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1、中考阅读题型突破第四讲推理判断题推理判断题:.A考查依据短文内容和考生应有的常识进行推理和判断的能力。此类题目文章中没有明确的答案,需要考生再理解全文的基础上进行推理和判断。其主要提问方式是:(1) We can guess the writer of the letter may be a _.(2) We can infer from the text that _.(3) From the letters weve learned that its very _ to know something about American social customs.(4) From the st

2、ory we can guess _.(5) What would be happy if ?B.考查推断作者意图和态度的能力。(1) How did the writer feel at Vienna station?(2) The writer writes this text to _.(3) The writer believes that _.(4) The writer suggests that _.所谓推断,就是根据阅读材料中所提供的信息,推断出未知的信息。即从已知推未知。据以推断的有关文字可能是词或句子,也可能是若干句子,甚至是全文。中考英语试题中的推断题很多,包括的面也很大

3、。其类型主要有以下几种:(1)事实推断:这种推断常常针对某一个或几个具体细节,是比较简单的推断。进行这种推断,要首先在文章中找出据以推断的有关文字,然后加以分析,尤其要悟出字里行间的意思。2014年厦门中考英语阅读理A篇 “ I dont know “ Ben replies. “ Everything was going fine, but as I got higher, I was starting to get cold, so I turned off the big fan thing and then. “41.The possible reason for the crash

4、is that Ben _.A. shut off the big fan thing on the helicopterB. refused to talk with the instructorC. kept radioing in on the helicopter2010年厦门中考英语阅读理解A篇A young man was walking through a supermarket to pick up a few things when he noticed an old lady following him round. Thinking nothing of it, he c

5、ontinued.Finally, he went to the check-out line, but the old lady got in front of him. “Excuse me,” she said, “Im sorry if my staring at(盯着看) you has made you feel uncomfortable, its just because you look like my son, whom I havent seen for a long time.”“What a pity,” replied the young man, “is ther

6、e anything I can do for you?”“Yes,” she said, “as Im leaving, can you say Good bye, mother!? It would make me feel so much better.”“Sure,” answered the young man. So, when the old woman was leaving, he called out, “Good bye, mother!”As she stepped up to the check-out counter(收银台), he saw that his to

7、tal was $127.50. “How can that be?” he asked, “I only buy a few things!”The clerk replied, “Your mother said that you would pay for her.”53. _ wasnt an honest person in this story.A. The clerk B. The old lady C. The young man54. At last, what the young man had to pay was _ what he expected.A. more t

8、han B. less than C. as much as55. We know from the story that the old lady _.A. liked shopping B. had a son C. paid nothing数字类题目:2014年厦门中考英语阅读理解E篇Later on , man used tally marks to count. People would just scratch(划下)a line or tally mark for each object they wanted to count, but they had no word to

9、tell the number.58. If A and B each scratched three lines for their own objects to be counted, they would probably have objects in all. A. three B. six C. nine2013年厦门中考英语阅读理解E篇Scientists have a way they use when they are trying to learn something new. It is called the scientific method of inquiry(科学

10、探究方法).The first step is to ask a question. It could be “Why do birds fly south for the winter?” Or it could be “How does water turn into ice?” It could be about anything.Then the scientist must do research. He or she could learn as much about the topic as possible. Next, the scientist makes a hypoth

11、esis. It could be “Bird fly south for the winter because they are cold.” Or it could be “Water will turn into ice when the temperature gets low enough” Its a so called educated(有根据的)guess. Now, the scientist has a hypothesis, so it must be tested. Scientists do this by conducting experiments in labs

12、, and others do them outdoors.After the experiments are complete, the scientist must analyze the data(分析数据). And he should compare it with the hypothesis. Was the hypothesis right or wrong? Even with a wrong hypothesis, scientists can still learn a lot. Finally, they should write about their results

13、. That way, other people can learn, too.We need _ steps in all when we use the scientific method of inquiry.A. two B. four C.six(2)指代推断:确定指代词的含义和指代对象是阅读理解题常见的题目。要确定指代词所指代的对象,关键在于对所在上下文的正确理解。指代名词的指代词,其单复数形式英语被指代的词一致,因此数的形式可作为识别指代对象第一个辅助标志。2014年漳州市初中毕业升学考英语阅读理解C篇Some butterflies have bright pattern co

14、lors on the upper surface of their wings that show when flying, but when they rest on a tree or leaves, they close their wings.68.The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 refers to _A their wings B pattern colors C green leaves D some butterflies(3)逻辑推断。这类题目往往是要求根据文章所提供的背景,人物的表情,动作和语言来推断出人物的态度或感觉。2

15、010年厦门中考英语阅读理解A篇Kaixin: We have to know how to control ourselves. We should keep our minds on study. Games are just games. I prefer to play sports with my classmates when I am free.64. From Kaixins words, we can guess that he is most probably a _.A. farmer B. worker C. student2011年厦门中考英语阅读理D篇He Dong

16、ping, a professor from Wuhan Polytechnic University(WHPU)said:To stop the use of dirty oil should start at its source,kitchen waste.And the first step is to find a good way of collecting kitchen waste. However,it might take about 10 years before China could solve the problem completely.he added.69.W

17、e can infer(推断)from this passage that_.A. the biggest problem is that restaurants produces too much kitchen wasteB. the way of dealing with kitchen waste isnt good enough nowC.we can stop the use of swill-oil in a short time if we take it serious(4)对作者的意图和态度的推断这一类考题大都要求考生就作者对论述对象持什么样的态度做出推断,如作者对所陈述的

18、观点是赞同、反对,还是犹豫不定,对记述或描写的人、物或事件是赞颂、同情、冷漠,还是厌恶。作者的这种思想倾向和感情色彩不一定直接表述出来,而往往隐含在字里行间。因此,进行这种推断时,我们既要依靠短文的主题思想作为推力的前提,又要注意作者的措辞,尤其是形容词一类的修饰语。2014年南平市初中毕业升学考英语阅读理解B篇Teenagers are very attracted by fashions,such as computers, television, iPad and cell phones.These can lead them into a field of real-world dan

19、gersAlthough there are some dangerous effects, we should understand and enjoy the advantages that the new technology offers to teenagers.55. The writers attitude(态度) of having the latest cell phones is_A agreement B surprise C disagreement 2014年三明市初中毕业升学考英语阅读理解C篇However, in the new digitalage, we ne

20、ed to be careful when using smartphones. If you use them too much, you may turn into a dangerous addiction(上瘾).So its always best to use your smartphones properly.55.In the last paragraph, the writer wants to tell us_A smartphones must be used properlyB smartphones play an important part in our live

21、sC smartphones are turing students into a dangerous addictionA A young man was walking through a supermarket to pick up a few things when he noticed an old lady following him round. Thinking nothing of it, he continued.Finally, he went to the check-out line, but the old lady got in front of him. “Ex

22、cuse me,” she said, “Im sorry if my staring at(盯着看) you has made you feel uncomfortable, its just because you look like my son, whom I havent seen for a long time.”“What a pity,” replied the young man, “is there anything I can do for you?”“Yes,” she said, “as Im leaving, can you say Good bye, mother

23、!? It would make me feel so much better.”“Sure,” answered the young man. So, when the old woman was leaving, he called out, “Good bye, mother!”As she stepped up to the check-out counter(收银台), he saw that his total was $127.50. “How can that be?” he asked, “I only buy a few things!”The clerk replied,

24、 “Your mother said that you would pay for her.”51. The young man was _ that day.A. doing some shopping B. having a walk C. visiting his mother52. The old lady stood _ the young man on the check-out line.A. beside B. behind C. before53. _ wasnt an honest person in this story.A. The clerk B. The old l

25、ady C. The young man54. At last, what the young man had to pay was _ what he expected.A. more than B. less than C. as much as55. We know from the story that the old lady _.A. liked shopping B. had a son C. paid nothingB Recently, Chinese netizens(网民) enjoy themselves on “growing and stealing crops”

26、on the Internet. This is a game called “Happy Farms”. Now more and more people are joining in the game and getting addicted. Because of this game, some players have been fired(解雇), lovers have broken up, but none of them can stop Happy Farms from becoming more popular.Here we interviewed some young

27、netizens and lets see what their opinions were.Nongmin: Playing Happy Farms at work, thats terrible! A clerk was fired because she was online playing it at work.King: I find that all the dreams of having houses and fields, which are very hard to get in real life, are very easy to be realized in the

28、game. I think I know the reason why the game is so popular.Kaixin: We have to know how to control ourselves. We should keep our minds on study. Games are just games. I prefer to play sports with my classmates when I am free.Kitty: I like Happy Farms. My high-pressure work makes me feel like I cant b

29、reathe(呼吸). I wish I could have a real house and farm, but it seems so far away. I have to turn to virtual(虚拟) nature for my own house and farm.61. From this passage, we know that “Happy Farms” is a _ game.A. boring B. popular C. dull62. In the first paragraph, the underlined phrase “get addicted” m

30、eans “_”.A. be sorry to B. be afraid of C. be crazy about63. Nongmin told us a/an _ story about playing the game at work.A. shocking B. exciting C. relaxing64. From Kaixins words, we can guess that he is most probably a _.A. farmer B. worker C. student65. _ have the similar idea about the game.A. No

31、ngmin and King B. King and Kitty C. Kaixin and KittyC More have heard of the American Prom.This is the senior students school leaving party.The British name for the event is a Leavers Ball or Leavers Dinner,although some UK schools call them Proms,too.In Canada, Ireland and Australia the terms Grad or Formal are most common and in South Africa it is called a Matric Dance. Some Matric Dances in South Africa still follows the

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