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1、高考英语增分秘籍描述原因和结果的典例及仿写高中作文写作指导-描述原因与结果【典例1】 由于天气恶劣,所有航班都已被取消。All the flights have been called off owing to/due to/because of the bad weather.Weather being bad,all the flights have been cancelled.The weather is really bad,for which all the flights have been called off.仿写由于雾霾严重,很多人生病了。(1)Many people fa

2、ll ill owing to/due to/because of the heavy smog.(2)Smog being heavy,many people fall ill.(3)The smog is really heavy,for which many people fall ill.积累:owing to/due to/because of由于smog being heavy为独立主格结构做状语for which.为“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句【典例2】 由于没有公共汽车,我们只好步行回家。There was no bus,so we had to walk home.As

3、there was no bus,we had no choice but to walk home.There being no bus,we had to walk home.There being no bus,what we had to do was to walk home.仿写由于兔子的突然出现,马受到惊吓。(20186浙江,读后续写)(1)A rabbit appearing suddenly,the horse was frightened to death.(2)A rabbit appeared suddenly,so the horse was frightened t

4、o death.积累:my father being away on business为独立主格结构做状语【典例3】 什么导致了火灾对警察来说是个谜。What caused the fire is a puzzle to the police.What resulted in the fire puzzles the police.What puzzles the police is what contributed to the fire.The police are puzzled about what led to the fire.仿写什么时候会发生地震对我们来说还是一个谜。(1)Wh

5、en an earthquake will happen is a puzzle to us.(2)When an earthquake will happen puzzles us.(3)We are puzzled about when an earthquake will occur.积累:a puzzle to sb对某人来说是个谜be puzzled about.对迷惑不解【典例4】 据说,医疗的疏忽导致了她的死亡。Medical neglect was said to have contributed to her death.It was said that medical ne

6、glect had resulted in her death.Her death was said to have resulted from medical neglect.As was said,it was medical neglect that led to her death.It was said that medical neglect was to blame for her death.It was said that medical neglect accounted for her death.仿写据说,人类的活动导致了这种结果。 (1)Human activitie

7、s are said to have contributed to this result.(2)It is said that human activities have resulted in this result.(3)As is said,it is human activities that have led to this result.(4)It is said that human activities are to blame for this result.积累:contribute to/result in/lead to导致It is said that.据说As i

8、s said.据说be to blame for.应为受责备/负责【典例5】 那个问题太难了,我无法解决。That problem is too difficult for me to solve.That problem is so difficult that I cant solve it.That problem is not easy enough for me to solve.That problem is beyond my ability.It is so difficult a problem that I cant solve it.It is such a diffic

9、ult problem that I cant solve it.仿写它们看上去是如此的生动活泼,我认为你会对这次展览感兴趣。(2017全国书面表达)(1)They look so attractive and alive that I think you will be interested in the exhibition.(2)They look attractive and alive enough for you to be interested in the exhibition.积累 太而不能beyond ones ability超越某人能力范围【典例6】 他学

10、习刻苦。因此,他轻松地通过了考试。He worked hard at his study.As a result,he passed the exam easily.He had been hard-working at his study.As a consequence,he passed the exam easily.As a result of his hard work at his study,he passed the exam easily.As a consequence of his hard work at his study,he passed the exam wi

11、thout any difficulty.His passing the exam with ease resulted from his hard work at his study.His hard work at his study resulted in/led to his passing the exam effortlessly.His passing the exam easily was due to his hard work at his study.仿写像我这样健忘的人会反复地丢东西,因此,放弃那个帐篷是很不明智的。(201711,浙江读后续写)(1)Forgetful

12、 people like me may lose things repeatedly,so its unwise to give up the tent.(2)Forgetful people like me may lose things repeatedly,as a result,its unwise to give up the tent.(3)Forgetful people like me may lose things repeatedly,as a consequence,its unwise to give up the tent.积累:as a consequence结果a

13、s a result of.由于【典例7】 由于多种原因,很多野生动物都已经灭绝了。For many different reasons,many species of wildlife have already died out.For various reasons,a variety/diversity of wild species have become extinct.Many of the wild species have disappeared on the earth for reasons of all kinds.仿写由于多种原因,我校的篮球场馆还在建设中。(2018全

14、国,书面表达)(1)For many different reasons,our basketball court is still under construction.(2)For various reasons,our basketball court is still being built.(3)Our basketball court is still being constructed for reasons of all kinds.积累:for different/various reasons由于多种原因for reasons of all kinds由于多种原因【典例8】

15、 再给她一点时间,她会处理好这个问题的。If she had been given more time,she would have settled the problem.If given more time,she would have solved the problem.Had she been given more time,she would have overcome the difficulty.Given more time,she would have found the way out of difficulty.More time,and she would have

16、found the way out of difficulty.仿写再给她一点时间,她会赶上公交车的。(1)Had she been given more time,she would have caught the bus.(2)Given more time,she would have caught the bus.(3)More time,and she would have caught the bus.积累:had she been given more time为虚拟语气的用法,此句将if省略了given more time为过去分词短语做状语,表示条件more time,and

17、.为含蓄虚拟条件句的一种特殊表现形式【典例9】尽管经济困难,他的父母还是设法让他上了大学。Though lacking money,his parents managed to send him to university.Despite their lack of money,his parents succeeded in sending him to university.While they were short of money,his parents were able to send him to university.Lacking in money,his parents s

18、ent him to college by trying all possible means.仿写尽管缺乏教汉语的经历,但是我还是会设法调动你的学习兴趣。(2017全国,书面表达)(1)Although/Though/While lacking experiences of teaching Chinese,Ill try my best to arouse your interest.(2)Despite my lack of experiences of teaching Chinese,Ill manage to stimulate your motivation.(3)While I

19、 am short of experiences of teaching Chinese,Ill spare no effort to get you motivated.积累:lack sth缺乏某物despite尽管manage to do sth设法做成某事succeed in doing sth成功做成某事try all possible means用尽一切可能的办法【典例10】 只有不断尝试你还没有掌握的东西,你才会进步。You can make progress only if you try to do something beyond what you have already

20、 mastered.Only if you try to do something that is beyond what you have commanded can you make progress.Only by trying to do what you have not mastered can you advance/make advancement.Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered,you wont make progress.仿写1只有参加体育活动,我们才能强身健体。(20

21、18全国,书面表达)(1)Only if we take part in sports can we build up our body.(2)Only by taking part in sports can we build up our body.仿写2只有通过大量的练习,你才能掌握它。(1)Only if you practise a lot can you master it.(2)Only by a lot of practise can you master it.(3)You wont master it unless you practise a lot.积累:“only i

22、f+从句”置于句首时,后面的主句要用部分倒装形式“only+状语”置于句首时,句子要用部分倒装形式build up ones body 强身健体【典例11】 我们不得不忍受交通拥挤所带来的不便。We had to put up with the inconvenience of the heavy traffic.We had to bear/stand the inconvenience of the heavy traffic.With heavy traffic,we had to tolerate/endure the inconvenience.仿写我们不得不忍受雾霾带来的危害。(1

23、)We had to put up with the harm of the smog.(2)We had to bear/stand the harm of the smog.积累:put up with忍受bear/stand忍受;容忍【典例12】 为了取得更大的进步,大卫采纳了我的建议。David adopted my advice with the purpose of making greater progress.David took my suggestion into account so as to make greater progress.David accepted m

24、y advice,intending to make greater progress.In order to make greater progress,David seized on my suggestion.仿写为了更好地了解天津,我得通过阅读关于天津的书籍来提高自己。(2017天津书面表达)(1)In order to know more about Tianjin,I have to improve myself by reading some books about it.(2)I have to improve myself by reading some books about it,with the purpose of knowing more about Tianjin.(3)I have to improve myself by reading some books about Tianjin,intending to know more about it.积累:with the purpose of目的是turn to sb for help 向某人求助intend to打算

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