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摩登家庭 第5季第1集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语打印word版.docx

1、摩登家庭 第5季第1集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语打印word版Whats all this? I said one suitcase. 拿这么多干嘛 说了只能带一个箱子I need choices, Jay. 我需要各种备选衣服 杰Colombias not one of your more formal nations. 在哥伦比亚没必要那么讲究吧The guy on their money is sitting in a lawn chair. 有钱人坐在躺椅上都行Ay. I cannot believe that my little babys leaving me. 真不敢相信我的

2、小宝贝要离开我了You know, I left the glass doors open downstairs. 我忘了关楼下的玻璃门了So right now, your actual baby may be leaving you. 所以现在你真正的宝贝可能正在离开你呢One robe. 睡袍只能带一件I guess we know what everyone 我猜第二天早上大家都要will be talking about my second morning there. 议论我连续穿同一件睡袍了Manny is visiting Glorias family for about a

3、month, I hope. 曼尼要去歌洛莉亚老家待一个月I just gotta get him on a plane before 我得趁歌洛莉亚情绪崩溃Gloria has a meltdown and changes her mind. 改变主意前 把他送上飞机Cause if he doesnt go to Colombia, 因为如果不把他送去哥伦比亚Colombia comes to me. 整个哥伦比亚就要找上门了It happended before. 先前的惨痛教训历历在目Oh, my god. 我的天啊- Oh, my god! - What?! -天呐 -怎么啦Oh!

4、Its mitchell. We won. 是米奇尔 我们赢了Ay, thats great! What we won? 太好了 赢什么了Its fantastic. Weve waited so long. 太棒了 我们等了那么久What did we won?! 赢什么啦The supreme court ruling. Gay marriage is legal. 最高法院裁决判定同性婚姻合法Ay! Congratulations! 恭喜恭喜Thanks, Gloria. 谢了 歌洛莉亚Can I talk to Cam? 能让小卡接电话吗Uh, yes. Hold on. 好 等下Th

5、ank you. Thank you. Yeah, its Mitchell. 谢谢 谢谢 是的 是米奇尔Hi. Hey. 喂 说I gotta go. But can you believe this finally happened? 我得挂了 你能相信这终于成真了吗I know. Its amazing. Well celebrate tonight. 是啊 太棒了 晚上要庆祝一下- I love you. - Celebrate what? -我爱你 -庆祝什么Oh. Well, Jay, hold on to your hat. 杰 坐稳了But as of today in Cal

6、ifornia, 从今天开始 在加州its legal for a man to marry another man! 法律认可同性婚姻啦Ew. He threw up. 他吐了He just needs some time to get used to the idea, honey. 他只是需要点时间来接受 亲爱的Its so great, Cam. 太棒了 小卡Yeah, Im happy for you guys. 是啊 真替你们开心Gloria, Manny needs his birth certificate 歌洛莉亚 曼尼需要出生证明to re-enter the countr

7、y. 才能重新入境Any idea where it is? 知道在哪吗I dont know. 我不知道Oh, thats right. He leaves today. You must be a wreck. 对哦 他今天就走了 你一定很不舍Shes not a wreck. Shes a rock. 她没事的 她很坚强Now, I looked, and its not in the safe. 找过了 没在保险箱里This one had her first sleepover last week. 莉莉上周第一次在朋友家过夜I just had to tough my way th

8、rough it. 我鼓励自己要坚强 挺过了一晚He picked me up in the dark. 他半夜去把我接回家了I cant find that birth certificate anywhere, Jay. 哪里都找不到出生证明 杰Maybe its a sign and - 也许这是个预兆Its a sign we need a refresher meeting 是个预兆提醒我们要重新讨论on what goes in the safe. 保险箱里应该放什么Heres a preview - no shoes. 先给你透露一点 不能放鞋Look, I looked onl

9、ine, 我上网查了and we can get a copy if we go to the courthouse. 我们可以去法院要个复印件Thats what were gonna do. In the car. 就这么办 上车Well be back in an hour. 我们一个小时后就回来Hey, Cam. Congratulations. Go, gay marriage. 小卡 恭喜 同性婚姻万岁He did it again. 他又吐了Ay, si? 是吗Okay. Well. 好吧So tell me, Cam. 跟我讲讲 小卡How does it work when

10、it is between two men? 你们男男之间是怎么攻做的Well, I dont really feel comfortable 我觉得在莉莉面前talking about that. in front of Lily. 谈论这种事不太好吧I know how that works. 我知道你们怎么做的啦I rented the wrong movie once. 有次我租错碟了Did you see Glen, Garry, Glenn, and Ross? 你看过大根游戏吗Did you see Glen, Garry, Glenn, and Ross? 恶搞阿尔帕西诺主演的

11、大亨游戏Uh, no. 没有- Why dont you go play? - What I mean is, -你先去一边玩 -我的问题是who proposes to who? 谁该向谁求婚呢I dont know. Weve talked about it, if it ever became legal. 我不知道 我们谈过如果合法了要怎样Okay, and now it is. So are you going to do it today? 现在成真了 你今天要求婚吗Well, it just happened. 才刚刚宣布I havent really had. 我还没有.Oh,

12、 you have to do it today. 你一定要今天求婚Every couple deserve a beautiful proposal story. 每对爱人都应该有段美好的求婚故事Well, I have always adored my mom and dads story. 我一直很羡慕我爸妈的求婚故事He plowed Will you marry me? into a snowy field 我爸用犁在我妈窗外的雪地里right outside of her window. 犁出了你愿意嫁给我吗几个字And then he tried to re-create it

13、他们结婚25周年时for their 25th wedding anniversary. 他想再重现那个场景But there was no snow, so he burned it into a cornfield. 但当时没下雪 他把字烧在玉米地里了Bad idea. 大错特错You know, but mama did get a second ring out of it 但我妈确实因此又得到一枚戒指with the F.E.M.A. money. 用紧急事务管理署发的救援金买的Ay, I wish I also had a romantic story. 我多希望自己也有浪漫的故事

14、One day, we were watching tv before dinner, 那天 我们在饭前看电视and Jay says, Manny, hand me that thing. 杰说 曼尼 把东西给我And Manny gives him the ring. 曼尼就把戒指递过去了I mean, I was very happy, of course, 当然 我很开心but it is not the best story. 但我总想经历更好的故事At least Javier was on top of a dolphin. 至少哈维尔还是骑着海豚求婚的Soldiers talk

15、 about that moment when they shut off, 战士们总谈论将一切抛之脑后的那一刻when the war finally wins. 在战争终于结束的时候- Get down! - Shut up! -蹲下 -闭嘴吧你I cant see the tv! 我看不到电视了Turn the fan on! 把风扇打开Oh, stop yelling! My heads going to explode! 别鬼叫了 我脑袋都要炸了For me, that moment is 对我来说 那一刻就是four days into summer vacation. 暑假开始的

16、第四天Hey, honey. Whats up? 亲爱的 怎么了Do you remember when summer meant fireflies 你还能想起当夏天只有萤火虫and cutoff shorts and ice-cream trucks? 热裤以及冰淇淋的时候吗Well, one out of three. 我有其中之一Well get our time. Theyre all going away at some point, right? 会有时间的 他们都要出门的 对吧Yeah, Haleys got her beach trip, 是啊 海莉要去海滨and Alex

17、is doing Habitat for Humanity, 艾丽克斯要参加国际仁人家园活动and Luke has camp. 卢克要去露营If I remember, 没记错的话I think we have six hours totally kid-free on. 我们有六个小时清静独处的时间oh, the 14th. 就在14号那天Hey, if we moved Alexs flight, 如果我们更改艾丽克斯的航班we could have, like, 10 or 12 hours. 我们就能有10或12个小时了Dream bigger, hot pants. 有点野心 热裤

18、男Step aside. 靠边Sometimes I dont know if I love how much I fear Claire, 有时我不知道自己是喜欢怕克莱尔的感觉or fear how much I love her. 还是怕自己太爱她22nd to the 8th for Alex, 把艾丽克斯从22号调到8号Luke to the 14th, 把卢克调到14号Haley gets a day there. 把海莉调到这天- Come on. - Thats it, beautiful mind. -好嘞 -就是这样 真是大智慧Harness that crazy into

19、something positive. 化疯狂为美好Shh! If I can get Alex to move her Habitat for Humanity 如果能让艾丽克斯把仁人家园活动的地点from Oklahoma to Sacramento 从俄克拉荷马州调到萨克拉门托and Luke to move his camp session, 再让卢克更改露营的日期they will both overlap with Haleys vacation, 他们就会和海莉的出游时间重合and I just bought us seven kid-free days. 那样我们就有7天自由时

20、间了- Witchcraft! - Yes. -点时成金啊 -是的Ive outdone myself, Gloria. 我崇拜死自己了 歌洛莉亚I booked the restaurant from our first date, 我订了我们第一次约会的餐厅the same table overlooking the ocean, 依然是那张能俯瞰大海的桌子and Ill do it at sunset, 我会在日落时分开口which Ive recently discovered is my ideal lighting. 我最近发现日落时的光线最衬我了Thats so romantic

21、. 真浪漫啊I know! Isnt it? 是啊 很浪漫吧Oh, okay. Oh, thats Mitchell. 是米奇尔打来的Gotta go. 我要挂了Oh, dont let him hear the excitement in your voice. 别让他听出来你有多兴奋Youre right. Youre right. 你说得对 说得对- What? - Im at that coffee shop on 3rd, -说话 -我在三街的咖啡店and I forgot my wallet. 我忘记带钱包了Can you come bail me out? 能来救我吗Ugh. I

22、snt this convenient? 怎么这么巧啊It actually was. I was only two blocks away. 其实真的很巧 我离那里只有两条街But when I got there, I realized it was all a ploy 但我到了以后 发现是他为了求婚so he could propose. 耍的小伎俩But it was so sweet, 但他这么做真贴心I just decided to ditch my plans and let him do it. 我决定放弃自己的计划让他先下手了Mitchell, Im so sorry,

23、米奇尔 太抱歉了But there is a massive pileup on the 405, 但405公路上发生了严重追尾事件and, well, I have to go pick up Lily. 我得去接莉莉了And maybe you could just call Claire or something? 也许你可以给克莱尔打电话求助Cam, Cam, I got, like, 50 cents to my name. 小卡 小卡 我大概还剩50美分Have you decided on a tea? 你决定点什么茶了吗Do they all cost the same? 价格

24、都一样吗Yeah. 好吧Look at that line. 好长的队啊Probably everybody getting their gay marriage license. 大家可能都来领同性结婚证书了I think its just called a marriage license. 那好像就叫结婚证书吧Yeah, I dont know. 那个 我也说不清Maybe we should go home and forget about it. 也许我们该回家 不去了What? 什么Ive been reading up on some of those tropical dise

25、ases - 我最近在阅读一些热带疾病的资料Malaria, yellow fever, rabies. 疟疾 黄热病 狂犬病Im high risk, Jay. 我属于高危人群 杰Im a big hand shaker. 我喜欢与人握手Youre fine. Youve had all your shots. 没事的 你注射过所有疫苗了And that Paco Rabanne will scare away any mosquitoes. 而且你喷的帕科香水会吓跑蚊子的Jay, Im scared. 杰 我害怕Im not sure I want to go through with i

26、t. 我不确定自己想不想去了We didnt drive all the way down here for that piece of paper 我们开了这么远的路来拿证明for you to get cold feet at the last second. 可不是为了让你临阵脱逃的And what happened, anyway? 到底发生了什么事Youve been looking forward to this day for months. 你几个月来一直很盼望这一天I know. But maybe we should wait until next year. 我知道 但也

27、许我们该等到明年Im still kind of young to be doing this. 我现在还太小了Were not waiting. 不能等I already paid for you, and your mother signed off. 我已经付钱了 你妈妈也签字了This is happening. 就这么定了Great day, huh? 好日子 是吧- Hello! - Oh, thank god. -我来了 -谢天谢地Ive had so many cups of tea, 我喝了好多杯茶they gave me my own one of these. 他们给了我

28、专属的厕所钥匙Ohh. Here you go. 给你So congratulations on the whole marriage thing. 恭喜你们终于可以合法结婚了- How amazing is that, right? - Yeah. -太棒了 对吧 -是啊We gonna hear some big gay wedding bells soon? 你们很快就要举办一场同性恋婚礼了吗Ah, well, just wedding bells. 叫婚礼就可以了Yeah. Yeah, of course. Weve always talked about it. 当然啦 我们总是讨论

29、这事But, you know, 但你知道的its just - just a matter of finding the right timing. 只是要找到合适的时机And then there - theres a couple of other factors - 还有其它的一些因素the tax implications and estate planning. 税务影响和财产规划Oh, stop. Im swooning. 打住 我都要晕了Im just being practical. 我只是从实际考虑Youre the same way. 你也是这样的人啊You - you

30、told Phil to take back your engagement ring 你叫菲尔退掉订婚戒指and buy you a washer/dryer. 买台洗衣烘干机Well, dont put this back on me. Come on. 别扯到我身上来 拜托What is Cams biggest complaint about you? 小卡最不满意你哪一点Youre not romantic. 你不浪漫This is your opportunity. 现在是你翻身的大好时机Mitchell, you should go home tonight 米奇尔 你今晚回家a

31、nd surprise him with a big, splashy proposal. 隆重地向他求婚 给他一个惊喜He would really like it if I proposed to him. 如果我向他求婚 他会很开心的I guess I could stop after work and pick up a card. 我想下班后我可以去买张卡片- And. - Oh, my god. Youre hopeless. -然后 -天啊 你简直无可救药- I know. - Mitchell, okay. -我知道 -米奇尔- This is what you do. - Oh, boy. -你要这样做 -天啊It really should be your own idea, though. 但是该由你自己想主意No! Come on, come on. I need help. Please? 不 拜托 我需要帮助 求你了Fine. Okay. 好吧Toni

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