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1、陶瓷生产中英文对照常用设备要点 中英文对照常用设备 名称及术语手册 CHINESE/ENGLISH HANDBOOK FOR TECHNICIANS 常用安装设备和工具 Machines and Tools 叉车 Forklift 磨轮切割机 Disc cutting machine 液压拖车 Hydraulic trolley 手动液压叉车Manual hydraulic forklift 电焊机 Electric Welding Machine 氧气乙炔气割Oxygen-acetylene Cutting Device 手提打磨机 Portable Abrader 冲击钻 Ground D

2、rill 电钻 Electric Drill 扳手 Spanner/Wrench 钳子 Pliers / Pincers 螺丝刀 Screwdriver 刀 Knife 手锯 Handsaw 锤 Hammer 卷尺 Tapeline/Tape Measure 水准仪 Level 台钻 Bench drill 真空清洁器 Vacuum Cleaner 配电箱 Power Cabinet/Distribution Cabinet 电缆 Cable 插座 Socket/Outlet/Distribution Block 检测设备和仪器 Laboratory Equipments 陶瓷砖断裂模数测定仪

3、(抗折仪) Ceramic brick cracking modulus tester(bending strength tester) 陶瓷吸水率测定仪 Ceramic water absorption tester 陶瓷釉面抗釉裂试验仪 Ceramic brick cracking modulus tester(bending strength tester) 陶瓷砖平整度、边直度直角度综合测定仪 Ceramic brick smoothing degree, edge linear degree, right-angled degree, synthesis degree tester

4、陶瓷砖釉面耐磨性能测定仪 Ceramic brick encaustic anti-abrasion tester 陶瓷砖钢轮深度耐磨仪(无釉砖耐磨仪) Biscuit tile anti-abrasion tester(steel roll mill) 陶瓷砖抗热震性检测仪 Ceramic brick thermal shock-resistance tester 智能透光度测定仪 Brain porcelain foetus transmittance tester 全自动白度仪 Portable whiteness colorimeter 材料高温物性仪 Materialhigh-tem

5、peraturephysical property tester (high-temperature microscope) 卧式高温膨胀仪 High-temperature expansion instrument 快速研磨机 Fast mill 滚轮研磨机 Roll ball mill 电动振筛机 Electromotive vibration sieve machine 手扳式液压制样机 Sampling machine with manual and sap pressure 电热鼓风恒温干燥箱 Thermostaticand air-circulation oven(Electric

6、ally-heated) 高温熔块炉 High-temperature fusion cake furnace 箱式电阻炉 Boxresistance furnace 快速升温箱式电阻炉 Quick-heating boxresistance-furnaces 箱式梯度炉 Gradient resistance furnace 水分快速测定仪 Moisture quick determination meter 硅酸盐化学成份快速测定 Chemical composition quick determination meter 分析天平 Analytical balance 托盘天平 Tabl

7、e balance 生产线设备 production Line Equipments 原料输送部分 Raw Materials Transportation Dept. 喂料机(钢料斗及平台) Feeding machine (hopper and platform) 皮带输送机Belt conveyor 双向皮带输送机Two-Way belt conveyor 电动葫芦Electric hoist 地中衡Ground balance 泥浆制备部分 Slip Preparation Dept. 球磨机Ball mill 泥浆搅拌机Slip stirrer 圆形振动筛Vibrating siev

8、e (round) 气动隔膜泵Pneumatic diaphragm pump 水表Water meter 粉料制备部分Powder Preparation Dept. 柱塞泵Piston pump 喷雾干燥塔Spray dryer 粉料振动筛Vibrating sieve for powder 大倾角裙边皮带输送机 Inclined skirt-sided belt conveyor 粉料仓Powder silo 料位探针Level probe 粉料输送部分 Powder Transportation Dept.旋转式下料机Rotating discharger 冲压成型部分Pressing

9、 Dept. 压机粉料仓Hopper for press 压机Press 翻坯机Take-off table 干燥部分 Drying/Biscuit firingDept.横向连接线(包括过渡辊台) Connection line (including transition table) 干燥/素烧窑进窑机 Dryer/biscuit kiln loading machine 干燥窑Dryer 干燥/素烧窑出窑机 Dryer/biscuit kiln unloading machine 施釉部分Glazing Dept. 施釉输送线Glazing line 0 curve 90 90度转弯器

10、扫尘装置Brush 吹尘机 Dust fan 匀砖器Tile uniformer 喷水柜Moisture cabinet 双尖蜂施釉柜Double disc cabinet 钟罩式淋釉器Bell shape coating unit 固釉箱(全套)Fixative cabinet (complete) 小型补偿器Mini-compensator 丝网印花机Silk screen printing machine Edge cleaner 洗边机调边机Turning device 底釉机组(全套) Engobe spreading device (complete) 圆型不锈钢釉罐(釉桶及立式泵

11、) Stainless steel round tank (with glaze tank and vertical pump) 甩釉座 Adaptor 甩釉头 Disc Spray, Top Spray 烧成部分Glost firing Dept. 釉烧窑进窑机Gloss kiln loading machine 窑前储坯器Pre-kiln Compensator 釉烧窑Glostroller kiln 釉烧出窑机及传送辊台 Glostkiln unloading machine and transport table 釉料制备部分Glaze Preparation Dept. 球磨机(高铝

12、内衬)Ball mill (including alumina lining) 地中衡Ground balance 釉料罐搅拌机Glaze stirrer 除铁器Iron removing device 风机管路系统 Piping system 排烟风机 Exhausting fan 助燃风机 Combustion air fan 急冷风机 Rapid cooling fan 慢冷风机 Heat-exchange fan 尾冷风机 Final cooling fan Final suction cooling fan 尾部抽热风机燃烧系统(Combustion system) 火焰探测器 Fl

13、ame sensor 减压阀 Pressure reducer 安全释放阀 Safety and relief valve 高低压压力开关 Switch for max. and min. pressure 压力表 Manometer/Pressure meter 窑炉,原材料及制品 Kiln, raw materials and products 辊道窑 Roller kiln 梭式窑 Shuttle kiln 遂道窑 Tunnel kiln 素烧窑,坯窑 Biscuit kiln 干燥窑 Dryer 粘土 Clay 长石 Feldspar 石英岩 Quartz 釉料 Glaze 建筑陶瓷

14、Building Ceramic 日用陶瓷 Tableware 卫生洁具 Sanitaryware 瓷器 Porcelain/China 陶器 Pottery 通体砖 Homogenous tile 墙砖 Wall tile Floor tile 地砖渗花砖 Soluble salt tile 釉面砖 Glazed tile 微粉砖 Micro-powder tile 生坯Green tile 素烧 Biscuit firing Biscuit porcelain 素瓷 Double charge micro-powder tile 二次布料微粉砖 Glost firing 釉烧 内墙砖 In

15、ternal wall tile 外墙砖 External wall tile 配套设备,备件,材料及其它 Spare Parts,materials and others 摆线针轮减速器 Cycloid reduction motor 三相异步电机 3-phase asynchronous motor 窑炉喷枪/烧嘴 Burner 制粒机Granulator 破碎机 Crusher 摇动筛Swing sieve 变量柱塞泵 Variable piston pump 蜗轮减速器 Wormgear reducer 无级变速器 Stepless variator 倒角总成 Chamfering u

16、nit 标准筛 Standard sieve 磅秤 Platform scale 恒温干燥箱 Thermostatic oven 喂料机 Feeding Machine 可逆可转皮带机 Reversible & removable belt conveyor 洗边机 Scraper group/Edge cleaner 补偿器 Compensator 平浆搅拌机 Blade stirrer 方形振动筛 Quadrate vibrating sieve 流槽式除铁器 Trough iron removing 气动隔膜泵 Pneumatic diaphragm pump 电控柜 Control p

17、anel Goods lift 货物提升机一次布料车 Single charger 液压压砖机 Hydraulic press 带式印花机 Belt printing machine 筛式印花机 Screen printing machine 瓷辊修磨机 Roller grinding machine 污水处理系统 Sewage system 自动加釉装置 Automatic glaze-feeding device 刮平定厚机 Calibrating machine 粗磨机 Rough grinding machine 云彩喷雾机 Spray gun booth 定色机 Fixative b

18、ooth 压滤机 Filter press 釉泵 Glaze pump 喷水柜 Moisture booth 底浆机 Engobe machine 分坯机 Tile-regulating device 烧咀砖 Burner brick 孔砖 Roller passage brick 挡火板 Baffle plate 纤维Fiber 高铝High aluminum 观火孔棉塞View hole plug 吊顶砖Ceiling block 高铝棉毯 High aluminum fiber blanket 标砖Refractory brick Refractory cement/adhesive 高

19、温粘接剂陶瓷纸Ceramic fiber paper 普通板Refractory slab 单孔总成 Gear with aluminum block assembly (single-gear) 从动端轴承Bearing for idle side 带座轴承Bearing with house 钢丝套Steel wire spring 弹簧片Spring clip 瓷棒Ceramic roller 斜齿轮Helical gear 短管接头Nipple 手动球阀Manual Ball valve 铝波纹管Aluminum corrugated pipe 喉箍Clip 风机轴承Bearing f

20、or fan 传动皮带Driving belt 交流接触器AC contactor 辅助触头组Auxiliary contact 热继电器Thermal relay 断路器Breaker 中间继电器Relay 时间继电器Time relay 温控表 Thermal regulator 热电偶Thermocouple 发光二极管Light-emitting diode Air switch 空气开关保险座 Fuse holder 执行器 Actuator 报警器 Alarm/siren 同步齿形带 Synchronizing toothed belt 三角皮带 Triangular belt 滑

21、杆 Sliding bar 同步带轮 Synchronizing pulley 塑料辊棒支座 Plastic roller steadier 辊棒轴 Roller shaft 15齿固定链轮 Fixed chain wheel with 15 teeth Bearing house 轴承座 Machine bearing with house 窄形切角轴承 Sealed asbestos pad 密封石棉垫 Bearing core 轴承芯 Toothed chain wheel 齿链轮 Screw 螺丝钉 bolt 螺杆 Nut 螺帽 Abrasives 磨块 Liquefier 液化器 A

22、ir cylinder 气缸 Return orifice check valve 单向结流阀 Sleeve for bearing 套筒 Sliding bearing 滑动轴承 Sleeve valve 套阀,圆柱滑阀 Idle/Driving Gear 主动齿轮/从动“O”型密封垫 “O”type seal 橡胶垫 Rubber pad 减振垫 Cushion block 隔套 Spacer sleeve 钢管 Steal tube C型钢C type steal 摆杆轴Shaft of swing rod 铜料斗Brass hopper 槽,走线架 Cable tray 擦底边机 Ti

23、le bottom edge fettling group 销轴承 Pin bearing 针阀 Pin valve 堕轮 Idle wheel 机械传动 Mechanical drive 喷雾嘴 Atomizer nozzle 喷雾器 Atomizer 二通插装阀 2-way cartridge valve 三角(皮)带 Cone belt/triangular belt/V belt 过滤器 Filter 磨边倒角 Squaring and chamfering 柱塞缸 Plunger cylinder 曲柄 Crank 电气元件 Electric component 锁模 Die-loc

24、k/mould locker 阀组 Valve group Tube cooler 冷却管管芯 Tube core 复合顶出装置 Compound ejecting device 滤管 Tube funnel 行星模头 Planetary head 紧固件 Fastening part Waxing plate 打蜡盘 Timing belt 同步齿形带 Helical gear 斜齿轮 Magnetic control cabinet 磁控柜 球石 Milling ball Feeding platform 进料平台 Water rationing device 定量给水器 Platform

25、 scale 磅秤 Feeding hopper 进料斗 Slip service tank 泥浆伺服罐 Slip tank 浆池 Hot air generator 热风炉 Transit tank 中转罐 Silo 料仓 电子皮带秤 Electronic belt scale Dry iron-removing 干法除铁 下料管 Powder tube 上磁吸板 Upper magnetic plate Roller connector 承接辊台 Cross connecting line 横向连接线 Conveying line 砖坯输送线吹尘器 Dust fan 温度指示仪 Tempe

26、rature indicator 除尘器 Dust collector 圆釉桶 Round glaze tank 釉线过桥 Bridge over glazing line 滤尘器 Dust filter 浆池 Slip tank 额定电压 Nominal voltage 电源频率 Frequency 输浆管路 Slip transport pipe 液晶显示屏 Liquid crystal display/LED 液化天然气 LNG(liquified natural gas) 液化石油气 LPG(liquified petroleum gas) 程序逻辑控制系统PLC Program lo

27、gic control system 大规模集成液压系统 Large-scale integrated hydraulic system 抛痕 Polishing mark/trace 填料深度 Soft clay max filling 冲压频率 Pressing frequency 立柱间距 Distance between columns 最大冲程 Max plunger stroke 主电机功率Main motor power 装模空间 Space of mould 比例伺服控制 Proportion service control Diamond roller 金刚石辊子整体铸架 I

28、ntegrated casting structure 三相四线 3-phase & 4wire 双链印花 Double-chain printing 泥浆陈腐 Slip ageing 压缩空气 Compressed air 底釉 Engobe 面釉 Overglaze 回抛率 Re-polishing rate 合格率 Conformity rate 烧失量 Firing loss 粒度 Granularity 球磨时间 Milling time 料,球石,水比例 Proportion of raw material, ball and water 球磨细度 milling precisio

29、n 泥浆含水率 slip moisture 泥浆粘度 slip viscosity 泥浆陈腐时间 slip aging time 塔顶温度 temperature on top spray dryer 热风炉温度 temperature of hot air generator 塔内负压 minus pressure in spray dryer 粉料含水率 powder moisture 排风温度 temperature of exhausting 色料仓 color silo 粉料陈腐时间 powder aging time washing tower 洗塔压机循环次数 working cycle of press 压机液压油温度 temperature of hydraulic oil 生坯强度 strength of green tile 毛边 rough edges 起泡 bubble 干燥周期 drying cycle 干燥温度曲线 drying temperature curve 最高干燥温度 max. drying temperature 干燥能耗(kcal/kg HO) 2Energy consumption in drying(kcal/kg HO) 2干燥缺陷率 error rate of drying t 进干燥生坯含水率 moistu

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