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1、散文翻译中英对照新编英语教程8 (第一单元第六单元、第八单元)笔记整理。包括:新编英语教程8的课后句子改写paraphrase参考答案。新编英语教材学生用书 8部分重点课文解读和课后答案。Paraphrases:第一单元1.But, from the historical perspective, we are now a little more mature,realistic :four hundred years ago, people regarded happ in ess with won derme nt, thinking that it befell some one as

2、a result of anin explicable arran geme nt made by the mysterious uni verse.2.Happ in ess in shakespeares time, and even afterwards, was associated with wealth, success and positi on, which in some way, came upon a certa in pers on, who would express such an occasi on in the form of great joy or exci

3、teme nt.3.Happ in ess is no Ion ger accide ntal,i ndeed, it becomes an objective to achieve.4.People defi nitely varied in their opinions as to what has give n rise to happ in ess and what happ in ess actually means.第二单元1.They were amazed at my being so stubbornly inquisitive over that issue, unable

4、 to figure out howi could be so ignorant of what was going on about so com mon place a practice in the america n econo mic and political life.2.When immorality prevails, its practically no use talking convincingly about conscienee.3.Many americans are always preaching about human equality, but will

5、take a firm stand against the issue of equal rights in their com mun ities and schools.4.It seems that they are also brave eno ugh to take the risk in reiterat ing their worry,which ,con seque ntly, makes them such un forgivable bores to those successful social climbers.5.Ultimately, only these peop

6、le may hopefully help to create a society that is characterized by its moral stre ngth that leads to its con ti nu ous existe nee in stead of its moral degradati on that ends in tis destructi on.第三单元1.We tend to believe that we are a harmonious impartial and benevolent people, living under approved

7、laws but not by the will of any in dividual in the gover nment.2.If we ignore this other aspect of the fact, we shall fail to look at our nation from an unbiased perspective.3.No mater how hard we persuaded ourselves to believe that indians and negroes were inferior to us, we ,in actual fact, were q

8、uite clear that they ,just like us, were Gods childre n.4.The evidenee regarding such suppression as recorded in american history is amply supplied in america n literary works.5.What the whites refused to encounter in their description of the past was actually recounted in the dreams and fan tasies

9、in artistic forms.第四单元1.From the footsteps of that frightened woman, i, for the first time ,realized that my being born a black has unfortun ately en abled people, at the sight of me, to adjust their dista nee from me in a most unfrien dly manner.2.I was also well aware that i looked exactly like a

10、bad boy who would intrude, from time to time, into the n eighborhood from a slum n earby.3.To be a man, you must acquire the power to scare and subdue people.4.When i was a boy, i saw many juve nile deli nquents take n away by the cops.i have si nee atte nded several fun erals,too.5.I was not in a p

11、osition to prove my identity. What i could think of was that i walk quickly to join some one who could verify who i was.第五单元1.But such case were sufficient in number to make it seem as if there were justification for thein creas ing fear of com muni sts.2.Joseph mccarthy thought it was high time tha

12、t he should come upon the stage, declaring that he held a list of n ames of active com muni sts who were strivi ng to ruin the gover nment now.3.He was kept fully occupied, but he did nt seem to be successful.4.Then in wheeling that February evening at the beginning of the 50s, joe, at last, was for

13、tunate eno ugh to have seized a won derful cha nee and ,like a meteor, started to climb up the political ladder.5.From that moment, it seemed that the senator had placed the entire country under his control.第六单元1,what the book tries to tell is that the iks have become an un alterably repulsive peopl

14、e, self-ce ntered,irrati onal ,incon siderate and un feeli ng, as a result of the dis in tegrati on of their traditi onal culture.2,it should be agreed first of all that huma n beings are an evil breed. Livi ng in this world all for nothing but their own in terests,a nd they may show some love and s

15、ympathy, simply because they were taught to develop such as their habits.3,they n ever talk except whe n they make rude dema nds and impolite refusals.4,they will laugh to see ill luck befall other people.5,the Ion ely ik, bani shed in the desolati on of a vani shed culture, has found ano ther way t

16、o protect himself.第八单元Un der the blows of peasa nt wars and kin gly conq uest, the isolated existe nee of early feudalism gave way to cen tralized mon archies.=peasa nt wars and mon archical triumphs con cluded the early separate feudal societies, and the uni fied and cen tralized kin gdoms assumed

17、power.And in turn the great n ati onal adve ntures of the en glish and spa nish and portuguese sailor-capitalists brought a flood of treasure and treasure-c on scious nes s back to europe.=a n ati on wide fervor of seafari ng mercha nts in en gla nd, spa in and portugal to explore coun tries oversea

18、s con seque ntly brought back a lot of wealth and ren ewed a no ticeable wealth-aware ness among the europea n n atio ns.=the attitude of christopher columbus was represe ntative of a time in history, which quicke ned the formatio n of a society characterized by an ambiti on for success and a crav i

19、ng for mon ey.=al ong with this social cha nge, there was little won der that power bega n to desce nd upon the mercha nts, because they were finan cially kno wledged, and depart from the con temptuous gen tleme n, because they were finan cially ignorant.=it was not so easy for bookkeep ing to be ad

20、opted as a n ecessary acco unting device, and double entry was not uni versally accepted as an acco unting mecha nism un til the 17 th cen tury第八单元课文解读The new scienceThe great chariot of society, which for so long had run down the gentle slope of tradition, now found itself powered by an internal co

21、mbusti on engine. Tran sact ions and gain provided a new and startli ng motive force.What forces could have been sufficiently powerful to smash a comfortable and established world and institute in its place this new society. There was no single massive cause . Itwas not great even ts, sin gle adve n

22、tures, in dividual laws, or charm ing personalities which brought about the economic revolution. It was a process of internal growth.First, there was the gradual emerge nee of n ati onal political spirit in Europe. Un der the blows of peasa nt wars and kin gly conq uest, the isolated existe nee of e

23、arly feudalism gave way to cen tralized mon archies. A sec ondgreat current of change was to be found in the slow decay of the religious spirit under the impact of the skeptical, inquiring, humanist views of the Italian Renaissanee. Still another deep current lies in the slow social changes that eve

24、ntually rendered the market system possible. In the course of this change, power naturally began to gravitate into the hands of those who understood money matters-the mercha nts-a nd away from the disda inful no bility,who did n ot. 在这个变化之中,权禾 U 便自然而然地从那些鄙视财迷的高尚者的手中转入那些懂得经营钱财的商人的手中。课后部分答案CTFFTT1,the

25、 an alogy is draw n betwee n the moveme nt of a chariot and the developme nt of society. Social developme nt had bee n steady but slow, follow ing the traditi onal ways. But now someth ing grow ing from in side society itself provided a strong drivi ng force, drastically push ing society forward.2,n

26、o,this is the question the excerpt is intended to answer.3,the similelike a butterfly in side a chrysalis,just as a butterfly grows out of a chrysalis, so does the new way of life out of the old.第二单元课文解读American Dilemma 翻译About seven years ago, I accepted an invitation to participate in a seminar on

27、 the ethical and moral problems of America n society that was spon sored by the Aspe n In stitute in Colorado. Among the other in vited guests were bus in ess executives, college preside nts, judges, gover nment officials, man agi ng editors, professors and theologia ns.大概七年前,我应邀参加一个由科罗拉多阿斯彭研究所( Asp

28、en Institute )赞助的研讨会,探讨有关美国社会道德伦理问题。出席会议的还有企业家、大学校长、法官、政客、执行编辑、教授和 神学家。Although there was no con flict or con troversy in the discussi ons, one of the largest prese ntati ons has had a profound, almost obsessive, impact upon my thoughts about the character and quality of American life1虽然本次讨论中无意见冲突和争

29、议,但较为重要的几个发言中有一个让我印象深刻,它甚至强烈 地影响了我对美国生活特性和质量的看法。In a rather quiet voice, a recen tly retired vice-preside nt of one of the largest corporati ons in America told the group that one of the persiste nt problems faced by his office was how to keep the acco unting records of the corporati on in such a wa

30、y that they would be accurate and would also obscure the fact that regular operati ng expe nses were payoffs to muni cipal official to expedite the in stallati on of new con struct ion in the large cities throughout the Un ited States. 2 Casually, this participa nt cited this as ano ther example of

31、a prevaili ng fun ctio nal immorality with which big bus in ess had to come to terms.一个刚从美国的一个大公司退休的副总经理平静地说,他们公司正面临着一个棘手的问题: 如何记录公司的运营历程才能保证记录准确并且能够掩盖一个事实一一正常的运营耗费其实 是市政官员用在美国大城市的构建中的资费。这位参与者随意举出的这个问题其实是盛行于 大公司的不道德行为的又一例证。When none of the other participa nts raised a questio n about the ethical imp

32、licati on of this practice, I eventually asked why this powerful corporation did not bring this matter to local and Federal law-e nforceme nt officials. My colleagues clearly con sidered my questi on na? ve. They reacted to my persistent questions as if I were an unrealistic child who did not understand the economic and political rules of the great American game.当其他参会者都没有质疑这种行为的伦理内涵时,我最后问了一个问题:为什么这个强大的 公司没有将这样的问题上报给当地或者联邦的法律执行官?很显然,同事认为我很天真。我 坚持打破砂锅问到底,而在他们看来,我好像是充满幻想的孩子,对美国游戏在经济、政治 上的影响毫不知情。Now I was shocked not only by the dis

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