way没门,不行no hurry不急,勿慌no problem没问题no surprise毫无意外教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.介词短语位于句首引起的全部倒装Near the city was a volcano.1.邻桌坐着一个等人的漂亮姑娘。At the next table waiting for som

12、eone.2.动名词的复合结构The desert was once a green land with huge trees,but they were cut down and that resulted in the city being buried by sandwhat a pity!2.我们队有赢得比赛的希望吗?Is there any hope of ?3.with的复合结构In less than 9 minutes,the ship sank with 1,177 men on board.3.她眼中含着眼泪说了声再见。She said goodbye .【答案】1.was

13、/sat a pretty girl2.our team winning the match3.with tears in her eyes(对应学生用书第58页)精讲4个考纲单词 ruin n. C(pl.)废墟,遗迹;U毁坏,毁灭,崩溃 vt. 破坏,毁灭;使破产教材原句A scholar from the local cultural institute,Professor Zhang,told us that around the year 1900 the European explorer Sven Hedin discovered the ruins of the Loulan

14、Kingdom.当地文化研究所的一位学者张教授告诉我们,大约在1900年,欧洲探险家斯文海定发现了楼兰王国的遗址。(1)in ruins 成为废墟(2)fall/come into ruin 被破坏了,被毁了 be reduced to ruins 沦为废墟 be ruined by 被破坏When they returned to Rockaway the next day,they found their neighborhood in ruins.(2016年北京高考阅读理解B)当他们第二天回到Rockaway的时候,他们发现他们的社区成了一片废墟。Many ancient sculpt

15、ures fell into ruin after the flood.洪灾过后,许多古代的雕塑都毁了。 remains n遗物,遗迹,遗骸;剩余物教材原句Sven found the remains of buildings buried beneath the sand,together with a lot of treasures,including coins,painted pots,material such as silk,documents and wall paintings.斯文发现了埋于沙下的建筑遗迹以及许多宝藏,包括钱币、带有画的壶、像丝绸这样的布料、文献以及壁画。(

16、1)remain v 留下;仍然是 remainadj./n./p.p/prep. 保持 remain to be done 有待于被做(2)remaining adj. 剩余的It remains to be seen(see) whether the news that a new library will be built in our school is true.我们学校将建一个新图书馆的消息是否真实还有待证实。 【导学号:31670047】The guests came in,but she remained seated(seat) at the desk reading.客人们

17、都来了,但她还坐在写字台旁读书。名师点津(1)当表示“剩余的,剩下的”意思时,常把remaining放在被修饰词之前作前置定语,而left常放在被修饰词之后作后置定语。(2)remain多用作系动词,后常接形容词、名词、分词和不定式的被动形式。 aware adj.意识到的,知道的;察觉到的教材原句In many cases,his questions made his students aware of their own errors.在很多情况下,他的问题使他的学生意识到自己的错误。(1)be aware that. 知道;意识到 be/become aware of 知道/意识到 as

18、 far as I am aware 就我所知 make sb.aware of 使某人意识到(2)awareness n. 认识,意识As far as I am aware,the invitations to the party have all been sent.就我所知,派对的邀请函已经全部发出了。However,it is important to be aware of these dangers because everyone is exposed to air pollution regardless of lifestyle choices.然而,因为无论选择什么样的生

19、活方式每个人都面临着空气污染,所以意识到这些危险是重要的。Health officials have tried to raise awareness(aware) about AIDS among teenagers.卫生部门努力提高青少年对艾滋病的认识。链接写作一句多译这项运动旨在使人们认识到被动吸烟的危害。The campaign aims to make people aware of the dangers of passive smoking.(aware)The campaign aims to raise peoples awareness of the dangers of

20、passive smoking.(awareness) judge n法官,审判员;裁判员 v判断;审判;裁判教材原句At his trial,he defended himself by asking his judges yet more questions.在审讯中,他问法官更多的问题来为自己辩护。(1)judge.from/by. 根据来判断judge sb./ be. 判断某人/事是 so/as far as I can judge 依我判断(2)judging by/from. 根据来判断The book,as far as I can judge,is remarka

21、bly accurate.就我看来,这本书内容相当准确。According to what he said,we can judge him to be(be) an optimistic boy.根据他所说的话,我们可以判断他是一个乐观的男孩。Judging(judge) from the response of the audience,the performance was quite a success.从观众的反应看来,这次演出相当成功。名师点津judging from/by常看作是固定短语,在句子中一般作状语,judging不能换成judged。诠释3个核心短语 take over

22、夺取,占据;接替;接管教材原句In 89 BC,the Romans took over Pompeii.公元前89年,罗马人占据了庞贝。take up 拿起;占用;开始(从事)take off 起飞;脱掉(衣服等);开始获得成功take in 吸收;欺骗;理解take down 记录下来;拆除take on 承担;呈现;雇用He took off my wet boots and made me sit by the fire.他脱掉我湿漉漉的靴子,让我在火炉旁坐下。With economy recovering,more and more workers are taken on随着经济的

23、恢复,越来越多的工人受到雇用。Glenn has taken up pottery.格伦已经开始从事陶艺事业了。 in memory of纪念教材原句In memory of the Americans who died in the attack,a national memorial was built in Pearl Harbor just above the remains of the Arizona.为了纪念在这次突袭中死去的美国人,在珍珠港人们在沉没的亚利桑那舰的遗址上建了一座国家纪念馆。in honour of 为了纪念in search of 寻找in need of 需要

24、in favor of 赞同,有利于in charge of 负责,掌管in place of 代替Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help.当有人需要帮助的时候,行动胜于言语。Mr.Brown is in charge of the company when the boss is out.老板不在时布朗先生掌管公司。The candidate stood aside in favor of a more suitable man.那位候选人退出竞选,把机会让给一位更合适的人。 no doubt无疑,确定高考佳句M

25、y brothers can no doubt remember hours spent cleaning the house.(2016年浙江高考阅读理解D)毫无疑问我的哥哥们记得一起打扫房屋的时光。(1)There is no doubt that. 毫无疑问There is some doubt whether. 怀疑是否without doubt 毫无疑问(2)dont doubt that. 不用怀疑 doubt whether/if. 怀疑/不相信是否I doubt whether/if I can finish the work on time.我怀疑我能否按时完成工作。Ther

26、e is no doubt that this candidates advantage lies in his ability to communicate with foreigners in English.毫无疑问这位候选人的优势在于他用英语与外国人交流的能力。Theres some doubt whether he has the ability to do the job.他是否有能力做这项工作有些疑问。名师点津(1)当doubt用作名词时,在肯定句中用whether(不可用if)引导同位语从句;在否定句中用that引导同位语从句。(2)当doubt用作动词时,在肯定句中用whet

27、her或if引导宾语从句;在否定句、疑问句中后跟that引导宾语从句。链接写作句式升级(普通表达)Its certain that he will succeed.(高级表达)There is no doubt that he will succeed.(同位语从句)突破2个高考句型 (教材P43)The desert was once a green land with huge trees,but they were cut down and that resulted in the city being buried by sandwhat a pity!这片沙漠曾经是绿树成荫的绿洲,但

28、这些树被砍倒了,结果这座城市被沙尘埋了起来多么遗憾啊!本句是but连接的并列句,resulted in后面的宾语the city being buried by sand是动名词的复合结构。city与bury之间存在被动关系,故用being buried。在动名词复合结构中,用普通格或所有格,一般遵循下列原则:(1)若动名词复合结构作主语,则其逻辑主语用名词的所有格或物主代词。(2)若动名词复合结构作宾语或表语,当其逻辑主语指人时,则该逻辑主语用普通格或所有格均可。(3)若动名词的逻辑主语是无生命的事物,则名词要用普通格。The accident led to five people(s)be

29、ing killed,including a child.这起事故导致五人丧生,包括一个孩子。Toms refusing to accept the invitation upset me.汤姆拒绝接受邀请让我很生气。The new evidence led to the thief being caught(catch)新证据导致小偷被捉住。 (教材P55)In less than 9 minutes,the ship sank with 1,177 men on board在不到9分钟的时间里,船连同船上的1 177人都沉了下去。with 1,177 men on board为with复合

30、结构,即“with宾语宾语补足语”,此结构在句中常作状语,可位于句首或句尾,常作时间、原因、方式、伴随状语,亦可作后置定语。with宾语The child with only a shirt on was trembling with cold.只穿着一件衬衫的那个孩子冻得直发抖。He felt more uneasy with the whole class staring (stare) at him.全班同学都盯着他看,他感到更不自在了。He and another man are hiding in a small hut during a snowstorm with nothing to eat(eat)在暴风雪期间,他和另一个人被困在一个小木屋里,没有任何东西可吃。链接写作句式升级 【导学号:31670048】

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