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1、大学一年级基础英语复习材料单选1. They built a wall to _ the water of the lake.A. retainB. attainC. bringD. carry2. The _ influence in her life was her father.A. dominateB. dominatedC. dominantD. dominated3. The house is in perfect condition, _ a few scratches on of the doors.A. but B. exceptC. except forD. besides

2、4. This is a committee _ nice members.A. consistedB. consistingC. consisted ofD. consisting of5. They _ her not to get _ with such people.A. adviced , mix upB. advised, mixed upC. adviced, mixing D. advised, mixing up6.I _ a hint but he failed to catch it.A. threw upB. threw out C. threw awayD. gave

3、 up7.What he is saying is _ the theory.A. in the line withB. in line withC. in the line toD. in line to 8. You must _ the lessons you missed yesterday.A. make upB. make up withC. make up toD. make up for9.One must fit_.A. his words for his deeds.B. His deeds to his wordsC. His deeds into his wordsD.

4、 His words into his deeds10. We wont _ our friend.A. count them amongB. count them inC. consider then inD. consider them for11. Such a long wait _.A. brings patience B. takes patienceC. brings patientD. takes patient12. He had the room _ 15 cents per night.A. on a cost B. at cost of C. on cost ofD.

5、at a cost of13. H e is _ what I said .A. far off understandingB. far from understandingC. far off to understandD. far from understand14.Take _ harm yourself.A. care so as to notB. care so as not toC. so care as to notD. so care as not to15.The mother led her child _.A. by handsB. with her handsC. by

6、 the handD. by her handKey:1. A2. C3. C4. D5. B6. B7. B8. A9. B10. A11. B12. D13. B14. B15. CNote:1. retain , 留住,保留; attain, 獲得(高分、目標)2. dominant , 形容詞,佔主導地位的。3. except for, 整體完好,部分除外。4. consist of, 由組成。5. advise為動詞,advice 是名詞;get mixed up with, 於交往。6. throw out a hint, 抛出暗示。7. in line with, 於相符。8.

7、make up for,彌補。9. fit to ,使於相符。10. count among , 把當成之一。11. take patience, 需要耐心。12. at a cost of ,花錢;以為代價。13. far from doing sth,遠沒有能夠做某事。14. so as (not)to do sth, 以(不)作某事。15. lead sb by the hand, 手牽著某人走。1.H e bought _ butter.B. three pounds worthC. three pounds worth ifD. three pounds worthE. three

8、pounds worth of2.Tom was dismissed _ having joined a union.A. becauseB. forC. sinceD. as3.Caesars plan of leap years _ about 1,600 years.A. followed byB. followed forC. was followed byD. was followed for4.The error _ about one day in 3,000 years.A. amountsB. amounts toC. accounts forD. accounts to5.

9、He lives _ away.A. in a stones throwB. a stones throwingC. a stones throwD. for a stones throw6.The ice is not fit _.A. fro skateB. to skateC. for skate onD. to skate on7.The walnut trees began to _ in the third year.A. bear fruit B. bear fruits C. give fruit D. have fruit8.Churchill was _ his own e

10、loquence t pay attention to his interpreter.A. much too carried away withB. much too carried away byC. too much carried away withD. too much carried away by9.Teheran was the first opportunity I had _ him_ close hand.A. of observing, inB. observing, ofC. of observing, atD. observing, at10.At the end

11、of ten years, everything was _ .A. paid offB. paid forC. paid outD. paid up11.I would _ to the party.A. rather almost not to goB. rather almost not goC. almost rather not to goD. almost rather not go 12.The rich man was terribly scared _ it.A. of lose B. of losingC. at loseD. at losing13.Poets have

12、often compared life _ a river.A. to B. withC. andD. for14.Theory should _ practice.A. consist withB. consist ofC. consist inD. consist for15.She is particular _ her clothes.A. over B. about C. at D. toKey:1. D2. B3. D4. B5. C6. D7. A8. B9. C10. A11. D12. B13. A14. A15. BNote:1. worth of sth, 价值的某物。2

13、. having 為-ing 形式,因此前面應放介詞。3. 被動語態作谓语,持续时间,用for.4. amount to ,相当于。5. live a stones away ,形容住的很近6. be fit for (doing) sth; be fit to do sth.7. fruit ,不可数8. tooto,太以致于不能;much 可以修饰too; be carried away by sth, 因而陶醉。9. have opportunity of doing sth,作某事的机会;at close hand,近距离。10. pay off,付清11. would (almost

14、)rather (not)do sth, ( 几乎)宁愿(不)做某事12. be scared of doing sth,害怕作某事13. compareto,把比作。14. consist with,与一致,相符15. be particular about sth , 对很在意。 21. The news_ them like an earthquake.A. burst uponB. was burst uponC. burst intoD. was burst into22. _ had detected any sign of discomfort.A. None of us B.

15、None usC. Not weD. Not us23. _ of everybody, he reported nothing more than a mild attack of indigestion.A. To the relieveB. To the relief C. To the releaseD. To the relax 24Roosevelt would _ the first format session.A. presideB. preside forC. preside atD. preside in25. Churchill said , “In our lands

16、 we have the future of _.”A. human beingB. mankind C. mankindsD. person26. The oppression was too great _ and the Africans _ against their white masters.A. to bear, raiseB. to be borne, roseC. to bear, roseD. to bear, arose27. The door was suddenly _ from outside.A. throw openB. throw to openC. thro

17、wn openD. thrown to be opened28. This gave _.A. five 31-day months and seven 30-day monthsB. five 31-days months and seven 30-days monthsC. five 31-days month and seven 30-days monthD. five 31-day month and seven 30-day month29. He is going to base _.A. the facts on his novelB. his novel on the fact

18、sC. the facts to his novel D. his novel to the facts30. The Nile often _ the land.A. floodedB. flooded to C. flooded onD. flooded onto31. Does she care _ modern music?A. about B. overC. forD. X32. This was the calendar quite similar _ the Chinese lunar calendar.A. to B. withC. towardsD. X33. One of

19、your main responsibilities is to _ ideas.A. work on B. work atC. work outD. work in34. How much _?A. does the coat cost B. is the coat cost C. is the coat worth of D. does the coat worth35. Where does the road _?A. lead to B. lead C. lead across D. lead fromKey:21.A22.A23.B.24.C25.B26.C27.A28.A29.B3

20、0.A31.C32.A33.B34.A35.ANote:21.burst on sb, 突然让某人知道某事22.none of us, 我们当中没人 the relief of sb, 让某人松口气的是24.preside over sth at sp, 在某地主持某事25.mankind 为不可数名词;human being 可数26.tooto, 太以至不能;rise against sb,奋起反抗某人27.door is thrown open,门被甩开。28. 加“-”符后,所連接名次不用復數29.base sth on sth, 把 放在基礎上。30.flood,作動詞事可

21、用作及物動詞,表示淹沒。 for,喜歡 similar to sth, 於某事很相近。 at , 處理; work out , 想出,做出。 worthy of , 值錢; worth,沒有動詞詞性35.lead to, 通向21. You must _ the thief before he goes far.A. catch up withB. catch upC. catchD. catch sight of22. I was quite _ by his attitude.A. taken back B. taken awayC. tak

22、en down D. taken aback23. He_ the meeting on the subject.A. addressed to B. addressed himself at C. addressed himself to D. addressed at24.She spoke _ .A. in loud voiceB. in a loud voiceC. with loud voiceD. with a loud voice25. Many young workers _ their days off to do voluntary labour.A. give in B.

23、 give upC. give offD. give out26. You _ and tell him that were coming.A. go ahead B. go about C. go behindD. go before27. I f anything _ the machine , dont hesitate to let us know.A. occurs B. happens withC. exists D. happens to28. Maria tried hard to _ the movies theatre.A. break in B. break intoC.

24、 break out D. break away29. We _ L is house yesterday.A. called on B. calledC. called forD. called at30. As we were talking , she _ a question.A. cut intoB. cut inC. cut in withD. cut off31. I _ catching cold.A. Like B. feelC. feel likeD. feel after32. I shall be glad to _ you in the course of a few

25、 days.A. hear fromB. hear ofC. hear about D. hear out33.Robinson Crusoe_ the rock.A. held tightly toB. held to tightly C. held on tightly D. held up tightly34. More and more people _ table tennis.A. are going in B. are going on forC. are going in forD. are going on with35. The lake added charm _ the

26、 view.A. intoB. ofC. to D. inKey:21. C22. D23.C24.B25.B26.A27.D28.B29.D30.C31.C32.A33.A34.C35.BNote:21. catch, 抓住。22. be taken aback by sth,被吓一跳23Address sb to sth, 向问候介绍自己24In aloud voice, 大声地。25Give up,放弃(休息日)26Go ahead, 此处指在前面走,领先27Happen to /occur to sth, 某物发生问题28Break into,涌进,挤进29Call at sp,拜访某

27、处;call on sb,拜访某人30Cut in 打断;cut in with sth,以打断31此处,feel like 指感觉像, 而不是指喜欢。32Hear from sb,收到某人来信。33Hold to sth, 抓住;副词放在动词后。34Go in for, 喜欢。35Add to , 增加,增添1._ weather we are having today!A. How fine B. What fine C. What a fine D. How a fine2. He goes to work _ every day.A. withB. onC. by D. in3. Qu

28、ick! Go and dial _ fire alarm number.A. aB. /C. TheD. an 4. do you know when the first Chinese movie _ ?A. madeB. was madeC. will be madeD. is made5. The boy is sitting _ his parents.A. amongB. between C. in D. over6. Well , lets _ an X-ray of your leg.A. take B. to take C. taking D. taken7. He didn

29、t watch the match.A. So did IB. Neither did I C. Me too.D. Me also8. What _ your father do?A. do B. is C. doesD. are9. Theyve _ another branch office in Shanghai.A. set upB. put upC. got upD. got in10. Are these books _ ?A. youB. yours C. yourD. yous11. I need _ advice about my study.A. few B. someC. a few

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