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1、英汉互译的可译性限度及其应对策略英语专业毕业论文AbstractThe question whether languages are translatable has been long discussed in the academic circle. This thesis briefly formulates the history and presents the condition of the research on the limits of translatability. Then, it clarifies its linguistic and cultural reaso

2、ns and finds some ways to reduce the limits of translatability.Through explaining the relationships of language, culture and translation, Chapter 1 leads to the proposition of this thesis-the limits of translatability. Because of the inter-restriction and inter-influence between language and culture

3、, translation, as a disseminative intermediary, means not only information exchange but also culture spread. Cultural universality makes translation possible, but its peculiarity brings about the limits of translatability. Chapter 2 expounds the notion, categories and causes of translatability limit

4、s. Chapter 3 points out the relativity of the limits of translatability, and then inquires into the translation strategies and compensating approaches that can reduce the limits of translatability. Chapter 4 belongs to the conclusion. Translation is a system of engineering, which interpenetrates lin

5、guistic and cultural levels, combining various kinds of elements. The translatability limits inevitably exists, but its relative and changeable. With the expansion of international cultural interflows, the limits of translatability can be reduced through translators constant efforts.Key words: limit

6、s of translatability; linguistic; culture; compensating strategies.摘要语言是否可译的问题在学术界长期争论不休,一直没有达成一致的见解。本文将对可译性限度的研究历史及现状作一个简单的介绍,然后阐明造成可译性限度的语言、文化方面的原因,最后找出降低可译性限度的方法。本文第一章通过对语言、文化和翻译三者之间相互关系的解释引入该论文的论题可译性限度。由于语言和文化的相互影响和相互制约,作为传播媒介的翻译不仅意味着信息的传递,还意味着文化的传播。人类文化的普同性使翻译成为可能,但文化的差异性又导致了可译性限度。第二章着重阐述可译性限度的

7、概念、种类及产生的原因。第三章指出可译性限度的相对性,然后探讨降低可译性限度的翻译策略和补偿方法。第四章是对前三章的总结。翻译是一个贯穿语言、文化,综合各种因素的系统工程,可译性限度虽然存在,但它是相对变化的,随着跨文化交际的加深和翻译工作者的不懈努力,可译性限度终将降低。关键词:可译性限度;语言;文化;补偿策略ContentsAbstract 1摘要 2Chapter 1 Language, Culture and Translation 51.1 On Culture 51.1.1 The Definition of Culture 51.1.2 The Categories of Cul

8、ture 61.1.3 The Traits of Culture 61.2 Language and Culture 71.2.1 Culture Contains Language 71.2.2 Language Is the Carrier of Culture 81.2.3 The Inter-influence between Language and Culture 91.3 Culture and Translation 9Chapter 2 The Limits of Linguistic and Cultural Translatability 112.1 The Notio

9、n of the Limits of Translatability 112.2 Two Causes of the Limits of Translatability 122.2.1The Limits of Translatability as Are Rooted in Linguistic Anisomorphism 122.2.2 The Limits of Translatability as Are Rooted in Cultural Anisomorphism 132.3 The Limits of Linguistic Translatability 162.3.1 The

10、 Limits of Translatability in Pronunciation 162.3.2. The Limits of Translatability in Character Structure 182.3.3 The Limits of Translatability in Vocabulary 202.3.4. The Limits of Translatability in Figures of Speech 212.4 The Limits of Cultural Translatability 252.4.1 Material Culture 262.4.2 Trad

11、itional Culture 272.4.3 Religious Culture 272.4.4 Historical Culture 28Chapter 3 Ways to Reduce the Limits of Translatability 303.1. Adaptation 303.2. Borrowing (Transliteration) 313.3. Translators Note 323.4. Calque 333.5. Paraphrase 343.6 Contextual Amplification 35Chapter 4 Conclusion 36Aknowledg

12、ements 37Bibliography 38Chapter 1 Language, Culture and TranslationIn the study of modern theories of translation, the research of the interrelationship of language, culture and translation is of great importance and influence. The research of the relationship between culture and translation should

13、be based on that between culture and language.1.1 On CultureThe research of the interrelationship of language, culture and translation is a prerequisite of the understanding of the definition, structure and basic traits of culture. This section will give a brief explanation of them.1.1.1 The Definit

14、ion of CultureAs for culture, the definitions vary from one to another. A well-accepted one is “culture is the body of customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits constituting a distinct complex of tradition of a racial, religious or social group” (Springfield and Massachusetts, 1962: 552).

15、 It serves as a mirror reflecting the dynamic evolution of human society. Embedded in different societies, cultures naturally differ from one another. Distinctions between cultures are called “cultural incongruity”, which gives rise to lots of thorny problems in inter-lingual translation. However, s

16、uch inconveniences are not perpetual, for cultures are in constant development “due to changes in their external environment and internal needs” (Dirk Delabastita, 1993: 17). Through clashes and exchanges, cultures interact and penetrate one another to the point that some traits of one culture gradu

17、ally get integrated into another. In this way cultural affinities are expanded and cultural disparities are reduced.1.1.2 The Categories of CultureFor the word “culture” is polysemous, the classifications on it are thus varied and various. A Persian Englishman, Malinowski,according to the function o

18、f culture, classifies it as material facilities, spiritual culture, language and social organizations (李波阳, 田琳, 2006: 131). Liang Shuming, a Chinese scholar, from the perspective of the relationship between man and society, divides culture into three levels. The first one is spiritual level, such as

19、 religion, philosophy, art, etc. The second is social life, such as social organizations, politic system and economic relation, etc. The last is material life, such as clothing, drinking, dieting and housing. (梁漱溟, 1989: 339)As a matter of fact, no matter how it is classified, it never surpasses the

20、 two general categories: “material culture” and “spiritual culture”. According to Eugene Nida, culture is divided into five types of sub-culture: linguistic culture, ecological culture, religious culture, material culture and social culture. (赵爱国, 姜雅明, 2003: 203)1.1.3 The Traits of CultureTo underst

21、and the basic traits of culture is of great significance for this thesis. Culture has many traits, for instance, culture is universal; culture is different in different speech communities; culture changes with the passage of time and culture is open. Cultural university refers to one of the characte

22、ristics of culture that different nations hold something common which distinguishes human beings from the animal. “Cultural distinction” means culture is different in different speech communities. Culture changes with the passage of time and “culture is open” means that culture is in a constant deve

23、lopment.1.2 Language and CultureIf we make a research into language and culture in translation, we must firstly study the direct operating object of translation- the position of language in cultural system and its relationship with culture.It has long been recognized that language is an essential an

24、d indispensable part of a given culture and that the impact of culture upon a given language is something intrinsic and indispensable. Language and culture are inextricably linked together and closely related to each other. Language is a part of culture and plays a significant role in it. Without la

25、nguage, culture would not be possible. Language, in its broadest sense, is the symbolic representation of a nations culture but influenced and shaped by it. 1.2.1 Culture Contains LanguageLanguage is an accepted symbol system formed through a speech communitys common social practice. It acts as the

26、tool by which people conduct communication. It is an integral part of culture, or we say culture contains language.Language is a special cultural phenomenon. It is deeply rooted in social life as both a representing form and a main vehicle of cultural transmission. Every kind of language is originat

27、ed and developed in a specific historical environment. It has a deep and complicated relationship with its birth nations culture, including its structure and function, its phonology, vocabulary and grammar. Its safe to say that non-understanding of a languages social and cultural backgrounds makes i

28、t impossible to understand its connotations. As different speaking communities inhabit in different environmental areas and their perception of the external world is not the same, the vocabulary system in one language and its conceptual and connotative meaning are specially appointed. They are histo

29、rically and culturally restricted by its original nation. By a comparative research into the vocabulary system of two speech communities, we can find that, in most cases, the meaning of a vocabulary in one language has no equal counterpart in another. For instance, the word “yellow” can be found in

30、almost every language, but its associative meanings may differ greatly in different nations. In China, “yellow” symbolizes power and high social status, while in the west people may not associate it with them.As for the relationship between language and culture, there is a hot controversy among ling

31、uists, but it is universally accepted that language is an indispensable part of and has almost all the characteristics of culture.1.2.2 Language Is the Carrier of CultureCulture is a complicated system which can serve to store and transmit social experience. But the social experience is not stored a

32、nd transmitted by culture itself but by language. That is, language is the carrier of culture.Language functions as an information medium, and a tool by which people express their ideas and feelings. Each language system is formed along with the formation of cultural system and reflects it. The language system of the whole human beings is patterned complexly and variously. In another word, different speech communities have different language patterns. Each pattern of language system reflects its speech communitys cognition of the real world

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