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1、计算机英语第4版课后练习参考答案812selectAUnit Eight: The InternetUnit Eight/Section AI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. research2. ICANN或the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers3. router; gateway4. temporary/dial-up; permanent/dedicated5. ISP或Internet service provider6.

2、network; host7. decimal8. mnemonicII. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. cell phone 蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机2. IP address 网际协议地址,IP地址3. autonomous system 自主系统4. dial-up connection 拨号连接5. network identifier 网络标识符6. binary notation 二进制记数法7. mnemonic name 助记名,缩写名8.

3、 Internet-wide directory system 因特网范围的目录系统9. name server 名称服务器10. Internet infrastructure 因特网基础结构11. 助记地址 mnemonic address12. 网吧 cyber cafe13. 宽带因特网访问 broadband Internet access14. 顶级域名 top-level domain (TLD)15. 因特网编址 Internet addressing16. 点分十进制记数法 dotted decimal notation17. 因特网服务提供商 Internet servic

4、e provider (ISP)18. 专用因特网连接 dedicated Internet connection19. 主机地址 host address20. 硬件与软件支持 hardware and software support III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:Early computer networks used leased telephone company lines for their

5、 connections. Telephone company systems of that time established a single connection between sender and receiver for each telephone call, and that connection carried all data along a single path. When a company wanted to connect computers it owned at two different locations, the company placed a tel

6、ephone call to establish the connection, and then connected one computer to each end of that single connection.The U.S. Defense Department was concerned about the inherent risk of this single-channel method for connecting computers, and its researchers developed a different method of sending informa

7、tion through multiple channels. In this method, files and messages are broken into packets that are labeled electronically with codes for their origins, sequences, and destinations. In 1969, Defense Department researchers in the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) used this network model to con

8、nect four computers into a network called the ARPANET. The ARPANET was the earliest of the networks that eventually combined to become what we now call the Internet. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, many researchers in the academic community connected to the ARPANET and contributed to the technologic

9、al developments that increased its speed and efficiency.IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:因特网只是提供了将许许多多的计算机连接在一起的物理与逻辑基础结构。不少人认为,是万维网(WWW或简称the Web)为这个全球网络提供了“制胜法宝”。万维网被视为因特网的内容,它通过使用管理与链接文本、图形、声音和视频的一套丰富工具来提供各种信息。在万维网上提供和查看信息,是使用服务器应用程序和客户应用程序完成的。如果你已经探索过万维网,你就会看出客户端应用程序

10、就是万维网浏览器。万维网浏览器接收、解释和显示来自万维网的网页信息。用户可以在网页之内浏览,可以通过点击超文本链接跳到其他网页,也可以指向万维网上的几乎任何网页。Unit Nine: Mobile and Cloud ComputingUnit Nine/Section AI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. cluster; utility2. Internet3. intranet4. hybrid5. private; public6. multi-core; disk7. desktops8. p

11、hysicalII. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. server farm 大型机服务器2. access protocol 存取协议,访问协议3. storage area network 存储区域网(络)4. high-throughput computing 高吞吐(量)计算5. server cluster 服务器集群6. public cloud 公共云7. grid computing 网格计算8. security-aware cloud a

12、rchitecture 具有安全意识的云体系结构9. social networking 社交网络10. utility computing 效用计算11. 云计算提供商 cloud computing provider12. 存储芯片 memory chip13. 基于内部网的私有云 intranet-based private cloud14. 网络带宽 network bandwidth15. 混合云 hybrid cloud16. 磁盘阵列 disk array17. 软件即服务 Software as a Service (SaaS)18. 集群计算 cluster computin

13、g19. 虚拟化计算机资源 virtualized computer resources20. 多核处理器 multi-core processorIII. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:The architecture of a cloud is developed at three layers: infrastructure, platform, and application. The infrastruc

14、ture layer is deployed first to support IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) services. This layer serves as the foundation for building the platform layer of the cloud for supporting PaaS (Platform as a Service) services. In turn, the platform layer is a foundation for implementing the application lay

15、er for SaaS applications. The infrastructure layer is built with virtualized compute, storage, and network resources. The abstraction of these hardware resources is meant to provide the flexibility demanded by users. Internally, virtualization realizes automated provisioning of resources and optimiz

16、es the infrastructure management process. The platform layer is for general-purpose and repeated usage of the collection of software resources. This layer provides users with an environment to develop their applications, to test operation flows, and to monitor execution results and performance. In a

17、 way, the virtualized cloud platform serves as a “system middleware (中间件)” between the infrastructure and application layers of the cloud. The application layer is formed with a collection of all needed software modules for SaaS applications. Service applications in this layer include daily office m

18、anagement work. The application layer is also heavily used by enterprises in business marketing and sales, consumer relationship management, financial transactions, and supply chain management.IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:云计算动态供应硬件、软件和数据集,以此方式按需应用一个拥有弹性资源的虚拟化平台。其目的是通


20、范式,云计算可解决这些问题或可使我们摆脱这些问题。Unit Ten: Computer SecurityUnit Ten/Section AI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. confidentiality; availability2. data3. authenticity4. integrity5. Passive; active6. availability7. ease; security8. assuranceII. Translate the following terms or phra

21、ses from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. backup system 备份系统2. encryption key (加密)密钥3. data confidentiality 数据机密性4. system vulnerability 系统脆弱性,系统脆弱之处5. unauthorized access XX的访问,越权存取6. intrusion detection system 入侵检测系统7. after-action recovery 事后恢复8. software piracy 软件侵权9. authorized user 特许用户1

22、0. data unit 数据单元,数据单位11. 软件版本 software version12. 数据完整性 data integrity13. 系统崩溃 system crash14. 病毒检查软件 virus-checking software15. 综合安全策略 comprehensive security strategy16. 软件配置管理 software configuration management 17. 故障隔离 fault isolation18. 统计数据库 statistical database19. 保密的加密算法 secure encryption alg

23、orithm20. 数据流 data streamIII. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:An access control mechanism mediates between a user (or a process executing on behalf of a user) and system resources, such as applications, operating systems, fire

24、walls, routers, files, and databases. The system must first authenticate (验证) a user seeking access. Typically the authentication function determines whether the user is permitted to access the system at all. Then the access control function determines if the specific requested access by this user i

25、s permitted. A security administrator maintains an authorization (授权) database that specifies what type of access to which resources is allowed for this user. The access control function consults this database to determine whether to grant access. An auditing function monitors and keeps a record of

26、user accesses to system resources.In practice, a number of components may cooperatively share the access control function. All operating systems have at least a rudimentary (基本的), and in many cases a quite robust, access control component. Add-on security packages can add to the native access contro

27、l capabilities of the OS. Particular applications or utilities, such as a database management system, also incorporate access control functions. External devices, such as firewalls, can also provide access control services.IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:入侵者攻击从温和的到严重的形形

28、色色。在这一系列攻击的温和端,有许多人只是希望探查互联网,看看那里有什么。在严重端的是试图阅读特许数据、对数据进行XX的修改或扰乱系统的个人。入侵者的目标是获得进入一个系统的机会,或者增加在一个系统中可以使用的特权范围。初始攻击大多利用系统或软件的脆弱之处,这些脆弱之处允许用户执行相应的代码,打开进入系统的后门。入侵者可对具有某些运行特权的程序实施像缓存溢出这样的攻击,利用此类攻击获得进入一个系统的机会。另外,入侵者也试图获取应予保护的信息。在有些情况下,这种信息是以用户口令的形式存在的。知道了某个其他用户的口令之后,入侵者就可以登录系统并行使赋予合法用户的所有特权。Unit Eleven:

29、CybercultureUnit Eleven/Section AI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. system2. copyright3. rights4. deleted5. formatting或format6. signature7. screens8. emoticonsII. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. mailing list 邮件发送清单,邮件列

30、表2. proprietary software 专有软件3. cc line 抄送行4. bcc line 密送行5. forwarded e-mail message 转发的电子邮件6. e-mail convention 电子邮件常规7. click on an icon 点击图标8. confidential document 密件,秘密文件9. classified information 密级信息10. recovered e-mail message 恢复的电子邮件11. 常用情感符 commonly used emoticon12. 已删除电子邮件 deleted e-mail

31、13. 电子系统 electronic system14. 附件行 Attachments line15. 版权法 copyright law16. 电子邮件网规 e-mail netiquette17. 信息高速公路 information superhighway18. 签名文件 signature file19. 电子数据表程序 spreadsheet program20. 文字处理软件 word processorIII. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, maki

32、ng changes if necessary:Instant messaging has always been a good way to stay in touch with friends. As companies look to cut costs and improve efficiency, instant messaging is a good way to replace in-person meetings, while allowing people to collaborate (合作) through their computers. Instant messaging is a valuable new tool that is becoming as common as e-mail in the workplace.Several com

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