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1、浅析包法利夫人中女主人公悲剧命运的形成及成因AbstractGustave Flaubert, a famous French writer. Gustave Flauberts achievements are mainly reflected in the description of the 19th century French social customs and human feelings of a true and detailed record, super-era, super-consciousness to explore the aesthetic trend of

2、modern novels. Madame Bovary, one of Gustave Flauberts masterpieces, tells the story of an aristocratic peasant daughter, Emma, who is influenced by romantic ideas from an early age and indulges in unrealistic fantasies,and pursuits of the ideal love life blindly,and ultimately put herself into the

3、abyss of depravity. Through the analysis of the formation process and causes of the tragic fate of Emma, the heroine of Madame Bovary, this thesis reflects the tragic life and fate of young French girls in the social environment at that time It shows the damage that the capitalist social system, Pat

4、riarchy and traditional moral ideas did to the ordinary people of France at that time. The significance of this paper is to warn people not to pursue the unrealistic life blindly, and to make people who still follow the romantic tradition of the imperial age have a deep understanding.This thesis is

5、a qualitative study of the novel Madame Bovary on the basis of a review of relevant literature at home and abroad. It is found that the tragic fate of Emma is closely related to the capitalist Social System, Patriarchy, monastic education and traditional moral thoughts in France. There are five elem

6、ents that lead to the miserable life and tragic fate of French women under the social background at that time,they are Emmas own unrealistic pursuit of romantic character, the extravagance of Capitalist Society, the inequality between men and women in a Patriarchal Society, the confinement of monast

7、ic education,as well as the feudal obstinacy of traditional moral ideas.Key words: tragic fate; capitalism; ideal and reality; patriarchal society摘 要居斯塔夫福楼拜,法国著名作家。包法利夫人是福楼拜的代表作之一,作品讲述的是一个受过贵族化教育的农家女爱玛因自幼受到浪漫主义思想的熏陶,沉迷于不切实际的幻想,盲目追求理想的爱情生活,而最终把自已推向堕落的深渊的故事。本文主要通过对包法利夫人中女主角爱玛的悲剧命运的形成过程和形成原因进行分析,反映出当时社


9、 悲剧命运 资本主义 理想与现实 父权制社会Table of ContentsAcknowledgments iAbstract in English ii1.2 Literature Review 22.2 Disappointment and Dissatisfaction With Husband 52.3 Being Teased by Rodolph 52.4 Being Cheated by Leon 62.5 Being Lured and in Huge Debt 7Chapter Three Analysis of the Causes of Madame Bovarys T

10、ragic Destiny 83.1 Internal Causes 83.1.1 Madame Bovarys Character3.1.2 Madame Bovarys Family Environment3.1.3 Monastery Education With Hypocrisy and Imprisonment 3.1.4 The Chaos of Marriage Life3.1.5 The Contradiction Between Pursuing Ideal Life and Real Life3.2 External Causes 113.2.1 The Impact o

11、f Capitalist Economic System3.2.2 Corrosion of the Capitalist Society3.2.3 Traditional Moral Concepts3.2.4 Patriarchal SocietyChapter Four Conclusion 154.1 Major Findings 154.2 Significance and Limitations 15Chapter OneIntroduction1.1 Introduction About the Author and Major WorksFlaubert, a Frenchma

12、n, is a world famous writer whose full name is Gustave Flaubert. He was born at 1821 and lived for 59 years. He is a great man in the world of fiction and has a large number of students. His most famous works include Madame Bovary, Emotional Education, and Bouvar and Percucc. He had a profound influ

13、ence on the literature from the end of the 19th century to the 20th century, especially on the development of the modernist literature, and was known as the originator of the naturalism and the founder of the modern Western novel . He studied at the famous University of Paris in France. Then Gustave

14、 Flaubert dropped out of school because he was mentally ill and returned home to concentrate on his work. Many people know Gustave Flaubert as a world famous writer whose novels are highly regarded. Gustave Flaubert had many friends, Zola, Hugo, and others, and according to their records, every time

15、 someone came to visit him, it was clear from his writing, his manner of life, and his actions that Gustave Flaubert was a man of many friends Gustave Flaubert would open the door himself. Flaubert lived in a bourgeois family with some money, but he was very affable in his treatment of people withou

16、t relying on it. Every Sunday he sent his servants home, and if anyone came to the house, Gustave Flaubert would answer the door himself, very warmly. From this incident we can learn that Gustave Flaubert, though a great writer, is very approachable, although his family has money, his chest has word

17、s, but he is not arrogant. Gustave Flaubert was Maupassants teacher. He was direct, strict, and patient with his students. He saw that Gustave Flaubert was a very careful and intelligent man who knew what his students needed and how to teach them. Gustave Flauberts life was relatively short, just 59

18、 years, during which he created numerous commendable works. Carefully look back on his life, he is successful, but also bumpy, he was often cold, often by peoples cold eyes, his success is hard-won.Emma, the only child of a wealthy peasant, spent her girlhood in a convent, learning the speech and ma

19、nners of a noblewoman. As was the custom of the upper middle class at the time, she was sent to a convent boarding school. Having spent her girlhood in a convent, she learned the speech and manners of a noblewoman. In the enclosed Christian Monasticism, she finds pleasure only in reading novels that

20、 fascinate her with their alluring love stories. She fancied herself the heroine of the book, hoping to find a poetic lover outside the monastery. Mrs. Farley, Emma has fantasies about marriage. During a house call, Dr. bovary meets a young girl, Emma, whom his bankrupt father tries to marry off to

21、the dull, dull country doctor. Emmas innocence and beauty make the Doctor Fall in love quickly. The couple married immediately. But life was far from what Emma had imagined, and she soon found out that her husband, Doctor Bovary, whom she married with passion, was nothing but an unambitious and emot

22、ionally needy mediocrity. She can not find the fantasy of love in family life, to society is to find paris-style love. By chance she meets the landlord, Rodolfo, who lusts after Emmas beauty and promises her so many empty promises that he seduces her into becoming his mistress. Rodolfo was playing,

23、but Emma was playing with all her heart. In order to get away from Emma, he went to another place, and on the day of the promised elopement, Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria stood her up and the stricken Emma fell ill. Emmas love struck a fatal blow. Soon Emma met Leon again at Rouen. The romantic fa

24、ntasy of this young man has long been interested in Emma, Emma is in emotional distress and he hit it off. They often met secretly, and Emma became less and less interested and more lustful. The wealth and savings of bovary flowed into the pockets of the usurers through the hands of Emma. Slowly, Ly

25、ons was tired of Emmas hot, uncontrollable emotions, and he tried to break free of them, and Emma was plunged once more into the abyss of pain. Under the pressure of usurer, she swallowed arsenic, completed the process of self-destruction.1.2 Literature ReviewSince the publication of Madame Bovary,

26、the work has been analyzed and studied by tens of millions of researchers, most of whom have spoken highly of Gustave Flauberts writing skills. The Madame Bovary, published by the 1856, has been studied by western academics. Dacia Marainil (1998) considers Emma a controversial heroine in modern lite

27、rature despite her charm. In Emma, Maraini not only reveals her depravity and vanity, but more importantly, he sees through the surface of Emmas lustful pursuit that there is already a preliminary female consciousness in Emmas consciousness. With her courage, pursuit, rebellion and resistance, tryin

28、g to change their destiny. As a result, he felt that Madame Bovary had become a symbol of the feminist. A study of the causes of Emmas love tragedy in Madame Bovary. For example, Stephen Heath (1992) argues that the novels depiction of Emmas emotional life and tragic fate presents us with an unusual

29、ly real and vivid picture of mid-19th-century French society. It is because Emma is unwilling to be mediocre and seeks romantic love in her mind, but she falls into an unrealistic romantic net. As a result, she is blinded by the longings and desires for romantic love and a better life And set her on

30、 a path of no return.Compared with the foreign research, the domestic research on this novel pays more attention to the practicality. The domestic study of Madame Bovary started late. Li Jianwus (1992) translation became the most widely read. Through the analysis of Emmas Cinderella Complex from the

31、 perspective of literary theory, Yu Dongyun(2001)s Cinderella Complex in Cinderellas glass slipper and vicomtes satin cigarette case, explains Emmas love tragedy, further analysis of the Patriarchal Society in Womens Collective unconscious, thus rose to a theoretical height. Liu Shaozhis(1994) Pan J

32、inlian and Madame Bovary analyzes the striking similarities between Pan Jinlian and Madame Bovary, two artistic figures born in different times, different countries and different cultural backgrounds. Thus reveals they exist in the social background of the reality of the problem. The above comparative analysis of Emma and Pan Jinlian, from the different perspective of the similarities between the two tragic women, thus exposing the reality of social criticism.To sum up, the study of Gustave Flauberts novels is quite extensive both at home and abroad, but previou

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