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1、星期二2018年1月23日 星期二 我的教学设计课题:外研版必修一第二模块阅读课 My New Teachers科目 英语 教学对象 高一学生 课时 第一课时一、教学目标 知识与技能:让学生了解不同教师的个性特征和教学风格,运用所学词汇和短语进行简单的描述。学完本模块后能简单描写自己身边的老师。 方法与过程:搜集和运用所学词汇、短语;对介绍教学风格的材料进行理解、分析、比较和总结;体现自主合作探究相结合。 情感、态度、价值观:了解国外中学生对教师风格的要求;加深对老师的了解和热爱, 既发挥学习主动性也配合教师的教学工作,实现感情交流, 使师生关系更加融洽。二、教学内容及模块整体分析 My ne

2、w teachers选自英语外研版必修一第二模块Reading and Vocabulary的短文阅读。本模块以My New Teachers 为话题,介绍了具有不同教学风格和个性特征的教师,旨在通过模块的教学使学生学会描述教师及校园生活,并能运用所学词汇、句型来表达自己的喜好,同时通过学习制定好教师的标准使师生之间相互了解。 三、学情分析 根据以往的教学经验和对高一学生入校后一段时间的观察,我认为学生的注意力有一定的稳定性,观察能力强,有一定的目的性,系统性和全面性,已经初步实现从具体思维向抽象思维的过渡,他们喜欢有个性化的设计,喜欢接受新鲜事物。同时,他们自我意识增强,拥有强烈的主观能动性

3、,尤其是实施新课改后,学生更乐于展现自己,更渴望得到别人的认可和赞赏。他们已具备了一定的自主合作探究的能力,具备了一定的英语语言知识和综合语言运用能力,具备了基本的英语思考和英语表达的基本技能。四、教学策略选择与设计 根据高中英语课程标准及当前教学改革、课程改革的先进理念,为达成上述教学目标,运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务;开展自主性学习的小组活动,使合作、探究与独立思考相结合,最大程度地优化学生的学习方式,提高课堂学习效果。五、教学重点及难点重点:围绕学校生活对教师个性特征、教学风格进行描写。难点:了解不同教师的教学风格,并运用于实际。六、教学过程教师活动 学生活动 设计意图S

4、tep1. Lead-inEnjoy a videoT: Lets play a game. Ill divide the class into two parts. One part is boys, the other is girls. Lets see which group gets more words. S: My New Teachers. S: Yes.S: 第一环节:导入与复习。这部分起到复习旧知导入新知的作用。主要任务是使用学过的形容词描述老师,既复习了上节课涉及到的词汇,又很自然地进入到今天主要谈论的话题。为避免学生对词汇复习感到枯燥无味,于是采用游戏形式Brainst

5、orming完成,最大程度地调动了学生的学习兴趣,所以这部分也属于激趣阶段。Step2: Reading T: Talking about teachers is an interesting topic for students all the time. Now, well read three compositions about three teachers written by their students. And well know more about them. Lets know them first.T: Next, Please read the three compo

6、sitions and compare the three teachers, then answer more questions on the screen. Its a pair work, you can discuss with your partner. T: Last, lets do the Reading Summary. Every group must fill in the form in 5 minutes, and then give us a report about one of the teachers. S:Mrs Li,Mr Wu, Mrs Chen.S:

7、 (check the answers to the questions)S: 第二环节:阅读与理解。这一环节是本模块的中心内容,也是本课时的重难点。我采用了以下步骤。 第一步、在课件中通过呈现照片使学生对课文中的三位老师产生亲切感。然后让学生带着Reading Activity1中的两个问题,进行听力训练,使学生初步感知课文内容,训练学生的听力补捉能力,为进一步的阅读理解打下基础。第二步、通过两人结队活动pair work,进一步阅读课文,互相帮助解决语言形式引起的理解问题,并对比三位老师的个性和风格,快速查找信息,有梯度地讨论和回答Reading Activity中的有关问题,全面了解课文

8、内容。 第三步、全班分为三大组,对课文进行小结,培养学生的合作精神和总结能力。利用表格进行读书摘记,使课文内容化繁为简,思路清晰,易于对比三位老师的个性特征和教学风格。Step3. Writing T: Lets relax ourselves and share some pictures. (show some pictures of the teachers who are teaching the cLASs) T: Youll have 5 minutes to write out a short passage about the teacher who youre most in

9、terested in. And then, lets share it together. T: Ive got a good idea. Our school is holding an activity for choosing the most popular teachers through public appraisal. You can send your writing about teachers to the website of our school. If you want to know more about this activity, you can surf

10、the internet, and visit our school website .S: S: 第三环节:写作与交流。 这一环节属于学生语言能力的拓展、知识的灵活运用。通过呈现学生身边任课教师的真实照片,让学生运用所学词句描述自己熟悉的老师特征。通过这一写作练习,使学生把所学语言运用于实践当中。Step4. Homework:1. Reading and Vocabulary. (Activity 2 & 3)3. Please complete your writing about teachers and send it to your school website. 第四环节:作业的

11、设计与布置。为培养学生探究式学习能力,在作业设计中,分为课内和课外开放式作业两种。鼓励他们积极参加学校网站优秀教师评选征集活动,从而强化学生自主合作探究的能力。七、教学评价设计学生自我评价表评价内容 评价等级优(5) 良(4) 中(3) 评价目的我能认真听老师讲课,听同学发言 能否认真专注遇到我会回答的问题,我都举手了 能否积极参与发言时声音响亮 能否自由表达我能积极参与小组讨论活动,能与他人合作 是否善于合作善于思考,并能有条理地表达自己的观点 能否独立思考我敢质疑同学不同的观点 是否敢于质疑我能常得到老师的表扬,同学的赞扬 是否欣赏自我八、板书设计1.Words describing yo

12、ur teachersTeam1(Girls) Team2(Boys)Patient kindBeautiful lively. 2. My new teachers: Subject Appearance PersonalityMrs Li:Mrs Chen:Mr WuModule 3My First Ride on a Train 7th period The General Idea of This Period In this period, were going to learn cultural corner, it will tell us something about the

13、 Maglev, then well do the exercises in the workbook. Teaching Aims 1. Learn some useful expressions. 2. Train the students reading ability. 3. Get the students to know something about Maglev. Teaching Important Point Learn and master the following useful expressions: at a speed. magnetically levitat

14、ed attend the opening ceremony Teaching Difficult Point How to help the students understand the passage correctly. Teaching Methods 1. Fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage exactly. 2. Pair work or group work to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids 1. a tape recorder

15、2. a multimedia Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greetings Greet the class as usual. Step 2 Preparation for Reading 1. Show some pictures on the screen. And tell the students something about them. 2. Ask some students to say some sentences for each vehicle. Step 3 Lead-in T: What kind of train is the fast

16、est one in the world? Where is it? Have you ever been to Shanghai? Do you know anything about the Maglev. Today lets learn the Maglevthe fast train in the world (on blackboard). Step 4 Fast-reading 1. Some new words: magnetically levitated vacuum rail ceremony track souvenir 2. Play the tape for the

17、 students to listen. First get them to look at the questions (on the screen). Q1: What are the main differences between a magnetically levitated train and an ordinary train? Q2: What are the advantages of traveling on a Maglev train? 3. Get the students to answer them individually or in pairs. 4. Te

18、acher gives the suggested answers: (1) It is faster, less noising and uses less energy. (2) You travel very quickly and quietly. The train uses less energy. Step 5 Careful-reading 1. Get the students to read by themselves, with carefulness, ask them to pay attention to their correct pronunciation. 2

19、. Get the students to find out the topic sentence for each paragraph. 3. Get the students to find out the difficult sentences and useful expressions. (Teacher show them on the screen.) (1) Magnetically levitated means “Maglev”. (2)Travelling at a speed over 400 kilometres per hour, the train can com

20、plete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes. 以400千米的时速,火车在8分钟内就完成了30千米的路程。 at a speed 注意at和speed搭配 at full speed at a speed of 50 miles at the top of ones noise at what speed per hour:每小时 per minute, per day, per year 注意:per的用法 per商业技术用语,通常一般用 a,an。 per之后接没有冠词的单数名词 a pint of milk per child 每个小孩一

21、品脱牛奶 fifty miles per hour 每小时50英里 (3)They travel very fast and use less energy. 它们运行得很快,而能量却消耗得较少。 请注意,这里less energy 是little 的比较级。 后面省略: than ordinary trains. (4).attended the opening ceremony of the train service. 参加的开幕式 attend:出席;参加;上(学);到(场) Did you attend the meeting yesterday? 你昨天出席会议了吗? She wa

22、s sick, so she didnt attend her classes. 她生病了,所以没上学。 Step 6 Speaking 1. Get the Ss to read again and again. 2. Ask some students to give a report. Please say something about Maglev. 3. Write down the passage in the exercise books. Step 7 Writing 1. Do Ex.6. (Page 81). Suggested answers: 1 playground

23、2 sports stadium3 zoo 4 cinema5 park 6 circus7 kindergarten 8 seaside 9 swimming pool 2. Think of a tourist spot where you made a trip. Then make notes. You may choose any lace as you like. Step 8 Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Step 9 The Design of Writing on the Blackboard Module 3My F

24、irst Ride on a Train The Seventh Period 1. Questions attend the opening ceremony 2. Language points less energy per hour/day/year at a speed at full speed Step 10 Activity and Inquiry Steps Students Acting Teachers Organzing1 Listen to the tape. Play the tape and show a picture.2 Active in activity.

25、 Give guidance. Detailed Explanation to the Exercises Grammar 1.1 There were hundreds of bored drivers in the traffic jam. 2 There were lots of excited people getting on the plane. 3 The family used a rented car to travel around Europe during their holiday. 4 Many exhausted passengers got off the pl

26、ane which had been delayed for 24 hours. 5 There were a lot of damaged cars everywhere after the accident. 6 The amazed passengers traveled from Shanghai airport to the central station in eight minutes. 7 The audience watched as four trained lions entered the circus ring. 8 We spent the night on an

27、abandoned farm 2.1 c)2 d)3 e)4 f)5 a)6 b) 1 我们住在奶奶许多年前留下来的房 子里。 2 我们买下了一头由一位阿富汉人训练的骆驼。 3 我看了一部由斯蒂芬 斯皮尔博格导演的电影。 4 我吃了由哥哥做的一顿美味佳肴。 5 我听过由一位老妇人讲的一个故事。 6 我读过鲁迅写的两本书。 3.1 When I was five years old, I traveled to Nanjing with my parents. 2 Yesterday morning, Mary didnt go to school. 3 This time last week,

28、 Tom was in bed, ill. 4 I watched TV with my parents last weekend. 5 I lived in Nanjing three years ago. 6 I spent my holiday in my hometown in June. 7 Last winter we went to Beijing. 8 In 2003, my family went to Shanghai. 4.LAND SEA AIRbicycle ferry helicopterbus ship planecamel horse motorbike tax

29、i train tram 5.1 ridedrive2 flewsailed3 got out ofgot off4 got offtook off 5 sailfly 6.1 playground2 sport stadium3 zoo 4 cinema5 park 6 circus7 kindergarten8 seaside 9 swimming pool Reading 7. Students own answers 8.(1)C(2)D(3)F(4)A(5)B(6)E 9.1 c2 d3 c4 a Listening and speaking 11. Answers 1 c2 e3

30、d4 f5 b6 a Speaking and writing 14, 15&16 1 Where did you go? I went to Beijing Zoo. 2 When did you go? When I was 10. 3 How did you travel there? I went by bus. 4 Who did you go with? I went there with my parents. 5 What did you do there? We spent the whole day at the zoo. 6 What did you see there? We saw an elephant, snakes and crocodiles. 7 What did you eat there? We had rice and vegetables for lunch. Attributive Clause (定语从句)Teaching Aims:(教学目的)1、了解定语从句的位置、结构。2、学习并掌握定语从句的规则,尤其是关系代词和关系副词的用法。Teaching Points:(教学重点)1、定语从句及关系代词、关系副词的概念

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