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1、应用化学专业英语第二版万有志主编版课后答案和课文翻译Uit 1 The Rot o Cemisryopreensio.1。 2. 3 D 4. C5.BI。 e senee ut of ach em y rearanging he word in racets.1.T uication of a organc compounis usually a matterof conserldfict, andi is ncsay to eploy vrious methos fr th purpse。2.Science isan eicasing boy ofccled an smatied know

2、lede nd i alsan activtyb wicnowledge i enerated。3.Lif, aftr all, is ony ceistry,in fa, asallexample of histry bsved o sngle munane pnet。4.Peoplae made of molcul; sm f h mleculs in popleaerher implewhreas oter hghly compex。5.Chistry everpresein vesfrm t t ethesewithot chmtr herei neither lifenordeth.

3、6.Mahaics apes o be almostas humaki and o ermeae all aspets of umanlife, athough of us are fuly wrotis.III。 Tanlatio.1.(a)chmica prcess (b) natual sciene (c) the teheof distllaio2.I s thets that k uron, wae, oygen and thelke/an so ona s fort/ad otherie.3.Cheisyha a verylonghtor, na, human ativityinc

4、hstr gesbk o reecred tm/pedatig rerded times4.Acodngto/Fro the eapoaion o wae, pople knowreaized at iquid cn urn/b/changeto gases ndecertain conditions/circmsanceenironment。5.Yo us know he proptie femateria beore yu use it.I rnslation化学是三种基础自然科学之一,另外两种是物理和生物.自从宇宙大爆炸以来,化学过程持续进行,甚至地球上生命的出现可能也是化学过程的结果。

5、人们也许认为生命是三步进化的最终结果,第一步非常快,其余两步相当慢.这三步是:()物理进化(化学元素的产生),(II)化学进化(分子和生物分子的形成);和(III)生物进化(有机物的形成和发展)。V.utin:(1)e aiv mss of 1Han 12 atos can b calculatd roteir abolute msses in gams f the asof a 12 aom isexacy 12 amu,etemas f aH atomto five sgniicatfigurs mus be 1.07 amu.2mu x .083986 1.0078 amu() Firs

6、t we clculat k den use th firsorde rte equaion.Tone as tossdaway (moreprcsel, henialwosne was died) aut 60 eas go, or bout 410 B。C. Wecan thus be ue hat ilage was in exiteceat tat place at that tie。Uni TeomencatrfInorgnic ustaesI.Coprhenion1. 2.B 。C .C 5BII。 Give the sysicnamefo the oloi amoim ion ;

7、 coppe() ion ; trtim io; Ccoppr() on; io(I) io; zn o; hdroenion; led((I) i; alumin; sle i; maesiumion; cmium() io; Bariu; Manganese() i; ron() ion;clium ion; mercur()on; croium() ion; t() ion。 carbmonoide; itrogntrioxd; abondioxide; iphospous pentoxide; sufurtrioxide; ichlorine hpxid arsente ion; ie

8、 ion; hydrion; arsene ion; bromde in; hydroie ion; phospte n; chlrat ion; yhlrite ion; phophate i; chloride i; ioda ion; carbonate ion; chlrtein; itrat o; cromaton; cyanide on; oid on; dichraeion; ide ion; trate ion; oxide io; hdon carbonaeion; nitrit on; fideion; hyrogn ulfateio; pechloae ion; sulf

9、ate in; hyrogen sulfiteio; prmanganateion. II。 plet th tl. ForlaOldmeysteaicnameFeOron () oxide Fe2Oiron (II) oxdeSn(OH)2tin() drxideS(H)tn(I) hoxidHg2SO4mrcur (I) sufaHgOmercury() uaeNaOdumhypclorit2Cr2O7otasim dichrateu3(AsO4)2coper() senateCr(C3)chromim() ctaV。cidnmes may obtained irecy froisacid

10、onbgnthe name te aci ion (neatve ion).Usethe rule to ie the am of the folow ai。 oml o cdOld nameNamefadH2O3carbon acdHCO2chlorus iHClOperhloric cidChyrcynic acdHBrdrobromicaid4SiO4silici acdHs4rsenic acidV。 omeetheenences wit te proprform f teorgveatthe d o the sentee。is alterd; 。oillstrae 3。indicat

11、s 4.shold xpet 5.wou ccl 。 auled 7。dend 8。;refrr 9.formd 。hveiscuseVI. ranlation1. Mater caneiher be ceaenor be destroed/liminated.2。 I ncessarythat a scieist mus knowhow t sefigues to et ancctate wr o questio.3。 Any sbstancis mae of atom ether itis olid, lqui orgas.4.The expeiet wa succssfl ts eut

12、was te sme aswhat we hadexpected.5。 twil not be long beore we finih the eerimen.VII. Write eqaino theflowing acias rectins. the nformation in noganic texook t predict ether he equlibrim l fvor th rns or e rdcts。 (PartillySod)Soutin t (a): Cyande is t onjgate aseof HC。 It ca cept prton fromformic id:

13、Rago norgancttbook, fmc ad (Ka=3。76) is a stoger acidtan (K=。22),a cideis a strongr basethan fomte. he produts(eak ad and bs) ar favred.VII。rite equions forte net reatons wichoccur whenefollwing matriasar ade to asoim-ammiasolutio.Answer: (1)CHGe eam- 2 +2C3GeH-() I2 + 2am 2() (2H5)2 +2m-+ NH3 C25S

14、+6+NHUnit 1Nomeclate o ydcarbonsI。 Cmrensin1。C 2.D。B 4.A 5。B 6.BI.Ne tholowingcompouds ythe IUPAC system1H3(CH2)CH3(n2, , 4,6, esectively)buane,penta,hexae, octane2(CH3)2CH2CH2CH2C32mthylentane3(H)3CHCH(H5)-CH2-C34-ethyl-2,2diehyexae4(CH)2CHHCH2-H(CH2CH2H3)H(H3)25iopropl-2methloctne5C3CH22-C(HCC3)2C


16、ylpopne16(CH2OH)21,2etanediol17CH-CH(O)C2(OH)1,pronedil18CH2(OH)H(OH)H2()1,2,3prantrol19CHCHNH2aoetae2H3CH2CH(CH3)CH-NH-CH3Nmhy-1mo2-mehlntaneI Drw rucres fo thefollowig coounds。3oteneC-C=C-C-CC23meh-2hene3yoexen42pentyneCC-CC53,dimthylhexn63bromotoluen7viyl chorC=Cl8acetylnCC9padhlorenzee10m-chloro

17、romobenene1lue12chooenee131,2ibromobenzee14aphhaln5anthrae6phenanthrene172-mtyl1prpao1Cycloexanol 19Mehoxythen 20tans2toccoheanolIV. Decid hic t bes comlete eachnfnised sntence。1A 2A 。B 4.C。 ach of the folowingnas s incorre.Draw thesructr reesent y theincorrectnam (or aconsiset trturef tenam is bgou

18、s),ndgiv your drawingthe correc name。()Unit 1 arboyic is d Their DerivatiesI。omrehenso。B2。 .C 4。D .A 。I。 Fll in theblank with therasgvn blow。1.broughtou .dozen or so; put ogeter 3。aremade of ;ivded by 4.e dffernt rom 5。on hectrary; consist of 6.smmdup 7。st or 8。sc a 9。re; depnn on 10.bea do ntoII。 P

19、t i propr prpostns o adversto hblans.with; a 2to 3。abo 4。frm 5。into V. Tnslaton1. Similaly, olventalsoma n belquid ter ut theothers2。 Agraphplottingsolbility againttemperatur callea luli curv. (ecurve plotdrwn (mae podue) byslubilty s n coornat and emperature as aothe coordinate is clld oluliycuve。)

20、。 A is mxtrf ase , he most bunn of whch itogeni he for N2 (oeles)。 Te direcin of te eaction and te position o the euiibru ma also be ffete b he tempratur, rssue, and the contons. ydroen h gra afinty foxygen d easiy ombies ith to formwatr。.Translion玻意尔(Boh)模型提出不久后,人们就发现原子中的电子比Bohr提出的模型要复杂得多。实验证实电子既有粒

21、子的性质(质量)也有光的特性(波的特性)。因为它的两重性,电子不能被看作是在确定范围内绕核旋转的一种简单粒子,而且如Bor所说的,如果电子高速运动,我们就不能确切地知道它的位置。Uit 1 Ulrale ad Vsibe Moleular SpetocpyI. Comprehesion。C 。3. 4. 5。B II.Fll the lank o; as; n;ot;In; or;for ; o; in; en; ; r;sice(for); noII. Fill heblan in ec snecewith aproriatephrase in its prope form.1 accon

22、fr 2。takpart in 。thin of .s4.Asomprewith 5。is attad to 。on te conary 7。Ain the csef 8in contrastwith a aainst 9. owigo 1。Ecepfo.nit 1 rytalliationI Compehesion1。D 2. 3。A 4.D 5.A II. ill in th lnks wthte proper ord givn elw。Sage; intena;symetial;sis; phyial; Furthmore; compoed; reonsb; reasnabe;erall

23、.II。 Choose thitemfom () (6)hat est mtchs th ite i() ()to maeacorecseence 1a; 2; c; 4d; 5; 6f.raslat hefollowin intoCines 共沸物;类质同晶;过饱和;砷酸盐;晶核;异丙基;醇;钠;硫酸盐;间甲酚;糖膏;十水合物;结晶质的;同系物;衍生物;结晶;四硼酸盐;盐析;乙基乙酰苯胺;矿物油Uint18 DisillatiI.Corehensin1。 .D 3。A 4 A I。 Filli the lakswththe phrases gvnbelow。1。In orr to 2.n rlationto 3. in th cae o the end 5. in number of .ead t7。a meswy掌握以下词汇:lashistillation闪蒸;exitsteam 出流 ;equilibr curve平衡曲线; wei 堰;reditillti

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