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1、国贸实务复习内容第一章1.problems concerning international trade1) Cultural difference2) Monetary conversion3) Trade barriers2. Reasons for International Trade1) Resource acquisition2) Benefits acquisition3) Diversification3. A brief introduction to International TradeInternational Trade is a business which inv

2、olves the crossing of national borders. It includes not only international trade and foreign manufacturing, but also encompasses the growing services industry in areas such as transportation, tourism, banking, advertising, construction, retailing, wholesaling and mass communications. It includes all

3、 business transactions that involve two or more countries. Such business relationship may be private or governmental.4. Forms of International Trade 1. merchandise Exports & Imports 2. Service Exp .& Imp. 3. Licensing 4. Trading company 5. Joint venture 6. Investment 7.Visible and invisible trade(教材

4、有课件没的)第二章1. Exporting is the process of earning money by providing the right product at the right price, at the right time, in the right place beyond your home boundary.2. 4P原则:The right product ; the right place; available through the right channels for distribution: place; presented in the right w

5、ay: promotion.3.Basic documents needed in Export & Import Transaction(进出口贸易所需的基本单证):(1)Bill of lading 提单(2)Commercial invoice 商业发票(3) Proforma Invoice形式发票(4)Consular Invoice 领事发票(5)Packing list 装箱单(6)Weight memo 重量单(7)Certificate of Inspection 检验证书(8)Certificate of origin 原产地证明书(9)Sales Contract销售合同

6、(10)Sales confirmation. 销售确认书4.The whole operation generally goes through four stages:(1). preparation for exporting;1) market research A. Indirect investigation (Information sources)B. Direct investigation ( ways of direct investigation)C. the product of investigation-investigation report 2) Export

7、 promotion four tools of marketing communication: A. advertising B. personal selling C. sales promotion D. publicity3) credit information -the sources of credit informationa恳请贵方尽量收集有关横滨市丰田公司的信用状况方面的材料。Will you please be kind enough to obtain for us all information possible respecting the standing of

8、 Messrs. Toyoda & Co., of Yokohama.b因为本公司正要与该公司订立某重要交易, 所以希望事先正确地了解该公司的信用状况。As we on the point of transacting some important business with them, we should like to know exactly how their credit stands.c请惠予告知该公司的近邻与顾客对该公司的评价, 本人将深感谢意。I shall fell under great obligation if you will advise me confidenti

9、ally respecting the reputation they enjoy among your neighbors and correspondents.d对于贵公司所提供的情报, 无论内容如何, 一定会严守秘密。Any information you may give me will, of course, be treated as strictly confidential.e如有幸由贵处得知附件中所提及的公司目前的财政情况, 本公司将不胜感激。You would greatly oblige me by obtaining for me information as to t

10、he present financial position of the firm named on the attached slip.(2). business negotiation1)定义: a process in which the seller and the buyer negotiate about the trade terms in order to reach an agreement about the sales of goods.2) Content of negotiating: . The subject matter of the contract 合同的标

11、的物 . The price of the goods 货物的价格 . The liabilities of the seller 卖方的责任 . The liabilities of the buyer 买方的责任 . The methods to prevent the occurrence of disputes and methods to settle disputes in case there is any. 避免发生争端的办法及万一发生时的解决办法3) four stages that business negotiation usually undergoes :. Enqu

12、iry 询盘,邀请发盘Concept: enquiry is usually made by the buyer, inquiring the seller about the terms of sale. It can also be made by the buyer, stating his intention of selling a certain kind of goods to the buyer. whoever makes an inquiry is not obliged to buy or sell, and the other party, at the same ti

13、me, can make no reply at all. Offer 发盘(1)Types of offer:发盘的种类 A. firm offer & non-firm offer difference: contractual obligation区别(有无契约义务) B. seller offer & buying offer 卖方发盘与买方发盘,买方发盘又称为递盘(2)the requirements for an offer: 构成发盘的必需条件 A. the offeree must be specified; 受盘人特定 B. the offer must be definit

14、e;发盘内容十分明确C. the offeror must show his intention to conclude a contract and abide by the contract.发盘人必须表明达成合同的意愿,并受其约束。(3)The content of firm offer Example:We offer firm for reply here within one week, 100 metric tons of hand-picked and selected groundnuts for July shipment at US$450 per ton CIF Lon

15、don. Payment by irrevocable sight L/C opened at a first class London bank.(4) the time of validity of an offer 发盘的有效期It can be stated in a written offer: Offer subject to reply tenth/tenth here/tenth our time 十日内复到有效,以我方时间为准(5)The Withdrawal and Revocation of an Offer发盘的撤回与撤销 A. Withdrawal: after th

16、e delivery of an offer, the offeror can withdraw his offer if the withdrawal has reached the offeree before or at the same time as the offer撤回:发盘发出后,如果发盘人的撤回通知比发盘提前或与发盘同时到达,发盘就可以撤回。B. Revocation: The continental laws stipulate that offers can not be revoked during the period of validity. Eg. French

17、& German.大陆法系规定在发盘有效期内发盘不能撤销。 British and American laws rule that ordinarily an offeror can revoke his offer before it is accepted even though the offeror had expressly promised that the offer would be good for a stated period and that period had not yet expired,英美法系规定即使发盘规定了有效期而且没有过期,发盘人在发盘被接受以前也是可

18、以撤销。(6) The Termination of an Offer发盘的终止 an offer terminates or becomes ineffective when:发盘在以下情况下会失效 A. the period of validity expires; 有效期届满 B. offeror has received a refusal or counter-offer of the offeree 发盘人的发盘被拒绝或还盘 C. the offeror has effectively withdrawn or revoked the offer. 发盘人已有效撤回或撤销了发盘.

19、Counter-offer 还盘 meaning of counter-offer: an offer made by an offeree to an offeror, accepting some terms and changing other terms.还盘是由受盘人向发盘人发出的报盘,他要求接受一部分条件,且要求更改其他条件。 a new offer, the original offer lapse还盘构成一项新的发盘,使原来的发盘实效。 Example:“Relating to your offer of April 4th Counter-offer, firm for re

20、ply here April 20.US$400, June shipment”. Acceptance 接受 A. concept: an acceptance is an assent to terms of an offer or counter-offer. It means the formation of the contracted relationship of the two parties. They can begin their business now even if they have not signed a written contract or a sales

21、 confirmation. 概念:接受是对发盘或还盘中交易条件的完全同意。接受意味着双方之间合同关系的成立,现在即使不签署书面合同或销售确认书双方也可以进行贸易。 B. Effective acceptance: 有效的接受It must be made by offeree; 必须是由受盘人作出It must be shown either by words or actions or in written form. It must reach the offeror within the time of validity of the offer. It should be uncon

22、ditional.必须是无条件的。 *The difference between counter-offer and acceptance 还盘与接受的区别: A reply to an offer may purport to be an acceptance. It can contain additional of different terms which do not materially alter the terms of the offer. 对发盘的回应可能是接受,接受中可以包括一些非实质性改变发盘条件的附加或修改条件。 A reply to an offer may pu

23、rport to be a counter-offer. It can contain additional of different terms which materially alter the terms of the offer.对发盘的回应也可能是还盘,只要回应中包含的附加或修改条款造成对发盘条件的实质性变更。 additional of different terms which materially alter the terms of the offer are relating to the price, payment, quality and quantity of t

24、he goods, place and time of delivery or the settlement of disputes. 实质性改变发盘条件的附加或修改条件包括与价格、付款、货物的品质与数量、交货的时间与地点及争端的解决有关的交易条件。 非实质性变更,如要求提供重量单、装箱单、商检证等单据,要求增加提供装船样品或某些单据的份数,要求分两批装运等。 案例分析 (1)我某公司向法国一客户发盘,后者很快回复,接受,但价格降至15美圆,我方不给理睬,而是以高价卖给了其他客户,法国商人坚持合同有效。最后诉诸法律,结果怎样? (2)我某公司向美国一客户发盘,后者很快回复,接受,但要求提供产地

25、证明,我方不给理睬,而是以高价卖给了其他客户,商人坚持合同有效。最后诉诸法律,结果怎样? 解析: 不能作部分/有条件的接受、或对发盘条件作实质性修改 可作非实质性的添加、限制和更改,此种情况下,除非发盘人在合理时间内表示反对,则变更过的内容成为合同的一部分 表示接受的术语:accept, agree, confirm Example:YOURS FOURTEENTH ACCEPTED。Late acceptance 迟到的接受 A late acceptance is nevertheless effective as an acceptance if, without delay, the

26、offeror orally so informs the offeree or dispatches a notice to that effect.如果发盘人于收到逾期接受后,毫不迟延地通知受盘人,确认其为有效,则该逾期接受仍有接受的效力; If a letter or other writing containing a late acceptance shows that it has been sent in such circumstances that if its transmission had been normal it would have reached the of

27、feror in due time, the late acceptance is effective as an acceptance unless, without delay, the offeror orally informs the offeree that he considers his offer as having elapsed or dispatches a notice to that effect.一项逾期接受,从它使用的信件或其他书面文件表明,在传递正常的情况下,本能及时送达发盘人,由于出现传递不正常的情况而造成了延误,这种逾期接受仍可被认为是有效的,除非发盘人毫

28、不延迟地用口头或书面形式通知受盘人,他认为他的发盘已经失效。案例3:我出口企业对意大利某商人发盘限10日复到有效,9日意商人用电报通知我方接受该发盘,由于电报局传递延误,我方于11日上午才收到对方的接受通知,而我方在收到接受通知前获悉市场价格已上涨,对此,我方应如何处理? 分析:中国与意大利均系联合国国际货物销售合同公约缔约国,该案双方洽谈过程中,均未排除或作出任何保留,因此,双方当事人均应受公约约束。我方于11月收到意商的接交电报属因传递延误而造成的逾期接受。因此,如我方不能同意此项交易,应即复电通知对方:我方原发盘已经失效。如我方鉴于其他原因,愿按原发盘达成交易,订立合同,可回电确信,也可

29、不予答复,予以默认。The withdrawal of an acceptance接受的撤回 An acceptance becomes effective when it has reached the offeror and contract is thereupon concluded.接受在到达发盘人时生效,由此合同成立。 An acceptance can be withdrawn only if the withdrawal reaches the offeror before or at the same time as the acceptance would have bec

30、ome effective.只有当撤回通知与接受通知同时或早于接受通知到达发盘人,发盘才能有效撤回。(3)Implementation of contract,;(4) settlement of disputes (if necessary).In Sales contract (under CIF, payment by L/C), the following six links usually should be taken care of by the exporter: 在采用CIF术语,以信用证结算的合同中,出口方通常要注意按以下六个环节执行:A. Getting the good

31、s ready for shipment;备货待运B. Inspection application 报检C. Examination and amendment of the L/C;审证改证D. Booking shipping space;租船订舱E. make shipment customs formalities;办理海关手续F. insuring goods;货物投保G. bank negotiation.向银行议付货款第三章一、definition:A contract is an agreement that creates an obligation, which is a

32、 binding, legally enforceable agreement between two or more competent parties.合同是一份具有法律效力的协议,并对双方或更多方具有约束力。注:我国只承认书面合同,不承认口头形式的合同。合同通常是一式两份,买卖双方各持一份。二. sales contract & sales confirmation (S/C)common ground:both the sales contract and the sales confirmation are equally binding on the parties.相同点:销售合同与销售确认书都具有法律约束力。Difference b

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