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1、七年级仁爱英语下册必背短语句型七年级仁爱英语下册必背短语句型Where is (the nearest) ? (最近的)在哪里? Can you tell me the way to ? 你能告诉我去的路吗? How can I get to ? 我怎样到达呢? Is there near here / in the neighborhood? 附近有吗? Which is the way to ? 哪条是去的路?Showing the ways: (指路) Go straight down / along this street. 沿着这条街一直走。Turn left at the seco

2、nd turning. 在第二个路口向左转。You will find it on your right. 你会在你右手边发现它。 It is about one hundred metres from here. 离这里大约一百米远。 Youd better take a bus. 你最好坐公交车去。(Youd better+动词原形)across from 在的对面 across from the bank 在银行的对面next to 紧靠 next to the supermarket 紧靠超市betweenand 在和之间between the park and the zoo 在公园

3、和动物园之间among 表示位于三者或三者以上之间 in front of 在前面 There is a tree in front of the classroom. 课室前面有棵树in the front of 在(内)的前部 There is a desk in the front of the classroom.课室内的前部有张桌子。 behind 在后面 behind my house 在我家后面 turn left/ right 向左/右拐on the left/right of在某物的左/右边 on the left of our school 在我们学校的左边on ones

4、left/right 在某人的左/右边 on my left在我左边 go straight 一直走down /along沿着(街道 down/along Center Street 沿着中央街 in the neighborhood=near here 在附近 10 welcome to 欢迎来到take /have a walk 散步 12. the beginning of 的开始,前at the beginning of 在的开始,前端 in the beginning 起初,一开始 13. have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself 玩得开心,过得

5、愉快我昨天玩得很开心。 I had fun yesterday. I had a good time yesterday. I enjoyed myself yesterday.一、名词复数词photo- photos child-children foot-feet tooth- teeth knife-knives baby-babies 家庭family-families 马铃薯 potato-potatoes 树叶leaf-leaves德国人Germans二、一般现在时中单数第三人称动词构造1. 直接加s (元音字母+y 直接加)likes, wants, plays, stays,

6、enjoys, buys2. s, x, sh, ch ,o结尾加 es-teaches, watches, washes , passes, goes, does3. 辅音字母+y ,去y改i加es study-studies, fly-flies, carry-carries,三、现在进行时be + V-ing (现在分词)现分词词特殊构造:1. 去e 加 ing。 如: dance-dancing, write-writing, live-living, make-making, ride-riding, drive-driving2. 双写加ing。 如: putputting, ge

7、t-getting, swim-swimming, run-running, sit-sitting, shop-shopping, plan-planning, begin- beginning四、一般过去时1. 肯定形式:动词用其过去式,只能填一个词(绝对不可用be跟原形,也不可用be跟过去式)如:was play, were perform, was go, were bought, was made 这些都错如果没有表示动作的实意动词,就用 was / were 跟形容词如:They were happy. The trip was wonderful. The food there

8、was very delicious.The people there were friendly.出生用was born 或 were bornIwas born on April 2nd. He and I were both born in September.否定形式:didnt 跟原形动词 I didnt like climbing hills before.She didnt go swimming, she visited some places of interest yesterday. 疑问形式: did 跟原形动词Did you enjoy yourselves last

9、 night? Yes, we enjoyed ourselves.How did he travel there? He traveled there by plane.4. 过去式构造1)直接加ed played, stayed, performed, traveled, enjoyed, visited, entered2)结尾加d, danced, liked3)辅音字母加y, 去y改i加ed carrycarried, studystudied,4)重读闭音节,双写辅音字母加ed stopped, planned,5)不规则变化,背记书本后过去式表(特别要记关于旅游,举行聚会等的动词

10、)5. 掌握一下常用于一般过去时的时间状语yesterday, yesterday evening = last night, a moment ago = just now , before,last Sunday / week/ month/ year/ summer, in 2009, at the age of(在岁时)6. 当表示会做某事时,用can could + 动词原形At the age of eight, he could ride a bike.When he was a child, he couldnt wash clothes, but now he can.五、以

11、下词或短语后须 跟动词原形Would/ could you please, why not , had better (not) do sth( 最好、),let (letdo), help sb do sth, make sb do sth,may/ can/ could / must/ should / shouldnt dodo/ does/ did 须 跟动词原形六、以下词或短语后须 跟 “to + 动词原形”want to do, need to do, would like to do, learn to do学会做forget (忘记做)to do, remember to do

12、(记住做),hope to do, wish to do sth. plan to do, ask sb to do, tell sb to do,help sb (to ) do , love to do , begin / start to do开始做Its good to do, It s time to do sth. (该做)Its a good time/ season toIts your turn to (轮到你.)七、以下词或短语后须 跟 “ 动词ing ”1. like doing sth, enjoy doing sth, stop doing sth,see sb do

13、ing sth, hear sb doing sth, watch sb doing sth, 看见/ 听见/观察到某人正在I saw him climbing the tree. 我看见他在爬树。We watched them playing chess.Can you hear the birds singing in the trees?be busy doing sth, 正忙着2. go shopping/ swimming/ fishing / climbing /hiking / skating/ skiing/traveling3. 介词后跟“ 动词ing ”thank you

14、 for helping / telling me , what /how about doing sth,be good at doing sth= do well in doing by doing sth, before doing八、掌握重点序数词 the + 序数词 , 某月某日用序数词one-first, two-second, three-third, on the second floor,turn left at the first turning = take the first turning on the leftturn right at the third cros

15、sing = take the third crossing on the righton February 3rd, on August 11th, on November 2nd可简写为1st, 2nd, 3rd, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 31st,(注意11th, 12th)序数词口诀: 一二三特殊变,五和十二去ve改f加th,八去t九除e, 整十位去y改i加eth,两位数,十位不变个位变。重点掌握:one-first, two-second, three-third, five-fifth, nine-ninth twelvetwelfth twentytwen

16、tieth, forty-fortieth, thirty-onethirty-first九、 介词用法1. in + 年,月,季,早,午,晚,in 2008, in October, in spring, in the morning/ afternoon/ evening2. on + 某一天 (节日,假日,周日)on that day, on Teachers Day, on Childrens Day, on Mothers Day,on Tuesday (周二), on Thursday (周四), on Wednesday (周三)3. at + 点钟 for+ 一段时间 for

17、two days, for three months在、期间 during the holidays, during the time, during the three days在两者之间 between and between you and me, between him and her注意:在yesterday, last week, last night, this morning, next year前不可加介词十、考试技巧瞻前顾后, 看时间短语,确定关键词, 找主语, 判断适当形式。注意三个凡是: 凡是名词注意单复数; 凡是动词注意适当形式; 凡是数词注意是否序数词。1、形容词修

18、饰名词, 如:an interesting story, clever children, an expensive tripA heavy rain 一场大雨 a strong wind 一阵强风2、be + 形容词, sound + 形容词听起来、sounds great, sounds wonderful, sounds delicious, sounds interesting3、动词用副词修饰, 如:shine (shone) brightly 阳光灿烂, blow( blew) strongly 刮大风,下大雨rain(rained) heavily = hard, 下大雪snow

19、(snowed) heavily = hard十一、近义词区别:1. Hope you (主格) get well soon ! = Wish you ( 宾格)to get well soon.hope to do sth. = wish to do sth.hope + 完整句子, 所跟的人只能当后面句子的主语wish sb. to do sth 只有wish才可跟人做宾语I hope to visit Germany.= I wish to visit Germany.I hope he can win the game. = I wish him to win the game.We

20、hope we can fly to America. = We hope to fly to America.I hope you(主格)can / will enjoy yourselves.= Wish you(宾格)to have a good time.2. listen (to) 听的过程, hear 听的结果, sound 听起来 + 形容词He listened carefully, but he couldnt hear anything. It sounds diffwake up 醒来,唤醒 get up 起床2. go to school 去上学 go home 回家3

21、. go dancing / shopping / skating / swimming 去跳舞;购物、滑冰;游泳go doing something 可用于表达去进行某种娱乐休闲活动。 4. 表示交通方式: on foot 步行by boat 坐船 by ship 坐船 by air 乘飞机by plane 乘飞机 by train 坐火车 by subway 搭乘地铁by car 坐小汽车 by bus 坐公共汽车 by bike 骑自行车5. take the subway / bus / car 搭乘地铁;公共汽车;小汽车6. drive a car to work = go to w

22、ork by car 驾车去上班 take a bus to work = go to work by bus 乘公共汽车去上班 go to school on foot = walk to school 步行去上学7. ride a bike / horse 骑自行车;骑马8. after school / class 放学以后;下课以后9. play the piano / guitar / violin 弹钢琴;吉他;小提琴 play basketball / soccer / football 打篮球;踢足球;打橄榄球 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 play wi

23、th a computer 玩电脑 play sports 做运动10. next to 紧挨着,在旁边11. a plan of my school 一幅我们学校的平面图12. on weekdays 在工作日 at weekends 在周末13. have breakfast / lunch / supper / dinner / meals 吃早餐;中餐;晚餐;正餐;一日三餐 have classes / lessons / a meeting 上课;上课;开会14. watch TV / movies / games / the animals 看电视;电影;比赛;动物 read no

24、vels / newspapers / books 看小说;报纸;书15. wash ones face / clothes 洗脸;衣服16. 反义词:up down, early late 近义词:quickly fast get up early 早起 be late for 迟到17. the first / second / third / fourth day 第一;二;三;四天18. clean the house 打扫房子19. 表示建筑物(尤其学校建筑物): on the playground 在操场 at school / home / table 在学校;家里;桌旁in a

25、 computer room / teachers office / classroom building / gym / library / lab / canteen 在电脑室;教师办公室;教学楼;体操馆;图书馆;实验室;食堂20. around six oclock = at about six oclock 大约在六点21. 频率副词:never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always二、重点句型:1. Its time to get up. 该起床的时候了。Its time for breakfast. = Its time to hav

26、e breakfast = Its time for having breakfast.该吃早饭了2. You must go to school early. 你必须早点去上学。(主观因素造成“必须”) I have to wash my face quickly. 我不得不迅速地洗脸。(客观因素造成“必须”)3. Happy New Year! The same to you! 新年快乐!也祝你新年快乐!4. How about you? = What about you? 你怎么样?5. It tastes good. 它尝起来很好。 It sounds good. 它听起来很好。6.

27、How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school by bike.你通常怎样去上学?我通常骑自行车去上学。 What do you usually do after school? I usually play computer games. 你通常放学做什么?我通常玩电脑游戏。7. How does she usually go to work? She usually goes to work by car. 她通常怎样去上班?她通常开车去上班。What does he usually do after class? He us

28、ually reads novels.他通常下课后做什么?他通常看小说。8. The early bird catches the worm! 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。/ 笨鸟先飞。9. Wheres Mr. Zhou going? Hes going to Shanghai. 周先生将要去哪里?他将要去上海。三、语法学习:复习一般现在时和现在进行时。一般现在时:1. 区别含有be动词和行为动词的肯定句式。 I am at home. I stay at home. I am stay at home. She stay at home. 2. 一般疑问句、否定句表达的不同方式: Are you a

29、t home? Do you stay at home? Does she stay at home?Yes, I am. No, I am not. Yes, I do. No, I dont. Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.I am not at home. I dont stay at home. She doesnt stay at home.3. 主语为第三人称单数时,谓语行为动词的变化。 She plays computer games on Sundays. She studies English every morning. She goes to

30、 school on weekdays. She has breakfast at 6:45.4. 用法: (1) 表示现在的状况:I am a teacher. You are student. They are in London.(2) 表示经常的或习惯性的动作:I usually go to school on foot. She plays tennis every morning.(3) 表示主语具备的性格和能力等:He likes playing basketball. They do the cooking. 现在进行时:1. 基本句式结构:I am playing with

31、a computer.2. 现在分词构成法: go going play playing have having drive driving run running swim swimming begin beginning3. 用法:(1)表示现在正在进行的动作:She is having dinner. 她正在用餐。(2)方位动词的现在进行时可用来表示将要发生的动作:Im going. 我要走了。四、交际用语:谈论交通工具及如何上学和日常生活。主要句型:How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school by bike. Im riding a bike now.

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