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1、伦敦1802Sonnet 18By William ShakespeareShall I compare thee to a summers day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summers lease hath all too short a date:Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shinesAnd often is his gold complexion dimed;And every fair

2、form fair sometimes declines,By chance or natures changing course untrimmed;But thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou owst;Nor shall death brag thou wanderst in his shade.When in eternal lines to time thou growst:So long as men can breathe,or eyes can see,So long li

3、ves this,and this gives life to thee.十四行诗(其十八)威廉莎士比亚我能把你比作夏日吗?尽管你更可爱、更温和;夏日的狂风可能会摧残五月的花儿,季节的限制又减少了可拥有的日光;天空的巨眼有时过于灼热,常使自身的辉煌无故湮没;每一种美都会消逝,不管愿意或是无奈;然而你这盛夏将永存不朽,连你所有的美都不会褪去;死神不忍逼近,生命只会长存;只要人类能呼吸,能看见;我的诗就会存在,而你的生命也会延续。Sonnet 18 is absolutely one of the most famous sonnets of Shakespeare. Almost every E

4、nglish learner can recite some lines of it either for appreciation or pleasure as both the thematic feature and artistic feature shine brightly and attractively. In the following,I will illustrate my understanding of this sonnet in these two aspects.Firstly,something about the sonnets thematic feaur

5、e.The first two lines ,in the form of a question and an assertive statement, show the poets idea of comparing his beloved with a summers day and also point out that the beloved person is more beautiful and less extreme than summer. It is understandable that summer is chosen as the comparison target

6、because it is lovely and pleasant. While the next six lines describe the less pleasant aspects of summer:the too stong wind,the extreme hot weather as well as the easy disappearance of all beauties. The ninth line takes up the comparison with summer again: summer has by now become the summer of life

7、. The comparison turns into a contrast by referring back to the seventh. The poets assurance becomes even firmer in lines eleven and twelve, which contain a promise that death will be conquered that the beloved ones spirit and life will surely be eternal.The last two lines furthur emphasize the poet

8、s belief that the eternity of spirit and virtue of his beloved by pointing out the poems eternal function and existence.With this arrangement of structure and content,the poet gives this sonnet two thematic meanings. The primary meaning is simply a statement to praise the beauty of the beloved one.

9、But the more important and deep one is the poets thought that the power of the poem which can defy time and last forever. Its double themes is one distinguishing feature of the sonnet.Secondly,the analysis of this sonnets artistic feature.It contains 14 lines.We can easily observe that the ends of l

10、ine 1 and line 3 have the end rhyme:/ei/,line 2 and line 4 rhyme with /eit/.And these four lines form a quatrain. The same form is used in the second quatrain from line 5 to line 8,the third quatrain from line 9 to line 12. However,the last two lines have their own form,as they have the endrhyme:/i:

11、/Each line in this sonnet is in iambic pentameter which means each line has five feet, usually an unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable.For example,we can divide the first line into five independent feet as “Shall I / compare / thee to/ a sum / mers day?”with accents on shall,com,thee

12、,a,mer respectively.We can also find some repetitions of the same words in the beginning of several lines,such as the “And” used in the line 6 and 7,the “Nor”in line 10 and 11,the “so long”in line 13 and 14. The alliteration also exists in this sonnet.Both make the sonnets tone much more melodious.S

13、ome figures of speech are also in use like simile and personification. We can see the sun is regarded as “the eye of heaven” which is a simile. We can find the word “his” used to describe the sun and the death which gives them life as the illustration of the use of personification. This makes the im

14、ages the poet points out linked to each other and vividly form the whole imagery.To make a general conclusion of its stylistic feature,this sonnet is a typical Shakespearian sonnet with fourteen lines in iambic pentameter, including three quatrains and one couplet with the rhyme scheme ababcdcdefefg

15、g. Besides this, sonnet 18 is in use of alliteration and figures of speech which add more beauty to the tonality of the poem. Thats all my understanding of the distinctive features of William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 from thematic and stylistic perspectives.sonnet29 william shakespeareWhen in disgrace

16、 with fortune and mens eyes,当我时运不济又遭人冷眼I all alone beweep my outcast state,只有独自流泪这被弃的境遇And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,又用那徒劳的哭喊去搅扰冷漠的老天 And look upon myself and curse my fate,对影自怜 咒怨命运wishing me like to one more rich in hope,想象自己如某人般前程远大Featured like him, like him with friends possess

17、ed,又或似他一表人才 盛友如云Desiring this mans art, and that mans scope,艳羡这人的学问 那人的的度量With what I most enjoy contented least;于自己最自得之处却最不满意Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,但在这自轻自贱的想法里Haply I think on theeand then my state,倘若一想起你我的心怀呵Like to the lark at break of day arising便如同初晓的云雀 冲天而起From sullen ea

18、rth sings hymns at heavens gate;离了那阴霾大地 在天门里唱起颂曲 For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings,因你的纯爱赐予我如此丰盈追忆 That then I scorn to change my state with kings. 即便与国王调换际遇 我也嗤之以鼻 SummaryResenting his bad luck, the poet envies the successful art of others and rattles off an impressive catalogue of th

19、e ills and misfortunes of his life. His depression is derived from his being separated from the young man, even more so because he envisions the youth in the company of others while the poet is all alone. Stylistically, Sonnet 29 is typically Shakespearean in its form. The first eight lines, which b

20、egin with When, establish a conditional argument and show the poets frustration with his craft. The last six lines, expectedly beginning in line 9 with Yet similar to other sonnets But and resolving the conditional argument, present a splendid image of a morning lark that sings hymns at heavens gate

21、. This image epitomizes the poets delightful memory of his friendship with the youth and compensates for the misfortunes he has lamented.赏析This is one of shakespeares more ambiguous sonnets :one does not know who the speaker is referring to or if the word lovein this sonnet refers to a romantic love

22、 or a platonic love.The whole poem expresses the changes of the authors inner feelings,which are from disappoint to hopeful,from negative to positive ,from desperate to attectionate ,from self-abased to confident. discloses the desire of appetite ,lust and power and proposes that appetite is the bas

23、ic desire ,lust has its own duality ,the desire for power is a danger and finally the paper gives a way to deal with the desires.It is a poem which helps us sense the greatness of love,which is the center of his life,the sunshine on a cloudy day.按:伦敦1802是一首充满节奏感的十四行诗,诗人以第二人称的口气对已故的诗人约翰弥尔顿倾吐心声。英国诗人弥尔

24、顿(1608-1674),因作品失乐园而广为知晓。诗人一边赞美弥尔顿,一边不满于英国社会的现实问题。诗人认为英国曾经是一个有着幸福、宗教、骑士、亲情、艺术和文学的伟大国家,而现在这些美誉已丧失。诗人形容现代的英国像一方沼泽,人们自私,必须用“礼仪,美德,自由和权力”进行教导。诗人赞美弥尔顿,把他比着自然景物,如星辰,大海和天空。因为华兹华斯崇尚大自然,所以这是诗人对弥尔顿最高的赞誉。London 1802by William WordsworthMilton! thou shouldst be living at this hour:England hath need of thee: she

25、 is a fenOf stagnant waters: altar, sword, and pen,Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower,Have forfeited their ancientEnglish dowerOf inward happiness. We are selfish men;Oh! raise us up, return to us again;And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power.Thy soul was like a Star, and dwelt apart:

26、Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea:Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free,So didst thou travel on lifes common way,In cheerful godliness; and yet thy heartThe lowliest duties on herself did lay伦敦1802威廉华兹华斯 诗/黎历译弥尔顿!你应该生活在此刻:英格兰需要你,一个流水淤滞而成的沼泽地:祭坛,利剑,豪笔,炉边,无穷无尽的巨厅和亭台,已丧失古时英国人追求内心幸福的赋秉

27、。我们是自私的人类;哦!抚养我们,回到我们中间;并赐予我们礼仪,美德,自由和权力。你的灵魂像一颗遥远的星星:你的声音像大海那样的雄浑:似裸露天空般的纯洁,庄严而无拘,你同样在生活的甬道上快乐虔诚地跋涉;然而琐碎之事你也能尽心。AnalysisLondon, 1802 is a sonnet with a rhyme scheme of abbaabbacddece. The poem is written in the second person and addresses the late poet John Milton, who lived from 16081674 and is mo

28、st famous for having written Paradise Lost.The poem has two main purposes, one of which is to pay homage to Milton by saying that he can save the entirety of England with his nobility and virtue. The other purpose of the poem is to draw attention to what Wordsworth feels are the problems with Englis

29、h society.According to Wordsworth, England was once a great place of happiness, religion, chivalry, art, and literature, but at the present moment those virtues have been lost. Wordsworth can only describe modern England as a swampland, where people are selfish and must be taught about things like m

30、anners, virtue, freedom, power.Notice that Wordsworth compliments Milton by comparing him to things found in nature, such as the stars, the sea, and the heavens. For Wordsworth, being likened to nature is the highest compliment possible.London, 1802 is a poem by the English Romantic poet William Wor

31、dsworth. In the poem Wordsworth castigates the English people as stagnant and selfish, and eulogises seventeenth-century poet John Milton.Composed in 1802, London, 1802 was published for the first time in Poems, in Two Volumes (1807).Structure and synopsisWordsworth begins the poem by wishing that M

32、ilton were still alive, for England hath need of thee. This is because it is his opinion that England has stagnated morally by comparison to Miltons period. To this end, Wordsworth pleads for Milton to rather messianically raise us up, return to us again; / And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power.In the six subsequent lines (the sestet) following the first eight lines (the octave), Wordsworth explains why Mil

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